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Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12 up)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:50 pm
by Brogurt
>90% porn
>turns into some kind of deep afterlife thing
It's kind of like the opposite of scar tissue

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:41 pm
by nemz
...deep afterlife thing? I'm not seeing anything deep, just granny porn and wishful thinking. :mrgreen:

Notes from the author

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:28 pm
by Beoran
Notes from the author

Hereare a few notes I made that explain some details about my writing "Hanako's honeymoon".

This story started out simply because I was wondering how difficult it is to write a good erotic scene. I choose Hanako and Hisao out of personal preference, and also because Hanako is the only one of the girls who doesn't have too drastic physical limitations that make certain variations infeasible. But I didn't want to just jump in there from nowhere, so I though of a honeymoon setting as a sort of reasonable environment.

Then of course, since I chose "flow of consciousness" style, simply out of personal preference, I had to go quite a bit more in depth with the motivations of Hanako. Also, it became more and more interesting to think up of plausible reasons to frustrate Hanako's efforts. As I said before, it's more rewarding to get something after troubles than simply right away. The false alert started as yet another contrivance to avoid the almost unavoidable one more day, but then I was forced to play it seriously, and some drama made it's way into the comedy. I have to admit it turned out weaker than I had hoped, and I want to improve parts 9 and 10 later.

One thing I'm sort of proud of is some of the research I've done. All the locations mentioned in Paris exist (or existed) as far as I could check by google and google maps. Even the restaurants do. The hotel is not specified, but there are several 4 stars ones around Saint Augustin, so it's plausible. So, if you go to Paris with the person you love, you can actually take the Hanako and Hisao tour. So have fun! :)

Even the chess game is a game that has actually been played in a competition. You can find it here:

As for the epilogue, it started out just as a quick way to make clear how Hanako and Hisao live out their lives. The other stuff was inspired by a certain scene in Fruits Basket, and mixes in ideas from various actual NDE's I heard about, with a few of my own ideas. But remember, it's not because I write it that I actually believe it. It's just that even if I am not religious, do I take interest in exploring the themes, and imagining them.

So what's next? I want to to focus on my game project, so I probably won't work too intensely on writing fanfics. I will probably revisit this story and post a final version with some problems ironed out later, but that may not be ready very soon. I may also post a few stories in the same continuity whenever I feel like it. As for writing a similar story about the other girls, that I may or way not have time for, it's an interesting thought.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this story. Thank you for reading and see you again!

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12 up)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:42 pm
by Beoran
Shadow1111 and elcor, thanks for the encouraging words. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this fic.

Brogurt, if you like, you can think of that last part as porn too. Just a sort of esoteric one.

Nemz, who is thinking wishfully? It's called fan "fiction" for a reason. But I'm cool if you don' t like it. 8)

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:05 pm
by Mirage_GSM
There is a competition for naked chess?

Joking aside, how come Hisao is four years older than Hanako at the time of his death?

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:30 pm
by Shadow1111
Glad your glad I'm glad...uh yeah. Anyways checked out the game your making, seems pretty cool, cant wait to see how it turns out. I would offer my help but I'm only good at getting ideas not putting them to work, and crying to some-what emotional things...such as this was. Anyways cant wait to see some updates on how the game is going. Love ya...uh well I mean...yeah...I don't like endings...uh...bye?

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:03 pm
by Roamin12
Looks like I was wrong, there were two more chapters and an epilogue, but my thoughts remain pretty much the same.
The comedy parts were the best. This story had me laughing quite a bit.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:14 pm
by Mahorfeus
Well, I had a my fair share of laughs from this, but I can't help but resent to it in the end.

It certainly fulfilled its role as a comedy, but I can't help but notice several parts where it tries to become something more; each time it just kind of fell flat, either because I found it hard to take seriously (whether I was supposed to is a different question) or because it just didn't fit in. I initially found Hanako's seemingly innocent desire for sexual satisfaction almost endearing, but it became borderline maniacal, to the point to which I barely recognized the character, even given whatever character development took place prior to the story.

However, it was a fun bit to read, so it's not hard to overlook these things. It's always nice to see an author finish a work.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:26 pm
by Shadow1111
I didn't read the epilogue until just now...what was...I...uh...I cried...a lot...but I don't...I love it know.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:28 am
by Beoran
MIRAGE_GSM, I screwed the ages up? They're supposed to get married at 18 + 6 = 24 ... so if Hisao becomes 67 that's .. 43 years of marriage? Looks like I'll have to correct that. :p

Mahorfeus, I'll admit my comedy is much better than my drama/serious stuff. The dramatic/serious parts are in there because I felt sort of forced to play some ideas that I needed to push the story onwards seriously. Thats also why they probably don't mix in as well as they should. I guess that's the result of me letting the story just "flow out" of me as by the spur and inspiration of the moment, and following the story where ever it took me, without much foresight. While I did research for every episode, I often didn't have a clue where I was going to end up in the next one. So I guess my lesson to learn would be that I need to plan out my stories more thoroughly, so they don't end up going all over the place and all over the top like this one. Anyway, I'm glad you you could still have some fun with this.

Roamin12, I'm also glad I was able to amuse you. For the rest, I said everything I'd say to you in the paragraph above, so read that. ;)

Shadow1111, well if you're interested in my game, just follow the blog or join the forum. Your ideas would be most welcome. And thanks for your appreciation. As for the epilogue... to tell you a "secret", I was almost crying when I wrote it. But after I felt quite relieved and happy. It's one of those things that happen when I follow my inspiration without giving it much thought. Sometimes my inspiration is so "powerful" it overwhelms my rational mind, my emotions, all of myself really. I guess you could say I start thinking a bit like Rin would. :P

Anyway I'm sorry if it made you feel sad. All in all I see it as a comedy with an (unusual) happy end. So remember to aways look on the bright side of life. :)

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:36 am
by Elcor
DAMN MY EYES...why did I start to read that last post...I messed up the epilogue for myself. *slams head on desk*

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:46 am
by Mirage_GSM
Hisao became 67 years old.
When he died, Hanako was 63.
I don't know, but to me that sounds like Hisao is four years older than Hanako...

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:20 am
by Beoran
Mirage_gsm, that is another mistake yes. I fixed that and a few other number mistakes now.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:49 am
by Shadow1111
Just registered for the forums (Eruta) . Just thought I would respond saying that the epilogue was very well written and executed (except for the age difference between Hisao and Hanako but you fixed that) the scene where Hanako said that Hiaso died it seemed to hit hard, i thought it would just be a little "after honeymoon" kind of thing but it took a WHOLE different turn. Then the Hanako (I assume) dieing part was really...strange but took a really interesting look and was just different which made it stick out, it wasn't just a "Heaven" scene. But anyways your writing is amazing and due to the fact Eruta is a RPG I could guess there will be a lot of text and some genius will go into that as well (but in a different way, obviously). One last question though. How would you do anymore of this story, unless its a "before epilogue" scenario (which is most likely, if you do make more of this story) Anyways thank you and goodbye.

Re: Hanako's Honeymoon (erotic) (part 12+epilogue. Finished)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:23 am
by Beoran

The epilogue started so late in life because I wanted Hanako to look back at everything at the end of her life. In that sense it's truly an "epilogue", it takes place after everything in the life of Hanako and Hisao is said and done.

As for the rest of the epilogue: I'd say, it's like this: I imagine that if there was such a state of being, in this state, mind would mean everything and body would mean nothing. The things Hanako's and Hisao's would experience in such a state are the result of their minds trying to interpret that completely mysterious and unfamiliar way of being in simple terms, in a way they can grasp mentally. In essence they wander though memories and reflections of their own minds until they meet each other. Only then, because they help each other, they are able to realize the fullness of their new way of being. If you want me to go into more detail, send me a PM and we'll do an in depth analysis it together. :)

If I wrote more in this story setting, it would of course be before the epilogue. Or perhaps about another of the girl's honeymoon? Who knows? :)