Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako


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Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Stirfriedweasel »

label Hanasex1

"The alarm goes off and I whack at it until I hit the button and it is silenced."

"I flop back down on the bed, leaving myself mostly uncovered."

hi "Five more minutes and I'll get up."

"I fade into that hazy state where you are mostly asleep but can still tell what's going on around you."

"I have always sort of enjoyed this sensation, and lounging on my side I savor the feeling."

"Suddenly there is a soft knock on the door, but in my zen-like state I haven't got the presence of mind to get up and do something about it."

"There is a second knock, and a moment later, the door opens."

ha "Hi-hisao-san? Are you here?

"A small voice pipes from the doorway... oh, it's Hanako. Hi Hanako..."

ha "Hisao-san?"

"She finally looks in my direction. She's so cute..."

ha "Ah, Hisao-san, you're still slee-"

"Cutting herself off in mid-sentence, she blushes a dark shade of red, and her hands fly to her face as she gasps with surprise."

"Hmmmmm? What does she see...?"

"Hanako sits down in the chair across from my bed to avoid falling in her shock at whatever it is she sees. She puts her hands down in her lap, and leans forward slightly, peering with great interest at the surprising mystery object."

ha "It's... pretty... big..."


ha "Oh... my...."

ha "It looks... so good... hmmmm..."

"Her eyes still fixated on whatever it is, one of Hanako's hands begins to slowly rise from her lap toward her chest."

"What is she...?"

"She slowly places one hand on her breast, and absentmindedly is lightly caressing it. Her face flushes even a shade darker."

ha "Haahhhnnn..."

"She lets out a quiet, contented sigh and her eyes half close"

"As she murmurs to herself, she begins to reach on top of her skirt toward her groin."

ha "I wonder... what it would... feel like..."

"What what would feel like? And why are you touching your chest here?"


"Hang on."



"I sit bolt upright and take stock of what is going on faster than in any situation I have ever experienced."

"Hanako is in my room."

"She has one hand on her breast."

"The other is reaching for her nether region."

"As for me,"

"I have a raging morning wood and Hanako is staring at the tent of my shorts."

"Okay. Situation assessed. Time to react.

hi "Hanako!!! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"I throw my comforter over my lap to hide my soaring wang as I cry out in surprise."

#For some reason I find the term 'soaring wang' hilarious. I don't know why.

"Hanako's eyes fly open wide on her flushed face and she lets out a small yelp as she pulls her hands away in a panic. She almost falls out of the chair backwards with the speed of it."


hi "Ummm yeah, yeah I am."

ha "I um, I-I came to wake you up and um, you were sleeping so peacefully that I didn't want to- and then I had this itch here on my chest and I- I-"

hi "Were you... Were you doing what I think you were doing?"

ha "Ah w-what would that be?"

hi "Like you were um, doing um, 'personal' things.

ha "What? Tha-that's not it at all, I had this itch on my chest and since you were asleep I thought I could just itch it and you wouldn't notice and think it was weird since you were asleep but then you woke up at an unfortunate time and anyway shouldn't we get ready for school?"

"She answers in a rush, and urging me to hurry up and get ready takes a few hasty steps into the hallway and quickly shuts the door, saying she'll wait for me outside."


"Still a bit asleep and slightly confused, I consider what she said."

"Though I was much more awake than I had been a minute before my revelation, but I was still pretty foggy at that point. Could I have been half dreaming? Was my perception correct?"

"After a moment of pondering I decide not to think about it and accept Hanako's explanation. Even if she wasn't totally truthful, it wouldn't do to press her about it. I'll just act like nothing happened."

"I step out into the hallway, where Hanako has been waiting. She seems to have collected herself, but still acts a little stiffly."

ha "So, ah, shall we go?"

hi "Uh yeah, let's."

"Together we walk to school in an awkward silence."


"All morning she was the same. I would try to talk to her at break times and she would blush and stutter an apology and rush out of the room."

"At lunch she seemed distracted as well, alternating between staring at me and blushing and staring down at her food."

"Even Lilly noticed, asking Hanako if she was sick or needed to lie down, which Hanako forcefully denied."

"Finally I got tired of it, and after our last class cornered her at her desk."

hi "Hanako, what's with you today? You're acting so oddly."

ha "Uhmm..."

hi "Is it about..."

"I blush"

hi "Is it about this morning?"

ha "..."

"Hanako says nothing, her face reddening, but she seems to be more lost in thought than she is embarrassed."

hi "Hanako?"

"She suddenly looks up, like she arrived at some decision. She grabs my hand and begins pulling me out the door."

ha "Hi-hisao, come with me."

"Her sudden strength surprises me and I can't resist as she drags me along."

hi "Waaah! Hanako, where are we going?"

"Hanako refuses to answer and instead drags me along behind her through the crowd of surprised students who protest as we bump into them and step on toes."

hi "Oops!

hi "Sorry, sorry!"

hi "Excuse us!"

"I futilely apologize to offended classmates."

"I finally realize where we are going when she begins leading me up the stairs toward the roof. We burst out the door, and I am momentarily dazzled by the sudden sunlight."

"Hanako has let go of my hand, and is standing near the fence and gazing over the countryside toward the setting sun."

"Finally, she turns to face me, standing up straight and looking directly at me for the first time I can remember."

"She begin, hesitantly."

ha "Hisao... what do you think of me?"

hi "Haaaahh?"

hi "What is this all of a sudden?"

"Her cheeks have reddened slightly, giving her cheeks a glow accentuated by the setting sun."

ha "Do you ever have... feelings for me...?

ha "Do you... do you ever think about me... that way?

hi "Ha-Hanako, what do you mean?"

"Hanako blushes a few shades darker, but holds her gaze on me, looking straight into my face."

ha "Y-you know... THAT way. The way I've been thinking about you... "

hi "H-huh? Thinking what about me?"

"I have never seen Hanako act anything like this, and to tell the truth it's getting me a little excited. The bulge in my pants is giving me up on that issue."

"A a shy smile forms on her lips, but there is a teasing spark in her eye.

ha "Hi-hisao, do- do you... touch yourself? At night?"

"She is walking toward me now, slowly, with determination, "

"Do you think... about me while you... d-do that?"

"Now it's my turn to turn a few shades darker, my cheeks burning in embarrassment as she hits the nail on the head.

hi "I- I- I uhmmmm..."

"i cannot form a coherent thought, let alone a coherent sentence, nor can I take my eyes off of her."

"Still approaching, Hanako reaches down to the hem of her skirt and begins lifting it slowly, seductively. I can begin to see a bit of her creamy white thigh."

ha "Be-because, Hisao I- I think about you... at night... and sometimes... l-like today... even at school."

"As she gets closer, she lifts her skirt a little more. I can see her panties totally now, the bright pattern tempting against her porcelain skin. The front is dark in a circle from the crotch all the way to the elastic. She is soaking wet."

hi "Hanako..."

"She smiles as she replies. Her eyes narrowing, she swallows hard."

ha "Look, t-this is what happens... when I... when I think of you, when I imagine you and I doing- doing things alone together."

ha "B-but. I...

ha "I..."

"Her head then snaps up, and I see that her eyes are full of tears, tears of fear and desire and pent up urges. She finally cries out, dropping the hem of her skirt, and clenching her hands at her sides."

ha "I don't want to just imagine anymore! I can't take it anymore! I just can't!"

"Suddenly she jumps at me, arms outstretched, and I find myself on my back on the ground, the weight of Hanako's soft body on top of me, her cushy breasts squashing against my chest."

"I can smell the scent of... girl, a mixture of shampoo and soap and that smell that only females have, and it begins to intoxicate me."

Hanako's face hovers above me, a mixed expression of desire and fear on her eyes and lips."

ha "Hisao, I- I can't help myself anymore. P-please forgive me."

hi "Hana-mmmph!"

"My attempt to protest is cut off as she covers my mouth with hers, her tongue slipping between my parted lips and intertwining with mine."

"I stiffen in surprise, trying to resist, but I am thwarted by my body and mind's reaction to the combined effect of her kiss, the softness of her body on mine, and her feminine scent."

"My futile resistance ends and my body relaxes, letting what what will happen happen."

ha "Hmmm.... mmmm... mmmph..."

"After a kiss that seems to last an eternity, Hanako's lips finally release me. The odd, sweet, and not at all unpleasant taste of her remains on my lips."

hi "Hanako... wh-what are you...?

ha "I have to. I HAVE to! If I don't I - I don't know what I'll do."

"As she says this she sits up, straddling me, and undoes the buttons of my shirt. Then, running her smooth, slightly cool hands down my chest, she begins unhooking my belt above the now prominent bulge in my pants."

"Seeing that, Hanako smiles with a hungry look in her eyes."

ha "Just like this morning... Hisao, y-you were having n-naughty dreams last night."

"That breaks me out of my stupor for a moment."

hi "You did see me this morning when you came to wake me up!"

"I try to sit up to confront her on that issue, but she somewhat forcefully pushes me right back down."

ha "Mmmhmmm, I did see that, and that's when I realized I needed this so badly. You made me like this, Hisao."

"I realize she now has my pants and shorts halfway down my thighs, and my rod is sticking up straight and hard as a post. Hanako's eyes glow and her cheeks redden further at the sight of it."

ha "Haaaahhh... this is..."

"Sitting back on her knees, she takes my erect pole in her hand and begins to stroke up and down. The smooth sliding sensation up and down my shaft makes me shudder in pleasure."

hi "Hah, Hanako that feels... ahh... amazing."

"She doesn't reply but begins to speed up her strokes, varying the pressure and stimulating me to greater pleasure. It takes my breath away."

"Hanako's free hand has unzipped the front of her uniform and is now caressing her breasts over her brightly colored bra that matches her previously soaked panties."

ha "Ahh.. haahh... haahh..."

"Gazing at my face, she smiles seeing my expressions of intense pleasure."

ha "You feel good, don't you Hisao? Well, lets feel good together then."

"She scoots herself forward, and positioning herself over my member, she lowers herself, pressing it against my stomach and against her panties and her flower underneath. Then, she begins to grind back and forth against me."

"The slippery yet slightly rough feel of the thin cloth soaked in her liquids sliding back and forth along my dick is incredible. I begin to feel myself building toward the inevitable."

hi "Ha-hanako, t-this is incredible! Huhnnn, ahhh!"

ha "Huaaah... hahhh... oh- oh god..."

"She's almost overcome with pleasure herself, as she grinds harder, sending us both higher and higher toward climax."

"Hanako has pushed down her bra, and her round, perfectly proportioned breasts spill out. She has one hand on each of her tits and is groping them so strongly they deform and jiggle on her chest."

hi "Ahhh... Hana- hanako, I- I'm gonna... I think I'm gonna-"

"Between gasps of pleasure, Hanako manages to get out a reply."

ha "-gasp- M-me too~! I'm gonna c- -hahh- gonna come!"

"Her speed and pressure increase even more, and she mashes her breasts even more strongly. I am almost at my limit."

"Hanako cries out shrilly."

ha "Hisao! I'm coming! I'm gonna -gasp- come! Hah, hah- huaaaaaaaaaaah!"

"Hanako's whole body tenses and she arches her back, holding her breasts. As she comes, I feel a warm gush on my dick as she releases her juices from her pussy."

"The warm, runny sensation of her flower's nectar soaking through her panties is what pushes me over the edge."

hi "Hanako~! HANAKO~!"

"I exclaim her name over and over as I reach the height of pleasure, and I feel a great rush through me as I explode. My hot sticky goo shoots out onto my stomach and all over Hanako's legs and panties."

ha "Ahh... hahhh... it's all hot and sticky..."

"The viscous white liquid dribbles down the crotch of her panties, staining them further."

"Hanako is leaning forward, supporting herself with her hands on my chest. I can't do anything except lie back and gasp for breath as I recover."

hi "Hanako, that was... that was amazing. I've never felt... -gasp- something that good in my life."

"Hanako gazes into my face, her cheeks glowing in the aftermath of her intense orgasm."

ha "Haaaah... well... hahhh... I'm going to... hahhn... give you something -gasp- even better."

ha "But first... hah... we have to clean you up a bit."

hi "Huh?"

"Hanako has slid down my front, and is now gazing on the spunk pooled on my stomach."

ha "I want to try your... stuff..."

hi "M-my stuff? But- ha hah ha! That tickles!"

"I am interrupted by a light slippery sensation across my stomach. I look down to see Hanako tentatively licking at the semen all over me."

ha "It tastes kind of weird... but... not bad..."

"The sensation intensifies as she begins to lick up the white stuff in earnest, running her tongue all over my front, swallowing every last drop."

hi "Hanako, y-you don't have to do that you know..."

ha "Hmmm... it was actually quite tasty..."

"She flashes a mischievous smile."

ha "Besides, you seemed to like it."

"With that, she begins licking me again, this time going slowly and sensually, the slippery sensation running up and down my stomach and up onto my chest."

"I put my hands on her shoulders and moan. The sensation is heavenly."

hi "Ohhhhh... Hanako... That's amazing."

"She's moved up to my neck, kissing and sucking and running her tongue in what turns out to be a very sensitive spot for me."

"Arching my neck back, I gasp slightly and sigh as I wrap my arms tightly around Hanako, one hand pawing her back, the other grabbing her beautiful round butt."

"I had never really noticed but Hanako really has some hot curves down there. I guess it was always hidden by those large fitting clothes she wears to hide her scars."

hi "Hanako... did you know you had a really nice ass?"

I slide my other hand to her soft cushy rear and give both sides a squeeze."

"Hanako yelps as her bountiful yet firm flesh gives way to my fingers, and an embarrassed blush spreads on her face."

ha "Hee hee... Getting a little grabby?"

"Not even letting me respond, she kisses me again, not quite as forcefully as the first time, but still strong that I couldn't resist if I wanted to."

hi "Hmm... mmmm... mph...."

ha " Mph... mmmmh... hmmmm.... hahh..."

"Our lips part, and Hanako finally releases me from her embrace."

"Looking into my eyes, that mischievous light there again, she whispers to me."

ha "Now for that even better feeling I promised."

"She stands, her knees quivering a bit, and undoes her skirt zipper and drops it to the ground."

"The sight of Hanako wearing nothing but her uniform top and soiled panties is enough to start me getting harder than I already am after her tongue treatment. It's like a scene from one of the H-manga I keep stashed in the back of my sock drawer."

"Looking at me with a sexy smile, she slips her panties down around her ankles and steps out of them, and instantly drops back down on top of me."

ha "I-it's already this hard again...!"

"She says this incredulously as she takes my now slick staff in her hands again."

"The stimulation causes pleasure to surge through me and I stiffen further."

"Hanako closes her eyes and whispers, half to herself."

ha "I think it's ready."

"With that, she rises slightly on her knees, aims my rock hard flesh, and lowers herself over my cock."

ha "Haaaannnnh!"

"A small cry escapes Hanako's lips I slide easily inside her already lubed hole, all the way to the base."

"The sensation is mind boggling. The slippery sides of her vagina contract around me so strongly I think I might come right now.

hi "Hanako! You- You were right, this is even better than- ahhh! What you did before!"

"But Hanako isn't listening at all, she is already grinding against me with such force that I'm afraid my precious tackle will break off."

hi "Ha-hanako! Slow down! Hah- hah!"

ha" Ahn... No... no! It's Ahn! Too good! I can't stop!"

"My protest's do no good, and she fucks me harder."

ha "Hi- Hisao! Harder, do it harder!"

I begin to buck my hips in rhythm with her, burying my rod in her to the hilt over and over. Slippery noises begin to emanate from where we are connected."

"Her fleshy walls cling to me, stimulating every inch of my penis from tip to base as she moves up and down the shaft, never letting up."

"I think it might drive me insane before I can even come."

ha "Ahhh... Ahhh... haaaa... un un un un... Hisao...! Your cock... It's soo good! I can feel it all the way inside me!"

"Her movements have gotten so strong that it's actually starting to hurt me. It isn't that bad, but I'd rather she ease up a little."

hi "Hanako! P-please, more gently! Y-you're hurting me!"

"Her face is beet red and she is gasping. One hand is tweaking her nipple so strongly I'm afraid she might tear it off and with the other she is rubbing her clit in a wild circular motion."

ha "Can't stop myself... hahn... Just... a little -gasp- more..."

"I grab her wide hips in an effort to slow her down or at least ride with her, but it only helps a little."

"Despite the ache in my nether region, I am fast approaching orgasm again. Hanako is as well, judging by the crescendo of her cries with every thrust of her hips. "

ha "Hi-hisao! I'm gonna come again! Haaahhhn! You have to hold on a minute more!"

hi "Hanako! I can't pull out like this!"

ha "I -gasp- I don't care! Come inside me! Let me feel your hot stuff inside me!"

hi "I uhnng... I can't do that!"

ha "I don't care! I'm coming! I'm commiiiing~!

"She arches her back and stiffens again, even more strongly than the first time. At the same time I feel her insides constrict around my member, so tight I don't think I could pull out if I wanted to."

"The sensation finally sends me over the top again as well, and I groan as I fire my load deep into Hanako's snatch."

"Hanako collapses on top of me with the intensity of her climax, and moans softly into my ear."

ha "Ohhh... ohhh... it's so warm... I can feel it shooting into me... hahhh..."

"I release the last of my seed into her, and all energy instantly leaves me."

"We lay there for what seems a long time, but really was only a few minutes."

"Suddenly, Hanako jumps up, and looks around at the scene we've made, our juices in little puddles on the rooftop, her dirtied underwear and skirt cast about, my pants around my ankles."

"She quickly grabs her skirt and hurriedly puts it back on without her panties."

"She blushes deep crimson and begins to stutter again, her command and domination gone, returning to shy skittish Hanako."

ha "W-w-we've made a-a mess... and m-my underwear is ru-ruined..."

"She gazes on me and begins to apologize frantically."

ha "Hisao! I-I'm so sorry so sorry oh my oh my I'm sorry are you okay I didn't mean to hurt you oh my god I'm so sorry!"

"By now I have my pants back on properly."

"I assure her I am perfectly fine."

hi "N-no I'm fine, nothing hurt's now..."

"Her face shows extreme relief and she heaves a sigh, which quickly gives way to another round of apologies."

ha "Sorry... Sorry! I-I couldn't help myself..."

"Tears are beginning to run down her cheeks, leaving shining trails behind them."

ha "You probably think I'm a-awful, that I'm some kind of p-pervert..."

"Her shoulders shake as she begins to cry, and to see her like this I can't help but take her shoulders and comfort her."

hi "No, I don't think that at all. I'm a bit surprised, and actually proud in a way. You really came out of your shell doing that. Not to mention that it was... That it..."

"My stumbling words and reddening face said all the rest."

"Hanako's tear stained face looks up at me, wide eyed."

ha "R-really?

hi "Yeah... really..."

"Hanako, for the first time I have ever seen, smiles. I real, honest to goodness smile of happiness."

ha "Hisao..."

"She throwing her arms around me, she presses her face into my chest. Slowly, I put my arms around her shoulders."

"We stay that way for a long time..."

"And I don't want to ever let go..."

(moved from inner writing forum to here -Aura)
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Stirfriedweasel »

Writer's Notes:

This is my first H-scene I have written, took the better part of a week due to real life and tired, but I think it came out pretty well. Interestingly I wrote most of it at the public library while listening to classic songs from Sesame Street. I am a sick sick individual.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Envy »

Needs more anal.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Kagami »

Damn, not bad.. not bad at all. It beats the crap out of any sex Nasu ever wrote, that's for sure.

I have three comments to offer:

1. "Soaring wang" sounds painfully corny.

2. Does Hisao stutter this much? I mean, yeah, it's unexpected and all, but it sounds like Generic Male Anime Lead speech, and I hate thinking of him as looking like, say, Keitaro.

3. Needs more mollusks.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Silentcook »

Awww kyooot. My only complaint would be that Hanako moves in for the kill sort of quick... well okay, at the speed of LIGHT. If this is meant as a 'final development', as I suspect, it works out though.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Cain »

"The sight of Hanako wearing nothing but her uniform top and soiled panties is enough to start me getting harder than I already am after her tongue treatment. It's like a scene from one of the H-manga I keep stashed in the back of my sock drawer."


but yes, 'twas a good scene methinks. if sesame street gave you inspiration, maybe we should force all the writers to listen to it.. lol
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by BcDed »

Kinda long didn't read it all.
More importantly I think Hanako showed interest in a too aggressive way, yes she stuttered but to go over and just be like hey nice cock is not her.

She would likely hint at having sex in a very timid and shy way. She would probably be to afraid of rejection to actually come out and say it but hint at it in such a subtle way you can barely tell what she's getting at.
That's just my view however but it's obvious that we don't have the same things don't appeal to us.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by WASSHOI »

I found it hard to emerge myself into this. The characters from both sides seemed to be switching from in character to out character a lot of times. It felt really strange. If I tried to picture the scene on my mind, I basically had this image of Hanako possessed by something. Having red eyes or some aura coming from her. Meanwhile Hisao seemed to be more nervous than Hanako. Though, I kinda wouldn't blame him, Hanako was possessed after all.
BcDed wrote:Kinda long didn't read it all.
More importantly I think Hanako showed interest in a too aggressive way, yes she stuttered but to go over and just be like hey nice cock is not her.

She would likely hint at having sex in a very timid and shy way. She would probably be to afraid of rejection to actually come out and say it but hint at it in such a subtle way you can barely tell what she's getting at.
That's just my view however but it's obvious that we don't have the same things don't appeal to us.
I actually don't think she'd try to bring up sex at all. She seems like she'd be much too timid to bring something like that up, though if she does it'd just be a slip of the tongue. That is to say, she'd probably be too nervous to actually kiss Hisao, let alone bring up the topic of sex. At least, that's how I'd think it anyway.

Also - Soaring Wangs.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Fidelas »

WASSHOI wrote:Also - Soaring Wangs.
This board is quickly becoming a repository for all the metaphors and adjectives that can be used to describe a penis.

Like battering rams and soaring wangs.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by No0en »

heheheheh :lol:

nice one
very unlikely, but still very cool
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Pato2747 »

"Hanako is in my room."

"She has one hand on her breast."

"The other is reaching for her nether region."

"As for me,"

"I have a raging morning wood and Hanako is staring at the tent of my shorts."

"Okay. Situation assessed. Time to react."
In this part I lol'd like a motherfucker. But in general lines this this is nice.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by WASSHOI »

Fidelas wrote:
WASSHOI wrote:Also - Soaring Wangs.
This board is quickly becoming a repository for all the metaphors and adjectives that can be used to describe a penis.

Like battering rams and soaring wangs.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Fidelas »

WASSHOI wrote:
Fidelas wrote:
WASSHOI wrote:Also - Soaring Wangs.
This board is quickly becoming a repository for all the metaphors and adjectives that can be used to describe a penis.

Like battering rams and soaring wangs.

Just... fricken saved.
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by Arrhythmia »

I see you put the libido idea into action....
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Re: Hanakosex1 - A Different Face of Hanako

Post by EmP|ty »

Oh man..that picture is just too funny...saved motherfucker, saved.

Story wasn't too bad I suppose.
Better than a lot of h-scenes (mollusks anyone?) I've read...
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