Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by ShadeHaven »

Alexbond45 wrote:Our Percussion has to play through the third quarter in Home Games (the rest quarter)
My Band Director hates people that lag behind and pull us back.

But back on topic,
The post truly was inspiring, Life is tough (Life is Tougher when your stupid, says my Director, Which connects to a saying, which Is kinda long, Ill put it at the bottom of the Post)
Anyway, It is hard to get through the crap that is thrown at you, luckily, we seem to be pushing each other up, right?

Anyway, As promised, the quote:
"There are Two Kinds of People, Those who are Ignorant, and Those who are Stupid, Ignorant People will do something wrong and don't know Its wrong, Stupid People will do it wrong, and know it's wrong, don't be stupid"-B. Deese (Band Director)
Ah, I remember we'd have to play during our third quarter if for whatever reason we took too long warming up, or got on the director's nerves in some other way. The percussion were always considered the slackers, even though out of the entire band we had the most diligence when it came to practicing. I didn't mind either way. I loved playing my snare, it was like an escape for me, similar to what running is to Emi.
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by gRaViJa »

Wow, I changed so much during the last 3 months.

Three months ago I didn't care about my future, I didn't want to meet new people much and I didn't enjoy life and now... I am making important decisions that will affect my life for good.

First of all i am now fulfilling in the applications for my extra postgraduate degree. It's not easy, because only about 40 people can join in and they probably get 100+ applications. I'm hoping I'll be able to get in because i really set my mind on this. E-marketing is an interesting business i certainly want to get into someday. I already "survived" 2 rounds of tests etc. Last one is a submission interview, just like a job interview. If I do that well, I'm in! The degree only takes one year to get, but it'll be in a new town, the capitol city of my country and i'll be surrounded by new people and new chances. Kind of has a Yamaku-feeling to it, doesn't it? :)

Though i also feel depressed about stuff too easily. Thinking about my future also made me think about my past. I'll probably never be able to experience a teenage love anymore without dreads or anything, like i did with... her. I still get sad for just a few minutes whenever I think about her, and that's still many times a day. I also feel bad sometimes because i let so many chances slip between my fingers during the last 4/5 years. I always planned to go on big journeys together with my brothers and some friends, but during the last years i just ignored the whole idea. Now i realized, that 5-week journey through Russia I took on when I was just 17 was one hell of an experience and I want more of that. But if i didn't change my view on my life these days, i'd probably start working on a boring 40-hour job soon and forget about the whole idea, like i've been forgetting about my freakin' life during the last years.

Now I decided that I won't go that way. After that extra year of study, i'm going to live with my friends in the biggest student/university city of my country for a few years. It's really great to live there when you're young and i missed out on that typical student-life. My friend will all be there for at least 2 more years, so i'll be able to live the student-life for at least one year too and it's gonna be awesome (you know, 1 year of extra study, then i'll go work and live with my friends). Of course i'll need money to cover my expenses. So I will work part-time and keep designing websites from time to time as well, I already earn 100-200 dollars/euros monthly with that stuff. So those 2 combined i'll earn enough money to pay my rent + food and plan a big trip during the summer of 2013 AND still have enough free time to enjoy life together with my friends and away from home and my parents (time to get more independent in life for me). I was with my friends in that city for 2 days earlier this way and i just like everything about it: the people, the atmosphere, and the countless number of cool activities all around the city.

I also hooked up with my 2 best friends from high school again (they also knew my girlfriend back then) and we really bonded again. One ended up being my running partner now (and she's damn good at it :p) and the other one is also considering to join us and we might start jamming again like we did in high school (he's a good singer, but i absolutely suck at guitar lol). Maybe we'll all 3 even join a sports club as well soon.

In the period of march 10th and march 25th i went to the local youth cafe/concert hall a few times to help. After the running plan it seemed part 2 of my plan started and i was happy about that. I remember being extremely nervous the first time, because i had to expose again to the outside world in a way i haven't done for years (not that i locked myself up or something, but i never did stuff like this or met new people all by myself. I preferred taking the safe route with everything i did). I had to chug a few whiskeys before i could gather enough courage to even go there... First time went pretty well. i was pretty talkative because of the booze and the others didn't notice me being slightly drunk (win!). The next few times i started to realise that they are a close group of friends over there and it isn't very easy to find a place in between them very fast. I mean, they're very friendly, and i had some nice conversations but it'll take time to really be part of their team.

They are also highly nervous now because they missed the deadline of refreshing the café's interior and so missing government financial help now. Ahh, i'll go and help once in a while and see how it develops. I've only met the "core" of the team while they were all pretty stressed out. Maybe some other's in the team suit me better and after this stress is over i'm sure the core team will open up too. But I can't help feeling a bit bad. Because I can imagine that at some point my past catches up with me. Me and Susane (that is you know-who's name) kind of have a history at that youth café/concert hall... Maybe i'll write about it later.

lastly, I took up blogging because i know it's not very appropriate to keep reviving this thread. I'll be sure to post the blog url here soon and let the thread slip away in the vast sea of other threads here. But I want to contribute to the KS-community at the same time because you all have been really helpful to me :)
Last edited by gRaViJa on Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by Alexbond45 »

The 100 Push-up Challenge seems interesting, I need to take up both Challenges for future athletic activities (*Cough*BAND*Cough).
I will read this blog, so post a link soon!
B.Deese wrote:There are two types of people, those who are ignorant, and those who are stupid, ignorant people do it wrong and don't know it's wrong, stupid people do it wrong and know it's wrong. Don't be Stupid!
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by gRaViJa »

Cool, my father agreed that i may go to university next year (for a one year postgraduate degree) but i'll have to pay half of my expenses. Considering university is so expensive, i'll have to work a lot this summer. But all in all i'm happy that i can go study one more year! Yep, this is still the result of playing KS and start thinking about my own life :p New city, new people... Looking forward to it!

(Since this good news i decided to blog about my future doings so, i'll post my blog url soon)
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by Titus »

I was never into love stories and only thought about sex when it came to looking for a girlfriend.

Katawa Shoujo may be a short love story but in my opinion it's incredible in what it did in so little time. Now all I think about when dating is if she's the "one" and when ever I put my arm around her it's less towards sexual thoughts and more because I like her. Now all I want to do is fall in love because it seems to be the most incredible feeling in the entire world :?
What if life had a soundtrack similar to Katawa Shoujo's ?
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by Alexbond45 »

Well It's a good thing my Morals have always been a bit away from sex, and KS Simply strengthened that Position.
B.Deese wrote:There are two types of people, those who are ignorant, and those who are stupid, ignorant people do it wrong and don't know it's wrong, stupid people do it wrong and know it's wrong. Don't be Stupid!
Marching Band starts back up soon. HOO-AH!
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by Melkboy »

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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by OtakuNinja »

The most obvious change is the fact that I transferred to a new school and found a goal in life. :)
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by Nyzer »

Quiet like Emi.
Quiet like Emi.
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by Jawaberztoc »

This actually made me have extreme amounts of feels.

I appreciate you sharing all of this and I wish you the best of luck in your future.
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by HelpingHans »

Inspiration story, I am glad KS had a positive impact for you. I know it did for me =].

Although this thread was 5 or so months ago I must be not the only one wondering how things are going for you now...
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by gRaViJa »

Melkboy wrote:Quiet like Emi.
Quiet like Emi.
Forgive me for making a grammatical error while writing my story i hardly ever told to someone before, in my third language!

Anyway thanks everyone for the kind words... I'm doing pretty good the last couple of months. Except for the last few days, i felt a bit down. But everyone feels a bit... less good once in a while, so I'm not complaining at all.

I'm carrying out the plans i made as good as possible. I finished an internship, gonna start studying 1 year in a new university/new city in 2 weeks (excited!) and I made plans to go live together with 2 friends starting next summer (when university ends). I've also started doing some freelance web design/marketing work, something I'd like to do professionally someday. I'm finally working on my future instead of looking over my shoulder to my past all the time. Though i must say i stopped visiting.helping in the local youth club/concert hall again. Didn't have much time because of the internship, but I'll do my best to go there again soon.

Since I wrote this post a few months ago, i started to like writing. About my past, or just stories i imagine. I already started up a blog, but i want to give it some kind of purpose or format before sharing it.

Just a few days ago, I met a girl. I avoided meeting girls in a while, but i must say that I immediately liked her (just like, love is a huge step for me that still feels nearly impossible to take). Just a few months ago, I would've ignored her all to soon, because i couldn't... Well i just couldn't. But now i feel better and liberated, so I decided to, well, just not ignore her and see how it will go from here. But at the same time i still feel a bit scared that I'll spoil everything if i would ever start feeling something for her and push her away.

All in all: I'm doing better than I did in a long time. Thanks KS and KS community.
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by gRaViJa »

I realized that today is 2 years since I completed Emi's route and started thinking about my own life. I feel like I should write one last post to give this thread (which I hold dearly) a suited ending. I'll be sure to write it all down one of the next days. All I can say is that it's a happy ending :)
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by Denabu »

gRaViJa wrote:I realized that today is 2 years since I completed Emi's route and started thinking about my own life. I feel like I should write one last post to give this thread (which I hold dearly) a suited ending. I'll be sure to write it all down one of the next days. All I can say is that it's a happy ending :)
Glad to hear it, can't wait to read your last post.
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Re: Did KS change my life? Yes, a little. And here's why.

Post by gRaViJa »

Sorry this took so long, but now I feel is the time i have to post. Looking back at my previous post, it was the day me and her got together. Let me tell you about her.

I met her on a train back home from a festival somewhere in september/october. Like I said before, thanks to KS i changed my life and connected with old friends and met new people. That day I went to a festival where Enter Shikari played, my favourite band. Being a hot day and having spend most of my day in a moshpit, I can imagine I didn't look my finest. All my friends had to go to another city after the show, so I had to take a train home alone. Normally I would put on headphones and stare outside the window, but I had a feeling. I had to... Search for something on that train? So I started to walk through the coaches.

Just as i started to think what the hell I was actually doing, I bumped into a girl. I excused myself, but she asked if I went to the Enter Shikari gig too. Pointing at her band shirt, I realized she went as well. We immediatly had 1000 things to talk about and the hour long train ride was over before I realized. I knew I had to see this girl again. I felt again, for the first time in years. She seemed so interesting in any possible way. And I immeditaly thought she was beatifull. Not just (but also) physically good looking.

She was half asian/european. She lived in Asia, Tanzania, Europe... And saw the world. She was going for a PhD and was an incredible drawing artist. We shared the same taste in music, movies, books... I gave up on people, and life. And in that one train ride everything trully changed.

I needed time. The reason is in my previous posts. I learned she needed time too. We both have a history of pain behind us. But we both knew we could heal each other. We talked, then we laughed, then we hugged, then we held hands, then we kissed. Now I can't imagine my life without her anymore. We are now together for 2,5 months and nothing is the same. Finally I shed of the burden of my past, and I swear she is the only person in the world who was able to do that. I wasn't able to love anymore, but I was able to find my soulmate, and she crossed half the globe to find me.

We still talk about that trainride now. She said she had the same feeling she had to look for something on that train and started to just walk. We could have lived in a different country, go to a different festival (she said she forgot to buy a ticket but her brother gave her his ticket so she could still go), taken a different train, sit in a different wagon, looked in a different direction, decided to not talk to eachother. But we didn't. What are the odds? I smile everytime i think about that. I finally smile again.

Two years ago, I felt dead inside. Like many others who wrote about their problems on this forum after playing KS, I needed to change my life in order to find love. I did, and so can all of you. I need to you to stand up, work out like Emi, follow your passion like Rin... Take life in your own hands and good thing will follow.

2 years after I didn't had a goal in my life, I now excercise, follow my passions (I write and I started to play drums), I started my own little company with two friends which is going great, reconnected with my old friends and I moved out to the greatest place I could wish for. But all of that means nothing compared to that fact that I met her. I'm thankfull to the universe, to KS and to my own refusal to give up on life that i met her. The love of my life.
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