If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it?

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Choose the most severe physical disability that applies to you. Blank vote if none apply.

Hearing impairment (Moderate to severe in one or both ears)
Deafness (Profound in one ear)
Deafness (Profound in both ears)
Low vision (Correctable to 20/70-20/200)
Legal blindness (Not correctable to 20/200)
Blindness (Total in one eye)
Disabled/amputated arm or hand
Disabled/amputated leg or foot
Other (specify) (NOT including mental or milder physical disabilities)
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Wander »

^I'm curious. Are you able to enjoy listening to music with such a severe hearing deficiency? How well does the hearing aid work for that sort of thing?
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Mugendai »

Wander wrote:^I'm curious. Are you able to enjoy listening to music with such a severe hearing deficiency? How well does the hearing aid work for that sort of thing?
Mostly. I do enjoy music, but most of it tend to be instrumentals; I don't usually listen to music with vocals because I can't understand the vocals and never really enjoyed them because of that. Also, music that sound like they have several different instruments playing at once are hard to listen to as well, as the instruments tend to blur together and turn into a cacophonic mess of many different sounds for me. I get the impression people with normal hearing enjoy them better because they have stereo hearing, and so can pick apart the individual instruments much more easily. Katawa Shoujo's music is a good example of the kind that I enjoy.

The hearing aid usually works pretty well for music, and I always use it when listening to it. It's possible to avoid feedback (which happens if the hearing aid gets covered completely, like with a hand for example) if I'm listening to music with headphones, but it involves placing the left headphone speaker in a specific position over the microphone that doesn't completely cover the hearing aid.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Wander »

Thanks for the info. Music with complex production already suffers the most if I take one ear out of the play myself so it makes sense that arrangements with fewer instruments work better. Good thing the technology helps even though it isn't a case of getting a pair of glasses when it comes to hearing.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Metool »

I have mild but noticeable hearing loss due to listening to very loud music on headphones for many years, I thought it was just silly superstition
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Rin-Tezuka »

This is why I'm Rin, right? Being adept with your feet is quite the skill. Though itching is hard and emotions can get the better of you. I connected with Rin on another level being an artist myself stuck in this same condition. But taking on her nonchalant attitude has done wonders for me, finally I feel like I'm a part of something important. Although I wasn't born like this.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Bookworm »

Crohn's disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease; I had to undergo surgery twice to have parts of my intestines removed. As Rin in the game says, "something in your guts would be boringly ordinary"; I'm not sure about that, but since it can turn out to be quite uncomfortable at times, it's definitely 'less delicious'.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by ArazelEternal »

Im nearsighted. Without my glasses I can barely make out my computer screen which is only 2 feet from me. I think I am at 20/20 with them, or very nearly anyway. Also, due to having constant ear infections from birth to when I was 2, my sense of balance is virtually nill. I have to be careful about the way I move my head otherwise I could easily fall over. It is not uncommon for me to try and stand out of a chair and fall back into it, making me take 2 tries, sometimes 3 to stand right.

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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by ShadeHaven »

I'm not sure this counts as a disability so much as a discomforting feature, but due to immense acne as a child my chest and mainly my back have been riddled with dark spots from the past acne. My back literally almost looks similar to a leopard's. It's disheartening and embarrassing in situations that force me to take off my shirt in public. I've become less self conscious about it recently but it still has an affect on my social life. Swimming is just down right embarrassing. As a child, I actually swam with a t-shirt on. Even walking on the beach with no shirt on feels so awkward, as anyone could glance in my direction and notice the inconsistencies in my skin tone. The marks have lightened slightly with age, but they're still noticeable in plain sight. I guess it's something that may be eventually addressed with various acne medicines or bleaching creams. Again, not sure if this is considered a disability per say, but I still felt the need to share.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by yummines »

I can't read anything, even directly in front of my face without glasses. I don't think its as serious as to consider myself having a physical disability though. My family seems to have a history of bad eyesight as every photo I've seen of my dad's side has people wearing glasses, I've had glasses since I was 5, presumably from watching TV or reading too much.

When i was really young i did hit my head against a bedpost to where it left a scar on my forehead (my dad kept calling me harry potter). I'm not sure if its visible anymore though i wonder if it did any permanent damage. i hope not.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Camoufrage »

yummines wrote:I can't read anything, even directly in front of my face without glasses. I don't think its as serious as to consider myself having a physical disability though. My family seems to have a history of bad eyesight as every photo I've seen of my dad's side has people wearing glasses, I've had glasses since I was 5, presumably from watching TV or reading too much.

When i was really young i did hit my head against a bedpost to where it left a scar on my forehead (my dad kept calling me harry potter). I'm not sure if its visible anymore though i wonder if it did any permanent damage. i hope not.
I cant see very well either, but not blind by any means. But at this rate I may be headed toward legally blind :?

For now thought I can still use contacts and see fine
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by yummines »

Camoufrage wrote:
yummines wrote:I can't read anything, even directly in front of my face without glasses. I don't think its as serious as to consider myself having a physical disability though. My family seems to have a history of bad eyesight as every photo I've seen of my dad's side has people wearing glasses, I've had glasses since I was 5, presumably from watching TV or reading too much.

When i was really young i did hit my head against a bedpost to where it left a scar on my forehead (my dad kept calling me harry potter). I'm not sure if its visible anymore though i wonder if it did any permanent damage. i hope not.
I cant see very well either, but not blind by any means. But at this rate I may be headed toward legally blind :?

For now thought I can still use contacts and see fine
I'm slightly afraid of that happening. I play video games a lot, probably obsessively. Every time I go to the eye doctor i keep getting stronger and stronger prescriptions. My grandpa, before he passed away, was blind in one eye and half-blind in the other. My dad who had laser eye surgery still needs reading glasses. I hope that if i do become legally blind I could be as awesome as Kenji though. dat manly picnic.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Mirrormn »

Just thought I'd pop in to state that staring at TV and computer screens does not cause long-term vision degradation. According to this document by the American Optometric Association:
based on current evidence it is unlikely that the use of computers causes permanent changes or damage to the eyes or visual system
Staring at screens for a long time in one sitting can cause eye strain or computer vision syndrome, but those are only temporary.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Camoufrage »

Mirrormn wrote:Just thought I'd pop in to state that staring at TV and computer screens does not cause long-term vision degradation. According to this document by the American Optometric Association:
based on current evidence it is unlikely that the use of computers causes permanent changes or damage to the eyes or visual system
Staring at screens for a long time in one sitting can cause eye strain or computer vision syndrome, but those are only temporary.
Why do you always have such helpful info? WTF!? :lol:
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Mahorfeus »

Astigmatism and hypothyroid disease. Nothing major, but evidently I could attribute a lot of my unexplained stress and anxiety to the latter. I've worn glasses for all my life because I'm pretty much blind without them - I have to be within two inches to make out any detail. My prescription was pretty erratic for a time so I had to be tested for diabetes, but that all turned out negative. Which is good for me because frankly, I'd be dead if I couldn't satisfy my sweet tooth every so often.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by HarvestmanMan »

Technically it's not a physical impairment, but I do have a sensory eating disorder. I get teased a lot because I don't eat certain foods: fruits, vegetables, most meats, etc. I'll put it this way: if it doesn't feel good in my mouth, I'm not going to eat it.

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