When did you come to like a particular character?

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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by Tezzeret »

UncleJellyfish wrote:When I saw Rin♥ eating curry....with her foot....I knew I had to have her. The two greatest things in the world in one place: Curry, and Rin♥.
You can't have her she's mine :twisted:
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by yipyapper »

MoonShadow wrote:My favorite is Rin, and it happened since the demo, when she fell asleep on top of me... on top of Hisao before the fireworks.

Lilly got me when she feels Hisao's face for the first time.

Shizune got me at the bondage scene.

I don't think any other caracther got me so deeply than those three.
Well in terms of being DEEP into me Lilly touching my face was pretty damn touching. Akira's and Misha's moments I already posted made me really like them, but Lilly's action made me feel genuinely... touched. Pun intended, punt at me all you want.
...What? Not a real quote? Oh well, it's Yipyapper's quote now.
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by newnar »

newnar wrote:I would join in the discussion but I have completely no idea when I fell in love with dear Hanako. It was my love for books and chess that brought us together at first, yet I knew that there was something about her I couldn't run away from at the first moment I saw her. But you could also say I fell in love with her at the end, at the hugging/crying scene, baring scene and handphone strap scene. Those ate into me so deep, I felt as if I was gonna die from lack of lung tissue.

My experience playing Hanako's good arc was so natural, it felt like a complete story, an uninterruptable process. It was the only arc where I would gladly swap Hisao's name for mine beause every action Hisao took was in complete sync with my thoughts. Well except one scene. In other arcs I often had to "leave my comfort zone" to select a choice that wasn't me. That's why I can't tell when I fell in love with Hanako. It's frustrating yet relieving to know that I share such a deep bond with her that I can't even analyze it on a timeline.
And to continue my post, I fell in love with Emi when I(not Hisao) learned about how she lost her legs and father. Rin's was whenshe first brought Hisao to the worry tree and when she fled the exhibition. Lilly's was during the I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by russianspy1234 »

when Hanako said "thank you for hanging out with me" i squeed.
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by PasterOfMuppets »

Emi:I liked her when she started pouting, i found that cute, though I never really liked her...

Rin: The moment she started talking and when she fell asleep on Hisao during the fireworks.

Lilly: Every time she puffs out her cheek, and the moment in the wheat fields.

Hanako: The moment I laid eyes on her.

Shizune: The stare she gave you at the shanghai.

Misha: when she Burst into the room with the elegance of a rhinoceros.

Jigoro: When he started flaming Everyone.

Kenji: "I'm wearing a hat now..."

Yuuko: Those moments Her childishness that contradicts her wisdom in various parts of the game

Akira: When I found out she had a taste for jazz... and Aishi.

Miki: The moment she conversed with Hisao.

Mutou: The moment I realized that every science professor was like he.

The Store Owner at Othello's Antiques: The fact that I saw a man just like him was interesting.... Every detail... Down to the wrinkles.... the clothes... those judging eyes...
Good joke... Everybody laugh... Roll on snare drum... Curtains...

Hanako = Shizune = Lilly = Rin > Kenji > Placeholder > Emi
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by Eraser35 »

Emi: I think she got me around her first sex scene
Shizune: she got me with the fireworks

haven't done the other girls yet
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Post by Lloonnee2 »

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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by rk47 »

Huh, after meeting oddballs like Shizune and Misha, I kinda appreciate the quietness that Lilly displayed. It's more of a 'relaxed' state that gravitates me towards her. Probably more of the protagonist constant whining, too. I figured he should go for the motherly type. He won't live long under Shizune and Emi. Rin is just rin. I can't follow her and despise those sorts in real life.
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by GaseousMask »

Hisao: Meh, main charact- oh, sweater vest. Now dats class

Hanako: Her smiles and her hobbies

Lilly: Animated scene for Act 2, her puffing, and when she said "Akira's taken, I'm sorry"

Shizune: Her expression after tieing every single rock paper scissors game with Hisao and the fireworks scene. Also Risk is one hell of a game

Rin: I was going to hate her, BUT THEN I GOT HIGH

Emi: Her determination and positivity. I still want my fried food though

Misha: Her cheeks so big, i just wanna pinch them. Bush/Cheney 2004. Also when she confessed, we became bros

Kenji: Free whiskey

Nurse: Seduction
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Emi: After the heart attack on the track field.
Rin: Clouds in Your Head
Misha: The scene on the roof before Tanabata.
No particular event comes to mind for Hanako and Lilly.
Shizune: Hasn't happened yet.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by hickwarrior »

Lilly: When I first read of how Hisao described being around her. It got put over the top in the wheat field.

Hanako: Because she's very shy and timid, makes me wanna stick out my hand and help her up.

Nurse: All the times he's teasing Emi, as well as Hisao. He's just awesome.

Akira: I guess it has to be when Lilly and Hanako are celebrating the latter's birthday and she just bursts in and gives wine as a gift.

Jigoro: Laughing out Loud at his lines. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE!

Emi: I guess I'll have to re-read her arc again, but I guess it's around the time when Kenji should've seen the scheme unfolding! I actually felt grateful for her for doing that.

Yuuko: Her general nervousness and how she deals with it. Makes me smile.

Kenji: Everything he says. EVERYTHING.

Mutou: I actually began to like him as a reasonable teacher, even if he has his quirks. Which reminds me of an old school I went to.

Rin: Whenever she goes on tangents. For some reason, I kind of like that.

Meiko Ibarazaki: I think that's her name. Most people call her Emi's mom. Anyway, I guess it's her figure. Or her teasing.
Meh, I just liked how the location sounded in my mind. I'm not really into sailing myself.
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by Megumeru »

Shizune: First festival, with her stretching her arms out with the starry background. Goddamn I swear my heart stopped for a few seconds there

Hanako: Her last scene or what I call her breaking-out-of-shell-moment when she gave Hisao a gift he will never forget for a very long time. I'll drop dead any second from then if I'm in Hisao's shoe. But since I ain't, I just clapped my hand away.

Lilly: prob. the hardest to point since her route feels so much like a soap opera and I end up jerking my hair half the time (don't kill me). But if I were to point one particular scene, it will be Lilly's return to Hisao with Chekov's music box. That gets me all teary.

Rin: Like Hanako, her last scene make me come to like her. The flying dandelions, her newly resolved persona, and the air around it is mesmerizing

Emi: I kinda' find it hard to like her. One scene that stood out though, is thetrack field, second chance ending. It effectively turned my perception of her by 180' from the initial 'little nymph in heat'

Kenji: This anti-feminist borderline-hiki cracks me up every single time. Most epic, however, is when he took off his glasses. I actually had some respect for that guy for a very-very short moment until he puts them back on and I see him back as the loony bin he is.

Jigoro: Funny I should mention him. Most likely it's because his rants sometimes remind me of Kenji

Akira: Reverse-trap. Need I say more?
They say they hate Shizune? What is this? BLASPHEMY!

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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by Althamus »

Emi: When Hisao first raced against her at the track. Possibly when he raced against her the second time, and she wouldn't let him give up. I instantly fell in love with her and she hasn't disappointed.

Lilly: To a lesser extent, I liked her in Act 1, but can't really guage how much or when. I realised how awesome she was when she was taking care of Hanako at some point in Act 2 though.

Shizune: This is really sad, but the first time I think that I really felt for her was the final picture of her bad ending. It was the first time I really felt connected to her and emphasised with her. And oh God, it broke my heart in two Q_Q
Routes played: Emi (10/10), Shizune (6/10), Lilly (9/10), Hanako (9/10), Rin (7.5/10)
Emi > Hanako = Lilly > Rin > Shizune
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by Raburesu »

Tezzeret wrote:
UncleJellyfish wrote:When I saw Rin♥ eating curry....with her foot....I knew I had to have her. The two greatest things in the world in one place: Curry, and Rin♥.
You can't have her she's mine :twisted:
You're both out of luck. Rin truly belongs only to me herself. Can't hold down a free spirit!

Regarding the topic, Rin is my favourite, of course; she immediately reeled me in with her charisma and wit. I mean, she asked me whether or not it was alright for her to continue her lunch in my presence. As if there were anything I could/would do to stop her. She then continues with, "There's something wrong with your tackle, isn't there?"

To quote that frivolous Hanako song, "BEST. GIRL. IN. THE. GAME."
"So artists can't find romance, their favorite TV shows are canceled, or they die young because of an unspecified disease. It's a deep and mysterious law of the universe." - Rin
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Re: When did you come to like a particular character?

Post by alien.marksman »

The "Find your way back from here" test after tea at the Shanghai
On the roof top standing before you during the fireworks challenging you to defy your misery
During her ACT 2 into movie, the Profile shot of her as the wind blows her hair around
Seeing her in a Yukata during the Tanabata Festival

When she touches your face the first time
In the Wheat field

Cute Girl + Jazz Bar + Pool Table.. Need I say more

Taking the initiative to come up with an exercise and dietary plan for you.. and making sure you stick to it
At the Track Meet, while she's at her Emiest

Laying on the floor in the art studio, looking up at the stars through the skylight, sharing cigarettes
For Queen and Country
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