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Post by Quark »

I know that this has been brought up before, but I feel the need to make my own thread at this point. Long story short, KS has made me severely depressed, to the point where I am now suicidal. I thought that the feeling would go away, and that KS would turn from something sad to something inspirational, like it seemingly did for everyone else, but it's months later and I'm feeling worse than ever. Initially, I felt that KS filled some sort of gap in my life and that I was complete for the first time, but as I realized that none of it was real, it made me feel emptier than ever. It's not really even the fact that I'll never meet a girl like Rin/Hanako/whoever, but just that such pure love does not exist in real life. It's kind of hard for me to explain, and I know it probably sounds stupid, but maybe you guys can relate.

The only thing that I can really maintain interest in at this point is KS-related stuff. I browsed the general threads on /v/ pretty much 24/7 until they died out and now I still find myself lurking around here, listening to the OST, and playing through the paths again and again. I'm really not sure what to do at this point, as I obviously can't go on like this. I've considered just disassociating myself from the game as much as possible by uninstalling KS, deleting the soundtrack and all my pictures/wallpapers, and so on, but I feel like that would only make me worse in the end. If any of you have been in the same position, and managed to work through it, I'd greatly appreciate your advice.

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Re: Depression...

Post by rydiafan »

Don't tke this the wrong way but if your thinking of suicide then anything we say won't help you ... you need to find someone real who will help you deal with whatever your dealing with ( a parent ,teacher , friend and so on ) on here most ppl will tell you what you wanna hear not what you need to hear ... and that isn't what u need ( sorry if that isn't what you wanted to hear )
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Re: Depression...

Post by Daitengu »

I actually thought that the girls in KS were rather realistic. They each have problems, and even after the good ending those problems haven't been solved. The only difference is they want Hisao to be with them.

Shizune is still domineering, compartmentalizing, uncompromising, and often ignoring others feelings.
Rin is still Confused about her feelings, her future, and how to deal with people.
Emi still has phantom leg syndrome, survivor's guilt, and distanced to everyone but Hisao and her mom. Heck she might even still be distanced from those two in an attempt to be stong.
Hanako is still unsure of herself in context of others.
Lilly only just started loosening up around Hisao at the end, but that doesn't mean she'll do the same for others.

Point is, if you think they are perfect, you're propping them up on a pedestal and ignoring flaws.

One does not need to have a partner to pursue happiness. In fact, thinking you have to find someone that can help to make you truly happy is the wrong way to go about it. That's just pushing the responsibility for your happiness onto someone else.

Take it from a guy who's been depressed for over 15 years. What I recommend you to do is think about what makes you the happiest. We've all got a dozen or more things and hobbies that is interesting to us, what I'm talking about is the single thing that stands on top that you can do forever. Once you find it, think about how to build a career from it and go for it. While you're trying your best at pursuing it, instead of giving up, you'll have a way higher chance of finding someone to share happiness with.

Me personally? I'm good at art, science, building, crafting, mechanics, computers, etc, BUT I'm happiest discussing, debating, teaching, and helping. I decided to learn a new language and be an interpreter, from there who knows. It's hard, I suck at languages, but I'm trying anyway. Sure it's not millionaire career, but if it can possibly make me happy, I can meet people, and get over my people phobia, so what?

What about you?
Last edited by Daitengu on Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Depression...

Post by SephkaBlight »

Quark wrote:The only thing that I can really maintain interest in at this point is KS-related stuff. I browsed the general threads on /v/ pretty much 24/7 until they died out and now I still find myself lurking around here, listening to the OST, and playing through the paths again and again. I'm really not sure what to do at this point,

The problem might be that you aren't doing other things. Try getting together with some people and doing something you enjoy

If you are still depressed when you're busy doing things then it might be a bigger problem and you should definitely talk to someone about it
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Re: Depression...

Post by Daitengu »

SephkaBlight wrote:
Quark wrote:The only thing that I can really maintain interest in at this point is KS-related stuff. I browsed the general threads on /v/ pretty much 24/7 until they died out and now I still find myself lurking around here, listening to the OST, and playing through the paths again and again. I'm really not sure what to do at this point,

The problem might be that you aren't doing other things. Try getting together with some people and doing something you enjoy

If you are still depressed when you're busy doing things then it might be a bigger problem and you should definitely talk to someone about it

When I'm depressed, and I was even suicidal, things... just didn't matter, and nothing anyone said did anything, except pissed me off or depress me further. Any kind of happiness seems out of reach so I may as well give up. And I did for half my life.

There is this much though, the feeling of attempting to do something that could take years to a goal of happiness, feels good. I'm just off the starting line, but it feels soo much better than curled up in a ball mindlessly playing games to kill time and escape reality. As long as I keep learning new words everyday, I feel a bit closer.
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Re: Depression...

Post by Silentcook »

Go seek professional help, such as a psychologist, right now. I do work in a hospital, and still I am not qualified to help you over your problems. Neither is anyone on these forums.

Don't mind us either; your health is a concern beyond anything we could have or offer here.

I wish you the best of luck.
Shattering your dreams since '94. I also fought COVID in '20 and '21, and all I got was this lousy forum sig.
