Amendments (Complete)


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Amendments (Complete)

Post by Eprlide »

(Whilst I am working on continuing my OC story, this one randomly came out of nowhere. If this is deemed good enough, I might continue this.)

Amongst your worst enemies, there will always be at least one ally.

She could count on one hand how many times she has already been up there, but every single time was always with Lilly. Her dorm room seemed unappealing today, the library was closed, and with her best friend being to strained with class representative duties to have any free time, Hanako found herself slowly walking up the cold, long steps to the rooftop. She had nothing else with her other then a book she was reading, just checked out of the library the day before. Perhaps some fresh air while reading would be a nice change of environment; a crisp, late spring atmosphere while reading a book upon a rooftop seemed inviting. It also seemed to be mostly deserted from all the other times she was there with Lilly, save for Rin and Emi during lunch time, so she could, one again, be alone and at peace.

Even with this logical thinking behind her, her hand was shaking as she reached for the doorknob. What if someone was up here, doing something because they thought the same as her? There was only one way to know. With a grip, the handle turned and slowly opened the door with a small amount of force. The sudden gush of air makes her yelp softly and clutch herself, trying to hide her scars from anyone that was up there, if there was anyone up there. After a few seconds, something took her sight by surprise.

She wasn't alone on the rooftop, but the person there was someone she knew all to well, except she was a lot different then what she used to be. For one, her normal, cheery and energetic expression was replaced with one of sadness and sorrow.

Secondly, she now noticed that her drills were gone.


Out of all the people that could be on the rooftop at this moment, she didn't expect her to be alone. Normally she would be with Shizune, much like Hanako herself was with Lilly.

"Oh, I thought someone was behind me, but I didn't think it would be you, Hanako. You surprised me~." A brief silence passes as both debate on continuing the conversation, with Misha taking the initiative in the end. "Where's Lilly?"

"She... h-has work to do. I-I thought the r-roof would be... empty..."

"Wahahah~. I guess it isn't now."

As if her expression wasn't enough, her tone also emits a tone of sorrow despite her choice of words. Hanako's feet feel pinned to the ground in a conflict between leaving and seeing whats wrong with her.

"Wh... where's Shizune?"

"i dunno~, but I don't want to talk to her anyway. Not right now."


Another silence follows. Hanako quickly makes point that Misha doesn't want to talk about it, but her feet still feel pinned down. After what seems like minute and a day of waiting, Hanako decides to make way and begins to slowly close the roof door, having not entered the rooftop fully at that time.


She stops with Misha looking directly at her with her cheeks a tint of red. Has she been crying or holding it in?

"I'll tell you, but promise not to tell anyone, okay?"

Another dilemma rises. Even though a part of Hanako wants to keep going, Misha looks really, really sad, something she never expected to see from her. There's another pause until she reaches a conclusion.


All the while questioning to herself what she's getting into, Misha begins to speak up.

"You know how Hicchan and Shicchan are going out, right? Well~, with graduation coming up soon, I've wanted to spend more time with Shicchan, but she's been to busy with trying to get a president for Student Council elected and spending her time with Hicchan that we just end up fighting! I don't like it, and I want it to stop." She takes a moment to collect herself before speaking up again, with Hanako's feet feeling pinned again.

"I like Shicchan."

"W-well... y-yeah..."

Hanako's eyes dart around the ground trying to find something to say, but Misha interrupts her.

"I don't think you get it. I mean I like Shicchan the same way Hicchan does."

This freezes what was left of Hanako up, and frozen in shock, locks gazes with Misha.

"I want her to be my girlfriend."


Words fail her again, and Misha continues.

"I didn't need to come to this school, you know. I don't have a condition, I was just learning sign language and this place seemed interesting enough. I didn't want to come at first, but eventually I did~. Even if everyone hated me for not being one of them, I wouldn't care because then I could be alone. Maybe it would have been easier if it was that way, but I of course found Shicchan~. She was trying so hard to get people onto the student council because it was just her and Lilly back then, and she also knew I was learning sign language. So~, she came to me."

Misha closes her eyes, and all Hanako can do is listen with her body frozen and her ears keeping attention like she was listening to an audio book.

"I was bad at sign language back then, so I thought she was mocking me. So~! I tried harder to learn sign language and later found out that wasn't the case. I slowly fell in love with her, and one day, I just told her. I told Shicchan I loved her. It was in the student council room, just us two. The sun was setting too~, like it is now. Shicchan was working while I was looking out the window. I sometimes had these dreams of Shicchan just working all alone in the student office, all by herself, lonely and sad. Maybe I wanted it to be that way so I could be there for her, and maybe she could like me too for that. Wahaha~, that was long ago. But~! I did it. I confessed to her."

Her eyes are watery as she opens them again.

"I was rejected, of course. You might not remember me acting like this a long~ time ago, but it was because Shicchan kept coming after me. I was angry at her, and when I asked her why she was doing it, she said it was because I was her friend."

Misha pauses to wipe the tears in her eyes, an action Hanako sees, still frozen in place.

"That comment made me both happy and sad, and so I decided to stay with her. But even so, that still hurts me, even now..."

"W-why are y-you... t-telling me t-this?"

Compared to the confessor, Hanako is beginning to shake, one hand on the door and the other on the doorway.

"Because~... I don't hate you. Even if you're with Lilly most of the time, and Shicchan really, really~ dislikes her, that doesn't mean I dislike you because I'm her friend. That would be mean if I did, huh? It would make me and Shicchan look like bullies."

Hanako pauses at this, because it makes sense. Every time they ever talked, it was her translating what Shizune was saying through sign language. Any time Misha ever talked her own voice, it was usually quick or just laughter at the situation.

"B-but still..."

"Hanachan, if you don't mind me calling you that, I want to stop hating people. I thought I was beginning to hate Hicchan because he has Shicchan, but I don't want to hate anyone anymore because I don't want to think of loosing anyone. But~! I already have, so it's pointless now. So, now I've just been wondering... would things have gone better in the end if I had just died instead?"


As Misha recoils from leaning back up against the fence from the yell, Hanako recomposes herself back to her more common form.

"D-don't... please. n-not now. I-if you did, I-I don't think I c-could l-live with m-myself."

Misha takes a second to think about this, then sighs.

"Yea, you're probably right Hanachan."

"I-It's just that..."

Hanako finally breaks from her frozen body and turns her head to her right, concealing her scars behind the doorway and the shadows of the school itself. It takes her a while to speak up again.

"I... I've t-thought about... s-suicide too..."


She looks like she's personally breaking her own rules here, but Misha does nothing to stop her like she did for her.

"I w-was bullied a lot in school... a-and nobody ever took me up for adoption... b-both because of my scars..."

Now it's her turn for her eyes to water. Misha rises from the bench.

"S-so I thought t-that I was... j-just a b-b-burden on everyone... s-so it w-would b-be easier... if I n-never existed..."

Hanako takes no action as Misha begins to approach her, probably either because she doesn't notice, or she's too drowned out in her own grief with tears running down her face.

"S-s-so... I w-wanted to k-kill m-myself too, a-at one p-point..."


Hanako shakes her head, making Misha stop in her tracks.

"Y-you told me e-everything about w-whats going on w-with you... so I w-want to say something too..."

"You don't need to, though. Hanachan, I don't want to see you like this knowing it was my fault~."

Misha closes the gap between the two and takes Hanako's left hand in her right, causing Hanako to flinch in the process.

"I didn't know we were so alike. Maybe that's another reason why I never hated you; I could see Shiina in you."


"Oh, wahaha~. I didn't tell you. That's what I call my older self, before I became Misha."

"But... you are Shiina..."

"Yeah, I know. Especially right now I am Shiina, because Shiina was bullied a lot too and got sad easily."

Hanako's eyes widen a bit as Misha further explains.

"It was all because I was more open to saying I was gay back then~. But nobody ever took it seriously and just teased me on it. That was another reason I came to Yamaku, for a chance to start things over, and even if people still somehow hated me, I wouldn't mind because it would be more of the same."

"T-thats a reason... I-I came to..."

Hanako manages a light smile out of the situation, and relaxes a bit. Misha smiles a bit as well.

"But~ I found Shicchan and you found Lilly, right?"

She nods at her question, but Misha sighs and her smile disappears quickly.

"Shicchan has Hicchan to spend time with now~... at least you still have Lilly."

Now Hanako's smile vanishes as she looks away. She tries to get her hand out of Misha's, but she is quick to hold onto her.

"Hanachan, is there a problem?"

She shakes her head.

"You're not convincing, Hanachan. Does it need to do with Lilly?"

Hanako takes a long pause before speaking up again, very softly at that.

"Lilly... is going to Inverness after g-graduation... t-to Scotland with her family... and she's l-leaving me behind..."

The last bit of information is all it takes for Hanako to completely break down into tears, falling to her knees. Misha, this time, is the one frozen.

"I-I knew t-this w-would happen... s-she doesn't care a-about me... a-anymore... s-so she's t-throwing me away l-like everyone else h-has done!"

Misha suddenly goes weak in the legs and falls to her knees as well. It isn't long before they draw each other into a hug; Misha out of caring, and Hanako out of desperation. Hanako sobs into Misha's shoulder while clutching at her back.

"I'm n-not worth a-anything to a-anyone anymore... n-now with L-Lilly going s-soon... n-nothing will make a difference... I-i should have c-completely g-given up on f-friendship..."

"Hanachan, please don't cry... knowing I made you do this hurts~."

Her request is drowned out in Hanako's sorrowful sobs, and it isn't long until Misha begins to cry herself.

"I don't wana be alone either, Hanachan~."

For the next five minutes, they sat speechless in each other's embrace, just crying into each other's shoulders out of their own personal sorrows and sufferings. For what each of them had bottled up for so long, they now had the opportunity to let it loose, seeing now how much alike Misha and Hanako were. Finally, Misha speaks up,

"Maybe we can be friends together, Hanachan~."


Misha draws away from the hug and takes Hanako's right, scarred hand, which she doesn't mind at this point.

"If we both know what it's like to be rejected and pushed away, maybe we can both acknowledge that it's a terrible thing and promise to never do it to each other."

Misha tries to look straight at Hanako, but her face is angled downward like it commonly is.

"I... I d-don't want to b-be a burden to a-anyone..."

"You're not going to be a burden to me if I know how to treat you, right?"

The statement regains Hanako's full attention.

"I'm guessing I'm the only one you've told this too, about your real feelings since they would hurt Lilly, and because I just did the same to you. So~, since we both know each other a bit better now, maybe we can try to be friends this time."

Hanako takes some time to really think over this.

"W-what about Shizune and Lilly?"

"They have their own plans with their own people, remember? Together, just you and me, maybe we won't need them anymore after some time. That's the purpose, right, because they're leaving us? We can slowly learn about each other day-by-day if it fits you better."

Slowly, Hanako regains her smile.


Misha smiles too, and shakes her hand.

"I promise, Hanachan. No more being rejected, pushed away or used."

After a pause, Hanako takes a deep breath of relief.

"So... I guess this is a mend to all of that, huh?"

The old Misha comes back.

"Yea! Wahahahaha~! I guess so. It would be an... a-mend-me-nt?"

Hanako giggles softly.

"Yes. An amendment, although it's more used for changes in legal documentations."

"Legal what?"
Last edited by Eprlide on Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"That's the worst, I think. When a secret stays locked within not for the want of a teller but for the want of an understanding ear." -Stephen King

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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Another Misha story! This is going to be a good day ;-)
So this is "What if Hanako had come to the roof that day instead of Hisao?"
Interesting, and I hope you continue this.

By the way, you wrote the first few paragraphs in past tense and switched to present tense when Misha begins to speak for the first time...
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by scott1and »

Awww, nice story. It would be good if you continued this. :mrgreen:

One thing that does stick out though; Hanako almost willing to forget Lilly once she moves. Surely she'd at least stay in contact or something. Lilly would try to stay in contact at least. Then again, for the sake of the story I guess it doesn't really matter.
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Mahorfeus »

I like the premise a lot. I've never really noticed that those two have some things in common, and the presumed path/ending you chose makes this fit in quite well, especially for Hanako.

I agree that she might be a tad too pessimistic about Lilly's leaving, but then again, she got along well enough only because Hisao was there for her. In which case, he isn't this time.
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Zoram »

A simple "What If" premise that was well developed. At the end, it felt a bit like Hanako and Misha were saying "well, we can make it together without Shizune and Lilly": while it's true they have to detach themselves from them at least partially (Hanako can still stay in contact but it obviously won't be the same), it doesn't mean they have to completely burn bridges, but it's perfectly justifiable in the context and in their feelings of the moment. What they can make together, is sort their respective feelings. Hanako needs to tell Lilly how much she is really sad for her going away, and may now get moral support from Misha - who, as we know things between her, Hisao and Shizune will be eventually sorted, will be happy to help. My most optimistic side tells even that, together, they may contribute to Lilly and Shizune rebuilding bridges in the future :)
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by CNB »

I like the premise, and the dialogue has a decent flow to it. Overall presentation's a bit rough, though; there's the tense shift that's already been mentioned, plus a lot of awkward, wordy descriptions. I'd recommend reading it over again, with an eye toward making things more concise.
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by CarnivalNights »

Keep going please. I like this alternate.
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Eprlide »


First off, I had gotten a sudden disliking for this fan fiction the next morning after I posted it on here, and was dreading the moment to come here and expected criticism on a cosmic scale. Maybe I'm getting way to pessimistic again. I've been one to find similarities in between characters as criticism because I, for one, enjoy uniqueness. Sure, Misha and Hanako each have their own reasons for feeling what they feel, but the general idea is the same. I found this to be the same with two other main characters, which I may or may not do a version of in the future, for even though their connection is just like the one here, it would be much more difficult to get a pairing out of the two because of it. So, now to legitimate responses.
Mirage_GSM wrote:Another Misha story! This is going to be a good day ;-)
So this is "What if Hanako had come to the roof that day instead of Hisao?"
Interesting, and I hope you continue this.

By the way, you wrote the first few paragraphs in past tense and switched to present tense when Misha begins to speak for the first time...
That "what if" is the premise here, and if I am going to continue this, another question must be answered: What was Hisao doing instead?
Regardless, I'll give another look at the tenses. These things tend to happen whenever I write everything down in one sitting, like I did here and with most (if not all) of my posts on my OC story.
scott1and wrote:Awww, nice story. It would be good if you continued this. :mrgreen:

One thing that does stick out though; Hanako almost willing to forget Lilly once she moves. Surely she'd at least stay in contact or something. Lilly would try to stay in contact at least. Then again, for the sake of the story I guess it doesn't really matter.
Mahorfeus wrote:I like the premise a lot. I've never really noticed that those two have some things in common, and the presumed path/ending you chose makes this fit in quite well, especially for Hanako.

I agree that she might be a tad too pessimistic about Lilly's leaving, but then again, she got along well enough only because Hisao was there for her. In which case, he isn't this time.
The reason I made her pessimistic is because I was basing it around the information in the last scene of Hanako's good ending, where she states that everything Hisao, Lilly and Akira have done for her only make her feel worse because she doesn't want to be a burden. I took it to the idea that Lilly would be leaving a (presumably) underdeveloped Hanako in Japan, and this would trigger off her instinctual fear that she was only a nuisance to be taken care of. Since this arc is going off of Shizune's good ending, there is no recorded events to what Hanako has done, especially considering that Lilly probably still went to Inverness for her sick aunt. All that time alone, who knows what might have happened to her...

Oh yes, now I'm getting ideas.
Zoram wrote:A simple "What If" premise that was well developed. At the end, it felt a bit like Hanako and Misha were saying "well, we can make it together without Shizune and Lilly": while it's true they have to detach themselves from them at least partially (Hanako can still stay in contact but it obviously won't be the same), it doesn't mean they have to completely burn bridges, but it's perfectly justifiable in the context and in their feelings of the moment. What they can make together, is sort their respective feelings. Hanako needs to tell Lilly how much she is really sad for her going away, and may now get moral support from Misha - who, as we know things between her, Hisao and Shizune will be eventually sorted, will be happy to help. My most optimistic side tells even that, together, they may contribute to Lilly and Shizune rebuilding bridges in the future :)
Again, more and more ideas, as yours was already one I had in mind. But this might take a while to formulate before going onto another writing spree, so I may need some time.

I guess I should go by my previously confirmed statement that second is indeed best. How I got to know that first hand shall be a time for a later date if anyone is really interested in knowing the person behind the keyboard. Regardless, I now feel like just scrapping my OC story altogether. But, time will tell what I will do with these things.
"That's the worst, I think. When a secret stays locked within not for the want of a teller but for the want of an understanding ear." -Stephen King

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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Eprlide »

The only thing greater then the power of one, is the potential power of many.

"Hanachan, even I will admit I'm a bit nervous here..."

Both Misha and Hanako stand in the second floor hallway, the doorway to the tea room like a looming gate before them. It is the day afterwards, having spend the remainder of yesterday talking upon the rooftop about each other.

"I know, Misha... b-but this isn't something I think I can do alone."

"Yes, yes, so that's why I'm here to support you! Remember, no more rejections~!"

Hanako smiles softly and nods at her in acknowledgement.

"R-right. You remember how we're going to approach this?"

Misha nods in response.

"Okay, lets go."

They both knew that if their plan backfired on them for whatever reason, they still had each other to hold onto. But, it was an unlikely chance if Lilly could understand where Misha was coming from, just like Hanako did. Hanako knew that Lilly's motherly nature might be a helping factor in accepting Misha, but the bigger, more prominent problem would need to be after that. And it was that idea that worried them both.

Side by side, they approached the door, Hanako leading the duo. Misha stops a meter from the door as Hanako slowly opens the door and looks inside to find Lilly sitting and having a cup of tea.

"Hey Lilly."

"Ah, Hanako. I was wondering when you were coming here." She takes a sip of her tea. "Are you alone? I heard some other footsteps coming here."

Misha doesn't make a sound as Hanako lets out a deep breath.

"A-actually, Lilly, there's something I need to talk to you about. I'm not alone, but-"

"I promise. Satou-chan, there is a good explanation for this."

Both Hanako and Lilly freeze as Misha speaks up.

"Don't tell me Shizune is here too..."

"Oh! Nononono! It's just Misha here~! Hicchan and Shicchan are working in the student council room."

Lilly's expression turns to one of confusion, and she looks to the doorway.

"So, why are you here? Shouldn't you be helping them with whatever is going on?"

"Thats what I wanted to talk to you about, Lilly. Can Misha come in?"

"Well, of course..."

Tension begins to float in the air as Misha and Hanako enter the tea room, taking seats next to each other on the opposite side of Lilly. Hanako pours herself some tea while Misha takes some time to regain her thoughts, all the while Lilly is still stricken with confusion.

"I'm guessing what you want to talk about needs to do with Misha being here."

Hanako pauses with the teacup at her lips, and slowly begins to shake. Misha looks over to her in worry.

"I think I can explain from here, Hanachan, okay?"

Hanako manages a nod, then begins to drink the tea as Misha explains.

"Lilly, I met Hanachan on the roof yesterday at a bad time for me. I wanted to be alone, but I decided to better myself and tell Hanako what was going on..."


"Oh my..."

Lilly takes a moment to come back from shock before letting out a sigh.

"This event seemed to be very emotionally exhausting for you both. I am deeply sorry for your condition, Misha, and I know how my cousin can be. Although I think it's good of her to have a boyfriend for once, being a third wheel then being left out of it altogether because you're no longer needed is..."

"N-not right."

A silence hangs in the room for a while until Misha speaks up again, looking at Hanako.

"Yes, Hanachan. It's not right. Since you told me of your past as well, or a bit of it for that matter, I proposed that we be friends." She faces Lilly. "We were just hoping that you would accept this."

Lilly's small smile sets them at ease.

"Of course I accept of this, I am always open to Hanako having more friends. Why would you think I would reject of this?"

"Well, you only now know of the real history behind me and Shicchan, right?"

A soft sigh comes from Lilly.


Another wide-spread pause hangs in the room with a tinge of awkwardness. Hanako now breaks the silence.

"So... w-what now?"


Misha and Hanako both look to Lilly now, some tears in her eyes.

"It's now my turn to say sorry. I have never, ever wanted you to ever that way about me, like you were somebody I could turn away at will. Hanako, you are my closest friend that I have here, and I wouldn't like to think of where each of us would be if we hadn't been placed near each other's dorms."

She grabs a handkerchief and dabs the wetness in her eyes.

"I know there is nothing I can do to change your past, so all I did was to make your present and future beter for yourself. If you had told me all these things from the beginning, I would have understood you so much better... But I feel worse because for all this time I have treated you wrongly."


Hanako first rises from her chair, then the other two soon afterwards. Hanako walks around the table and embraces Lilly in a tight hug, which she returns as the two begin to let their tears loose.

"L-Lilly! I'm so sorry!"

"I am to, Hanako..."

Misha holds her hands to her heart, smiling softly.

"Wahaha~. So I guess everything works out from here?"

Lilly turns her head to Misha and nods while she continues to softly cry.

"Yes, Misha. You are always welcome to join us from now on. Always."

Now too tempted by joy, Misha bolts over to the two and joins in a three-way group hug, each with their own reason not to let go just yet...


The atmosphere cools down as everyone now takes a sip of some tea.

"Thank you so much, Lilly-chan! I won't let Hanachan down, I promise!"

Lilly giggles and finishes off her tea.

"Hmm, isn't it a bit late by now?"

"Y-yea. It's almost sunset."

"Alright. I'll clean up, then. You two can head on your ways."

She stands as the other two do the same.

"Okay. Bye Lilly."

"Later Lilly-chan!"

"Goodbye Hanako, Misha."

Misha and Hanako exit the tea room, where Hanako immediately hugs Misha tightly.


"T-thank you, Misha, for everything."

Misha giggles and complies with the embrace, hugging her back.

"You're welcome then."

A moment passes before they release each other.

"So off to the dorms then, Hanachan~?"


Hanako pauses for a bit before managing to ask.

"Can I see your dorm?"

"Wahahaha~! Of course you can! Follow me!"

Misha begins to stride down the hallway, Hanako suppressing her giggles as she follows her new, energetic friend.


"[I saw Misha outside. She was walking to the dorms.]"

"[And? The look on your face is hiding something.]"

"[She was with another girl. It looked like Hanako, but I couldn't tell if it was really her. I doubt-]"

Shizune grabs Hisao's hands before he can continue on.

"[I'm not letting her run away. Not again. Lets go.]"
"That's the worst, I think. When a secret stays locked within not for the want of a teller but for the want of an understanding ear." -Stephen King

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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by CarnivalNights »

Great second part. A little sappy (not really a bad thing), but I like this alternate. I also really like how you lead up to the third part with that ending.
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Otakumon »

You all are going to make the Hanako fanbois cry if these lesbian Hanako stories keep popping up. :mrgreen:
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Demonhornz »

Otakumon wrote:You all are going to make the Hanako fanbois cry if these lesbian Hanako stories keep popping up. :mrgreen:
Aha! I was only skimming since I don't like same-gender pairings, but I just wanted to agree with this statement.
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by CNB »

Otakumon wrote:You all are going to make the Hanako fanbois cry if these lesbian Hanako stories keep popping up. :mrgreen:
Why wouldn't Hanako fanboys ship her in a same-sex pairing?
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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Eprlide »

Otakumon wrote:You all are going to make the Hanako fanbois cry if these lesbian Hanako stories keep popping up. :mrgreen:
I'm not entirely sure if I'm ACTUALLY going to pair them together as more then friends, but all shall be revealed in due time.
"That's the worst, I think. When a secret stays locked within not for the want of a teller but for the want of an understanding ear." -Stephen King

My current fan-fic, Gazing from Different Eyes.

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Re: Amendments (Spoilers abound)

Post by Daitengu »

Otakumon wrote:You all are going to make the Hanako fanbois cry if these lesbian Hanako stories keep popping up. :mrgreen:
I'm a Hanako fanboy, But I see her as more a comrade in arms than 'Mai Waifu". Long as it's not guy on guy or tentacles, I'm usually game. I'd strike depressing stories out too. I got my own problems, I don't want to read tragic stories, I'm am one. Like themoocow's "depressing Rin fic". I like Rin, and themoocow's writings, but I just can't read that. Doomish writes well, but I can't read most of his stuff either.
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