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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:52 am
by Pyramid Head
Xiious wrote:Momentai.
Also, in all the depressive days that's come over me, I seem to have lost my waifu. I just don't seem to have any feelings for any character right now, my heart just feels locked up and I long for someone to save me from the dark prison I'm in.

A few therapies to try in the event of a loss of "Waifu" as you put it. Portal Therapy, Portal being a first person physics platformer available through Steam or in The Orange Box for home consoles, an item i think you can get used for $15 US. The pitch black humor, simple and effective mechanics make it a very fun game, and many find a new "Waifu" in the Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube.

Alternatively, you might try downloading the Rifftrax for Twilight and renting the DVD. Rifftrax is what the people who did MST3K are working on now, and sometimes the Rifftrax commentary is funny enough to justify renting such awful garbage. Laughing at a character so utterly one dimensional like Edward Cullen will give you new appreciation for complex waifus.

Alternatively alternatively, look up the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica. A decent variety of good waifus for you to pick from, and the tonal shifts that start around episode three make me all sorts of happy in my pants, and it will either make you happy too or feel a sense of dread and terror like Team Silent were writing the damn thing. Both are good results if you ask me.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:01 am
by yummines
Pyramid Head wrote:Did you drink too much? Or did you not drink enough?
I was with my parents. it was a wedding for my second cousin (whom i didnt even know existed until a day before i went). so obviously i couldnt drink, even if i was 21 (im 18 atm).
Pseudogenesis wrote:I know it feels like that when you hyperfocus on it, but it's probably not as bad as you think. I know from experience.

For me, it's helped to accept my social mistakes. Maybe I stumble a bit over words, but now I take it in stride where before I would've beaten myself up for it. Everybody has little spoonerisms or moments where a well-formed sentence becomes a trainwreck when it's spoken aloud. It helps SO much to care less about what you're doing wrong, accept the fact, and move on. Maybe it's better for me, since I've been improving steadily over the years, but I'm the same way at parties, especially when there's nobody there I know for me to gravitate to. Just relax, put on a contemplative look instead of a nervous one, and take in what you can get. It's hard to fight a fear when there's nothing tangible to attack.
and well i dunno. it bothered me mainly because i have no clue on how to engage in conversation. i dont know if im scared of rejection, or simply lazy. i was thinking of maybe introducing myself to someone there so i had someone to talk to, but nope i just stood around and did nothing at all. considering i didnt know anyone at this wedding, i felt pretty lonely.
i started to count the number of cracks i walked over. thats how bored i was. Hanako flashed in my head for a moment and at that time i felt like crying, as un-manly as that sounds.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:18 am
by Xiious
Pyramid Head wrote:Happy in my pants
That cracked me up.

Personally I've never been one to indulge in anime-waifus, except for Zephyrmon wayy back in the day. I always seem to appreciate a VN-waifu more, and sometimes it doesn't even have to be an eroge, or even a character you get to be with.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:23 am
by Pyramid Head
yummines wrote: I was with my parents. it was a wedding for my second cousin (whom i didnt even know existed until a day before i went). so obviously i couldnt drink, even if i was 21 (im 18 atm).
Oh sweet infant Jesus, a cousins wedding and you're below drinking age? Sounds like an dark hell if you ask me. Tell me, were you ever given crap for not being particularly interested in this cousin of yours because he's family simply because "Family" somehow magically overrides "Total stranger?" Whoever said weddings are a joyous occasion pounded half a kilo of smack into his system before uttering such a stupid claim.
...and do try to remember this is just someone over the web and an opinion. People get weirdly up in arms about the whole "Wedding" thing. Or maybe you just gave me a convenient context for a pre-emptive rant since my sister get's married soon and we get along about as well as diesel fuel and fertilizer, so i'm already seeing myself visiting that dark hell sooner than later.
and well i dunno. it bothered me mainly because i have no clue on how to engage in conversation. i dont know if im scared of rejection, or simply lazy. i was thinking of maybe introducing myself to someone there so i had someone to talk to, but nope i just stood around and did nothing at all. considering i didnt know anyone at this wedding, i felt pretty lonely.
i started to count the number of cracks i walked over. thats how bored i was. Hanako flashed in my head for a moment and at that time i felt like crying, as un-manly as that sounds.
That's always the last thing antisocial people learn.
Which is to say sorry, can't help you there! I can handle small groups of people but somehow being around a crowd causes your social skills to degrade temporarily, and i never found a way around that. Sparking up small talk, cracking a joke to vent frustrations around someone in the same predicament as you is a good starting step i find, helps you build up your social skills and lets you learn how better to deal with individuals though, so you might try doing that in the future so that you might be capable of small talk and deriving some entertainment at a wedding. A daunting task no doubt, but there are plenty of other benefits in improving speech skills so maybe set a more realistic goal than "Not feeling awkward at a wedding."

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:24 am
by Erenussocrates
I didn't log on the forums for last few days, so I've read last few pages now.
kindspy wrote: It was you… You who I met in the college dining hall, after you so elegantly chose to sit down across from me… you who shared all my interests… all my beliefs… my political ideologies… my unconditional love and understanding of all people… it was you who stole my heart… it was you who kissed me… it was you who was in a relationship with someone else… It was you who made me feel guilty, but said it was okay, because your boyfriend was okay with it… it was you who almost voided my V-Card membership… It was I who accepted you for who you are… a free spirited, barefoot, affectionate, bi-polar, abused, hippie… It was you who decided I wasn’t interesting enough for you… It was you who was on a whole nother planet, and I who barely left the atmosphere… It is you who I see whenever I’m in my room… alone… It is you who I’ve tried to get over for the past year and one day…
Your letter was quite deep and intriguing for me, Mr. Kindspy. Especially that part, which I bolded in quote, made me think to myself for some minutes. At some point on my thought rails, I thought that you metaphorically implied that the person who you trusted the most, and the person who you fell in love was.. yourself.. Or maybe some kinda different persona of you.
But it looks like my thoughts proved me wrong at the latter part. I really wonder what you tried to mean, what your thoughts were in that bolded part of text. But I guess it's futile expecting a reply from you since it's cryptic and it's probably private. I am really sorry if I sounded impolite by asking this.

And don't lose heart, my fellow friend, as highly intelligent as you are -from what only thing I've read and understood from your letter, I know it might sound foolish- you might find your partner one day, the one that is consonant with you the most..
I'm pretty hopeless about female stuff as well..

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:27 am
by Xiious
All of us HBHC gents seem to be terrible with girls irl, honestly.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:29 am
by 紹介の運命 Introfate
Sorry everyone, a bit caught up in a web of bullshit. Everything comes in threes.

I received another investigative call regarding that girl. I've kind of separated myself from the situation though.. It isn't as if I'm not worried but it seems as if I don't really care anymore. I more or less have a "whatever" feeling regarding the situation and no matter how I alter the scenario in my head I still have the same feeling. I think I've moved onward, but on paper it seems as if I should be more worried about it.

I don't know, I've just become less and less involved in the world around me. Lost myself in building my business that I haven't given anyone a moment of my time.

I see how hard everyone is trying to get my attention but for some reason I've been ignoring it all. I don't think I've said more than fifteen words to anyone close in the past week or two.

I've become something I shouldn't, and I know what can become of this but whenever someone tries to make conversation with me I shun them.

The days have come and gone, day by day I've been interacting with people through emails and phone calls. I've met with a few clients at different places I go to my other place of work get what needs to be done and leave.

Hell, I've worn myself out just doing that. Fuck, I don't even know anymore. All I know is that I feel as if I'm just a spectator watching my life go on auto-pilot. No, that is it.

I've given up I guess..

All the time to myself that I had at one point is gone. It's exactly the problem, Normally I had room to think but I don't anymore.

I've already considered the finding time but there isn't any. There aren't enough hours in a day.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:48 am
by 紹介の運命 Introfate
Holy hell, sorry about that. I'm just tired and worn out. Getting to bed since I have to be up early. Pretty unnecessary post before this one. No need to comment on it.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:31 am
by Pseudogenesis
Pyramid Head wrote:
and well i dunno. it bothered me mainly because i have no clue on how to engage in conversation. i dont know if im scared of rejection, or simply lazy. i was thinking of maybe introducing myself to someone there so i had someone to talk to, but nope i just stood around and did nothing at all. considering i didnt know anyone at this wedding, i felt pretty lonely.
i started to count the number of cracks i walked over. thats how bored i was. Hanako flashed in my head for a moment and at that time i felt like crying, as un-manly as that sounds.
That's always the last thing antisocial people learn.
Which is to say sorry, can't help you there! I can handle small groups of people but somehow being around a crowd causes your social skills to degrade temporarily, and i never found a way around that. Sparking up small talk, cracking a joke to vent frustrations around someone in the same predicament as you is a good starting step i find, helps you build up your social skills and lets you learn how better to deal with individuals though, so you might try doing that in the future so that you might be capable of small talk and deriving some entertainment at a wedding. A daunting task no doubt, but there are plenty of other benefits in improving speech skills so maybe set a more realistic goal than "Not feeling awkward at a wedding."

It's good advice. (Dunno where you'll find weddings to practice on though.) Nothing wrong with being silent and not interacting, even at a social event. I've never been able to make small talk, or even strike up a conversation with those I don't know intuitively, but if I sense that I'll like a person then it's not difficult to make some uneasy conversation. It's odd, really. I wish society as a whole could be more like Rin. So straightforward and easy to talk to. When I hear a person making idle smalltalk, I tense up. It just doesn't feel genuine. If I could walk into a crowd and start on some complex, "Heavy" topics like music and other things of the like, then that'd be my kind of socialization.

It's not easy to blend into a social setting like that when you don't know anyone, I know, but take it slow. This kind of thing, I've found, can't be forced. Just relax, quit the self-criticism, and take it easy. It'll probably come naturally with time.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:49 am
by yummines
Pyramid Head wrote:Oh sweet infant Jesus, a cousins wedding and you're below drinking age? Sounds like an dark hell if you ask me. Tell me, were you ever given crap for not being particularly interested in this cousin of yours because he's family simply because "Family" somehow magically overrides "Total stranger?" Whoever said weddings are a joyous occasion pounded half a kilo of smack into his system before uttering such a stupid claim.
...and do try to remember this is just someone over the web and an opinion. People get weirdly up in arms about the whole "Wedding" thing. Or maybe you just gave me a convenient context for a pre-emptive rant since my sister get's married soon and we get along about as well as diesel fuel and fertilizer, so i'm already seeing myself visiting that dark hell sooner than later.
yeaaaa well kind of like that. my dad made me write the card, though i never even met him before. not to mention not even telling me about this wedding until the day before, even though he got the invite a month earlier. i honestly tried to smile, but find myself not able to because in reality who the fuck cares if someone you dont know is happy and has a 50% chance of staying happy?
Pyramid Head wrote:That's always the last thing antisocial people learn.
Which is to say sorry, can't help you there! I can handle small groups of people but somehow being around a crowd causes your social skills to degrade temporarily, and i never found a way around that. Sparking up small talk, cracking a joke to vent frustrations around someone in the same predicament as you is a good starting step i find, helps you build up your social skills and lets you learn how better to deal with individuals though, so you might try doing that in the future so that you might be capable of small talk and deriving some entertainment at a wedding. A daunting task no doubt, but there are plenty of other benefits in improving speech skills so maybe set a more realistic goal than "Not feeling awkward at a wedding."
well, im ok with holding on to small talk thats already engaged. im just really bad with starting it in the first place without feeling awkward. i dont want to get the "why is this guy talking to me" look on someones face if i try to spark up conversation. maybe im just afraid of people. which is why people should be glad carrying weapons without a license is illegal.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:21 am
by Myshina
yummines wrote:well, im ok with holding on to small talk thats already engaged. im just really bad with starting it in the first place without feeling awkward. i dont want to get the "why is this guy talking to me" look on someones face if i try to spark up conversation. maybe im just afraid of people. which is why people should be glad carrying weapons without a license is illegal.
I do not think you're afraid of people; More like you are afraid of being rejected by people. And that is why you prefer to not be the one who Start a conversation, because you're afraid the other person wouldn't be interested.

I've never had problems like this before; but I knew a friend who did. We all know how Shy Hanaka was, Right ? To me, it seemed Hanako was as Bold as Rin compared to this girl I know. But I'm glad that this period of her life was over, and she know became as outgoing as I am. It took her several Therapy sessions: 3 a Month, if I recall it right; and massive help from her Family and her friends. And BAM !! She started comming out of her Shell.

The point is: Never lose hope. :)

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:04 pm
by Micijayah
Xiious wrote:All of us HBHC gents seem to be terrible with girls irl, honestly.
The trick is not to expect anything from anybody. You should never be looking for a relationship, and if you just so happen to be in one or get in one, make sure you're not dependent on that significant other.
The other half of a relationship should serve as a compliment to you and not a savior.

I'm not an expert with girls either, seeing as I've only been in two relationships in my life, but I've found this to work best. :)

Approach everything with a "sure, why not?" attitude, if you make a mistake, it's okay, just learn to laugh at yourself and everything will turn out fine. Everybody makes mistakes and people are a lot more forgiving of things than you might think.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:16 pm
by Erenussocrates
I wonder why some people always tend to be awkward in crowds - like me. I wonder what actually causes this in the first place, and I wonder why isn't there any certain definition on that.. I would really wanna know, so I would surpass myself. But also I know it's impossible to fathom, because human mind is the most complicated of all things.

@Micijayah, I've read your story as well, friend. And I really got pissed at your Hanako, no offence. I hope you do find a partner as significant as your Lilly was.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:43 pm
by Micijayah
Erenussocrates wrote:
@Micijayah, I've read your story as well, friend. And I really got pissed at your Hanako, no offence. I hope you do find a partner as significant as your Lilly was.
No offense taken, I was pissed at her as well. :P

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:28 pm
by Camoufrage
Micijayah wrote:
Xiious wrote:All of us HBHC gents seem to be terrible with girls irl, honestly.
The trick is not to expect anything from anybody. You should never be looking for a relationship, and if you just so happen to be in one or get in one, make sure you're not dependent on that significant other.
The other half of a relationship should serve as a compliment to you and not a savior.

I'm not an expert with girls either, seeing as I've only been in two relationships in my life, but I've found this to work best. :)

Approach everything with a "sure, why not?" attitude, if you make a mistake, it's okay, just learn to laugh at yourself and everything will turn out fine. Everybody makes mistakes and people are a lot more forgiving of things than you might think.
Words of wisdom. I say dont even think about em. Someone wwill come to you, trust me. If someone doesnt I dont know what to say, but I doubt thatll ever be the case in the LONG RUN *keyword*