Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route


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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by FluffandCrunch »

CNB wrote:
stanman237 wrote:Darling was a bit annoying after every single line, but with milady its gonna be even worse.
I was annoyed by "darling" until I did what someone earlier in the thread suggested, and imagined her saying it in heavily-accented English instead of Japanese.
"Herro, Dar-ring."
Bi-Polar Hernandez
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by Bi-Polar Hernandez »

FluffandCrunch wrote:
CNB wrote:
stanman237 wrote:Darling was a bit annoying after every single line, but with milady its gonna be even worse.
I was annoyed by "darling" until I did what someone earlier in the thread suggested, and imagined her saying it in heavily-accented English instead of Japanese.
"Herro, Dar-ring."

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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by themocaw »

I was actually thinking more like "Darling," and "Ojou-sama," but didn't want to use the Japanese-ism
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by Rikabro »

Ooh, starting to heat up. Maybe?

Loved the faux-pas with Miki right at the start. That was cute. I like that your Hisao is at least self-conscious about being a bumbling dweeb. It's endearing.

Can't wait for more.
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by Daitengu »

FluffandCrunch wrote:
CNB wrote:
stanman237 wrote:Darling was a bit annoying after every single line, but with milady its gonna be even worse.
I was annoyed by "darling" until I did what someone earlier in the thread suggested, and imagined her saying it in heavily-accented English instead of Japanese.
"Herro, Dar-ring."

You'd be surprised how Japanese actually pronounce darling.

It's roughly "dah-ling"

There's a few anime that have a rich girl that says darling. It's always pretty funny to hear "Dah-ling" in a high pitch voice.

Not a rich girl but here's an example:
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by CNB »

themocaw wrote:I was actually thinking more like "Darling," and "Ojou-sama," but didn't want to use the Japanese-ism
He should call her "princess."
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by BeastlyFerret »

Shizune=Emi=Lilly=Hanako=Rin=Saki=Rika=Misha=Miki Because all girls are equal and deserve equal amounts of love. However, these girls appeal to me the most~

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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by Triscuitable »

I just want to say that your work on this has been absolutely fantastic. And I say that in a way that Nine never could've.
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Pink Lace - Losing My Shirt

Post by themocaw »

Saki's bedroom is on the other end of the hall from the stairs: a corner dorm room, in fact.

When she opens the door and lets me in, the first impression I have is pink.

Lots of pink.

I've never really been in a girl's bedroom before, and this honestly looks like the most stereotypical girls' room ever. The bedsheets and curtains are both pale pink, with lots of lace and ruffles. What isn't pink is either lavender or white. There also seem to be a tremendous number of pillows, either piled up on the bed or on the floor. There's an enormous poster nearly covering one wall. It seems to be a black and white photo of Marilyn Monroe.

The overall effect is very nearly nauseatingly feminine.

"Sorry about the mess," Saki says, picking up some of the pillows and tossing them on her bed. "I wasn't expecting visitors. . ."

"I can. . . kind of see that," I say, glancing around. I pick up one of the pillows and toss it onto her bed, only to find a slip of pale blue cloth and white lace underneath.

I carefully pick it up, blushing.

Yup. It's a bra all right.

"Darling!" Saki squeals, snatching the underwear out of my grasp. "Don't be a pervert."

"I'm not a pervert!" I protest. "I was just trying to help!"

"Yes, you are a pervert!" Saki says, crossing her arms and glaring at me cutely. "You were thinking perverted thoughts about me, weren't you? How mean! Boys really are wolves! You want to do terrible things to my maiden body, don't you?"

She gives a fake sniffle and rubs at her eye with the back of her hand. I giggle at the sight, and Saki laughs back.

"You really are terrible at crying," I point out.

"It's because I'm such an optimistic person," Saki says. "It's hard to fake crying when you don't ever cry for real."

She opens up her dresser drawer and puts the offending piece of underwear away. "So!" she says, sitting down on the bed and bouncing up and down a bit. "Did you get the stuff for the fashion club?"

"Oh, yeah. I've got it here." I take the papers out of the bag and hand it over to Saki. "We need the signatures of the other three students, as well as one adult to act as an advisor. Any ideas?"

"Hmmm. My teacher's currently advising the photography club, so that wouldn't work. Maybe we could ask yours?"

"Mutou? I somehow don't think that he'd be the type of person to be involved in a fashion club," I point out.

Saki flinches at that name, and her expression turns strange. It's a mixture of surprise and a bit of apprehension. "You're in Mutou's class?"

"Um. Yeah. Why, is that a problem?"

"Not really," Saki says. "But I think you're right, he wouldn't be a good choice for advisor. Fashion's not really his thing. He'd probably much rather be reading one of those boring science magazines."

"Hm. Well, I guess maybe we could ask one of the other three girls to check with their teachers, then?"

"I suppose so. That would probably be the best way." Saki stretches her hands over her head. "Well, I'll talk to the other girls, then, and we'll get this taken care of, then."

"Sure, no problem."

Silence. I stand next to the bed shuffling my feet, not sure what to say next. Saki looks down at the application form, her eyes scanning the lines. She seems to be moving too fast to be actually reading them, though. I guess I'm not the only one who's feeling awkward about me being in her bedroom.

"So, how are thi--"

"--I don't really like--"

Saki and I start talking at the same time. We share a small, uncomfortable laugh.

"Go on," I say to her.

"No, you go ahead first," Saki says.

"I really didn't have that much to ask. I was just going to ask how things are."

"Things are. . . fine, I guess," Saki says. "Just the usual."


I sit in the center of Saki's room and idly hug one of her pillows to her chest. I'm not sure what to say next.

"How about you, darling?" Saki asks. "How are things?"

". . . about the same," I admit. "There's really not all that much going on in my life either."

Saki falls back onto the bed, making the bedsprings squeak under her weight. "We should fix that, then. Let's do something interesting."

"Like what?"

"I dunno. Something we've never done before." She grins at me, mischief in her eyes. "Like I keep saying, every hour's gold and every minute's a diamond, right? So there's no point in wasting a bunch of treasure when we could be doing something fun."

"I really can't think of anything at the moment," I admit.

"Pssssh. Darling is a boring boring fuddy duddy. I guess I'll have to come up with the ideas." She sits up in bed and grins. "Let's play strip poker."

It takes me a moment to process the words that she's just spoken, and when I do, my mind starts racing at around ten thousand kph. "Wait, what?"

"Strip poker. You know how it gets played, right?" Saki asks. "Five card draw. For every hand you lose, you remove a piece of clothing. If you think your hand is good, you can raise another piece of clothing."

I glance over at the door, and gulp nervously. "I don't. . . I don't think that's such a good idea."

"What's the matter, darling?" Saki asks, leaning forward. Her smile is mischievous and a bit predatory. "Think you're going to lose?"


> Go for it.
Go back to my room.


". . . you're on," I say.

"Yay!" Saki says cheerfully. "Could you close and lock the door, darling? We don't want anyone butting in on our little game." She gets up off the bed and goes to her desk drawer, taking out a deck of cards with a checkered pattern on the back. I close the door and lock it.

The sound is like that of a prison door slamming shut. I'm in for it now.

Saki sits down across from me on one of her pillows and starts shuffling the deck. My heart sinks as I see the speed with which she's shuffling the deck, and the practiced movements of her hands. She's definitely had a lot of practice doing this: only a few slight fumbles indicates that her condition is giving her any trouble at all.

"The game is five card draw," Saki says. "You can raise twice: once after you get your initial hand, and a second time after you draw your cards. We play until one of us chickens out, or until one of us runs out of clothes." She grins wickedly as she begins to deal. "And may the best of us win."

I pick up my cards and look down at them. Two sixes. Not too bad.

I glance over at Saki, and notice her brow furrowing a bit as she looks at her own cards. Aha.

"No raise," Saki says.

"I'll raise one," I say.

"Two garments, then?"


"All right, then." Saki sighs. "Dealer will take four cards."

"I'll take two."

I discard my two low cards and keep my ten. Saki deals me two more cards from the deck.

I suppress a smile as I see a third six among the cards draw. I glance over at Saki, and see that her brow is still a bit furrowed.

"I'll raise one more," I say, putting down my cards.

Saki glances up at me and sighs. "Well, let's see your cards, then."

I show her my three sixes, and Saki sighs again. "I've got junk," she says, turning over her cards. "Well, I guess that's three garments for me."

Saki sits down on the bed and begins to untie her shoe. Of course, she would start with her shoes and socks. That's the most obvious place to start in strip poker, after all. . .

"Oh, what the hell," she says, starting to retie her shoe. "You only live once, right?"

Her hands go to her throat and start to undo the ribbon on her blouse.

The world freezes in place. My heart starts to pound in my ears. I'm suddenly feeling extremely light-headed.

Is this her plan? To try and give me a heart attack and kill me, so she wins the game my default? This might actually work.

I take deep breaths and try to calm my racing heart as Saki carefully undoes the black ribbon around her throat and slides it free from her blouse. She tosses it onto the bed next to her, with a wicked grin on her usually angelic face. "That's one. . ."

She undoes the buttons on her blouse and shrugs out of the garment, putting it on top of the ribbon. "That's two."

She undoes her skirt next, steps out of it, and puts it aside as well. "Three."

I'm transfixed by the sight before me. Saki's sitting on her bed wearing only her underwear. The white bra and panties are both alluring and somehow innocent-looking. Like everything in Saki's room, there's a lot of white lace and frills involved, giving an impression rather like a virgin bride on her wedding night.

Saki smiles back at me angelically and sits down next to her bed, her eyes gleaming. "All right, then," she says, licking her lips. "Should we go on?"


A few rounds later, things aren't going so well for me any more.

"Full house," Saki says, spreading her cards out in front of her.

I throw my two pair down onto the carpet and sigh as I undo my tie and toss it down on top of my shoes, socks, pants, and jacket. I'm down to my shirt and boxers now, while Saki's lost only both shoes and one sock.

"You know," Saki points out, as she shuffles the deck. "You've only got two pieces of clothing on, and I've got three. If either of us raises twice, this could be it."

". . . we'll just see about that," I say, accepting my first five cards.

"You're on, darling," Saki grins, dealing out her own five.

I pick up my cards, and immediately have to stifle a huge grin. Two threes and three nines. A full house.

I glance over at Saki, and I see her brow furrowing just a bit again, like in the first hand. She had that same look when I managed to take both her shoes from her, and again when she lost her left sock. It means that she doesn't have anything worth taking.

I've won this game.

I try to stay as calm as possible as I put down my hand of cards and clear my throat. "I raise," I say.

Saki glances back up at me, and her brow furrows one more time. "No raise for me," she replies. "Any cards?"


Her brow furrows even more for an instant, then immediately smooths out. "I won't take any either, then," she says, and leans back against the bed, her face the very picture of serenity. "And I'm going all-in."

"All-in? What exactly does that mean?"

"Well," Saki says, her brow furrowing again, as she licks her lips a bit nervously. "It means, of course, that whoever loses takes off the rest of their clothes. . . but let's make it more interesting. How about. . . if you lose this hand, you also have to do what the winner says. . . for the rest. . . of. . . the. . . night?"

I gulp nervously at the seductive tone in Saki's voice. "Well," I say, as nonchalantly as possible. "If you really want to bet it all on this one hand."

"Life's too short to play it safe, darling," Saki says. "I'm in."

I glance down at my cards again. Full house. And I know that Saki's got nothing. I've figured out her tell.

It seems a shame to do this to her. . . but I have to admit that part of me is seriously wanting to see this happen. Saki's a beautiful girl, after all, and what I can see of her body is incredibly arousing to me.

And anyway, I don't need to abuse my prize that badly. I can be gentlemanly about this turning point in my life. And it's not like she's being coerced into anything. After all, it's her choice to go all-in like this, right?

"All right," I say. "Let's see how this goes."

"Show em, darling," Saki says, wringing her hands in her lap.

I carefully put down one card, then the other, then the next, laying out my full house in front of her one my one. The look on her face is priceless. "Full house, milady," I say, with a note of triumph in my voice. "Nines and threes."

"Damn," Saki sighs. "All I have is two pair. . ."

Oh shit. I know this joke. . .

Oh no no no no no no no. . .

". . . a pair of tens. . ."


". . . and another pair of tens!"

Saki lays out her four-of-a-kind out in front of me, and I feel my jaw drop.

When I look up at her, her face is the very picture of innocence.

"Well, darling? It looks like I win!" she says, cheerfully. "So I guess that means it's time for me to choose your punishment game, right?"

My heart sinks as Saki's innocent smile widens into a triumphant trickster's grin, like the toothy smile of a hunting shark.

"And I've got a really fun one thought up for you. . ."


I'm glad now, more than ever, that the girls' and boys' dorms are so close together.

I'm even more glad that night has fallen, and that it's an overcast night with no moon.

I'm supremely, incredibly glad that the night watchman's patrol pattern means that I've got about five to ten minutes to dash across the path to the boys' dorm room, slipping into the front door before he comes back around.

I'm divinely lucky that there's no one in the common room watching television at this time of night, as I race up the stairs to my room, hoping and praying that everyone is in their rooms. . .

There's no one on the first floor.

There's no one on the second floor.

I race to the end of the hall as silently as possible, get out my keys, and start fumbling at the lock. My hands are shaking from nervousness, hoping that no one hears me, that no one. . .

There is the sound of ten locks being rapidly undone behind me. The sudden noise makes me drop my keys. I'm scrambling around on the floor trying to find them, but this wig I'm wearing is making it hard to see. . .

The door opens.

"Hey, Hisao!" Kenji says. "I was jus--"

I freeze, dead in my tracks, and turn my head slowly over my shoulder to look at my hallway neighbor.

Kenji is holding a mug of water in one hand. It slips out of his grasp and falls to the ground, spilling water all over the shag carpeting.

I can see myself reflected in his glasses. Me and my ridiculous outfit.

I'm dressed in a pink dress that seems to be more frills and lace than regular cloth. Its skirt is so short that I can't help but flash a peek at the pink-and-white striped panties I'm wearing underneath. A pair of Saki's thigh-high stockings, plus garter belt, cover my legs. My feet are clad in a pair of oversized white high-heels that Saki somehow just happened to have lying around.

The worst part, however, is above the neck. Not only did Saki put me in a poofy pink wig done up in four ponytails, she's even put me in makeup. She spent half an hour getting it just perfect: bright red lipstick, garishly overdone eyeshadow, two big pink circles of blush on each cheek. Even that's not as bad as the fact that I'm now wearing a huge pair of bunny ears on my head as well.

And even all of that could be forgiven if it weren't for the purse that Saki gave me to hold my wallet and keys in.

Kenji's mouth opens and closes a few times, like a fish's. Frozen in shock, I can do nothing but stand there, motionless, as he leans in forward and stares intently at my face.

He leans back after studying me for a long time. He opens his mouth to say something, then closes it again.

It's the first and only time I've ever seen Kenji Setou completely lost for words.

Finally, after another eternal minute of the two of us just staring at each other, he seems to come to a decision. He leans down and picks up his dropped mug and carefully retreats back into his room.

The door closes behind him, and I can hear all of his ten locks being locked.

A few moments later, I hear a loud scraping sound as Kenji starts moving furniture. It sounds like he's barricading his door.

I manage to unlock my door and slip inside my dorm room, closing and locking it behind me. I sigh and slump against the wall, burying my face in my hands.

Things were going so well, too. . .
Last edited by themocaw on Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by FluffandCrunch »

I have no words. No words at all.
I can't wait to read more.
Bravo, sir.
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by Doomish »

Saki is the greatest Chaotic Evil the world has ever known. I love you, themocaw.
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by BeastlyFerret »

Kenji hahahaha. Everything was brilliant.......... Just brillliant . :shock:
Shizune=Emi=Lilly=Hanako=Rin=Saki=Rika=Misha=Miki Because all girls are equal and deserve equal amounts of love. However, these girls appeal to me the most~

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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by Mirage_GSM »

A few things:
- Saki's skills as a card dealer are impressive - especially given her condition...
- "Half an hour later"? One round of Poker lasts two minutes tops. Hisao has to be clothed like a frickin Eskimo to last so long...
- Hisao's room is on the second floor. He doesn't need to go up to the third.
- How can Kenji unlock his ten locks faster than Hisao his one?
- Did Kenji recognize Hisao? I guess most people wouldn't have in that outfit and Kenji is almost blind...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by Daitengu »

Mirage_GSM wrote:- How can Kenji unlock his ten locks faster than Hisao his one?
Dramatic key fumbling. See it all the time in movies lol
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Re: Themocaw's Saki Pseudo-Route

Post by themocaw »

Mirage_GSM wrote:A few things:
- Saki's skills as a card dealer are impressive - especially given her condition...
- "Half an hour later"? One round of Poker lasts two minutes tops. Hisao has to be clothed like a frickin Eskimo to last so long.
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