Dutch Translation?

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Dutch Translation?

Post by Maki »

Offering my services as a native Dutch speaker living in the Netherlands.
I can translate any amount of English text to Dutch.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist, which I believe helps me in translating.

It was a lovely day. The sun was shining and I was walking towards my new school. While waiting for a traffic light, I noticed a girl of the 'grey mouse' variety moving along a wall on the opposite side of the street. People were passing her by as if she did not exist, but I saw her keen eyes and light smile: She was just where she wanted to be; out of sight from the public eye and left to her own thoughts.
Het was een mooie dag. De zon scheen en ik liep richting mijn nieuwe school. Terwijl ik voor een stoplicht stond te wachten, zag ik een meisje van het type 'grijze muis' die zich langs een muur aan de overkant van de straat bewoog. Mensen liepen langs haar heen alsof ze niet bestond, maar ik zag haar scherpe ogen en een kleine glimlach op haar gezicht: Zij was precies waar zij zichzelf het liefste zag; uit het zicht van het publiek en in haar eigen gedachtenwereld.
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by cpl_crud »

I'm not entirely sure if ren'py can handle the characters you require, but delta and py'tom can answer that for you.

As for the translation, Delta has already made provisions for alternative languages.

As an individual I have to say that I'm a little worried about the workload and the eventual quality, but if you were to put together a team consisting of a Translator, an Editor and a Proof Reader I'd feel pretty comfortable helping you out.

It should really be a matter of us giving you limited access to the script, and then you sending the translated version back to us.

Send me a PM or come to the irc channel ( #katawa-shoujo @ irc.irchighway.net ) and we can work out the details.
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Maki »

cpl_crud wrote:I'm not entirely sure if ren'py can handle the characters you require, but delta and py'tom can answer that for you.

As for the translation, Delta has already made provisions for alternative languages.

As an individual I have to say that I'm a little worried about the workload and the eventual quality, but if you were to put together a team consisting of a Translator, an Editor and a Proof Reader I'd feel pretty comfortable helping you out.

It should really be a matter of us giving you limited access to the script, and then you sending the translated version back to us.

Send me a PM or come to the irc channel ( #katawa-shoujo @ irc.irchighway.net ) and we can work out the details.
There are very few special characters needed in the Dutch language.
Most special characters used are common in the English language as well.

Being a perfectionist, I take great pride in delivering the highest quality content as far as my skills allow. I shall look around for an Editor/Proof Reader, but I see little problems in that area.

I understand why limited access would be preferred and would have no different.

I will send a PM as I have no IRC.
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Xevo »

I'd love to help in this. Just assign me somewhere, I'm good too go for all roles. :)

Hup nederland. n_n
"Anal." - Emi
"I merely have a healthy adolescent sex drive." - Lilly
"The problem is in your pants." - Rin
"I'll tutor you." - Misha
"...?" - Shizune

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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Maki »

Xevo wrote:I'd love to help in this. Just assign me somewhere, I'm good too go for all roles. :)

Hup nederland. n_n
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by kobe »

Maki wrote:
Xevo wrote:I'd love to help in this. Just assign me somewhere, I'm good too go for all roles. :)

Hup nederland. n_n
Inderdaad, ik ben misschien wel Belg, maar ik zou veel liever in Nederland geboren zijn, hier vindt iedereen zich geweldig en ongelooflijk. *zucht*
Dus het stereotype 'Belgen vinden dat ze beter zijn dan anderen en zijn erg nauwdenkend', klopt helaas wel. In Nederland is men ook veel opener over bijna alles, hier wordt men uitgescholden voor het minste. :(

But back on-topic: A translation to dutch would be pretty cool (And educational, this could maybe, just maybe, be used in schools to teach a little bit about how to deal with disabilities and disabled people) I think lots of people, (especially Belgians, I don't like my country, too close-minded.) could then finally realize that being different or disabled isn't a bad thing, and (by reading Hanako's storyline) that bullying others often has a much bigger impact than one could think, heavily mentally scarring some very nice people forever. But maybe this is just my mind wandering off again.
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Maki »

kobe wrote:
Maki wrote:
Xevo wrote:I'd love to help in this. Just assign me somewhere, I'm good too go for all roles. :)

Hup nederland. n_n
Inderdaad, ik ben misschien wel Belg, maar ik zou veel liever in Nederland geboren zijn, hier vindt iedereen zich geweldig en ongelooflijk. *zucht*
Dus het stereotype 'Belgen vinden dat ze beter zijn dan anderen en zijn erg nauwdenkend', klopt helaas wel. In Nederland is men ook veel opener over bijna alles, hier wordt men uitgescholden voor het minste. :(

But back on-topic: A translation to dutch would be pretty cool (And educational, this could maybe, just maybe, be used in schools to teach a little bit about how to deal with disabilities and disabled people) I think lots of people, (especially Belgians, I don't like my country, too close-minded.) could then finally realize that being different or disabled isn't a bad thing, and (by reading Hanako's storyline) that bullying others often has a much bigger impact than one could think, heavily mentally scarring some very nice people forever. But maybe this is just my mind wandering off again.
Well, we are translating Act 1 into Dutch. Each of our little team in our own pace. If you're offering to strengthen our numbers, let me know with what exactly (translating, spellchecking, (line-break) editing..) and I'll toss cpl_crud a line and get you assigned to something?

I guess I've sorta slipped into the role of team coordinator, so anyone who wants to join the Dutch translation team.. feel free to poke me. :mrgreen:
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by kobe »

I'd like to translate from english to dutch, but we need an editor, proofreader and someone who translates the lines...and the only thing i'm good at is translating, so yeah...I'm kinda confused as to who is offering to do what at this time.

EDIT: I decided to translate a small part of the scene between lilly and hisao to show you guys how I translate, unfortunately, some nuances or general feelings behind sentences can't be expressed (read: literally translated) in the dutch language. I'd really like to be part of KS, but whether or not you guys let me be, you'll have to decide :p.

Hisao:"Huh, the time's gone quickly."
Right, she's blind. Of course she can't see the sun setting.
Hisao:"It just looks like the sun's starting to set."
It seems to come as a surprise for her. I guess she must have lost track of time.
Lilly:"sorry, Hisao. I didn't meen to keep you from the library for so long."
I quickly move to allay her concern
Hisao:"Ah, no; it's okay. The library's still open, isn't it?"
She pauses, and takes a moment to think on it.
It's probably something I should've asked Shizune when I had the chance, but Lilly seems likely to know in any case.
Lilly:"True, It's open until six-thirty during weekdays."
A quick glance at my watch confirms I have well enough time to get there.
Hisao:"Hmm, I might get going in that case. It's been nice talking with you, Lilly."
She smiles and gives a deep nod, her hands still neatly folded on the table in front of her.
Lilly:"It was my pleasure."
Lilly:"Oh,come to think of it... shall i show you to where the library is?"
Hisao:"I couldn't possibly ask for more help. I should be able to find it all right."

Hisao:"Huh, De tijd is snel vooruit gegaan."
Oh ja, ze is blind. Natuurlijk kan ze de zon niet zien zakken.
Hisao:"Het lijkt erop dat de zon net is beginnen zakken."
Het lijkt erop dat dit als een verrassing voor haar komt. Ik denk dat ze de tijd uit het oog verloren is.
Lilly:"Sorry, Hisao. Het was niet mijn bedoeling om je zo lang van de bibliotheek weg te houden."
I probeer haar snel gerust te stellen.
Hisao:"Ah, nee, het is ok. De bibliotheek is nog steeds open, niet?
Ze pauzeert, en neemt een moment om erover na te denken.
Dit is waarschijnlijk iets dat ik Shizune had moeten vragen wanneer ik de kans nog had, maar Lilly ziet eruit alsof ze het toch zou weten.
Lilly:"Dat is waar, ze is open tot half zeven op weekdagen."
Een snelle blik op mijn horloge bevestigt dat ik nog meer dan genoeg tijd heb om er op tijd te zijn.
Hisao:"Hmm, ik vertrek dan maar. Het was leuk met je te praten, Lilly."
Ze glimlacht en geeft een diepe knik, haar handen zijn nog steeds netjes bij elkaar gevouwen op de tafel voor haar.
Lilly:"Het genoegen was aan mij."
Lilly:"Oh, nu ik er aan denk...zal ik je laten zien waar de bibliotheek is?"
Hisao:"Ik kan onmogelijk om meer hulp vragen. Ik zou ze moeten kunnen vinden."
Last edited by kobe on Thu May 14, 2009 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Maki »

kobe wrote:I'd like to translate from english to dutch, but we need an editor, proofreader and someone who translates the lines...and the only thing i'm good at is translating, so yeah...I'm kinda confused as to who is offering to do what at this time.
I got a better setup in the actual translation thread.
I'll poke cpl_crud about adding you to the team.
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Chrouya »

In het Nederlands:

Ik weet niet wat voor een persoon jullie nog nodig hebben, maar hier is weer een Nederlander beland die misschien jullie kan helpen met proofreading. Ik ben erg strict met typ- of spelfouten, omdat ik best een perfectionist ben. Ik heb Act 1 al in het Engels uitgespeeld.

In English:
I don't know what kind of person you guys still need, but here's a Dutchman who might be able to help you with proofreading. I'm very strict with errors, as I'm quite the perfectionist. I have finished Act 1 in English already.

I will be in the IRC channel if someone needs me.
- Chrouya
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Maki »

Chrouya wrote:In het Nederlands:

Ik weet niet wat voor een persoon jullie nog nodig hebben, maar hier is weer een Nederlander beland die misschien jullie kan helpen met proofreading. Ik ben erg strict met typ- of spelfouten, omdat ik best een perfectionist ben. Ik heb Act 1 al in het Engels uitgespeeld.

In English:
I don't know what kind of person you guys still need, but here's a Dutchman who might be able to help you with proofreading. I'm very strict with errors, as I'm quite the perfectionist. I have finished Act 1 in English already.

I will be in the IRC channel if someone needs me.
- Chrouya
At this point in time it's my opinion it can't hurt to get more people on the team to spread the load. I'll toss in word to cpl_crud to get you aboard.

* EDIT: Seems Chrouya left or got kicked. Not sure what happened there.
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by cpl_crud »

You need to register your account.

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<Suriko> Crud would be patting Hanako's head
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Chrouya »

As you requested, I've registered an account on this forum.
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Re: Dutch Translation?

Post by Maki »

Chrouya wrote:As you requested, I've registered an account on this forum.
Ah, there you go!
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