Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story (Pseudo-Complete)


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Re: Scar Tissue

Post by FluffandCrunch »

Thanks for the compliments. It's greatly appreciated.
I'll post again either today or tomorrow.
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by Nivyan »

For gods sake!

Post another chapter! I'm dying to know what happens next :<<<
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by FluffandCrunch »

Your wish is my command.
A little short today.


Part Five

[Painful History]
I dimly remember hearing the car drive away soon after I fled to my room. I spend the next several hours in the midst of the worse panic attack I've had in years, shivering and paralyzed under my bed, insensate to the world around.

When I finally come back to myself, it's early morning and the house is very still and silent. I'm torn on what to do. I want to get out as fast as possible, but I can't risk running into Hisao.
Or Lilly.
Oh, God, I've destroyed my family!
I sneak out of the house and head to Yamaku. I still have to go to school. I'm only glad the work load is light. It's rare to have more than a few kids who need my help at the beginning of the year. I go through the motions, listening and counseling, getting their background and filing it away for later.
Inside though, I'm screaming.
I avoid the areas of Yamaku that Hisao and Lilly work and frequent in.
I take my lunch in my office.
I don't go to the Tea Room, that would be suicide.
The next few days are a blur to me. Go to work early and stay late enough and you can spend the whole day avoiding someone. I only head home when I know Hisoa and Lilly will already be in bed. The third night they stay up late, a light on in the kitchen, so I drive back to Yamaku and sleep in my car in the parking lot.

Eventually though I run into Lilly.

I'm leaving Shizune's office four days later after telling her about a student I'm concerned may bring some harm to herself when I nearly bump into Lilly in the hall.
I try not to hold it in, but I gasp and she hears me.
“Hanako? Goodness, where have you been? We've been so worried about you! We stayed up late last night, but you never showed.“

I clamp my mouth shut and for a minute entertain the idea that, if I stay perfectly still and don't talk, Lilly will eventually forget I'm standing right in front of her.

My plan fails and I'm forced to talk to her.
“J-j-just busy with w-w-wor-work,” I stammer.

Lilly's face drops into an alarmed and sad expression.
Please don't look at me like that, I think, unable to meet her eyes. I don't deserve your sympathy.
“Hanako, what's wrong? Is something the matter? Hisao and I haven't seen you in days!“

My teeth grind in my skull and I want to bolt and run down the halls, screaming at the top of my lungs.
Hisao didn't say what happened? Why didn't he tell Lilly?
Is he as upset as I am over what I did?
No, that can't be. If he were upset about it, Lilly would have noticed by now.
Maybe he wants to keep it a secret from Lilly as much as I do?

Oh God, he hates me now!

Without me replying, Lilly continues to talk.
“Are you upset over what happened a few days ago?”
My knees shake and I feel myself losing control, my heart racing.

“Hisao says he's sorry that he talked to you that way. We both think your right, though. We've set up an appointment with a friend of the Nurse who works at the hospital's fertility clinic. We...we're going in to see if something is wrong.“

I calm down a little but just barely.
“I'm n-n-not upset about th-that. I've just b-been tired. T-trip and w-work and everything. Sorry I haven't been h-h-home lately.“

Lilly looks sad and worried as she begins to nervously play with her sweater between her long fingers.
“If you're not too busy though, I was wondering...I was hoping you would...go with us?“
She sighs and steels herself, speaking in a low whisper.
“I could really use your support.”

I want to cry and throw myself in Lilly's arms and confess everything.
“I'm not your friend! I'm a terrible person! I love you and I love Hisao and I kissed him and I've ruined everything!“

“I'll be th-there if you r-really want me too.”

Lilly smiles at me and she breaks my heart all over again.
“Thank you, Hanako. I knew I could count on you.”
She opens her arms towards me but I can't bring myself to embrace her, no matter how much I really want to.
“I-I have to get going.”

I turn around and walk away, the image of Lilly hurt and waiting for me still in my mind.


The tiny office is too cramped between all the equipment, the examination table, Hisao and myself. We sit in cheap plastic chairs across from each other. My face is buried in a book, but every so often I look up across at him for some sign of emotion.
Hisao looks blank. He looks almost dead.
I'm not sure it's because of me or because Lilly is taking so long.
Hisao was in and out of his tests in less than an hour. Lilly is going on three now.
Nearby, the sounds of the hospital buzz and beep, the intercom crackling nonsensically and everything else that goes along with the sterile walls of the building.

I'm not sure who's more uncomfortable, Hisao or myself. Almost everything he sees and hears makes him blanch and go white. While we were walking down one of the blank, green halls, the voice over the loudspeaker called a blue alert and I thought Hisao was going to have his own heart attack in the hall.

I look back up at him, careful to avoid his eyes.
Why doesn't he say something? Is he so concerned over the tests that he's completely forgotten about what happened?
I hope so.
I wish I could.

[Ah Eh I Oh Yu]
The door opens and the Nurse steps in, though he hasn't been just a Nurse for a few years. He's older now, but other than a few grays on the side, he still has that youthfully rough exterior and that winning smile of his.
“Heart Attack! Good to see you, my man! How's the ticker doing?”

Hisao looks grateful for the distraction. He stands and gives Nurse a strong handshake which changes into a brotherly hug between the two.
“Still alive, aren't I? Doctor, thank you for doing this for me and Lilly.”
“Hisao,” Nurse says with a reproachful tone, “we've known each other for too long for titles.”
Hisao smiles and nods sheepishly.
“Yea, okay, Nurse.”
Nurse turns towards me and turns that bright smile on.
“Hanako, you're looking great! How have you been?”
I nod meekly.
“I've been all right.“
I lie.
“Good to hear, good to hear,” Nurse says, filling space with words, his smile faltering for only a second.

He turns back to Hisao.
“You heard from Mutou?”
Hisao shakes his head.
“Other than a few letters, he's still up north at university. From the sound of it though he's gotten really into the work up there.“
“Glad to hear. Next time he comes down we should get together, invite Kenji and have a card game like old times.“
Hisao smiles and it's the first time he looks as if he's not being eaten up from the inside with worry.
“I will. How have you and Meiko been?”
Nurse smiles broadly and rubs the back of his neck.
“Just had our five year anniversary.”
“Still not married though?”
Nurse laughs and there's a glint in his eyes.
“Talk to Emi about that.”

Hisao nods.
“Well, that's interesting. So how come you're trying to distract me with small talk?“

Nurse's smile goes flat. I can't help but sink into my chair a little and hide behind my book.
Hisao gives him a less than good natured poke in the chest.
“I've spent years in hospitals, Nurse, and I've hated every minute of it. I know all the code words you medical professionals use and exactly how you distract someone from asking the wrong questions.“
Hisao gets a very serious look in his eyes.
“Where's my wife, Nurse?”

[Shadow Of The Truth]
Nurse looks like he's searching for the right words.
“We had to wait for a few additional tests on Lilly.“
“What kind of tests?”
Nurse's lips are sealed.
“Nurse, I am not above slugging you in the face. Where is my wife?“

Nurse look as if he's weighing the benefits of keeping quite and getting his face rearranged by Hisao.
I try to speak up and it takes a while for the words to come out properly.
“H-Hisao, he's just trying to d-do his job.”

Hisao glances at me and I shrink back from his eyes.
“Nurse, where is my wife?” Hisao demands again.

It looks like Nurse has finally come to a decision because he gives a long sigh before he begins talking.
“They were doing a pelvic exam and they noticed something wrong. After an ultrasound the doctors found...several dark spots. They're doing more tests to find out what they are.“

Hisao turns pale when Nurse starts talking and I can feel the color drain out of my own face as well.
Hisao collects himself after a moment.
“What...what could it be?”

Nurse weighs his options.
“Well it could be anything. Maybe just a mistake on the ultrasound.“
“Or?” Hisao prompts.
Nurse hesitates. He puts a hand on Hisao's shoulder.
“You're my friend Hisao, so I won't lie to you or use doctor speak. Even if I did you wouldn't appreciate it. Some of the tests are back in already. It could be anything from nothing to just a few fibrous tumors. The doctor's are concerned though. It could be...cancer, as well.“

An ugly word. A word you don't want to be in the same room with.
I cover my face with my hands to stifle my gasp. Hisao has a shattered, broken look in his eyes.
“Where is Lilly?”
“She's in the middle of some tests, Hisao, I can't allow you to see her right now.“
Hisao grabs Nurse by both coat lapels and pulls him close.
“Take me to her right now!”
Last edited by FluffandCrunch on Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by Nivyan »

An ugly word. A word you don't want to be in the same room with.
That made me smile. Nice play.

I love how Hanako' stammer is 'back' when she's emotionally unstable.

Loving it so far, keep at it! :D
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Nivyan wrote:
An ugly word. A word you don't want to be in the same room with.
That made me smile. Nice play.
Yeah... I tried to remember where the quote is from until I realized it is from the prologue of KS^^°
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by WolfStreak »

You and Doomish trading Ideas now hu? going to start bashing Lilly as he does Misha! I love this fic though very good story.
Streak as in streaking by at the speed of light.
Not the naked kind of streak...
That would just be odd >.>
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by Guestimate »

I enjoyed the Determinator Hisao. I can just imagine the cold look in his eyes and tone in his voice as he asks where Lilly is. How's the quote go? "There are three things that all men fear. The sea at storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man."
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by Mahorfeus »

Guestimate wrote:I enjoyed the Determinator Hisao. I can just imagine the cold look in his eyes and tone in his voice as he asks where Lilly is. How's the quote go? "There are three things that all men fear. The sea at storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man."
I love that book.
And the quote is surprisingly relevant.
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by Homeless »

Very good, one question. You find it easier writing in script form?

*Looks for his moose*
What would it be like to swim in the sky?

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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by FluffandCrunch »

Homeless wrote:Very good, one question. You find it easier writing in script form?

*Looks for his moose*
Well, I used to. Now that I've actually started writing again, I'm feeling a lot better about what I write.
And people seem to like it.
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by Homeless »

It's good work, keeps me coming back for more. Looking forward to the next part.
What would it be like to swim in the sky?

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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by mainframe004 »

Apart from a few typos and grammatical errors here and there, this is just perfect. Keep going, sir.

"We live as we do to show the world what it could be." ~ Machinae Supremacy - Overworld

Paths: Lilly > Hanako > Rin = Emi >>> Shizune
Characters: Hanako > Rin > Shizune > Emi > Lilly
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by BlackWaltzTheThird »

^ Indeed sir. Fluff, you seem to have a tendency to misspell Hisao as Hisoa. And in your most recent post you mistyped an italics tag. Other than that, I'm liking what I'm reading so far. Love seeing all the old characters so many years on, Nurse and Kenji and such. I also liked the reference to Shizune and Misha as the Queens of Yamaku, a title I myself have used for the duo. Well, Shizune only, but the implication extends to Misha as well. Looking forward to hearing more from you soon.
BlackWaltz's One-stop Oneshot Shop - my fanfiction portal topic. Contains links to all my previous works, plus starting now any new ones I may produce (or reproduce)! Please, check it out!

BlackWaltz's Pastebin - for those who prefer to read things with no formatting and stuff. It's mostly the same as in my thread. Also contains assorted other writing!
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by mainframe004 »

Also, it may be just me, but I didn't really like the excessive use of exclamation points when Hanako and Hisao kissed. It may just be my taste speaking, but you might want to look into that. :P

"We live as we do to show the world what it could be." ~ Machinae Supremacy - Overworld

Paths: Lilly > Hanako > Rin = Emi >>> Shizune
Characters: Hanako > Rin > Shizune > Emi > Lilly
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Re: Scar Tissue- A Hanako Story

Post by Nivyan »

mainframe004 wrote:Also, it may be just me, but I didn't really like the excessive use of exclamation points when Hanako and Hisao kissed. It may just be my taste speaking, but you might want to look into that. :P
I actually liked it; it was such a contrast to how few there were before they did.
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