If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it?

A forum for general discussion of the game: Open to all punters

Choose the most severe physical disability that applies to you. Blank vote if none apply.

Hearing impairment (Moderate to severe in one or both ears)
Deafness (Profound in one ear)
Deafness (Profound in both ears)
Low vision (Correctable to 20/70-20/200)
Legal blindness (Not correctable to 20/200)
Blindness (Total in one eye)
Disabled/amputated arm or hand
Disabled/amputated leg or foot
Other (specify) (NOT including mental or milder physical disabilities)
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Wander »

I wear glasses (duh). My vision without glasses is real shit, but at least it has apparently now stopped from deteriorating meaning that I could now fix them with laser surgery if I had the money. But no, I don't have a real disability of any sort. My medical tests, when I was in the army, classified me as A-class cannon fodder, so yeah, perfectly healthy I suppose.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Brodoin »

I have ear problems, which might lead to partial or deafness in one or both ears.

My mom has a seeing problem. Eventually she will be legally blind, if not blind totally. I'm told it can possibly pass on to children, so it may happen to me as well in the future.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Xzal »

I have a triple whammer regarding 'disability', although I don't see them as such and just something to live with.

The first is Barrett's Oesophagus , now most people go "Oh just heartburn" but like ME and some of the less known diseases it can also cause rapid weight loss, vomiting of essential bodily fluids (blood, stomach bile) it erodes stomach lining and throat linings and in the worse scenarios, cancer and the onset of arrhythmia.

Which leads on to my second;

Hereditary Arrhythmia, my mother is a sufferer and I am under close watch as a borderline case due to barretts as an aggravator. I don't need a pacemaker like my mother but I do need a mixture of pills so they don't clash with my barretts.

My third is detatched retina in my right eye after a car accident in which it has limited mobility (astigmatism) coupled with the fact it was already lazy and requires an additional prism. You do not want to know what my glasses cost me :p (The prism lens alone costs as much as most peoples "designer" glasses).

Kinda glad someone linked Katawa to me, its nice to see VN's on these subjects most people are afraid of and don't quite understand.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by coldhole94 »

I have Pectus Carinatum(Chest Deformity)
At first i thought it is worst think it can ever happen to someone,but now its preaty ok.True its preaty hard find any friends(especially girls) but in my case i am lucky one.I know,that in the world theres a many people with many others disabilities and that is hard to live with.But if its still left hope to enjoy living in this world,not to give up, then all of its beauty will be discovered.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Oddball »

Accalia wrote:I lost both my legs up to the knees in a workplace accident, I was working with explosives and they went off early, I hate the fact that my legs were damaged to such a degree that they needed amputation as most people in my life seem to be well... easiest way to put it is babying me and its irritating, but I still count myself lucky I only lost my legs, does anyone know how to deal with the babying problem btw? If you can give advice on it, I would greatly appreciate it
You need to come straight out and tell them what's bothering you without softening it up. Next time somebody is babying you, tell them, "look, I appreciate it, and sometimes I might need some help, but unless I ask for it, knock that shit off and let me take care of myself."

While I've only got some minor problems, I'd also like to say I grew up with a dad that was missing a leg and had no feeling from the knee down in the one he still had, one of my best friends in highschool had been in a wheelchair since birth, and I dated a girl that had burn scars covering 80% of her body for a while (pretty much everywhere except the face)
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by AlanWalker »

I guess you could say that it doesn't count but I lack a lung, they took it away from me when I was six because it was practicallty dead after a heavy pulmonary disease I had. If I remember correctly they said it was filled with pus after the illness. But I've been able to live normally after. Well, not really, but I guess family traumas do not count in this thread so... yeah.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Sin of my sins »

Poor vision, I know I could get around it with all these new laser surgeries and all if I had the funds though.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by RC626 »

Poor vision, along with mild Tourette Syndrome with associated anxiety issues and OCD. And last year, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, which led to surgery to remove half my thyroid. One of the problems I've been having with the hyperthyroidism has been heart palpitations- in fact, one of the medications I'm on is also occasionally prescribed for Long QT, and I have a nice scar from my recent surgery, so I guess you could say I can sympathize a bit with Hisao's predicament. :)

The TS/OCD caused me to have a lot of social anxiety issues growing up. I've gotten through a lot of them, but they still cause me occasional problems (including not letting many people get close) and I found I related to Hanako's story way too much- the hiding from others, spending a lot of time alone, feeling damaged and that I wasn't worthy of another person's love. Pretty much the story of my teenage and young adult years.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Sethkowns »

I have frontal lobe damage, and it does not affect me mentally at all. Instead i suffer from migraines everyday and a severe loss in eye seight. Also blows to the head can kill me.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by thenacho »

When I was younger, I was decapitated by a ride at Disneyland.
It's no big deal, really, I cope just fine.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Radien »

thenacho wrote:When I was younger, I was decapitated by a ride at Disneyland.
It's no big deal, really, I cope just fine.
Hm. Explain?
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Wander »

Bad joke, I would assume.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Alexbond45 »

Really bad Joke.
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by yure22 »

Well i`m back with MORE bad news -_- , last week i went for a check up and they discovered that apart from my already rare Pars Planis in my left eye i may also be suffering a similar disease in my right eye , so now i have both generalized epilepsy ( only had one epilepsy though) , a rare disease in my left eye AND an unown disease in my right eye... I think i may now reconsider the idea of commiting suicide ....
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Re: If you *actually have* a physical disability, what is it

Post by Mugendai »

I'm deaf in both ears, and I've been this way since a very young age. My left ear retains enough hearing (severe to profound) to be able to use a hearing aid, but I can't hear much without the hearing aid, and my right ear is almost completely deaf.

As such, I have no directional hearing, my speech has an odd "accent", and it's more difficult for me to communicate with people, but I manage.
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