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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

She didn't need to tell me that, I'm already knocking on Hisao's door as he groggily opens it, yawning and telling me “I heard Iwanako.. I heard..” then loudly yawning again, as I pull him by his arm to our Jaeger.

We run past its enormous handsome face, its sleek helmet and gold highlights shining brightly through the thick dull glass, ..someone should wash those. Our hurried footsteps echo in the metal corridors, as we run like young bats out of hell to embark for launch.

[Insert Song: Pacific Rim Theme "Epic Rock" Cover/Remix (Little V) by LittleVMills]

A simple zip and click, pressure sealed and systems booted; the plug suit and helmet fit me like a second skin, my HUD blinking really cool data-readouts as the FluidLCL fills in the G-force shock absorption layer.

Hisao unenthusiastically suits up alongside me, telling me not to get cocky.

“Poor choice of words.” I say, looking at his “morning wood”. The fact that I was just naked beside him probably didn't help. And I am of even less help when I taunt him, “Do you need to go to the little boy's room to relieve yourself? One way or the other?”

“No Iwanako, I don't get immodestly excited like you when we're about to be deployed against a Kaiju.”

“B-but-but it's so awesome and cool!”

“...you really do like being a pilot, don't you?”
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

The panels and doors slide shut and lock, “We have control!”, Hisao and I shout out, confirming we are engaged to the Headmaster Unit. The systems acknowledge us with green lights, and we're immediately shot down to dock onto the spine jack and neck tower, connecting the head unit with the body, and forming our Jaeger.

It's a sturdy make, a reliable Autobot Series. Model name 'Animated Prowl'. Designation: 'Day Tripper'.

“Tripper~Tripper, read me clear: You are good for launch.” Kaori's signal comes through a little fuzzily, ..must be the storm outside. “Michael, bay doors open, if you please.”

A spark of lightning whips its crack of thunder from beyond the widening gap, the thick iron doors letting in whispers of rain that roar into furious bad weather.
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

“Iwanako, Hisao; Initiate Drift sequence.”


[OP: A Cruel Angel's Thesis by Megumi Hayashibara (as Rei Ayanami)]

My vision blacks out, I fall into blooming webs of memories, of mother and father crying when I left to become a Ranger, days of feeling bruised and beaten after intense training with the Drift, my mind loosening uncontrollably and winding away with another's, I become Hisao's feelings when he first saw me, seeing myself talking and smiling through his eyes. I anchor on our first kiss, amongst the ashes of our home that fell like snow, and the tearful promise that we'd be together forever...

Basing that as our sacred lighthouse in two seas of painful memories, we swing back to the waking world. As sudden as the memories came, they pull away and I wake up back in the cockpit amongst the HUDs of present reality. I assert and regain control, linking and binding with Hisao's thoughts in the Drift, and sharing between us the immense neural load of connecting with a cloned Kaiju brain.

Together we start to feel the tingles of fresh connections in our fingers, the Jaeger's heavy slow-moving metal fingers that is, then the painful strands of fibre alloys infused in every muscle, guiding us as we shake off the excessive heat of moving a giant relative inch. There is the tremendous dragging weight of our spine, bristling and burning with bio-electrical signals, and our long huge bones that tug at us due to gravity, as we lean just a little to the left and forward... Overall, it's simply a really big burden on our shoulders. Just, don't think too hard about it, and we'll be fine, Hisao.
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

I hear you Iwanako. ...Who are you talking to anyway?

No one in particular-- The storm flashes our gargantuan shadow on the launch bay's floor, as we take the first steps forwards and walk on in well-practised balance, our honed skills at synchronising showing, as we slowly move our ungainly towering figure of metal armour.

Armour composed of a relatively-lightweight but tough aluminium-steel mesh. The metal coverings are moulded and sealed into a strapping humanoid shape, protecting massive synthetic Zerg-tissue bundles that provide motive force-

Yeah, I know that Iwanako. Why are you so fascinated about it every time we-

We follow the navigation and guidance holograms, rather impatiently on Hisao's end, and head on out the launch bay doors.

W-Who are you talking to!?
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

“Day Tripper, you are now in position.” Kaori's voice comes through mostly clear, despite that we're being airlifted out in the middle of a thunder storm. “Marshal Ikezawa is taking command.”

“Ikezawa?” Hisao questions back. “The Lone Ranger who piloted the Green Hornet?”

“Yes, Ranger Nakai. This is Marshal Ikezawa. Be advised, Day Tripper, that you are now over strategic point to defend the coastline. Confirm that you are ready for drop.”

“Day Tripper is ready for drop! Unload us Hanzou!” I radio back with much enthusiasm.

“....., you will address me as Marshal, or Marshal Ikezawa, Ranger Hanajima. Is that clear?”

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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

The metal clasps snap open, and the loud whirring helicopters let us fall, down through furious rain that spatter sharply at our massive frame.

Our leg bones shoot up a jolt of pain, the ocean's surface tension strongly resisting the bottom of our soles. Its particular design is meant for balance and weight distribution, though it makes each wet drop a slightly painful experience.

“Rangers, be advised; Our mechanised cavalries have pushed back Zerg landing forces. Their flyers have been neutralised, and the rest of them are changing course and retreating back to the warp-tunnel.”

“Again?” Hisao asks almost in disbelief, “They're really not trying anymore... all the Zerg ever seem to bother with now are just their-”

“Kaiju Rhyhorn is still coming at us! Day Tripper, hold your horses and stay alert!”

“Roger, Kaori.” I answer back promptly.

Looking at the map for its position, I notice a little fishing boat caught further out at sea, struggling against the violent storm to get back.

“Kaori, you see that? A fishing boat is still out there.”

“Day Tripper, you are not authorised to attempt a rescue operation, am I clear?”

“I didn't even say anything yet, Hanzo- err, Marshal.”

“Ranger Hanajima, you will NOT sacrifice a coastline, for a fishing vessel. Acknowledge your orders.”

“We acknowledge Sir,” Hisao answers, “Day Tripper will hold position until further notice.” He presumes to speak for the both of us.

Oh come on, Iwanako, are you seriously going to disobey the Marshal?

Are you going to stop me?

If I have to, I will.

I give Hisao a daring look.
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

It doesn't even take a moment before he relents to my innocent girlish charms.

….., yeah okay, fine! Let's go save that boat, Iwanako. But this will be the last time I'm going along with your antics. Ever.

“Day Tripper is moving out to save that boat!” I say it pretty much as a defiant taunt.

“Rangers! You will stop! NOW!”

“What good is a giant robot if we can't even use it to save a few lives, Marshal?” Hisao boldly speaks up, for the both of us.

“..., this is insubordination, Rangers. The penalty is demotion. Or dishonourable discharge.”

“I don't think those fishermen will call it 'insubordination'.” I retort proudly.

“The two of you will step into my office after this!”

Hanzou doesn't sound happy, does he Hisao?

No he doesn't, Iwanako. And I'm going to tell him this is all your idea.

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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

We reach the fishing boat just in time, delicately scooping it up by the hull, along with its terrified occupants, just as Rhyhorn erupts and collides against us, knocking us back with a single violent impact. Lightning dances over the monstrous anger in its eyes, as it roars and echoes the howling wind and thunders.

[Insert Song: Hurricane 2000 by Scorpions]

We push the fishing boat out of the vortex Rhyhorn and Day Tripper are creating, and swing around to transfer some heavy momentum into a good strong fist at Rhyhorn's armoured head, putting all our weight into it and sending its ugly face crashing along the ocean floor.

'Take that.'

Curtains of white water draw off from its head, as Rhyhorn lifts itself back up. Timing our motion with the push of the tides, we swing our right leg through the seas, cutting through the water and striking sharply against its gut, cracking the stony carapace.

Its deafening roar ripples the seas, steaming mists of saliva and seawater spraying out from Rhyhorn's jaw as it suddenly leaps onto us and- AAHH! “It's latching on us! It's biting us!”

Hisao and I grab at its head, forcing our thumbs into its eye sockets, convincing it to let go of our frame. With sharp pieces of ripped metal and broken bits of serrated teeth sent flying, we violently wrestle its jaws off of us and keep it from our face, as the rabid Kaiju lunges even harder at every attempt to hold it back, our entire balance almost thrown backwards each time.
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

“Iwanako, Hisao, your sync-rates are dropping, you have to concentrate!”

I know! I know! “We know!”

Rhyhorn's weight on top of ours is way too much, we feel our left foot sink deeper into the sandy bottom, and our spine strains under overwhelming pressure, as we desperately try to keep two giant wrestling monsters upright, and not collapse over the fishing boat.

Hisao tries something, he makes us headbutt Rhyhorn at the side of- OW! That hurts! But our leverage over it slowly increases, we throw our weight forwards and swing its head further to the side, keeping that horn away from us, then pull our stuck foot out and step left, forcing more strain into our grip and raising our centre of gravity, and try to put all our immense leverage into twisting its neck bone to a snap.

'You got that? Iwanako? It's going to the left, it's going on your side! Take the lead! Take THE LEAD!'

'I can't! You're not minding the horn! Hisao!'

'I got it! TAKE THE LEAD!'

I drop our frame suddenly down and pull Rhyhorn's head with us, the steep angle and leverage loudly snaps something inside its neck, immediately silencing the Kaiju in its struggle.

“Rhyhorn's head has been-- loosened.” I give the status.. pretty much as a boast.
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

Casually, we let the limp Kaiju mass slide off of us, crashing into the depths and sending up a tall wall of white water, spraying us like champagne in our victory.

Hisao heaves a sigh of exhaustion, and calls it in. “Kaiju down, I repeat; Kaiju is down. Day Tripper has eliminated Rhyhorn. Didn't even break its carapace.”

“Or a sweat.” I add.

We turn our lights on the fishing boat, zooming our vision on the cheering fishermen. And with a chuckle, I raise Day Tripper's arm to amicably wave back at them.

“Tripper! Bad kill! Bad kill! Kaiju is NOT down! It's still moving! Iwanako! Hisao!”


We turn to face its open jaws, and instinctively grapple again at its head to keep sharp horn and snapping teeth just inches from our face, but its claws managing to reach and painfully dig deep into our frame, having let it catch us completely off-guard.
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

“Rangers! Break loose if possible! Recommend that you take fishing vessel and RUN! Long cannons are out-of-range to support you!”

“It's too fast, Hanzou! We can't disengage safely!”

I jab Rhyhorn in the eye again, making it loosen its claws and fall back on all-fours. Then I direct to its head the single greatest drop-kick throughout the land, pushing it back a few ungainly steps and giving us some space to manoeuvre, minding to push a wave of directed tide at the fishing boat, sending it further along its way.

'Ninja Starblades! Activate!'

Well-curved and really sharp metal shoot out and unfold, spinning faster and faster until we have saw blades mounted on both gauntlets, ready to cut this fat Kaiju down to size.

“Come on! You.. bitchy! ..Bitch!”

Yeah.. good one, Hisao. Rhyhorn furiously aligns its massive posture and charges at us, the waters blast apart into whiteness under tremendous pounding steps. Hisao makes us charge back at it, thinking some inertia will add a little more slicing power.

In lightning snapshots and a dark thunderous roar, Rhyhorn cracks the earth and throws itself out of the water, dragging a torrent of the sea on its back. The awing sight of a Kaiju breaching like a great white stuns us for a split second, before we point our Starblades at it, a last second reaction before the ungodly impact of a violent immensity slamming down on our head.
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

Gurgling... that's all I can hear, with seawater flooding in when Day Tripper's visor broke. I'm already submerged as my consciousness comes back, my left hand is still pressing the broken Starblade at Rhyhorn's head to hold it back, while my right hand.. Hisao's side is.. limply whirring at the ocean floor? What?

'Hisao! Stop being stunned and help me! Anchor yourself! Get back into reality with me! NOW!'

Iwanako.. I'm..

Wha..? oh no... I can't feel it from Hisao's end in the Drift, but I can still see it plunged through his heart; a thick piece of glass and metal.

No! NO! It's going to be okay, keep pressure on your chest, don't bleed out!

I think my heart is.. gone...

No! Don't let go of me! Hold on! Keep pressure on it! Don't touch the shard, pulling it out will only- AAAH! Rhyhorn bit my left arm, I have to break free-


<Warning: Left Arm 100% Damaged. Function Ceased.>

My WHOLE Left Arm is GONE you stupid program! Hisao! Breathe! Don't give up! HISAO! STAY with me! Alright? I'll get us out of this!
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

I force Day Tripper to roll on its side, over the empty arm socket grating on the ocean floor, transferring enough speed and force for the right Starblade to swing at Rhyhorn's neck, properly cutting open its throat.

“Carapace broken! Iwanako! If you can still hear us; SHOOT it! Shoot it now!”

Through a smoke of Kaiju blood gushing out, my right hand reaches in and clenches at its open wound, ripping it bigger to jam the gauntlet guns into it. Flipping the switch and arming the weapon, I unload every deafening round I have, screaming and tightening my grip as Rhyhorn tries to claw at me and struggle free. I shoot it again and again, I shoot everything straight through until its whole head comes off and crashes onto the ocean floor.

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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

I push the dead Kaiju off of us, and lift our bent and hammered frame up, stumbling a massive step as I do, over the slippery blood that has diffused into the sands and utterly-broken ocean floor. Still, slowly and carefully, I force us to our feet.

The suffocating waterline sinks quickly, falling away into liquid sheens on the walls and floors of the cockpit, hissing and rushing down to our feet, pouring out through the broken visor. A flash of a calm sunlit horizon from Hisao's childhood fades into harsh reality of the violent storm outside, the roaring thunders and sharp lightning no longer subdued under the tides.

Dark as this storm is, I can't help but admire every beautiful lightning strike that we're still alive to witness.

It's beautiful.. Iwanako, I see it too... through your eyes..

<Warning: Right-User Vital Signs Dropping.>

You can still see it with your own eyes, Hisao... You'll see that beautiful sunrise again, I'll bring it to you. ...Just stay with me, okay? I'm going to get us back to shore, and save your life. J-Just hold on, don't let go... I promise I'll wake up early, and we'll watch the sun tomorrow, we'll watch it rise... and you'll have me in your arms..... don't let go..
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Re: K-Shounen!

Post by LordDarknus »

Iwanako... it's over..

No! It's not over! We're going to be alright! Okay? ..Hisao?

You saved that little fishing boat, Iwanako.. that was brave and noble... it was worth it.

<Warning: Right-User Vital Signs Critical. Immediate Medical Attention Required.>

Stay with me, Hisao, don't let go of me.

Don't- don't worry about me... Iwanako. I'll always be with you.. I'll watch over you in the Drift...

<Warning: Right-User Vital Signs Ceased. Emergency Resuscitation Implementing.>

Hisao.... I...

<Warning: Right-User Deceased.>

love you...
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