The Lamb and The Fox


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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by Tezzeret »

Aw, Hisao, Mr. Nice Guy. I agree with Sperance, his back is gonna hurt like a bitch. Also "It makes my feet fuzzy". Couldn't stop laughing :lol:
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Act2 – Scene 4

Post by gecko »

Why is this situation disturbing me that much? I've been friends with Rin for what, three months top? By that count, I should still be depressing about Iwanako even more, and yet, I'm not. Hey, I even met her and my old friends again during the last holidays. I won't describe the meeting as very pleasant, it felt a bit lonely. Apparently, the new me finds little to relate to with the old me and his friends, the things our friendship had been based on seemed a bit shallow. But it didn't disturb me like meeting Rin again does.

I spend more time thinking about Rin and Yamaku than I do sleeping, but I must finally drift away, because when I'm shaken awake by Rin's foot rubbing on my chest, the sun is shining brightly through the curtains that I forgot to close. Once my eyes are adapted, I can see her legs above me, her panties, and her gaze above the whole lot.

"You should use the bed," she says. "I know I'm stinking, but the floor is cold."

She stands above me, stretches, and adds, "I need a shower."

I sit, still on the floor, and look at her grabbing a toiletries bag, a towel, and pyjamas with her mouth and throwing all that on her shoulders. In a half-asleep state, I wonder if I should propose her help, but I can't think of a non-creepy way for that. Our relationship is probably not on the right level.

"Use the bed. Get some sleep." She says that without even looking at me while she opens the door, and slams it behind her.

I obey, and even make the effort to close the curtains. They don't filter the sun completely, but enough to sleep. Or would if Rin, coming back from the shower, didn't push me to take half of her single bed.

I groan.

"You want me to sleep on the floor?" She asks.

"I'll do it," I answer and start rising.

"Not fair." She sits, looking at me from above, then frowns. "Weren't you down there all night? I think I remember that. Yes, you were. And before that, I dumped a big load of self-pity on you."

She looks nice in that pink and white pyjamas. Plus, she smells nice. I wonder why I didn't want her here with me. To my defence, I'm still half-asleep.

"Stay there," I finally say, patting the bed next to me.

It's difficult to put two people in a single bed without some body parts touching, even when one of them has no arms. But after noticing Rin doesn't seem to mind, I relax a bit, and we end finding a position with me on my back, and Rin on her side next to me, her head and wet hair on my right shoulder. The hardest now is to forget how this position is linked to sex in my adolescent mind. How, each time I've imagined us like that, we were naked and just had a sweaty time. Finally, I manage to really relax, and decide I might even be able to get some sleep. But I don't, because that's when Rin talks.

"You put me to bed?"

I nod, and can't hold back a yawn.

"You could have removed the bra," she adds.

"I thought it would be too intimate for our kind of relationship."

She remains silent for a minute, before asking:

"What kind of relationship do we have?"

I remain silent. That's something I'd like to know, and although I thought a lot about what we could have had, it doesn't mean I have an answer for the present. Finally, it's Rin who tries to answer.

"I think I'm the fox. You tamed me, and then you left me, and now I'm sad."

"You were the one who asked me to forget about you! Who said you'd forget about me!"

"I couldn't. I saw the rain, and it reminded me of you."

"I didn't either." I reach for her with my left arm, immediately wondering if I'm not going too far, but she cuddles on me.

Her body is warm, and I feel my heart skip a bit while it accelerate. Rin raises her head to look at me, then closes her eyes and lays her head back on my chest.

"You said I'll be alone forever." Her voice seems to come from very far, like she's afraid.

I'm going to object but I've got to admit that yes, I probably said that. I wasn't exactly in a good mood when that discussion happened. Yes, I remember how I said it now.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way."

"But you were right." Her voice is closer now.

"No, I wasn't. You don't have to be alone."

"But nobody will ever understand me?"

"Maybe it doesn't matter? Maybe taming you is enough?"

"If you don't forget me."

"I'm really sorry Rin. I really didn't want to push you away. You know, I was quite depressed myself at the time. I was frustrated because I also wanted someone to understand me, and you didn't. And worse, I thought I'd understood you. I pushed you into this art thing, and now you're unhappy..."

"Hisao, will you stop fussing?"

"I'm trying to be nice!" I try to defuse my exclamation with a smile, hoping she'll at least understand that. I don't care she's confused, as long as she knows I want to be nice with her.

Instead of answering, she stretches her body against mine. I can feel her breast against my chest, and her crotch against my leg. She lodges her nose against my neck, and her leg starts rubbing mine. My heart skips another beat, but I manage to move my arms around her into a tight hug. She sighs. My hands caress her back, until one finds the bare skin at the small of her back, where her top is riding above her pants waist. Both my hands are now under her top and on her bare skin. My heart is thumping louder. Rin's breathing louder too, and she kisses my neck.

"What about Ken?" I wonder how I've managed to ask. But the small bit of me that kept thinking wants everything to be clear. Not for Ken, I don't think I owe that selfish guy anything, but I'm done with misunderstandings with Rin. Too painful.

"He must be fucking some groupie somewhere," she answers. Her voice is breathy, and her hip doesn't stop rubbing against mine. "Or rather, sleeping next to her, now."

Good factual answer, and a nice confirmation of my putting him in the selfish assholes category, but that's not what I meant.

"You mean he's cheating on you?" But I'm also curious enough to let my initial question get derailed.

"I don't know. That's another trap, another word that doesn't mean what it should, isn't it?" She has stopped moving, now. "Is it cheating if I know he's doing it?"

Time to go back to the initial question: "I mean, didn't he tame you, too?" Maybe I'll get a better answer by using Rin's own analogy. "Why do you need me to remember you?"

"Ken?" She thinks about it for a moment. "I don't think so. I don't see him as a prince. A wolf maybe? Yes, I'd draw him as a wolf, I think."

She groups her legs, sits on my abdomen, and look at me with narrowed eyes. "You've been fussing and worrying again."

"Sorry." I slide my hands on her waist, on her skin, under top.

"Hisao, stop worrying. Now." Her voice is back to breathy and her hips move a bit, rubbing her crotch against my lower abdomen.

I feel very hot, and comply, sliding my hands further up on her skin. My palms are now caressing the sensitive skin on the side of her breasts. Rin hums. I barely hear her over the thumping of my own heart. I stop breathing.

And I suddenly realize I cannot breathe again. My throat is blocked. Pain radiates through my left arm, and descends into my chest. My vision is becoming blurry. My hands itch. I cannot feel Rin any more, like I'm separated from her by a wall of cotton fluff. Just before my vision gives away, I can make her eyes widening.

I love how green they are. Maybe it's not so bad for a last vision?

Link to act 3
Last edited by gecko on Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mind-worm meter: Rin>>Emi>Lily>Hanako>>Shizune
Fanfic: The lamb and the fox
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by themocaw »

gecko, you ass, if you end the story here I'm going to beat something up with a 10 pound rainbow trout >:[
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by Demoneq »

themocaw wrote:gecko, you ass, if you end the story here I'm going to beat something up with a 10 pound rainbow trout >:[
And I'm going to apply chainsaw to said trout. And lemons. And you will be [static] baked, and then there will be cake.
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by Mahorfeus »

Damn you Hisao, you must not have gotten much exercise over the past few years if just touching a chick's breast is gonna kill you. Granted Iwanako did a lot less.

At any rate, I don't see this ending well for some reason. There I go, being all cynical again.
"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love." -Stendhal
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by gecko »

Demoneq wrote:
themocaw wrote:gecko, you ass, if you end the story here I'm going to beat something up with a 10 pound rainbow trout >:[
And I'm going to apply chainsaw to said trout. And lemons. And you will be [static] baked, and then there will be cake.
Well, I'm working on act 3, so technically, it doesn't end here. The question is, who will be the narrator? :twisted:
99% completion.
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by Tezzeret »

Oh shi- Hisao gets a little bit a titty and his heart goes and fucks up on him. For shame :(
Last edited by Tezzeret on Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by rook »

Well... I guess that's not such a bad way to go.
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by CarnivalNights »

*Punts a puppy after reading the last few lines*

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Act 3 "Exile" – Scene 1

Post by gecko »

I wake up looking at some unknown ceiling, in a darkened room. I don't understand where I am. The hospital should be cleaner, this ceiling is not. Plus, shouldn't they have told me if they were going to transfer me? What about my parents? And why is it so dark?

Or maybe I'm somewhere in Yamaku? Wait, yes, I went to Yamaku, so I'm not in the hospital any more. But I'm quite sure I'm not in my bedroom. I carefully turn my head to the side, and I meet a wall, like I'm on a bed in a corridor. Except there's a door and a window. Okay, a very tiny room.

The door opens, and I see Mio and Rin in the doorway. Mio is talking on the phone with someone, and telling him I'm conscious.

Mio. Rin. University. Art school. The dorms. Rin's pink and white pyjamas. Okay, I remember where I am. I run my hands along my body and legs and confirm I'm decent. I apparently didn't go further with Rin than I remember. Rin is watching me, and I see traces from tears on her cheeks.

Mio is giving the room number to someone. And telling them she'll wait for them at the entrance.

"Wait!" my voice sounds strange.

I sit quickly and try to stand and reach for the phone. But the room starts spinning immediately, and my feet start tingling, and I've got to lie down before I can object more. Shit. I can see in Mio's eyes that the display of weakness I've just shown hasn't impressed her. She won't cancel her call now. I'm going to have to deal with emergency medics again. I had hoped to be done with that, as long as I took my medications seriously: I have been stable for nearly one year now.

Of course, I realize now, I didn't take my medications, neither yesterday evening nor this morning. They're still in my suitcase in Yukio's flat.


I carefully group my legs and sit slowly on the bed, my back against the wall. Nothing happens this time. Mio looks alternatively at Rin and I, then leaves toward the entrance.

Rin is still in the doorway. She doesn't make a move. She just looks at me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry," she finally says. A new tear rolls down her left cheek.

"Not your fault," I answer. "I forgot my meds." My voice seems back to normal. Good.

Rin wipes her cheeks on her shoulders, but stays where she is. She frowns.

"But I asked you to stay."

I shrug. I'm the one with the heart problem, taking my drugs is my responsibility.

"Don't worry for me, please. I'll be okay."

Rin stays silent. I smile at her. She answer with a short shy smile I never saw her.

But she stays in the doorway.

Before I can say something else, we hear hurried footsteps in the corridor. Either we've been looking at each-other for longer than I thought, either those guys are quick. Anyway, they don't seem to want to take time to discuss or evaluate me on scene. They gently, but firmly, take me by the arms, one of each side, and lead me outside, toward the ambulance. I just have the time to share a last gaze with Rin while we walk away down the corridor. Mio is standing by Rin's side. She looks pissed.


Of course, nothing is ever simple with hospitals. Especially with the emergency room when you're not an urgency and it's a busy Sunday. By the time I'm done explaining, for the fourth time, what I know about my condition, and yes, I normally take my medication seriously, and yes, I have what I need in my bedroom, it's already dark outside. I've been hooked to that heart monitor all day long, with fights against two nurses and one intern to make sure they didn't mess with my medication: I know what are my normal dosages, I'd like them to stick to them and not try any new fancy drug, thanks.

Of course, I know I'm overly negative. They're doing what they can, with my file being lost somewhere on a cranky computer system, and the only guy who know how to retrieve it and not on week-end leave busy with car crash victims. No, they didn't prompt all that information, but I've lived for months in an hospital. I know how to talk with the nurses. Anyway, I know that they have good reasons to want to keep me under monitoring, rather than risking me having another attack in the streets. They care for my health – it's their job and they take it seriously.

But when you're thinking that you were having a hot time with your first love, (shouldn't that be Iwanako? I really feel like I'm not the same person than before Yamaku) and that you're now trapped on an hospital bed, probably until far enough on the next morning for the administrative side to be closed, it's frustrating.

I guess I should be happy to be alive, but I go to sleep very unhappy – and very confused.

Seriously. Is Rin my girlfriend? Or not? I'm not sure any more what this is supposed to mean.


When I'm back on the rainy streets, it's Monday and I'm already late. My phone is already full of messages from Yukio and my training tutor asking where I am. And I'm short on battery. And I don't even know Rin's number – and that's supposing she has a phone.

While I wait for the train to work, I decided to fire a text to Mio. I feel ill at ease about that but, the other solution is to remain silent. I'd dislike that even more.

Hisao ~ Just released from Hospital. Everything fine. Thanks for the help. Tell Rin I will drop by.


It's Tuesday evening when I manage to drop by the dorms. Monday has been hell. A review just decided by the big boss meant nobody got home before midnight. Actually, it could have been even worse: the department head wanted to treat us with a karaoke on the evening, to thank us for our hard work, but I bowed out.

It's not good team-spirit to avoid having fun with one's colleagues, but I really needed to take my drugs and have a real night sleep, however short. Going drinking the day you've been released from the hospital really didn't seem a good idea for me. For once, not being of drinking age suits me fine.

I'm still quite tired when I climb the stairs to Rin's corridor. But that's not what stops me as I near her door. Which is slightly ajar.

What stops me is the voice I hear inside.

Rins voice.



And it goes on.

And I can hear another breath.

And I'm standing there, angry at her, but also disgusted at my own voyeurism, and with a treacherous erection in my pants.

As Rin nears climax, I manage to understand I don't want to hear any more of that. I turn and walk away. I don't think I'm going to sleep well tonight.

Soundtrack proposal for act 3: Mad Caddies – Drinking for 11 (yes, I know, I should put that on top of the chapter, but I like the idea of you listening to the song as a afterthought.)
Scene 2 around there
Last edited by gecko on Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by Sperance »

You... You're enjoyin this, aren't you? Making us suffer like this. You're evil.
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by Daitengu »

Why would Hisao wonder if he were Rin's boyfriend, if she was still with her old boyfriend while dry humping Hisao? Hisao is jumping to conclusions that confuse me.
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by Tezzeret »

Ah so Hisao had forgotten to take his meds. Dumbass lol
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by Mahorfeus »

Tezzeret wrote:Ah so Hisao had forgotten to take his meds. Dumbass lol
Pretty much this. Shame he didn't have the experience from Lilly's route to know better.

On an unrelated note, an AI Tezzeret just trolled me by not passing turn when I had it in a no-win scenario. -_-
"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love." -Stendhal
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Re: The Lamb and The Fox

Post by CarnivalNights »

Sperance wrote:You... You're enjoyin this, aren't you? Making us suffer like this. You're evil.
This. This so much. I was eagerly awaiting this continuation.
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