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Re: Depressed

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:10 am
by Pyramid Head
A good thing to follow up Katawa Shoujo with is a video game called Spec Ops: The Line. Katawa Shoujo makes you feel warm and fuzzy and chips away at cynicism, Spec Ops: The Line makes you feel so disgusted with yourself it makes you physically ill on your first playthrough. FUN FUN FUN!

But don't take my word for it, here are the relevant Zero Punctuation videos on the game:

The Review
The Follow-up

Re: Depressed

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:11 am
by Xanatos
Dream wrote:Man, for me the highest point has to be Lilly fucking with Shizune without Misha realizing it.
Did she not realize or not give a fuck? :lol:

Re: Depressed

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:18 am
by Dream
Xanatos wrote:Did she not realize or not give a fuck? :lol:
Good point, maybe she was enjoying how flustered/upset Shizune was getting. Misha does deserve some kind of retribution for her unrequited feelings after all.

Re: Depressed

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:29 am
by Pyramid Head
Xanatos wrote:
Dream wrote:Man, for me the highest point has to be Lilly fucking with Shizune without Misha realizing it.
Did she not realize or not give a fuck? :lol:
Obviously she didn't realize considering how slowly it took to penetrate her five inch thick skull that Lilly and Shizune were fighting. I guess she was distracted by the sight of Shizune's panties during that scene.

The "feels" bazaar.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:44 am
by DuckergonTOD
I'd like to start out by thanking the devs. Especially Nicol Armarfi. You all are a truly wonderful team of brilliant minds and artists. Thank you for this gift to us. I only wish I could have done something to earn it. Haha. I have extensive theatre, dialogue and music experience if there's everything I can do. (just teasing. I'm sure you guys get offers all the time. I'm hardly qualified to work amongst people of your caliber. ) BUT I DIGRESS.

It would seem that I'm a bit late to the party. I feel like my life is in shambles and I don't quite know what else I can do.
I started playing katawa shoujo about 2 weeks ago.
And...I just...I can't get over these feels. Since I started, I've played through every good ending.
My issue isn't quite straight-forward as "waifu doesn't exist". I've never felt like they were my "waifu". But the emotions that this VN has elicited from me in such a short time, are worth mean so much more than anything I've felt in many years. I haven't experienced raw emotion and happiness of this level since childhood. Like seriously, drugs, sex, love, the best of outings, NOTHING has made me feel like this in so long. I got addicted to that feeling. And now that it's gone I feel like my life is at an utter stand still. Like I have no where to go. And I know this sounds completely irrational, which makes it worse.

Everything about KS is just perfect. Especially the music... Cloudland swing, Teatime, Fast Forward, Three stars, Innocence, too name a few.
Any time I hear one of these I have to choke back tears.
I've watched the cinematic's over and over. Rin's head tilt get's me every single fucking time.
Rin's last line in her good ending...

I know this all sounds incredibly pathetic. So, I ask you all, what do you do to get over feeling like this?

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:51 am
by Xanatos
DuckergonTOD wrote:(yes, this is another KS thread)
On a KS forum? Imagine that...

Do something productive or find a creative outlet. But first, complete the neutral and bad endings too. :P

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:51 am
by ReCodes
wait few days for it to cool down
then do it again

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:54 am
by Dr. Casey
Hahaha, 'Everything I Say Is Right.' That's a perfect name for his book. :lol:

Go to the Fan Fiction section and write out your own version of Jigoro's biography. That would be a fun read.

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:04 am
by DuckergonTOD
Xanatos wrote:
DuckergonTOD wrote:(yes, this is another KS thread)
On a KS forum? Imagine that...

Do something productive or find a creative outlet. But first, complete the neutral and bad endings too. :P
XD you caught me. I came here after realizing the frivolity of going to 4chan.
Thanks for the advice. The problem is though I already have plenty of creative outlets. I'm a music major, so all day is a creative outlet. I feel like I may be going through serotonin withdrawal. I got addicted to happiness.

Dr. Casey wrote:Hahaha, 'Everything I Say Is Right.' That's a perfect name for his book. :lol:

Go to the Fan Fiction section and write out your own version of Jigoro's biography. That would be a fun read.
That is an excellent Idea! I don't know if I'd have the discipline to pull it off and do it justice though. I've never written a fanfic.

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:21 am
by KeiichiO
I don't think it's pathetic at all. I'm sure everyone on these forums has felt the same way at one point. I mean, these are the Katawa Shoujo forums. We wouldn't be here if we hadn't been effected by the feels, ya know?

I was going through this last week, (it's still kinda there, but it's calming down). I finished Rin's path and I was just at an emotional high point. Haven't felt like this in my entire life. Much like you, I was addicted to it. But when I completed the game, I felt even more feels then ever. I knew that there was nothing left of KS. I wanted to "be with the characters" more, but their stories were over. I felt kinda lost and I wasn't sure what to do.

To get rid of these feels isn't easy, but I usually just watch something funny. Go watch some KS parodies. You'll get your daily KS fill, without the feels! Katawa Shoujo break

Other than that, I just do things I like to do. Hobbies. Drawing and playing music usually gets my mind off of those damn feels. Try and do something that you like.

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:30 am
by YZQ
Can't escape them the moment I play Outasight's "I'll Drink to That" on my player.

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:38 am
by Xanatos
YZQ wrote:Can't escape them the moment I play Outasight's "I'll Drink to That" on my player.
Okay, that's it. YOU need to find more than one song to listen to all the time. :lol:

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:40 am
by YZQ
Xanatos wrote:
YZQ wrote:Can't escape them the moment I play Outasight's "I'll Drink to That" on my player.
Okay, that's it. YOU need to find more than one song to listen to all the time. :lol:
I probably have to. Too lazy to get Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" on the player. Well, the local radio was happy to provide some MJ tunes.

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:55 am
by Tomate
YZQ wrote:
Xanatos wrote:
YZQ wrote:Can't escape them the moment I play Outasight's "I'll Drink to That" on my player.
Okay, that's it. YOU need to find more than one song to listen to all the time. :lol:
I probably have to. Too lazy to get Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" on the player. Well, the local radio was happy to provide some MJ tunes.
Can I suggest you some Led Zeppelin? Bron Yr Aur is an awesome love song about a dog.

Re: Feels.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:55 am
by DuckergonTOD
KeiichiO wrote:I don't think it's pathetic at all. I'm sure everyone on these forums has felt the same way at one point. I mean, these are the Katawa Shoujo forums. We wouldn't be here if we hadn't been effected by the feels, ya know?

Other than that, I just do things I like to do. Hobbies. Drawing and playing music usually gets my mind off of those damn feels. Try and do something that you like.
Thanks for the advice and sincerity. It does feel good to know there's a community of people who understand. :)