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Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 8:35 pm
by kslover
stalk wrote:
kslover wrote:taken totally out of context how i had meant it was that having sex with someone is essentially saying to them that "despite all of your idiosyncrasies i love you and accept you" so please dont say it like i mean having sex with a handicapable person makes you a better person
I intentionally took it out of context because it sounded funny. It was not meant to misrepresent your opinion.

If I wanted to be cynical I would say something more in regards to it sounding like the disability is something to be accepted in spite of the person within. But that's enough snark for one day :twisted:
fair enough my apologies

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 8:37 pm
by Roxius
kslover wrote:
stalk wrote:
kslover wrote:taken totally out of context how i had meant it was that having sex with someone is essentially saying to them that "despite all of your idiosyncrasies i love you and accept you" so please dont say it like i mean having sex with a handicapable person makes you a better person
I intentionally took it out of context because it sounded funny. It was not meant to misrepresent your opinion.

If I wanted to be cynical I would say something more in regards to it sounding like the disability is something to be accepted in spite of the person within. But that's enough snark for one day :twisted:
fair enough my apologies
Hey, hey, hey, what about me? I apologized too...! Well, I didn't actually say "I'm sorry", but I pretty much mean the same thing as what stalk said...

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 8:48 pm
by kslover
dont worry its all copasetic

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:00 pm
by vermithrx
kslover wrote:taken totally out of context how i had meant it was that having sex with someone is essentially saying to them that "despite all of your idiosyncrasies i love you and accept you" so please dont say it like i mean having sex with a handicapable person makes you a better person
Then how do you explain the oldest profession known to the human race? :| While I expect KS in particular will take a similar approach to the one you outline in how it deals with the subject, your generalization doesn't hold water.

My point being, the fact that this game will have sexual content implies nothing about the context within which that content will be portrayed. Your, or anyone else's, personal hangups about sex do not apply and there is no need for you to make value judgements over an entire work of art, or the community around it, based upon them.

So, just relax and join in the fun. :D

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:10 pm
by kslover
vermithrx wrote:
kslover wrote:taken totally out of context how i had meant it was that having sex with someone is essentially saying to them that "despite all of your idiosyncrasies i love you and accept you" so please dont say it like i mean having sex with a handicapable person makes you a better person
Then how do you explain the oldest profession known to the human race? :| While I expect KS in particular will take a similar approach to the one you outline in how it deals with the subject, your generalization doesn't hold water.

My point being, the fact that this game will have sexual content implies nothing about the context within which that content will be portrayed. Your, or anyone else's, personal hangups about sex do not apply and there is no need for you to make value judgements over an entire work of art, or the community around it, based upon them.

So, just relax and join in the fun. :D
ah A CHALLENGER APPEARS :mrgreen: how fun

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:47 pm
by Bara
kslover wrote:
Coyfish wrote:It's easy to interchange the two. All you need is your imaaaaaginaaaaation.

And, while we're on that topic, just WHY do you guys find disabled girls.....attractive? Or, to be more blunt, a turn on.
seconded do not get me wrong i love the game but why do you have to think about it in a sexual connotation i know having sex with a disabled girl is essentially the ultimate form of "acceptance" but for you to talk about them like the sole purpose of this game was to give you something to fap to then im sorry thats simply wrong yes the girls in this game are physically attractive and yes they are at an age in which sex is common but that isnt what makes this game great when you simply look at the fact that this game is a shining phoenix that rose from the ashes of one simple picture and was forged by amateurs from all over in too of spectacular masterpiece for you to degrade such a triumph by designating it equivalent to pornography is so..... American. this game has an interesting plot great artwork and a spectacular soundtrack in addition too interesting characters dear lord can no one appreciate this spectacular form of media
Why? Maybe because from the beginning the story was intended to to include sex; well written and intimate sex, but sex nonetheless. The characters are variously disabled and that adds complications to the writting. Who chooses to download KS and to what or if they choose to "fap" to, quite frankly, I just don't care about. Personaly, I'm at an age where I save my strength for my GF and don't waste the effort on 2-D stuff except as an aesthtic admiration. Funny, but even after discovering KS and going through it 100% I have not felt any urges to have sex with the first disabled woman I can find. It must be one of my many failings as a person and an American. :lol:
Here is a question, is KS all THAT great or have other VN's (professional and amateur) simply set the bar god awful low? I think it is a damn fine story and I trust the devs will continue the rest the same level or even improve it. The devs themselves have written that they have learned huge amounts from this experience. I do doubt that walking on water is one of the lessons they have learned. :lol:

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:52 pm
by Fidelas
Roxius wrote:What about my nakama path, dammit?!

It'd be like...power of friendship or some corny shit like that saves the day!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!
The Power of Friendship defeats the Feminist Conspiracy? Yeah, I'd play that.

But I think the devs have denied a Kenji route... D=

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:22 pm
by Roxius
Fidelas wrote:
Roxius wrote:What about my nakama path, dammit?!

It'd be like...power of friendship or some corny shit like that saves the day!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!
The Power of Friendship defeats the Feminist Conspiracy? Yeah, I'd play that.

But I think the devs have denied a Kenji route... D=

No, I there a way to get to a good end without actually getting that intimate with anyone? Just wondering out of'll be the 'VIRGIN' route!!! :P

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:30 pm
by SnowSong
Roxius wrote:No, I there a way to get to a good end without actually getting that intimate with anyone? Just wondering out of'll be the 'VIRGIN' route!!! :P
Probably every route in the non-H edition, if the developer ever released it. Of course, KS is a classical case of Came for the sex, stayed for the story/moe/insert noun here.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:39 pm
by Onearmdude
Fidelas wrote:The Power of Friendship defeats the Feminist Conspiracy? Yeah, I'd play that.

But I think the devs have denied a Kenji route... D=
It's probably for the best. I could see a Carrie-esque bad end happening somewhere in that path. Although then there could be a good end with Kenji showing up in a spy-plane, sipping whiskey(straight from the bottle of course) and wearing a smoking jacket.

"I told you all along Hisao, the school is a battle ground. But you've shown some skill in combating the female menace, which is why I'm here."
*Kenji raises his bottle*
"I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative."

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:41 pm
by U.T. Raptor
Onearmdude wrote: "I told you all along Hisao, the school is a battle ground. But you've shown some skill in combating the female menace, which is why I'm here."
*Kenji raises his bottle*
"I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative."
Ends with Hisao making a suit in a cave with a box of scraps?

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:54 pm
by kslover
it appears as though i was not entirely clear in my meaning i was simply trying to convey that far to many people are simply concerned with the sexual aspect of the game which i realize is(will be if you prefer) quite large but i was trying to say that it seems that people are merely focusing on one facet of the VN. and in doing so are treating it like it is a VN that is laser focused on sex which of course it isnt. its essentially in my mind masturbating to the birth of venus. no i have no hang ups about sex and no i dont "hate" America(my home country) but i do realize that both are in some situations unacceptable

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:03 pm
by Onearmdude
U.T. Raptor wrote:Ends with Hisao making a suit in a cave with a box of scraps?
You're really tempting me to quote some Tron just so I can get Jeff Bridges up there.
Eh, what the heck.

"No sweat. I play video games better than anybody."

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 9:03 am
by Akira
U.T. Raptor wrote:Ends with Hisao making a suit in a cave with a box of scraps?
His heart really could use a bit of arc-reactor assistance anyway.

Re: Really really REALLY dumb questions

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:46 am
by Coyfish
kslover wrote:
Coyfish wrote:It's easy to interchange the two. All you need is your imaaaaaginaaaaation.

And, while we're on that topic, just WHY do you guys find disabled girls.....attractive? Or, to be more blunt, a turn on.
seconded do not get me wrong i love the game but why do you have to think about it in a sexual connotation i know having sex with a disabled girl is essentially the ultimate form of "acceptance" but for you to talk about them like the sole purpose of this game was to give you something to fap to then im sorry thats simply wrong yes the girls in this game are physically attractive and yes they are at an age in which sex is common but that isnt what makes this game great when you simply look at the fact that this game is a shining phoenix that rose from the ashes of one simple picture and was forged by amateurs from all over in too of spectacular masterpiece for you to degrade such a triumph by designating it equivalent to pornography is so..... American. this game has an interesting plot great artwork and a spectacular soundtrack in addition too interesting characters dear lord can no one appreciate this spectacular form of media
Oi oi oi. Don't mistake me for one of THOSE kinds of people (though it's probably too late now). I was just asking. It was simple curiosity. Don't YOU want to know why people find something attractive? I've always been confused by those kinds of people who have fetishes for fat people and little girls. It's a bit disturbing, but I'd like to know why they think in that way.

Also, I'm not American. I'm Asian. Which doesn't really change anything.