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Re: Similar Experiences/Relationships IRL

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:53 pm
by Nekken
Long-distance relationships have their own rewards, but they are absolutely farking brutal. Certainly they are not something a person should seek out, but they can be survivable should circumstances make them necessary, as long as a few things are kept in mind.
  • Long-distance relationships are serious business, capitalized, boldface, blinking, bright red, quadruple-underlined, and with a font size no smaller than ten times that of the surrounding text. You don't have to be engaged, but don't even try entering into a long-distance relationship with someone you would not seriously consider marrying.
  • There absolutely must be a "goal": something clear that, once it happens, will allow you to be together again. This might be a fixed date (for example, the end of a military tour of duty), or it might be some kind of accomplishment (like graduating). The important thing is that an end be in sight; an indefinite long-distance relationship is all but hopeless, because the end is hope.
  • Both of you need to actively work toward the goal in whatever ways you are able. It might be that the only thing one person can do is provide support to the other person, but even this is still of vital importance. Aside from hastening the goal along, it helps to strengthen the bond and reassure both partners of its strength. The importance of this cannot be overestimated.
  • Set clear boundaries, preferably before the long-distance aspect of the relationship begins. Boundaries that get broken (even -perhaps especially- unintentionally) can kill any relationship, but when distance complicates things it gets far more dangerous. The exact extent and strictness of the boundaries is up to you; what matters is that both partners know exactly what they are.
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate. Exactly how you do this is up to you, but stay in as close contact as you reasonably can. With each new advance in telecommunications, long-distance relationships become easier to maintain, but those options have to be used.
Incidentally, if Hisao and Lilly had gone the long-distance route, it would have broken my second rule: there was no end in sight. I think they were absolutely right not to pursue that option, and to instead treat Lilly's moving to Scotland as a breakup. Hisao's dash through the airport wasn't "Let's keep trying"; it was "Don't go": a truly mad thing to do, but the only way their relationship could ever have worked. Fortunately for him, the effort paid off.

And who am I to say all this? Just someone who survived six years in a long-distance relationship. Neither one of us ever wants to do that again, but damned if it wasn't worth it: we've now been married for longer than the long-distance aspect lasted. As a matter of full disclosure, you should know that we broke two of the above rules, though I'd rather not say which ones; just learn from our mistakes.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:10 am
by Daitengu
Xiious wrote:dat ps3 post ._. small update. doing ok guys, just so hard 2 be disconnected from everyone. silly me went and played DEARDROPS. finished all the routes.... with Riho's last. what a mistake. havent stopped crying since the riho route end....
I know right? I wish the D2B vs DEARDROPS would get translated so I could play the continuation >.<

Re: Similar Experiences/Relationships IRL

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:25 am
by Helbereth
Again, there was a stupid smirk on his face as I facepalmed and muttered "goddammit" under my breath.
I hope you didn't stay friends with the jerk. Twice, he did that? I'd have probably punched his lights out, and I've never been in a fight.

Re: Similar Experiences/Relationships IRL

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:44 am
by Pseudogenesis
Nekken wrote: Incidentally, if Hisao and Lilly had gone the long-distance route, it would have broken my second rule: there was no end in sight. I think they were absolutely right not to pursue that option, and to instead treat Lilly's moving to Scotland as a breakup. Hisao's dash through the airport wasn't "Let's keep trying"; it was "Don't go": a truly mad thing to do, but the only way their relationship could ever have worked. Fortunately for him, the effort paid off.

Does nobody use spoiler tags? D:

Re: Similar Experiences/Relationships IRL

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:02 am
by mysterycycle
One of these days, I'm going to get around to telling the whole story in Hanako's Broken Hearts Club thread, but for the time being, I'll reiterate: my favorite KS girls remind me of the two girls I fell in love with before meeting my wife. Hanako reminds me of the first girl I ever fell in love with (long, dark hair, big doe eyes, shy exterior) and Emi reminds me of the girl I fell in love with long after her (athletic, outgoing, great sense of humor, stubborn).

I didn't have Hisao's luck, though - got friend-zoned by both of them...thus making me more sympathetic to Misha.

Re: Similar Experiences/Relationships IRL

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:26 am
by Micijayah
Helbereth wrote:
Again, there was a stupid smirk on his face as I facepalmed and muttered "goddammit" under my breath.
I hope you didn't stay friends with the jerk. Twice, he did that? I'd have probably punched his lights out, and I've never been in a fight.
Honestly, I'm still friends with this guy even though he did that two times, 'cause if you think about it, he's the reason (or at least part of the reason) why I even got to be in a relationship with both girls.
Plus, he's the reason why it didn't stay awkward after the virgin sex with "Lilly". He's really a great friend, he just likes to push my buttons.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:15 am
by XiousPS3
Daitengu wrote:
Xiious wrote:dat ps3 post ._. small update. doing ok guys, just so hard 2 be disconnected from everyone. silly me went and played DEARDROPS. finished all the routes.... with Riho's last. what a mistake. havent stopped crying since the riho route end....
I know right? I wish the D2B vs DEARDROPS would get translated so I could play the continuation >.<
I want that translation! i wish i could read moonspeak!!!

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:42 am
by Micijayah
If anybody's interested, my story is linked in my signature, I wouldn't dare try to type out the whole thing again in this thread...

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:28 am
by Out-All Knight
*drinks apple juice* I'm not to fond of wine but I thought I'd look cool drinking something with a serious face.
Well, its time to show some scars, I'd poison my mental health if I keep this to myself for too long, *sigh* Here goes nothing. Hope there weren't any errors or any misunderstandings.
Note: My memory is fuzzy about the past.

Being bullied as early as kindergarden and ending in late highschool, My social skills aren't very good as I cling to the few friends I have, Didn't help that I was became bully during grade school, slacked off if it weren't for a tutor that my parents paid, I'd never even get past college. Also didn't help that I was a spoiled asshole who regularly lashes out from any attempts at discipline from my parents which I didn't understand till I slowly began to realize that did that because they were worried about me and I even attempted to ran way from home thinking that I'd failed my final exams(thankfully my grandma stopped me, great choice)
In short summary, I was a spoiled,immature, and lonely kid at this stage.

In high school I unfortunately carried this spoiled kid personality and continued slacking in studies, being rude and just being an asshole to my parents, being carefree and content that I have all the time in the world to have fun till my father put end to that when my slacking and jerkassry got too high, alas I never did confide with my parents about my issues, I'd rather shoulder my burdens. In class, I became a loner, unable to make any good friendships except with a few classmates who share a same interest with anime and games stuff and I also became an attention whore by getting a cutter and putting it in my wrist infront of my seatmates, (geez, I was also suicidal). On the plus side, I finally connected with God and the bible, establishing my morals and principles(although I did not change my attitude). and it persisted today although it is not as bad as in grade school but I'm still a slacker but I no longer had to depend on my parents to do chores but I'm a jerkass(and a complainer to boot) sometimes when they ask my to do some chores.

Aside from my class life and home life, I joined a fansite about a Japanese Role-Playing Game, At first finding out about the game but soon I became I regular, for the first few times I was having fun with the other users, roleplaying, discussing about topics about the game and other interests and hobbies,even dicussed my troubles I made some chatbuddies from the fansite and even had an online girlfriend who seemed to be a girlfriend to 2 of my chatbuddies...(Some things are too good to last)

Which my "girlfriend" is unfortunately a faker, who made a sock puppet elder brother, even faking a life-threatening sickness which made the whole fansite praying for her damn it! I even took my time to talk to her at midnight! She even gave some words of encouragement for some of my problems. At least she had the decadency to apologize for all her lies and decided in my heart and religious beliefs to forgive her lies despite my heart broken in two.

As a result, my friendly relationship with the members of the fansite deteriorated as a result by complaining about my current issues which although I acquired needed advice, Slowly I forgot about them and by the time I noticed the error of my ways, it was to late to save the blooming friendship as it had withered and died.

Adding that and the fact I never made any close relationships, never told my family about my inner problems or even doing a damn to improve myself and if it weren't for the Divine God, I'd probably been driven mad and acccepted a quick death as I became a spoiled, lonely, overdependent jerkass idiot who only has this as his redeeming point....

I dream of making a difference, to make people happy using my interests in making a great video game or an inspiring anime or manga, I didn't care how, I want to make that dream a reality and also.... I want to change, I want to become a better person for my family, for my friends, for anyone who accept me for who I am, but since the bad traits within me overwhelm in good in me, I desire change but... I could not forgive myself, In fact, I hate my myself.

I hate the fact that this is my whole, despite having concern for my family and my friends. I shut myself and keep to myself,
distancing myself which contradicts my deep concern for my family but I became over-dependent on others, preferring despite the fact I want to help out, to be a lazy ass and continue avoiding my problems by playing video games, surfing the net or any of my pasttimes.

In short, God gave me all the opportunities to change and I screwed all of them despite my hunger to change for the better, good thing God has all the plans in the world to change me for the better and is quite stubborn to do so.

Also... I respect ahem... girls. I may be a prevert but I have standards and if I ever had a wife in the future, I'd prefer to use the Power of True Love and to make her happy(Like acknowledging each other as equals and confronting any conflicts) and also raise my kids to become a better human being(HAH, Like that would ever happen, just like my dreams). Heck, If I ever making a badass video game, anime or manga which uses the power of love and friendship and the essentials of the bible, I'd find out that fairytail creatures and mythological beasts exists in the world.

Despite bearing the negatives and hating myself, I swore to move forward despite that, improving and working hard to changing myself for the very good. I couldn't think of suicide, too boring and the fact the world has the greatest and most beautiful things, despite also having the most terrible of things and the fact that the Divine God never fail to smash my negative mindset every once in a while gives me the strength to move on, heck I even discovered my love for hammy voice acting and even decided to ham up whenever a speech writing contest is on :lol: . and even though I lost my friendship, I desire to forge a new one, a true friendship.

and that ends my story. I thank anyone who gets to read to dreck, feel free to delete it.
Thank you and sorry if you couldn't understand some parts of this. ^^;

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:37 am
by Myshina
Out-All Knight wrote:Despite bearing the negatives and hating myself, I swore to move forward despite that, improving and working hard to changing myself for the very good. I couldn't think of suicide, too boring and the fact the world has the greatest and most beautiful things, despite also having the most terrible of things and the fact that the Divine God never fail to smash my negative mindset every once in a while gives me the strength to move on, heck I even discovered my love for hammy voice acting and even decided to ham up whenever a speech writing contest is on :lol: . and even though I lost my friendship, I desire to forge a new one, a true friendship.
Kudos to you for understanding that.

Life is a bitch, I'll admit that; but it has so much to offer. Sometimes, it takes a lot of time to breakthrough and start living instead of surviving.

So, live your life, and don't forget to keep your head up high; beacause you, my dear, are a survivor. You kept fighting agaisnt everything life threw at you and emerged as a better person.

One word: Congratulation. =D

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:31 pm
by Walrusfella
Micijayah wrote:If anybody's interested, my story is linked in my signature, I wouldn't dare try to type out the whole thing again in this thread...
Thanks for posting your story. You might not consider yourself a writer, but it was good all the same.

"Lilly" sounds like an amazing girl. I'm just going to second the people on the other thread. Definitely stay in contact with her; don't lose touch. It really sucks that circumstances pulled you apart.

Your friend sounds like a bit of a buddyf**ker, but if you say he's alright then he's alright. Maybe he instinctively knew what you needed?

Re: Similar Experiences/Relationships IRL

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:26 pm
by Tomate
Helbereth wrote:
Again, there was a stupid smirk on his face as I facepalmed and muttered "goddammit" under my breath.
I hope you didn't stay friends with the jerk. Twice, he did that? I'd have probably punched his lights out, and I've never been in a fight.
Come on, man. That jerk is the unsung hero of this tale, he's the ultimate wingman (like Wedge Antilles), thanks to him the OP got into those relationships, without him there is only the emptiness of the friend zone.

I salute you, jerk dude.

Re: Similar Experiences/Relationships IRL

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:43 pm
by Surreal-mind
Micijayah wrote:Lilly girl
It's sad that she had to leave...
But at least you were able to experience love. :)
And you still have all the beautiful memories, treasure them ! :D

Welcome to the forum dude!

I've never been in a relationship so ... no. no "similar relationships"
As far as "similar experiences" go, this thread made me remember something I had almost forgotten.

Remember the scene with Nomiya and Rin ? When Nomiya yells at her and Hisao is outside the classroom listening to everything he says

Well, something similar happened to me.
It was back in high school and I was the new guy and all that.
I became friends with a girl who looked a bit like the 4th pic of Lilly in Micijayah's post.
We were kind of starting to become close friends, but one day she said that she had to speak to a teacher about something important. So we went to the classroom where said teacher was, she went in and told me to wait for her outside.
I coudn't hear the whole conversation (mostly because I wasn't even paying attention), but suddenly the teacher starts yelling at her, she tried to defend herself but the teacher yelled louder and even insulted her.
After a while the girl ran out of the classroom without saying anything to me, before I could do something the teacher came out stared at me and angrily asked me what I wanted.
I just said "nothing" and went after the girl. Later I asked her what happened but she refused to tell me.
For some weird reason our friendship deteriorated from that point on ...
We stopped hanging out, and we almost never talked to each other after that, dunno why.

The weirdest thing is that a year later or so I found out that she had a crush on me.... :?
She tried to tell me a couple of times, but after what happened she always acted awkward around me and well.. she never said anything.

Re: Similar Experiences/Relationships IRL

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:38 pm
by Total Destruction
First off, welcome, and your avatar literally made me LOL in real life. I dig it.


Prolly posted this like eighty million times already before, but I can sympathize with you on this. What really got me hooked on KS was finding out that I dated a chick a lot like Emi for a really long time and somehow wound up getting the Bad End. But hey, new faces, new places, no damage done.

Gonna agree with everyone else to lay off hopes of a long-distance thing, but keep in touch. Been there, too SuckssucksSUCKS.

Gotta throw special attention to this:
Tomate wrote:Come on, man. That jerk is the unsung hero of this tale, he's the ultimate wingman (like Wedge Antilles), thanks to him the OP got into those relationships, without him there is only the emptiness of the friend zone.

I salute you, jerk dude.
Best post.

Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:48 pm
by Total Destruction
Myshina wrote:Life is a bitch, I'll admit that; but it has so much to offer. Sometimes, it takes a lot of time to breakthrough and start living instead of surviving.
See this, kids? I sure do, and I wish I'd said it. Well done!