Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by FlyingPiranha »

I thought they looked more muscular than fat in that scene. Kind of like she could kick you in the stomach and separate you out into individual molecules from the pure force of it.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Chronopolize »

shiiiit, at least warn people its nsfw. That isn't immediately obvious with just spoilers.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Synthus »

After looking at in-game pictures, I've changed my opinion of Misha's build. I now think she's skinnyfat. She has no obvious muscle tone and looks ok in clothes but is slightly chubby out of them.
FlyingPiranha wrote:I thought they looked more muscular than fat in that scene. Kind of like she could kick you in the stomach and separate you out into individual molecules from the pure force of it.
In my experience, muscular thighs don't deform quite as much.

And honestly, she weighs, what, 57 kg? That's not the kind of weight that would contribute to the development of significant strength and hypertrophy of the thigh muscles. Also, given that she has a problem with climbing stairs, we might also assume that she has issues with physical activity. This would make said development even more implausible.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Mysterious Stranger »

Stupid question. It's all those goddamn parfaits, obviously.
Last edited by Mysterious Stranger on Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by FlyingPiranha »

Synthus wrote:After looking at in-game pictures, I've changed my opinion of Misha's build. I now think she's skinnyfat. She has no obvious muscle tone and looks ok in clothes but is slightly chubby out of them.
FlyingPiranha wrote:I thought they looked more muscular than fat in that scene. Kind of like she could kick you in the stomach and separate you out into individual molecules from the pure force of it.
In my experience, muscular thighs don't deform quite as much.

And honestly, she weighs, what, 57 kg? That's not the kind of weight that would contribute to the development of significant strength and hypertrophy of the thigh muscles. Also, given that she has a problem with climbing stairs, we might also assume that she has issues with physical activity. This would make said development even more implausible.
Sorry, but I think I'm still going to hold onto my idea of Misha being able to WAHAHA you right into trillions of particles. Somehow, it matches her over-the-top personality.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Guest »

I have a body shape sorta similar to Misha, though I don't think I look quite as chubby with my clothes off (might be wrong though). Anyway, I've got larger thighs than Misha. Not insulted, though, so much as I find it amusing that the OP doesn't seem to realise how some girls' thighs actually look.
I don't think I'm actually making a point here, just wanted to drop my two cents.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Fishpick »

She's not fat. She's not even chubby. She's thinner than me, and I still fit within the normal weight range. She's also thinner than every girl I've dated. She's perfectly healthy.

And to those who have argued that prejudice towards overweight individuals is somehow more justifiable than those with physical disabilities, think of it this way. Some people are more biologically prone to gain weight than others. However, with enough effort, everyone can be thin. This is true. But it is harder for some than others. I can fit within the normal weight range pretty easily, despite not having a healthy diet at all. While others eat healthier than me, yet are overweight. I also get very little exercise.

However, plenty of physical disabilities are developed entirely after birth. Take my uncle for example who's in a wheel chair. He got into a car accident just after getting his license. Which he managed to trick them into giving him at the age of 15. Therefore, he should not have been driving. He was speeding, and his car did not have any breaks. He spent the rest of his life in a wheel chair. Was it his fault? Kinda. Does that make it more justifiable to blame him and discriminate against him for it? No. People make mistakes. Respect them anyway.

Weight is hard to lose once it piles on. And even if it might have been their fault for getting there in the first place, you still don't have the right to talk down to them about it. Treat everyone with the same respect and tolerance.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by metalangel »

SRSLY? "Her thighs are fat"? What about her giant, inhuman eyes, or are we picking and choosing which parts of the art style fit the context and which don't?
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by danyo »

I think misha looks absolutely adorable. I prefer a girl with some meat on her bones, instead of no meat whatsoever.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Synthus »

Fishpick wrote:She's not fat. She's not even chubby. She's thinner than me, and I still fit within the normal weight range. She's also thinner than every girl I've dated. She's perfectly healthy.

And to those who have argued that prejudice towards overweight individuals is somehow more justifiable than those with physical disabilities, think of it this way. Some people are more biologically prone to gain weight than others. However, with enough effort, everyone can be thin. This is true. But it is harder for some than others. I can fit within the normal weight range pretty easily, despite not having a healthy diet at all. While others eat healthier than me, yet are overweight. I also get very little exercise.

However, plenty of physical disabilities are developed entirely after birth. Take my uncle for example who's in a wheel chair. He got into a car accident just after getting his license. Which he managed to trick them into giving him at the age of 15. Therefore, he should not have been driving. He was speeding, and his car did not have any breaks. He spent the rest of his life in a wheel chair. Was it his fault? Kinda. Does that make it more justifiable to blame him and discriminate against him for it? No. People make mistakes. Respect them anyway.

Weight is hard to lose once it piles on. And even if it might have been their fault for getting there in the first place, you still don't have the right to talk down to them about it. Treat everyone with the same respect and tolerance.
First off, weight isn't representative of health or body composition. There's a reason the term 'skinny fat' exists. I'm not fond of that either, but these people are less of a burden on public health systems and don't tend to stick out quite as much.

What I was addressing with my posts is the capacity for change. Accepting that you need to is the first step, and the sad thing is that many people have been deluded into thinking that it's perfectly acceptable to be obese with enabling advertisement campaigns. Having a mediocre starting hand dealt to you by life doesn't mean you can't win, it just means that you have to make up for it though smarts and work. By your logic, poor and driven people should be content with less financial success than monied heirs because they were in an inferior starting position. :?

Your uncle has no ability to grow a pair of new legs. He lost his legs in an accident, to shit beyond his control. He didn't shave off slices day by day with the full knowledge that he was going to cripple himself.

Fat people have it within themselves to lose weight and become healthier. They didn't get there by fucking up all at once, they got there by gradual accumulation of an extra tub here and a third serving there.

At its core, maintaining a healthy and trim body* is basic self-respect. If you don't respect yourself, I'm hard-pressed to see why I should bother. And why should I give a toss about attempts to justify it to others with unmitigated nonsense like the excuses on this image?

I don't discriminate against the fat, I discriminate against the apathetic. There's a difference here. People who've fucked up deserve a fair go at getting it right. I have fat (actually morbidly obese) friends who've taken the first steps towards fitness and health, and I applaud them for it. It's those who're content with being fat and unhealthy and expect society to swallow their self-congratulatory claptrap that I'm generally not too fond of.

*with the caveat that different body types have different optimal compositions for health and fitness
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by charmisokay »

I just like the feeling when I train, therefore I do it. I also like to have an average weight/health.

Also, thanks for bumping this, the title makes me giggle :D
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by rydiafan »

what you taking about ?? ... i honestly thought lilly was a little bigger lol ... maybe its the way the dress is shown on lilly ... anyways i find her sexy as hell ( im one of the few who likes the short hair better )
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Synthus wrote:
Blackknight1239 wrote: Whoa now, let's not say something completely intolerant, ignorant, and generally painting people with a wide brush. This is like saying that people with physical disabilities haven't the ability to become complete people because they aren't physically whole. What you are saying really doesn't hold much weight in the vast majority of cases, dispite what people would have you believe.
It's unpleasant, but it's the truth. People are stuck in old patterns and refuse to break out because they're comfortable where they are. :?

With all due respect, that comparison is specious nonsense. The difference between fat people and those with physical disabilities is that the latter has little to no ability to change what life has dealt them. They can get prosthetics or similar aids, or go for assistive surgery, but it doesn't change the fundamental fact that they possess a physical disability. This is not meant to be pejorative. Fat people, on the other hand, just need to get off their arses to exercise, educate themselves on what's what in physical development and nutrition, and stop tanking up on shitty foods. Barring some kind of glandular problem, this allows them to lose weight at a fairly steady clip.
There are people who are fat due to an illness or due to genetic problems.
However, I believe the "vast majority" still has a lack of excercise and MacDonalds to blame.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Tezzeret »

So Misha's got some meat on them bones, doesn't make her any less hot.
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Re: Why are Misha's thigh's so fat?

Post by Draetheus »

I think Misha has a somewhat more realistic body compared to the other girls. She's definitely not fat in my opinion. Would tap that. :wink:
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