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Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:46 am
by BadMrFrostii
I just got out of the only relationship I'd ever been in.
We were only together for six months, but I get attached easy.
I have trust issues, and I thought I was overthinking a lot of things like her still hanging out with her ex.
Long story short, I was right, and it felt pretty bad.
Butttttt, I'm still alive, and I'm only 18, so I've got plenty of time in life left :). :Db

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:34 am
by charmisokay
I've never fallen in love, sure I have met some attractive girls, a lot in fact. But I have yet to meet someone for me to love.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:30 am
by Efrath
Never fallen in love either, though that's my own fault for not actually pursuing it. I'm not anti-social, but rather... I can fairly easily hold a conversation and such, but I'm just too shy to actually flirt and make any first moves and this is partly because I'm self conscious when it comes to my body. I have more or less promised myself not to pursue romance until I have a decent physique. My personal view on the matter of dating and flirting is that you should have a positive view, a sense of humor and a cheerful attitude. I do think that boys and girls alike do enjoy being with such a person.

In any case, I am still happy despite this as I honestly think you shouldn't be depressed nor sad just because you don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend but rather be happy for what you have. Just because you don't have someone special doesn't mean you can't show love towards others nor does it mean that there's other things in life that can make you happy. I do personally believe there is something wrong in society as a whole when it comes to the view of sex. It's not that sex itself is bad but rather that people are putting more importance into it than they should. People are, at least in my opinion, taking this more seriously than they should.

First of all, sex is not love, it's something meant to be enjoyed and it's my personal belief that sex is like food in the sense that everyone has different tastes and that it's honestly a bit dumb to expect your partner to magically know your kinks, quirks and sweet spots. Keep in mind that I'm not claiming that everyone is like this, I am honestly unsure how common this view on sex is but I am assuming that it's fairly common based on the way media portrays sex in general (It's not like I've had sex with 200 girls and made graphs for each encounter, that would be terribly silly) and the fact that I've seen some people complaining about their partner's "Skill" in bed. Look, I can agree that there can be some "Skill" involved, mainly about being able to "read" your partner's reactions and such... But if you are in a relationship, you should NOT be complaining to your friends about your partner's sexual advances but rather speak directly TO your partner and talk about how sex can be improved for the both of you. The fact that sex has the goal of achieving orgasm is not one I would call positive either. I mean... Yes, Orgasms are awesome but I think people should perhaps consider that you can have sex and have a good time without achieving an orgasm. Sex doesn't *have* to be about getting an orgasm, it should be about enjoying the experience.

Now, I understand this can be troublesome for most to talk about and this is in my opinion mainly because of the way media portrays sex and making us needlessly afraid of being criticized by our partners about our abilities as sweet sexmachines, making it an uncomfortable topic for most. The fact that School has evolved so little and emphasizes on logic thinking rather both logic and abstract thinking (as it should in my opinion) as well shaping us to believe that there is only one answer to a answer to a question rather than several and making us scared of making mistakes.

Gosh, that was a bit of a rant right there, I hope I didn't sound dumb or silly in my attempt to explain my views on relationships and sex to the point of getting a bit off-topic, I'm just genuinely interested in these kind of things. I certainly am aware that I can be quite wrong in my assessments.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:21 am
by mainframe004
Currently in a relationship with a lovely girl my age who also loves this game to death.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:16 am
by crystal
I never have been in one, due mostly to the fact I don't want to. I'm still young, I just wanna enjoy myself. And for me right now at least that's not a relationship.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:22 am
by Woody Alien
Maakasu_Taihaku wrote:Well for me i have felll in love. I just don't move unless i know they have feelings for me, and at the same time since im shy i don't try to make a move to find out. I need to know 100% before i try anything.
I did fall in love for real one time, but alas it was the wrong person, and even if I knew that I couldn't help but suffer for this. It's not that I'm afraid of suffering again, but rather that I never felt again the same happiness, the same things for other people, and this worries me, especially since I was already past adolescence when that happened to me.
That's why I said that I'm afraid of not being able to be in love.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:18 am
by Al
The fact that sex has the goal of achieving orgasm is not one I would call positive either. I mean... Yes, Orgasms are awesome but I think people should perhaps consider that you can have sex and have a good time without achieving an orgasm. Sex doesn't *have* to be about getting an orgasm, it should be about enjoying the experience.
Dude the main point that people have sex nowdays is to get an orgasm. If you can't get one during sex you're going to feel like crap because all the endorphin's going to be stuck in your body from not releasing it.

*double facepalm

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:33 am
by encrypted12345
Al wrote:
The fact that sex has the goal of achieving orgasm is not one I would call positive either. I mean... Yes, Orgasms are awesome but I think people should perhaps consider that you can have sex and have a good time without achieving an orgasm. Sex doesn't *have* to be about getting an orgasm, it should be about enjoying the experience.
Dude the main point that people have sex nowdays is to get an orgasm. If you can't get one during sex you're going to feel like crap because all the endorphin's going to be stuck in your body from not releasing it.

*double facepalm
Sure, you have to try, but the reality is, many couples aren't skilled enough for the woman to reach orgasm. Sex should be more about the romantic part than the physical part. Otherwise, the relationship is doomed to fall apart.

*looks at his own avatar* .....

My point is still valid!

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:41 pm
by metalangel
Aim to be a considerate lover, and make sure the other person is satisfied too! As a man, that means I ensure she's been "satisfied" first before I worry too much about myself. No ladies have complained about this approach.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:47 pm
by Draetheus
metalangel wrote:Aim to be a considerate lover, and make sure the other person is satisfied too! As a man, that means I ensure she's been "satisfied" first before I worry too much about myself. No ladies have complained about this approach.
This is my policy too, and it has always worked out very well. :mrgreen:

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:30 am
by Titus
Al wrote:Is this true? I think it is. Prove me wrong tho
>Try not to eat too much and lay off the fast food
>Moderate cardio several times a week to stay in shape
>Wearing make up to help you with spots, blemishes and God given ugliness. Helps keep you attractive past age sixteen

>Grueling bulk/cut cycles coupled with heavy lifting for aesthetics
>Have to work in some cardio if you want to be healthy and aesthetic
>Excessive grooming will lead to the questions about your sexuality


>No need to work for it due to the approaches of various men
>Men's standards are lower so even a six can be approached by a nine for sex
>If standing around looking pretty doesn't work then post a vague ad on the internet and enjoy reading through hundreds of replies

>Many females will expect you to be in a relationship before you are allowed to fuck them
>All the work must be done by you if you aren't a Calvin Klein model, that means both approaching and charming girls
>Competition is high from other guys meaning often you will have to settle for less even if you are a complete catch


>Even the ugliest of girls will be approached and asked out by guys
>Just stand around looking pretty and guys will approach you
>If you ask out a guy it is unlikely he will say no unless he is ridiculously out of your league
>Friendzone lesser males who you can manipulate for emotional support without offering anything of value in return except the vague possibility that you may one day have sex with them

>Have to have a range of great features in order to generate interest among females
>Have to all the approach work
>Have women expecting you to pay for everything
>Will often end up alone even if they are a great catch
/fit/itizen? Girl problems, man. All our efforts are directly or indirectly tied to getting the woman of our dreams.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:20 am
by newnar
I do fall in love. The problem is that the subjects of my love are always fictional characters.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:24 pm
by Omurice
Single for two years and counting. Almost got married. Not exactly looking for anyone at the moment.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:22 am
by Paddy
20, never had a relationship outside of getting a couple of high school girls' numbers (when I was a high schooler) and never getting anywhere beyond that.

I think the OP's premise is somewhat correct. While "never in a relationship" is just a bit above "had a relationship", married and relationship to surpass never's significantly.

Still, I'm not sure the poll's relevant. I'm single and always have been, but I didn't download it because I'm lonely. It's rare that "4chan", "compassion", and "disabled girls" are heard about the same game. So, naturally, I was curious.

Re: Relationship Poll

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:06 am
by Alexbond45
I have never been in a relationship, though, im still in early high school, ive dedicated more of my life to music, though i really dont want to end up a forever alone guy, so this game inspired me to reach out

However, it is spring break, heh heh.