If you could bully Hanako in the game...

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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by kuniqs »

Paddy wrote:All this said, these are more-or-less hypothetical situations, which we'd never, ever carry out in real life. Right?
*shoulder bumps Kuniqs*

Right? :evil:

Truthfully, though, Emi is one of my favourite. And while I didn't like her story much, Hanako's pretty cute, too.

We're just doing this to stretch our imaginations, for laughs, and for some plain old catharsis. We would not really do this to anyone.

Right, Kuniqs? :evil:

Since you jumped the wagon, you should know the best that I wouldn't do this in reality. Anyway, it was a pleasure to taint your soul, Paddy. You were the last person I through would join me in my crusade.
In fact, I written about it in some other posts. I have frequent periods of insomnia and spend 10 hours a day reading such entertaining 'posts' like "error C2065: 'fubar' : undeclared identifier" - really weird things cross my mind during then.

About Hanako.. I heard Chuck Norris tears cure cancer. Why not blow him, then rub his cum in her burn scars to see what happens?

To moderators: I apologize I corrupted this thread beyond recognition (cue Pablo Francisko voice), If you need to annihilate this monstrosity then I ask you to move last few pages to a topic named "If you could mess with life of Katawa Shoujo characters.." or something.

Here's first part of a fanficesque chapter. I finally stumbled upon idea that suits her.

- You again.

That was neither a statement, a question, or suggestion to get the hell out of here. Just words uttered by somebody who has nothing better to do at the moment.
An unproportionally tall, hunched over man in bunny fur pyjamas and ears, wild medium length hair and forever ugly grin closed the door. He slouched to take his seat, cracking his joints in the process.

- That hurt. And restricted bloodflow. You want them to swell and amputate them?
- No. I gave you time to think about your life. Does that suit suits?
- It doesn't stink that much of lack of my sweat like the ordinary ones.
- Good. Orrrr is it?

Doctor walked around patient's couch, humming silently. She stopped, then runned her foot through patient's hair.

- Feeling better? No fever today?
- Of course. I'm confident I would be an useful member of society once I'll be free.
- How delightful. You're here for life, no matter to what you'll convince me to. Orders from the heavens, you know.
- Didn't you ended in this wonderful facility precisely because you used unconventional methods of healing?
- This loquaciossity only makes you fell like a smart man. Ironic, isn't it?

Doctor stopped, then throw her gaze at the ceiling.

- You know how I got these scars? - he said after a longer moment, showing his teeth. Dents between them made his psycho smile laughable at best.
- This joke had grown a beard five years ago. Interesting, everybody I counsel tries it one time or another. Tell me about your dream last night.
- I don't dream. In fact, I can't sleep at all.
- And what will you dream about today?
- I will dream about onyx castle in a mountain retreat. It looked like it was moulded from living rock rather than built. You walked into through a tight passage and then out of sudden, a lake with that building attached to the wall. So I explore, it's deserted, dust covers everything. It had much much more floors that it seemed from the outside. At the top, I find a cozy passage with torches which leads to an unused even for an abandoned place storeroom with some furniture and coloured glass window on the wall. Excellent for a book worm. So I go back and out of sudden Henry VIII crosses my way, two times taller than me and even more broader.
We don't exchange a word, only look in each other's eyes. Then he produces a morgenstern out of his pants and this spit leaking out of his mouth on the floor. I am sure he sees me as a dinner, not suprised since there was nothing to eat for a long time!

Bunny ears lawyer darts from his couch and walks in circles around the room, dramatically gesturing in the air.

- I back up, slowly at first, turn my feet and run like a madman later. I jump through the window and end in the lake, you see? It was perfectly clare, so much that I saw ammo clips and flares at the bottom. I grab them and get out and there, Emi Ibarazaki with legs tends a rye pool not giving me a single glare. I have a feeling that fat bastard is still at me so I shout "Run to the hills!" to her. She shrugs and doesn't give me a stump.

Psychiatrist curses at another tic tac toe match she lost against herself.

- Then I see him - along with a gatling gun strapped to his arm. He chases me along with his bullets as I run to that tight pass and in the rock wall I see a crack that wasn't there before, I'm sure I remember. There were very wide stairs and I piss my pants from fear and.. Why are you playing without me?
- It's an excerscise prescribed to me by my counselor. It helps me to calm down and gather my throughs.

Bunny man hops around the room some more, stopping at doctor's personal art gallery.

- You painted that?
- A-ha. You remembered that you like art? ..you like music?
- It's a real piece of shit.
- ..oh, tell me what you really think.
- Hm, an impressionistic mishmash with a model in the composition. The scenario is great but a scene where he flushes all his existential angst to the toilet and begins a whole new life, go for his girlfriend and all was too much bullshit for me. Robin Williams had arms like a gorilla at least.
- This film is even older than 5 years old.
- When I'll be 20 years older, I'll listen to 20 year old oldboys talking about how classy movies were in the 00-ties, then piss on them from the balcony. Sorry about being honest with you.
- It's not your fault. I painted that during my school days and left it here to remind me how much time passed between my abilities.

He loses his energy for a moment, lost in through. He thinks a bit more and concludes that banging his head on the wall is what would be good for him. She stealthily presses a button.

- Dude, stay calm, chill out and greet the cleaning crew.
- Shame that, you're the only one who listens to me. Half-bacon cries all the time telling me I don't understand her anymore, and rest of people here are absolutely mad to begin with.

Two muscular studs with oiled chests and neckties, along with security captain in ape-man costume, stormed in and took the patient away in tender, knotted embrace.

She stands up, banging her head at the ceiling for the 5th time this day.
The complex's designer was unsuitable for any other asylum, so he had to build a one for himself
- 52 days, 3 hours, 7 minutes left before retirement in this business.

She walks to the painting and stares at it for a moment.
Crack of intercom.

- Who's your next meal?
- Give me 5 minutes and recap his illnesses.
- Whowazawhat?
- My last patient.
- Sorry. Wait, wait, eine.. Clinical psychopathy, bipolar disorder, heavy social anxiety, sociopathy and several lesser ones.
- Add 'oedipus complex' and 'vagina dentata complex' to the majors.
- Roger that.

Rin sits down and lights a cigarette.

- Freud was right afterall. 99% of world problems oscillate arond pants. Is this cigar is a cigar for me?

In halfway she throws it at the corner and walks quickly to the wall. A black sheet of paper hangs there, with =Antistress kit. Apply medium force= written on it. She takes a deep breath and bangs her head on the wall.

- What was that voice?

- I'll have Hanako's ass for a dinner.
- Good call, that tall monster beat her again.

Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Guest »

That Shizune streak reminded me of Jigsaw and that women from Misery.
What a total grade A psychopath. How old are you? If you're around 12 then I'm impressed. And terrified imagining you from the future.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Megumeru »

Get your life boats and jacket here!
They say they hate Shizune? What is this? BLASPHEMY!

"A writer is a light that reveals the world of his story from darkness. Shapes it from nothingness. If the writer stops, the world dies with it." - Alan Wake
Yes, I write stories. Currently working on: The Haunting: A Love Story
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Paddy »

kuniqs wrote:
Paddy wrote:All this said, these are more-or-less hypothetical situations, which we'd never, ever carry out in real life. Right?
*shoulder bumps Kuniqs*

Right? :evil:

Truthfully, though, Emi is one of my favourite. And while I didn't like her story much, Hanako's pretty cute, too.

We're just doing this to stretch our imaginations, for laughs, and for some plain old catharsis. We would not really do this to anyone.

Right, Kuniqs? :evil:

Since you jumped the wagon, you should know the best that I wouldn't do this in reality. Anyway, it was a pleasure to taint your soul, Paddy. You were the last person I through would join me in my crusade.
In fact, I written about it in some other posts. I have frequent periods of insomnia and spend 10 hours a day reading such entertaining 'posts' like "error C2065: 'fubar' : undeclared identifier" - really weird things cross my mind during then.
I enjoy a good writing challenge. There's no sin in planning to kill someone, so long as it stays a plan, and it stays interesting enough to read.
I'm weary of the railway,
Poor Paddy works on the railway.

Блажен муж, иже не иде на совет нечестивых.
Blessed is the man, who walks not in the counsel of the wicked. (Psalm 1:1)
Got questions about God, Christianity, or the Catholic Church?

Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by kuniqs »

Guest wrote:That Shizune streak reminded me of Jigsaw and that women from Misery.
What a total grade A psychopath. How old are you? If you're around 12 then I'm impressed. And terrified imagining you from the future.
Wut. Aren't you my wife by occasion? :shock: She told me exactly the same when I had shown her this tread.
How to bully girls with burn scars, chapter 101 wrote:
TVTropes wrote: Metal-cased lithium-ion cells are relatively tame. You can get them to blow if you really try (by, say, puncturing them), but they have passive internal protection that'll kill them harmlessly if excessive pressure forms inside them. In contrast, lithium-polymer cells meant for radio-control models are insanely dangerous, not having any safety whatsoever. Shorting, overcharging, overdischarging, puncturing, bending... all activities that can cause them to emit a foot-long jet of flame that you can't extinguish with water or fire extinguishers.
// produces battery out of nowhere and snaps it
"Happy new year Hanako!"

Next chapter:

- ..so I had to give my piss for analysis. And guess what, Emi works there. Then I finally got permission to get aboard that shrimp vessel, and know who I found there? Brad Pitt, with a clam shaped fish lungs growing from his neck. I ask him in gentelman voice "What the fuck is that?", he replies "I retired long ago, and it's a fashion choice".

He laughted asthmatically.

- Fa.. *yawn* ..scinating. I had better dreams before I done LSD. Anyway, want to hear my analysis?
- So what? Robert has an attachment disorder or is he afraid of abandonment?
- I'm not talking about those manipulations you pulled few months ago, I mean those dreams you have in plans.
- Yes. No, I meant yes! You want to say it more than I want to hear it, don't you?
- Certainly. Royal figures in your oniric experiences symbolize hatred you bear for your father.
- You won't get anything from me on that.
- I already did. You were happy to spill that our during first meetings. You saw him only few times in your life, when you were still a child. Only good things that came from him were occasional presents and his money. You never forgave him that he just didn't cared. You can't run forever, you need to kill him already and get over it. We'll use lucid dreaming for that during next month.
- Yeah, I know.. I guess I forgot that I told you about my mother?
- Bingo. There are many vaginal symbols in your dreams. Vaginal shaped wounds, vaginal passages, vaginal cracks in wall, clams, et cetera. You had a thing for your mother, don't you? Why are you always terrified when they'll start appearing? Maybe it has a connection with your dominating tendencies in relationships. Your mother was harsh with you, and you never really grown up from your subconscious mix of fear and admiration for women. That's why you like so much to crush them, don't you? It gives you release.
- That makes sense, but never through about it at all, you know. Sometimes cigar is just a cigar.
- And why you keep meeting Emilly and Hanako there?
- Because Saturn is in coniunction with Uranus now, and their and mine horoscope match those planets?
- If we were living in Sailor Moon. There is a little bit of remorse burning somewhere in you, isn't it?
- And what kind of moon logic brought you to this point?
- Emi has legs and lives, Hanako is unscarred both mentally and psychically.

He finger picked his black eyelids for a while and furrowed his ears. She calmed down inside, relaxed muscles and tried again to play "caprice no. 3" properly.

- You're right. You're absolutely right.
- You're not going to get over that such easily.
- You know, I do thin.. No wait, what are we talking about. I remembered THAT. YOU are homosexual! Ha!

She furrowed her brow. He clapped his hands at his glorious achievement.

- Bullseye, it is not.
- Aww, that's sad. What's that smile meant to..
- Orrr am I?

He stayed calm. Not for long - he went into subtle ecstatic twich fest despite attempts to be cool.

- Before I go, would you prescribe me something for sudden memory losses?
- Sure.
- Those pills are KILLING me.
- That's exactly what they are for.
- Please, if another nurse will faint because I forgot to dress myself I'll be too embarassed to get out of here, ever.

- So I broke the casino after all.

He suddenly threw himself to her desk and pushed a concealed button there.

- Time's up. I don't want you to take breaks.
- It'll take a few lifetimes of the universe before I'll learn to play this goddamn piece of murdered tree.
- Nah, I read a novel about a boy who made his own set of those. They were too silent to truly play them, but more importantly he heard the music in his soul. Then, somebody gutted him for money and stomped on his head.. You put all of you in it, so it's beautiful nonetheless.
- Oh, how ordinary. I won't stop narcotizing you no matter how hard you'll try.
- About hard.. Buy some flowers and give them to the guard captain, would you? He was so nice to knock out my filled teeth. I was planning to pull them out myself but I never remembered to.
- Not a problem. I'll tell him about your gratefulness.

A man in Freddy Kruger makeup along with two nurses, one cosplaying female Jason Voorhes and the other in leather maiden outfit, took him away.

- For the sake of all things holy, WAIT!

They stopped, more thrown off balance than persuaded.

- Find me something for sudden memory leaks doctor! I have my locks, but I'm not free!

The Staff finished what they were doing except Freddy, who was asked by Rin to stay for a while.

- What do you want, I'm a busy man.
- It's hard not to notice.
- I'm the only reason you got this job, so be quiet.
- You're the only reason I want to get out of here, so shut up. Do you find him attractive?
- That refined young gentleman? Don't want to have anything in common with him. He looks at my darlings like if he was looking at meat. And he had bitten me in the arm, asshole.
- Want an advice?
- If it's worth anything, one of my boys will be your gimp for the night.
- Maybe next time. The point is: stop wearing those tight latex costumes.
- Why?
- How to speak it aloud.. I think he likes Judes.
- I like them deep fried, straight from Junkers oven or electric chair. So what?
- Even more elaborate? He likes circumcised men.
- What in the bloody hell are you ta..
- I mean he loves them. Those uniforms of yours sometimes just don't leave room for doubt.

His stupid grin obviously meant he discovered his virgin Plains of Through. Rin didn't gave him much attention, focused instead on ancient newspaper she hoarded for few months. Amazingly, the corners were crumbling away like some yellowed fantasy map.
She threw the tabloid on her face after he left her alone.

The bedazzling case of the Zodiak Killer, by Joe Shmoe for Financial Times.

Today high court decided - the madman responsible for series of confusing events from last two years should be put in the asylum, rather than incarcerated. Their reasoning? Robert Kuniqs's severe health prevented him from taking active participation in his case, let alone defend himself and his mental state was decided unfit for sane reasoning. He was placed in Percy McCrumb's mental institute in Osaka prefecture. His first, and last, public words were "You're that guy from TV! My mom masturbates to you. Hi mom! I'm on air!".

- I won't comment any moral objections concerning this case. In fact, we're happy to house such a celebrity (laughts). - said mr. Percy, currently working as chief warden in his own hospital.

Robert Kuniqs, known first and foremost as the new Zodiak Killer (victims ascending zodiak signs are the only pattern they have in common), lost his good fortune while escaping the police with a hijacked car. It happened that car had disabled brakes and amazingly, he survived almost intact from resulting crash. He earned other inspirational titles such as "Unphazed", "Ruthless from Osaka" and "Animal of Setsuma".

Editor's note - much of this article are speculations arosed around the case, proposed by both court and police. We don't hold responsibility for validity of this information.

Chronologically speaking, he performed his first crime in high school for the physically disabled. There he met Hanako I., his age equal. They started a weak relationsip and Robert, in a display of horrific sociopathy, started combining military grade drugs with her antidepressants. What happened next we're not sure but all in all, miss Hanako ended in asylum. Since she was undergoing a psychological treatment, and mr. Robert was found to be schizophrenic, in the resulting prosecution he managed to prove himself only misguided in his attempts to help her. He was left with a fine which was later changed to social work, since he hadn't had the money. After the car chase, he admitted it was all intentional.
Last thing he wondered about after that is to become a good person. It's only a hypothesis but investigators managed to connect him to the case of morphine market in Y. high school. According to first theory, he got himself entangled to a member of medical staff working to help him to sell addicting painkillers to students, and handed him to the justice when things went ugly. Second theory says, he was the mastermind behind everything from the very beginning, possibly responsible for deaths of two students from Y. who may had uncovered his evildoings. Both of them were deemed dead from natural cases - one from hearth failure, other from blood poisoning arose from untreated wound. If he had any ties to it, there is no evidence.
Main clue pointing at him in this mystery is that after graduation, he managed to fund his lawyer studies despite not having any relatives, not being a foundation protegee and even not having a bank account. He used to explain a recently dead uncle from the United States left him his belongings, but police is strongly biased to the idea he used drug trade money obtained during high school days. He didn't survived first year, not because he was a bad student - he frequently skipped every class possible and when he didn't, he was intoxicated.
Not knowing what to do, he picked every odd job available in hope for better future. In the meantime he managed to learn somewhere that I. had been cured and released. He played a stalker game on her, culminating in assault during a secluded birthday party she threw with two other women. He subdued them and drove to an seasonally abandoned forest retreat 500 miles away. What happened later could be made in a B class Hollywood movie - he blinded, deafened and muted her friends, holding them in closed room, keeping I. in separate room all the time to watch.
His cover was busted when after a month the friends family threw a full scale search for them. Also, nearby people were alarmed by caustic smell which, according to them, could be felt in radius of few miles. They forced forestry to investigate. All they found was miss I. tied to a metal chair, stark raving mad and two mutilated corpses in bathtub along with acid containers placed all over the place. Robert said he wanted to dissolve them and dump in nearby industrial river but he got scared of the rushing force and decided to left it all behind. Miss I. was again assigned to asylum, the cadavers were too disfigured to identify. DNA testing explained they were S. twins, old friends of I. who paid her a visit to celebrate her recent freedom. Decay and teeth marks on one of them is a proof they died before dissolving attempts, possibly with cannibalistic consequences.
Despite that, I. was too uncertain on her words so criminologists had very hard time identifying the murderer. Meanwhile he, in one of the most baffling stunts pulled in recent years, managed to blend in the lawyer community of Osaka prefecture. To this day nobody knows how having so little experience in the profession he earned their trust and was unofficially elected as the treasurer of their club; some people speculate it was possible considering Osaka's corruption and crime rates, along with how hermetic the environment he associated himself with is. The society denied any connections with Kuniqs, and reply to neither police nor telephone calls.
Nothing stopped him on his new position so, like a true Englishman, he sneaked out in cold blood carrying every single yen he was given to count. If that wasn't enough, on the ceremony of laying the bedrocks for a new courthouse he was meant to give speech on, he left a single red brick with a letter "Here's your cornerstone, har har har". Three people died violently that day when it turned out the 'brick' was actually a disguise for an RDX container, and one of participants threw it on the ground in a fit of rage. Financially speaking, much of the money he had stolen was powered by charity and meant to fund the construction.

Unfortunately for him, robbing the law meant instant law enforcement. He didn't managed to leave the city when car chase was rushed after him. Besides the money, he was found with one way Tokio-New York air tickets booked on the same day.
Court's decision was met with a crucible of reactions. Some people say he's more danger to other people in jail, some advice to just leave him to street justice. Two amusing things: The gossip is that the S. family had placed a 100.000$ reward for his head, and recently M. Night Shyamalan declared he will work on movie adaptation of Animal's life. Critics were unimpressed, along with Roger Ebert who in his newest streak predicted all plot twists possible.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by The O.H.L. »

Shouldn't this be in the FanFiction section?
Guess who's back, back, back, back again.
Not that I ever made any great contributions, but oh well, too bad.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by newnar »

The O.H.L. wrote:Shouldn't this be in the FanFiction section?

More like the WTF section
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by The O.H.L. »

newnar wrote:
The O.H.L. wrote:Shouldn't this be in the FanFiction section?

More like the WTF section
You mean a what the fiction section right? Right? RIGHT?
Guess who's back, back, back, back again.
Not that I ever made any great contributions, but oh well, too bad.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Paddy »

Take everything kuniqs has written so far and give him his own thread in the fanfic section.

NOTE: This is not an endorsement nor a critique of his writing. It is merely an acknowledgement that it is fanfic and not discussion.
I'm weary of the railway,
Poor Paddy works on the railway.

Блажен муж, иже не иде на совет нечестивых.
Blessed is the man, who walks not in the counsel of the wicked. (Psalm 1:1)
Got questions about God, Christianity, or the Catholic Church?

Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by kuniqs »

The O.H.L. wrote:
newnar wrote:
The O.H.L. wrote:Shouldn't this be in the FanFiction section?

More like the WTF section
You mean a what the fiction section right? Right? RIGHT?
More like Writhe the Fanfiction
Paddy wrote:Take everything kuniqs has written so far and give him his own thread in the fanfic section.
I will move everything from here but sadly, I have very slim connection to this place for a while - I simply don't have time to crop and tend those ramblings.

Hey, what if we would buy an ouija board, invite Hanako for a spirit party, along with strong spirits and when she's wasted, play A.C. Doyle with her (the guy who offended Harry Houdini by pretending to talk with the ghost of his mother). She will have *very* heavy hangover tomorrow.

Chapter number.. now where was I?

Rin blinked, annoyed by realization she slept on the floor all night. Pillows were all over the place, just in case she'd slip from the chair. She had very hard time to fall asleep the second time on the same night, so pillows took away the some frustration. First thing she saw today, office instead of home, didn't.
She kicked her chair repeatedly until it was close to the wall, then she sat on it, took a nearby great sword in feet and stroke the wall with the tip. Another day, another scratch. The ceiling will be next soon. Some patients stayed here long enough to consider it a second home, taking few belongings with them. Since many of her proteges were old wealthy men who had drawn the short straw in some politic or family struggle, she could confiscate some of their items for the greater good.
A month or so and she would be free to pursue artistic career again. It took too long, but it's hard to put food on the table with paint alone. She finally acquired enough money to buy herself membership in Tokio bohemy which means enough respect to publish her work in main galleries. It doesn't matter she had Percy institute's trademark couple on her back. When time comes, she'll write anything that would come to mind on them and forget it. Either they'll be assigned to somebody else or thrown out, or hopefully separated. They didn't belong to her world.
Rin thinked a while about breakfast, shrugged and sat down at computer desk with smoking cigarette in lips.
She gazed at paperwork she should fill today. She opened the browser, connecting to a random site. Nobody was paying attention to her procrastinating since week.

Unexpected, her special patient entered her den, wielding two small dishes with his right hand. He closed the door, then knocked. 'Nobody's home' came from the other side.

- I have a feeling I confused something again. Hello shrink. Ramen or risotto?
- Pasta in all forms.
- Here.

He dropped himself on the couch like a falling tree, spilling some food in process. On the nearby table was a set of darts. He picked one of them, sniffed it and threw across the room. It stopped on his own aquarell visage strapped across the wall.

- I see rembrandt lightning here. You need to show me how you do this ambient occlusion thingy.
- I can't drift too much from standard therapy anymore. If you'll be good maybe I'll smuggle something here next month.
- Somehow I doubt it. I was doubting you for some time. It could be my paranoia kicking in, doctor. Could you give me a hand? There was that book you see..
- That black human skin one you brought here?
- Nope. Not that you had stolen from me and jerk off with. Easy come, easy go, there was an ancient war.
- An ancient war book.
- No! A book of ancient war, it wasn't falling apart or anything! They fought over a city or something.
- Weren't they fighting over a woman?
- That's what I'm talking about. How did they called her?
- Helen?
- Excellent! Helen, where are you hiding?
- There's no Helen working here.
- You're kidding me? She made fun at my expense again.
- Hanako?
- So that's how she calls herself? I have power over her again. She told me to ask myself those questions if I ever lose her name. I'll tatoo it on my forehead next time.
- One thing bugs me, why you keep asking 'Hellen' if she has milk? Use protection, mkay? - she slurped some noodles.
- One thing I'm sure I despise in this world is milkless chocolate.

She stopped dead for a while, then resumed keeping her jaw busy.

- You're exponentially more disgusting after every visit. I'm trying to eat here!
- You had to remind me of that when I was slowly forgetting there's no milk here.

He played a bit with his Sunday dish, obviously repulsed. While he couldn't care less that the risotto was made from yesterday's tomato soup leftovers, taking part in anti-diahrrea drug testing was a waste of time. The master chief would be a fit candidate for economy's Nobel price for recycling if there was one.

- Maybe I'll discuss that with.. anybody. What do you wanted from her?
- Should ask me a minute ago. All I know now is that I want to practice my pimp hand.
- Please, have some decency. She'll throw a tantrum again and again I'll get suspended between good and evil, life and death, fridge and my boss.
- What, wasn't chocolate Hisao a good birthday gift?
- That wasn't bad, but when she reacted to that it was the last time I had any liberties working with you two. Did you cherished your liberty of through for the whole month or maybe only for the first hour?
- Well, for the first week I stayed calm and done push-ups. Through the second, I got tired a bit and.. started to talk to myself a little, I can admit that. You don't want know what happened next. One thing I never got tired of shouting out was 'why?'.
- Electroshock chairs are meant to be maintained by competent people, and them alone. When a rookie like you likes to mess with them, they tend to short circuit and stand in flames halfway through treatment. It was old enough to be penned in replacement forms but dude, we have a strict budget this year. And you gave miss Flower 2nd degree burns on her healthy arm. And the smell hanged out for a whole day.
- All the time I through he played with her during my absence like a goddamn calico. I know he likes chair foreplay. I plan how to repay him all over and over and over and over and over.

He pressed fingers to his temples.

- Okay, so if I know myself well enough, I deduce the reason I searched for Hanako was - she gets special meals today. I'll be hungry again, I guess.
- So, considering you're here, let's start another therapy shall we?
- I'd rather pick her scabs but hey, she learned how to hide well from me lately.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by HarvestmanMan »

Look guys, I can make a wall of text too.

But soft! What text through yonder forum breaks?
It is the East, and kuniqs is the sun!
Arise, fair sun, go to the fan-fic forum,
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That thou her girl art far more fair than she.
Be not her girl, since she is envious.
Yamaku's livery is but sick and green,
And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off.
It is my text wall; O, it is my story!
O that she knew she were!
He speaks, yet he says nothing. What of that?
His text discourses; I will answer it.
I am too bold; 'tis not to me he speaks.
But to the users perusing the thread,
Having some business, do entreat their eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return.
Is this soliloquy about Shizune?
Oh fuck, I never noticed that before.
And now back to the text; this story's shitty
It's just another fanfic in a quorum
Of all the ones in the appropriate forum.
See how he forms his text amidst the thread!
O that I were a mod upon this board,
That I might edit his posts!
Current Number of Fanfics Cooked: 2
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Snow_Storm »

Has anyone told some of ya that ya all are fucked up in the head?


Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by kuniqs »

Titus wrote: She had sex with only her boyfriend and they both took each others virginity. Yea, total slut, bro.
Hisao was a dumbass when he said Lilly has a propensity to get hooked onto things.
"Healthy adolescent sex drive" my ass.
Gimme the gangbang Hisao!

HarvestmanMan wrote:Look guys, I can make a wall of text too.
That I might edit his posts!
To paste over 9000 dicks there?
Anyway, Rin would be so proud of you. Althrough this has no sense and insults me at the same time, it gave me one good idea.

I've moved Rin chapter where it should be from the very start. I'll maybe write something on others I didn't tortured yet, if I'll have ideas, that is.

http://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=52&t ... 714#p95714
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Snow_Storm »

kuniqs wrote:
Titus wrote: She had sex with only her boyfriend and they both took each others virginity. Yea, total slut, bro.
Hisao was a dumbass when he said Lilly has a propensity to get hooked onto things.
"Healthy adolescent sex drive" my ass.
Gimme the gangbang Hisao!

It's always the classy and humble (Lilly) or quiet and shy (Hanako) ones that are the biggest and kinkiest freaks...
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Roamin12 »

I'd probably do it, just to see where it went, but I wouldn't like it, at all. It would probably give me the nega-feels
First Play through: Lilly>Hanako>Emi>Rin>Shizune
Second Play Through: Hanako>Rin>Lilly>Shizune>Emi
I'm a music enthusiast.
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