What is happiness?

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Re: What is happiness?

Post by newnar »

I dunno, but checking myself into a mental institute is sth I'd never do. I mean, if you're sane enough to do that, maybe you don't need it. Or maybe because I keep thinking that, I will never check myself in. Thus according to my own logic, I oughta be in it because I am no longer sane enough to check myself in.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Tachikoma »

newnar wrote:I dunno, but checking myself into a mental institute is sth I'd never do. I mean, if you're sane enough to do that, maybe you don't need it. Or maybe because I keep thinking that, I will never check myself in. Thus according to my own logic, I oughta be in it because I am no longer sane enough to check myself in.
In this situation it's not a question of sanity. And I'm not talking about hospitalisation either. I was only suggesting the OP to see a specialist dealing with anxiety disorders who may offer practical help for his condition.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by newnar »

Tachikoma wrote:
newnar wrote:I dunno, but checking myself into a mental institute is sth I'd never do. I mean, if you're sane enough to do that, maybe you don't need it. Or maybe because I keep thinking that, I will never check myself in. Thus according to my own logic, I oughta be in it because I am no longer sane enough to check myself in.
In this situation it's not a question of sanity. And I'm not talking about hospitalisation either. I was only suggesting the OP to see a specialist dealing with anxiety disorders who may offer practical help for his condition.
Replace "check myself into a mental institute" with "see a mental specialist".
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Tomate »

Whats so terrifying about consulting a mental specialist?
If one has Toothache he goes to a dentist, if one is incapable of processing or relating to happiness he goes to a therapist.

Its pretty chill, you go to a office, and talk to a specialist for a hour for a couple of days or so, then he gives you a professional opinion that generally is way better than the opinion of a ragtag bunch of misfits on a Internet forum.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by newnar »

Tomate wrote:Whats so terrifying about consulting a mental specialist?
If one has Toothache he goes to a dentist, if one is incapable of processing or relating to happiness he goes to a therapist.

Its pretty chill, you go to a office, and talk to a specialist for a hour for a couple of days or so, then he gives you a professional opinion that generally is way better than the opinion of a ragtag bunch of misfits on a Internet forum.
It's not terrifying, just awkward. Because having a mental illness would compromise one's ability to think, combined with the fact that one has to think in order to make the decision to see the specialist, provides a weird situation.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Hitman3256 »

Tomate wrote:Whats so terrifying about consulting a mental specialist?
...then he gives you a professional opinion that generally is way better than the opinion of a ragtag bunch of misfits on a Internet forum.
I take offense to this, sir.

Besides, that includes you -.-

Clearly he created this thread in order TO get people's opinions, I'm sure Daitengu is smart enough to know if he has to see a specialist or not. He didn't say he has psychological issues, if he did I'm sure he'd already be seeing a specialist.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Tomate »

Hitman3256 wrote:
I take offense to this, sir.

Besides, that includes you -.-
Don t be offended, whats wrong with being part of a ragtag bunch of misfits? Yep, i know i am included.
Hitman3256 wrote: Clearly he created this thread in order TO get people's opinions, I'm sure Daitengu is smart enough to know if he has to see a specialist or not. He didn't say he has psychological issues, if he did I'm sure he'd already be seeing a specialist.[/quote ]
In that case, my opinion is:
Go see a Therapist, lots of people do, its better than an internet forum.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Daitengu »

Damn it! I had a really long post, but it went poof cause I took too long thinking about what I wanted to say and had to relog >.<

mmm... shorter is probably better anyway.

I could explain my hang ups, or you could just read the link in my first post. Lets just say docs prescribe meds that just prevent me from thinking at all, and Therapists just want to some how curb my Asberger type thinking into what they think is 'normal'(doesn't work like that anyway). It really pisses me off when they just down play my fear of people as 'social anxiety'. Though it's probably difficult for them anyway as I tend to be nervous like I'm on trial for a murder I didn't do.

I'm not really interested in blowing money I don't have so people can make up things that are wrong with me and shove me out the door while taking my money, instead of actually dealing with me. Oh and Freud was a quack Coke-head with a mother complex who doesn't account for 'eccentric thinkers'. I disagree with his theories and I'd like to punch the people square in the face who made it part of the psychology course.

I'm doin what I got to do. Worry less about my depressing past and offer some thoughts explaining what happiness, joy, bliss, etc feel like. Even just thowing out memories of situations might get me to remember. please *bow*

I remember peace, and comfort now atleast thanks to the replies thus far.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Geroaergaroe »

Happiness isn't some high philosophical situation.
It is just a state in which a human being pass by. Like sadness, desire, anger. It is just a human feeling, like any other. What matter isn't what it is, but how you're going to apprehend it.
That's why you shall Carpe Diem, may that moment be sweet or bitter, because living is already a great gift. People you know, possession you cherish, everything will pass by one day, except memories (if you don't get alzheimer :< ). And memories you have lived in are always sweeter than memories you have let yourself lived in.

But that's only my two cent, formulated in my bad english, soz.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by encrypted12345 »

Daitengu wrote: Oh and Freud was a quack Coke-head with a mother complex who doesn't account for 'eccentric thinkers'. I disagree with his theories and I'd like to punch the people square in the face who made it part of the psychology course.
To be honest, no one believes most of Freud anymore. His only merit nowadays was that he started the field of psychology and the concept of how repressed thoughts can dictate behavior. They only teach his theories because it's tradition to do so.

While you should still leave it up to a professional, no one can force you to do anything. Talking to the people in these forums is better than talking to no one at all. It's nice to see that the advice in this thread is helping you and I shall wish you well.

Happiness, huh? I've seen some shit and will continue to see shit, but I can honestly say that I am happy. Sometimes I get sad, sometimes I get mad, but I can continue onto the next day with an earnest smile. I strive to be the most encypted12345-ish I can be and find joy in that.

Be sure to find the fine line between improving yourself and destroying yourself and one more thing.

Some people are satisfied with an ordinary type of happiness and some want a different type of happiness. It is insanely subjective and useless to define what type of happiness will satisfy you. I earnestly hope that you will find the type of happiness that will satisfy you.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by dunkelfalke »

i'm happy, hope you're happy, too :shock:
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Morph »

That's a question I use to think about sometimes myself as well. I never really get to a satisfying answer though. I don't know if that is because I am quite young and am therefore rather inexperienced (what I want to say is that I maybe don't recognize it as that what it is), forget what it feels like or never felt it. Reading this thread so far I got the impression I never really was happy (at least as long I remember my emotional state) and just felt something like accomplishment in games and school or in other words this short-time happiness (isn't that joy?). I was never in a conscious state of 'Feeling that everything is okay' or honest contentment with my life as a whole.
Just like Daitengu I am told that I think too much and should just go with the 'flow', but I can't turn off my mind and feel often like an outsider in social activities (went once in a club, just sat and drank because there was nothing I considered being fun). I often wonder if all the others are really happy at moments like this or if they just fool themselves by shutting down their rationality and if that might be the only way to achieve this state of feeling that 'everything is okay' that one can gain with one's own possibilities.
Sorry for being unhelpful.
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by HarvestmanMan »

Happiness is finding a pencil, knowing a secret, telling the time!
Happiness is learning to whistle, tying your shoe for the very first time!
Happiness is playing the drum in your own school band!
And happiness is walking hand in hand!
Happiness is two kinds of ice cream, pizza with sausage, climbing a tree!
Happiness is five different crayons, catching a firefly, setting him free!
Happiness is being alone every now and then!
And happiness is coming home again!
Happiness is morning and evening, daytime and nighttime too!
And happiness is anyone and anything at all that's loved by you!
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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Yellow 13 »

Hitman3256 wrote:
Yellow 13 wrote:a warm gun
You're not funny. Please leave -.-

It's a Beatles song
When the war, has been won
And our march home begins
What awaits has not yet been revealed
What was won? what was lost?
Will our deeds be remembered?
Are they written on stone or in sand?

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Re: What is happiness?

Post by Daitengu »

encrypted12345 wrote: While you should still leave it up to a professional, no one can force you to do anything. Talking to the people in these forums is better than talking to no one at all. It's nice to see that the advice in this thread is helping you and I shall wish you well.

Happiness, huh? I've seen some shit and will continue to see shit, but I can honestly say that I am happy. Sometimes I get sad, sometimes I get mad, but I can continue onto the next day with an earnest smile. I strive to be the most encypted12345-ish I can be and find joy in that.

Be sure to find the fine line between improving yourself and destroying yourself and one more thing.

Some people are satisfied with an ordinary type of happiness and some want a different type of happiness. It is insanely subjective and useless to define what type of happiness will satisfy you. I earnestly hope that you will find the type of happiness that will satisfy you.
When the professionals try to get me to think what they think is normal, instead of just accepting I think differently than normal, I get annoyed and frustrated. I'm talking thinking process, not particular concepts or ideas in general. How I do it and not the results after finish a thought or four. They all seem to think everyone 'thinks' the same way. Sorry man, my brain is wired different.

Shit happens yeah, it's why I don't get upset over small stuff. And I'm not talking about some idealistic ''happiness that lasts forever" either. I'm just get comprehension of what it feels like, cause I don't know if I remember feeling joy, happiness or bliss. Like, I don't remember ever feeling good about beating a game, or finishing something. Even in KS I never had a 'happy' feeling, though I did have several moments of self realization. Which endears the game to me. Sad, apprehension, awkward, relief even, but happy? not really.

The feeling of love is weird for me too. It's like a deep impulse to be next to a particular person, and when I'm there I feel like crying in their arms almost like sad, but it's not sad. It's really strange. I wonder if that's what it is really.

I was told once feelings are like muscles. They get stronger with use, and atrophy with disuse. You cats think that idea is plausible? Do I really just work towards it, and eventually it'll get strong enough to where I understand it?
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