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Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:25 am
by Layzuhl
Well now... I haven't read on of these since the end of July. I am now thirty-seven pages behind.

Can someone update me on how many new writebros there are? Starting with [MC]'s first post?

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:31 am
by Magil
Sorry, I can't help you that far back.

I can say that currently the three active ones seem to be Snicket/Stand-in-Storyteller, Negi, and Umaguma. Bromont I believe will do another one at some point in the near future.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:27 am
by G3n0c1de
I think this is a full-ish roster of the Writefriends posted in this thread:

Yamaku Man ('The great father' MIA)
Gregorian Dray, The portrait of Yamaku (Oneshotted)
Storyteller (One of our greatest writefriends. Helping a friend IRL)
Anon of Wisconsin (I think it was a one-time deal)
Storytripper (One story only)
MC (Not KS related but AWESOME. And MC is nowhere to be found)
Laughing Man (Great writer, Taking a break, Semi Acitve)
Richter Bromont (Awesome, next work in progress, Active)
Umaguma (Realistic writer, Active)
obscura_max AKA Broseph (Defunct)
Snicket AKA Stand in Storyteller/SiS (Hardworking, Active)
Oh the Writefaggotry (Don't know what happened, really)
WASSHOI (Again not KS related, but an interesting read... And it is very long. Check back on the first post, at the end of each archived page is the link to the next thread. These have not been posted here.)
Negi (Good writer, Active)

There have also been a ton of anonymously posted stories.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:36 pm
by Snicket
:shock: wow three pages since i last visited.

-yeah sorry about not being active in the last few days. My jobs got we working long hours, so I've been pretty going to bed once i getting home. Anyway, i have the ending completed from my thread the other night. (I was actually completed that night, but my internet/computer kept freaking out. So i had to end it.) Which will be posted once i get a chance.

Also since finals are coming up, i'm going to be less active for the next few weeks. After that i'll complete all those mini projects i have floating around the KS forums.

So bare with me, till i get some more free time.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:17 pm
by The Laughing Man
I'm behind by about 10 pages, and that's a guess. I pop in here every now and then to see the gist of what's going down.

I think when I get back, I'm going to post my medival crossover on /tg/, since I remember that someone accidentally posted a writethread there, and it got some decent response. To my knowledge, /tg/ agreed that since KS had no official board on 4chan, you could post stuff there, provided there aren't over 9000 threads on page one. Emperor knows we have to keep room for our shit tons of flare/cynder/SPESS MURRHEEN/stat me/Spanish Flee/troll/shit threads. In all honesty, it's not that bad, but I haven't been in about a month or so. So it could go either way.

Again, glad to see people think I can write. I'll keep working on my stuff out here. I will finish my school dance arc, and try not to rush that. I'm glad people are putting it on a Shizune arc, she doesn't get enough love. Unless some new wrtefriends are doing so.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:45 pm
by Goldilurks
Snicket wrote: So bare with me, till i get some more free time.
You're getting screwed by your spell checker again, Snicket. You mean 'bear with me', because the verb 'bare' would mean to remove articles of...*remembers story topics*

...You know that annoying yet intriguing feeling you get when you can't be sure if you've stumbled across a typo or are being subtly, sublimely trolled? Yeah, that's the one.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:20 pm
by Malus_Phasmatis
The Laughing Man wrote: I think when I get back, I'm going to post my medival crossover on /tg/
Again, glad to see people think I can write. I'll keep working on my stuff out here. I will finish my school dance arc, and try not to rush that.
Awesome. I can't wait.
Snicket wrote:So bare with me, till i get some more free time.
No worries. Cripple girl fan fiction takes back seat to reality for most people. :lol:

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:11 pm
by Umaguma
I'm not sure when's the next time I will be writing, but I will try to ASAP. If not this week, then the weekend for sure. Sorry to have left you all guessing over who is lying and who is truthful in the last thread, but it sure was interesting :wink:.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:08 am
by guest
Hey everyone. I really enjoy these fan-created story threads, and of course I'm thankful to Snicket and everyone else who links to them. Normally I wouldn't post here, but I'm having a problem connecting to the easymodo archives. I can connect to the EEEH MAJI page (the first hit that google turns up for easymodo) but that seems to be it, all other links time out. I've tried looking for others who might be having the same problem, but I can't find anything about connection problems with easymodo. I think my ISP may be blocking it for some reason, due to no one else complaining about it, but that seems unlikely. I hope someone here can offer some advice on this situation. Also, sorry in advance if I shouldn't be posting a help request here. Thanks

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:07 am
by Magil

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:18 pm
by Guest
I think a "You are Lelouche" thread would be fun. Newspaper delivery job optional. I might try my hand at it but it's been ages since I wrote any fiction.

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:15 pm
by Guest

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:49 am
by Magil

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:04 am
by SivakAurak

Re: KS threads on 4chan

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:11 pm
by Snicket
I'm going to 'try' to post the end of my thread tonight. So unless something comes up, i'll be there. :)