Unorthodox Eating Methods

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Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by Flutterz »

I've just started replaying KS after about a month, and I realized that there was something I wanted to do back when I was playing for the first time - eat with my feet. Thankfully I have nobody around to give me strange looks for doing something of the sort, so my chicken today was consumed with a fork betwixt my toes. It was an interesting experience and aside from the odd foot cramp, it wasn't nearly as difficult as I had imagined. In fact, it was actually pretty fun :)
I also recall eating sushi once with my chopstick-wielding hand awkwardly placed behind my head and sticking out from the other side a few years ago, mostly for the lulz that ensued afterwards.

So, am I the only one crazy enough to pull these shenanigans with my food? And if you have, why, and how was it?
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by yummines »

i saw a documentary on a person in korea who had the exact same situation as Rin.

he ate with his feet, washed his face, etc.

the most ridiculous part? he played piano with his arm stubs. thats just ridiculous.

anyhow no i havent tried that. mainly cause i will get weird looks, i live at my college dorm.
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by Flutterz »

Wow, I can fully understand how and why he uses his feet to eat, wash etc. but using his arm stubs to play the piano? That's just boss.

But hasn't anybody at all tried anything of the sort out of curiosity? :/
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by PikKirby »

This video?

I have to say handling chopsticks is damm near impossible with your feet :/
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by ~Shultz »

Hehe, well I never tried that tbh. But I saw some video on youtube of someone playing guitar without arms

The name is /V/ice~
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by Gamera Ramen »

I might have to try eating with my feet some time, even though I don't feel I'm flexible enough.
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by Flutterz »

Gamera Ramen wrote:I might have to try eating with my feet some time, even though I don't feel I'm flexible enough.
It doesn't really need much flexibility as long as you do it like Rin does - supporting one leg with the other. :)
Speaking of which, I just noticed she eats with her left leg and paints with her right o-O I guess you learn something new every day.
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by themocaw »

I once had a pizza dinner, along with some other high school kids, with a young man of around 60 who had no arms.

After marvelling at watching him pick up and eat pepperoni pizza with his toes, he turned to his drink and asked us, "So normally I use a straw, but now that I don't have one, how would you handle this?"

Everyone made comments about using his toes to pick up the cup.

He grabbed the rim of the plastic cup in his teeth and took a sip.

Everyone applauded.

Later at home I tried that trick myself and got a faceful of water.
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by WorldlyWiseman »

It's not eating, but I can catch a dropped pickle jar on the toe of my boot before it hits the floor, and then bring it back up to my hands without bending over.

Working grocery teaches odd skills.
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Re: Unorthodox Eating Methods

Post by Flutterz »

I remember doing that cup-in-teeth thing once... had the exact same result as you.

Hehe... bending over... sorry, got distracted there. The few times that I've had situations with glass and me using my reflexes, my reflexes caused broken glass and blood and I would have been better off without them >_<
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