KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

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Prof. Coyote
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by Prof. Coyote »

Guest wrote:Professor, please remember that the plural of anecdotes is not data. Although a big fan of KS myself, I admire your spirit for trying to give this well deserved game a more serious study. On the other hand, as a fellow academic in the field of economics, I cannot but express a feeling of hesitance when I see that another colleague trying to base his study on a few minimal questions posed on an internet forum.
I've heard much from others in academic fields regarding this little study of mine. Please understand: my degree is in English, and part of my training is in education methods, so this study is going to be a hybrid between a literary analysis and an educational case study. Much of what is traditionally thought to be standard practice in writing academic papers for the sciences (or even for economics) will probably not apply to this study.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by Nobody in Particular »

I guess I'll do this too.

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

Either Lilly's or Rin's... Probably Lilly's due to act 4 in which she leaves for Scotland, provoking Hisao to try and win her back. Very cliche, but it was a very emotional couple of scenes.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

Naturally I got Emi's bad ending, although I just went back to the scene in her house as I knew that was the deciding point without having to look at a walkthrough.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

Rin = Lilly > Hanako > Emi > Shizune

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

Emi's would be "Support"
Hanako's would be "Independence
Lilly's would be "Honesty"
Rin's would be "Understanding"
Shizune's would be "Loyalty", although there is only one choice in the whole of that route so it isn't a hard choice

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)

Emi: 5:28 (including Act 1)
Rin: 4:15
Shizune: 4:48
Hanako: 3:58
Lilly: 4:25

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

Well since Lilly's and Rin's were equal favourites for me, I'll do two:

Lilly's route: Everything that Hisao was thinking during the scene at the airport near the end of the game where he was chasing Lilly. Too much to type.

Rin's route: Everything that happens during Raison d'etre

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.

Shizune's route: Misha's rooftop confession
8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

Perhaps, but I doubt it. This is scripted, so things go a lot easier than they would IRL.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by gRaViJa »

I find it very interesting that you will be writing a case study about KS. be sure to keep us updated about it! I can't answer all questions yet, since i'm still having to complete most arcs, but i will answer these questions when i have.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by animenutcase »

1. Hanako and Rin probably had the strongest impact on me, since they're the ones I identify with the most.
2. Hanako's. It was a combination of my own thoughts and seeing spoilers on TVTropes. Of course, the spoilers I saw didn't actually tell me what I needed to do.
3. Hanako, Lilly, Rin, Emi, and Shizune. (Don't get me wrong, though. All of them were good! Emi especially was a pleasant surprise)
Hanako - Partners (You and your significant other are equals. Treat each other as such)
Lilly - Honesty (You can't have a healthy relationship if you're lying and keeping secrets)
Rin - Understanding (You and your partner are both different and probably have different needs, and it's important to take steps to know what those needs are)
Emi - Pillar (Again, you and your significant other are equals and need to treat each other as such. However, it's okay to lean on each other in moments of weakness)
Shizune - Faithfulness (Don't cheat on your partner. Seriously)
5. Probably about 2-3 hours, depending on the path. Maybe? I need to check.
6. Hanako's H-scene and her confession. Her Bad End didn't hold any punches, either.
7. Definitely Misha's H-scene and Shizune's final H-scene.
8. Ehh... Yes and no. I'm probably not ready for an emotional relationship yet, but I think this game has helped be be a little more prepared for when and if it ever happens. I'm a straight girl with Asperger's, so I still have a ways to go before I'm ready for a relationship. But I think my experience as a straight boy with a heart problem has helped. I was able to figure out that each girl's route has an important tip for a healthy relationship (see number 4), so I must be on the right path, right?
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by danyo »

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

Emi probably affected me most, because it made me realise that I had no goal in life.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

Emi's, I answered from my own thoughts, but not from how I would act/answer. If I did that, I'd end up with either Lilly.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

Emi ( if you can disregard the sex scenes )

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

Emi: Determination
hanako: Equality
Lilly's: Honesty
Rin: understanding
shizune: loyalty

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)
About 9-11 hours each, I autoskipped through the first act though after the first girl ( unless it was a scene I hadn't seen yet, cause it slows down again then automaticly )

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

My favorite part of emi's route:

Emi: Stay with me please?

Her voice dropped to a whisper, the question is barely audible over the sound of my own breathing.

There is something about the way that she asks that question, the hesitancy in it, the quiet voice, that makes me thing she doesn’t mean tonight.

No, she means exactly what she said. “Stay with me.” Not “tonight” or “forever,” because both of us know there’s no such thing as forever.

There’s no time limit to her request, there’s just the request.

The favor.

Can I do that?

Can I stay with her?

“Of course”

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.

I actually liked the the way the bad ending was done... It was very emotional, but I got there by accident and to me it felt right, even if it was the bad ending. ( I didn't use any flowcharts for any endings besides the act 1 ones, though I felt kinda cheated on that comforting someone means having sex with them << )

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

Not really, I've had a lengthy relationship before, and the outcome of that is still bigger then the effect a game could have over my of thinking over relationships.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by MrBoomba »

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

Lilly's route most definitely. The part where the music box slowly gets louder in the hospital scene brought me to tears and the speech after it in the epilogue was masterfully done!

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

Emi's was my first good route, I answered based off my own thoughts.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

Lilly >> Hanako >> Emi >> Rin >> Shizune

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

Lilly: Independent
Hanako: Truth
Emi: Hardship
Rin: Introspection
Shizune: Formality

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)

~15 hours

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

The epilogue of Lilly's route is by far the most effective piece of writing of Lilly's route, just simply beautiful.

"As we set off towards the school, that wonderful smile engraves itself onto my memory. That wonderful smile that we both share. Our paths may be scattered and at times overshadowed by sadness, but they're also an irrevocable part of our lives and personalities. Even if I could change a single thing, I wouldn't, because my past is what lead me here. That's why, even with all that's happened to us before, and all that may befall us... Together, we keep walking forwards. Forwards... Towards the future... Our future."

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.
The part where Misha comes and asks for comfort is a rather effective piece, it really brings out the emotion of how distraught Misha is about her feelings and how conflicted she is about the whole ordeal.

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

I wouldn't say that I am better emotionally equipped for a real-life relationship, but that it helps bond my current one more. We both enjoy anime and vn's, so having something that is so moving about relationships like this just brings us closer to general in a feel good type of way. Yes, Lilly's epilogue speech contributes to this so greatly and defines us so well it can't help, but bring us closer.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by Prof. Coyote »

Your attention, please:

I currently have 87 responses to this questionnaire, so first let me sincerely thank all of you who have responded thus far.

In the interest of getting the ball rolling on my research, I am only going to collect information on 13 more respondents, maximum, for a total of 100 players' responses. I will not, however, be removing the thread: on the contrary, if folks want to answer the questionnaire just to get their feels out about the experience, they will be more than welcome to. :D

Again, thank you for the outstanding response thus far.

Updated with current numbers 2/13
Last edited by Prof. Coyote on Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by The Local Hentai »

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

Emotionally? Emi's. Not a hundred percent positively but the roller coaster ride made me feel the way a regular relationship would feel during those kinda-getting-sick-of-you phase. Just bitterness from being happy only to get it ripped out from my heart.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

Emi's since I got funneled into her route just like a lot of people. I didn't use a guide since I was naturally selecting from what I personally would do.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

They're all good in their own way. I can't rate in order exactly because they are just too different to compare, since they touch up on different subjects.

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

Emi - Patience
Shizune - Friendship
Hanako - Support
Lilly - Love
Rin - Acceptance
Misha - wahahahahaha~!!!

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)

Not sure, didn't keep track. I would say about three hours each.

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

Lilly's confession. Felt like she was here saying the words to me, although I would have said much better words than hisao.

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.

She's not my least favorite girl, probably because it feels like everyone is just tied for second place, but how Emi's emotional roller coaster ride and feeling like I was used sunk in fairly deeply.

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

Not at all. Real world relationships are way more dynamic than those in game, the winning virtues SHOULD already be applied when in a relationship. I'm the type to either be the most romantic and loving guy in the world or the sluttiest, so I know quite a bit the ins and outs of long term and short term (even extreme short term) relationships.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by wabatenna »

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

I think each girl's thread invokes different emotional responses.
- Emi's story of accident and recovery is inspirational. Consequently, this has inspired me to work out a lot more as well.
- Shizune's story was the least engaging emotionally. In this I felt like a bystander. In the end, however, the bystander nature of the audience is fitting because the story's true focus is on Misha& Shizune, and not Hisao and Shizune. Hisao's just there to stick his dick in everyone...
- Lilly's felt mysterious due to her "foreignness" as well as her high class. But, her character also has a motherly and comforting side to it. In a way it feels like deep sea exploration: probing the innermost mysteries of mother nature.
- Hanako's route made me scared. The representation of the character, not just her scarring but also her attempt at hiding it, creates that foreboding feeling, like pandora's box . A mix of curiosity and fear that makes me think, "once this character's fully revealed, just what will I find?"
- BUT I think Rin's had the biggest effect on me. The writers' character development was brilliant. From the snippets of clever and esoteric dialogue to her becoming an artist. The way she devolves into this artist and the audience can do nothing but watch helplessly creates a sense of helplessness, frustration, madness. Then at the end she finally claims that she's been destroyed and as a result produced a lot of paintings. Like metamorphosis into butterfly, or how a candle burns itself to light a room.
and IMHO Rin's neutral ending was the happy ending for me, one where she rejects Hisao and goes to that art school.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

Emi's and got happy ending first try.
This was first VN I played, but the way I made the decisions... I knew that this was a dating sim of some sort, and the objective would be to bone one of the girls...I think I took an analytic approach in making decisions thinking "Will this lead to bone, or no bone." Especially in Act 1 I realized Shizune was a lil' annoyin so I kept making decisions that'd piss her off (or I thought would piss her off).

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

Rin > Lilly > Emi > Hanako > Shizune

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

Emi: Man-up (don't be a man-bitch and be clingy)
Rin: Sanity Check (It was possible I was going insane as I was reading this thread, b/c what Rin was saying was starting to make more and more sense)
Hanako: Playing with fire (Every choice must be made carefully, and I felt there was no consistent logic as to what her reactions will be to your choices)
Lilly: honesty
Shizune: persistence (b/c it gets boring to read....)

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)

2-4 hours each. I skipped act 1 (but still reading unread text) after first playthrough, and figured out that you can save b4 each of the choices, so I did save spamming for a lot, but I read every unread bit. The feature to track your total progress in the extras > library section and the feature to unlock the pictures really brings out the completionist in me and I was like MUST COMPLETE HNNGGGGGGGG!

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

Nomiya (the art teacher)'s discussion about art chapter title "Eternity in an Hour" in Rin's arc.
I think this is one of many examples to show that the writers knew what the hell they were talking about. This discussion really feels like something you'd have in an art class.

I can't think of anything more specific, but the way the whole game's written, really places the audience in the setting. I never felt like "this doesn't seem possible/plausible/credible." Every event in the game feels like something that can actually happen. Every character's characterization is unique yet convincing. I really liked the way they characterized Mutou the science teacher and the nurse too.

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.

The Misha/Shizune combo. Reading it first, you start to get confused as to whose line it is when you're reading Misha's, then you realize that's what the main character is experiencing as well. In this way the audience doesn't have to extend themselves to understand the writing, which deals with difficulty of talking to a deaf person with a translator, but rather the writing imposes that understanding upon the audience. Then you start to understand Shizune bit by bit, then you start to see the discrepancies between Misha and Shizune. This really brings out the layered experience in this arc.

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

no wai. only if the irl girls were as predictable as computer girls lol.

no but srsly. This is very well written. I came into this thinking "oh hey a game about disabled ppl, made by horrible ppl on the internetz LOL"
Then I played it and first i was lik :shock: then i was lik :(
b/c I was expecting something brewed from the darkest corners of the web and went into it with nonchalance and stoicism fit for dealing with trolls and then I realize I feel. Because these days you watch the news, you get on the internet and you do anything but feel. But this game makes you feel.

But I don't think this would help with relationships at all. Rather, I think the relationship portrayed in the game is idealized a bit, which makes sense, b/c of the scope of the game, and also b/c of the nature of the game, where the main character must bone a girl. I think it's an interesting experience, and certainly you yourself is a culmination of your experiences, but I think this game's just like reading a nice short story.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by Daryan »

Sounds like fun.

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

Emi's, definitely. The rooftop scene after the ill fated dinner really stood out as the most emotionally provocative moment of the game for me. I think it was the fact that Hisao cared enough to actually risk the entire relationship in order to help her really got to me, probably as in real life I don't like to cause confrontations. Additionally, Emi's route just felt like the most natural relationship, which helped make it believable and draw me in.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

I finished Emi's first, just answering as I would have in real life. Got the good ending.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

Probably Emi>Lily>Rin>Hanako>Shizune.

Reasons for Emi already listed. Lily's was good as it was just a touching love story. It may have been a bit cliche, but it was really enjoyable. I never really got Rin, and in fact my thought process was identical to Hisao's the whole time through the route, so while others seem to have identified with Rin and felt touched because of that, I felt more like Hisao-just confused. Ultimately though, it was a memorable route. Hanako's just didn't resonate with me at all, though the end made up for all that. Finally, I disliked Shizune's the most. Whilst I now understand the subtleties present, I don't feel it stands well as a story. The drama arises very late, is solved very quickly, and there are no real touching moments to be had with SHizune (Unless you count the H-Scenes as "touching").

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

Emi- Perseverance
Rin- Understanding
Lily- Honesty
Shizune- Dedication
Hanako- Respect

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)

About 4-5 hours

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

Again, the rooftop scene.

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.

Misha's story. Second most powerful moment in the game, IMO, and one of the few saving graces of Shizune's route.

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

It's taught me a couple of things- namely, bring up issues, as if left unchecked, they will ultimately poison and kill a relationship. An argument in the short term is far better. Also, respect your partner.

Anyway, hope that helps you, if not, I had fun writing it anyway.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by Megumeru »

...and so I register for the sake of this. No love for Shii-chan? awww :(

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?
On the contrary of most fans, I find Shizune's thread to have affected me the most emotionally. It felt closer to home, realistic, and often than not slapped me in the face that 'hey, I experienced something like that before'. I was once a part of the Student Council, and I do have a friend that reminisce of Shizune (minus the disability, the @-hat of a father, and the little brother). Most of all, it made feel that the conflict between Shizune, Misha, and Hisao are probably not far from what the reality we live in and that such things could happen. It felt real, and that is what matters.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?
I completed my first play-through without the use of guides that landed me smack-bang in the middle of Shizune's route. There is only one question, and that alone is answered according to my own thoughts which led me to her good ending. I know some would want tocomfort Misha in such a way, but by doing so you are not 'healing' her. You're just making it worse.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?
...I think some people would kill me for this


now in numerical order

1. Shizune
2. Hanako
3. Lilly
4. Rin
5. Emi

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?
good God I loathe myself for my limited vocab...
you do know that their stories can't be described with just a single word, right? It held more than that

1. Shizune - Dedication
2. Hanako - Reconciliation
3. Lilly - Honesty
4. Rin - Acceptance
5. Emi - Perseverance

...then again, I believe such words are not enough to describe their threads.

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)
1. Shizune - 6hrs
2. Hanako - 5hrs
3. Lilly - 5hrs
4. Rin - 6hrs
5. Emi - 4hrs

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.
I can't directly quote it (can't remember it), but Shizune once mentioned that "hand signs gave a lot more weight to a word than speech", which sets me that everything she says and do are done through careful consideration, dedication, and thought before expressed. In short, actions speak louder than words and it defines what kind of person you are. THAT hits my heart right where that band-aid is.

mostly though, what defines a particularly effective piece of writing from Shizune's route is the way how the author defines her actions and how it held a lot more meaning than words.

...Kenji also gave a pretty awesome example in her route IMO the 'best Kenji moment'. Can't recall what he said too though...

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.
Emi's route is...constantly filled with me shaking my head left to right almost every minute of it (and that's not just because she crushed what I thought she was; never judge a book by its cover). The most memorable scene I could recall from Emi's route is the final graveyard scene, and the 'recovery' scene after Hisao's disastrous house visit and the following day at the track after confronting Misha.

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?
This game bitch-slapped me for my own real-life decisions in terms of relationship. Am I better equipped emotionally? Yeah, I am. This game change my perspective almost 180degrees from its original standpoint, while at the same slapped me hard for what I've done that led to my 'bad end'. Everyone can spout out words like 'I love you' or 'I care for you' or 'I understand you', but does that hold any meaning? No.
Words alone are not enough to deliver such message. It is your actions, thoughts, then words that supports what you actually express.
They say they hate Shizune? What is this? BLASPHEMY!

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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by DeleV »

Hmmmm, it'll be interesting to see how my predominantly rational thought process will cope with these kinds of questions.

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

That depends on the emotion I guess. In pure drama it would be Lilly's. That route was entirely set up to be highly comfortable and had a wonderful strong bond between the main characters. Combined with well developed characters it's no surprise that cutting it down evokes a strong emotional response. The screen turned very blurry during "Farewell". :wink:
Shizune's route worked on a completely different set of emotions. In fact, I'm still a bit fuzzy on what exactly it did to me. The main reason was probably that the story slowly increased my adoration for the character. So much so, that every once in a while I let go of my third person perspective on the story. Why this happened? No idea.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

When I first played act 1, it was Emi's. After that first play I pretty much felt my way around the options with few mistakes. A guide really isn't necessary if you pay attention to the personalities and choose the options that feel right. My two unplanned mistakes were in Rin's route. Not surprising as I have trouble with people like her in real life too. In the full release I ran straight into Shizune's path by choice.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

1/2. Shizune/Lilly (too different to be able to rank those two)
3. Hanako (rank this slightly higher due to some very powerful and unpleasant moments)
4/5. Emi/Rin (I enjoyed Emi better, but that was not due to quality.)

Disclaimer: Since I lack the knowledge to judge quality at all, this is heavily biased.

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

I'll try to remember this is about completing the path and not about describing the characters. I'll include my reasoning as well.

Shizune: Confidence (Since this is about completing and everything after Act 1 is trivial, it's about your initial impression. Cowering gets you nowhere.)
Lilly: Honesty (Ok, this is just too obvious to need reasoning)
Hanako: Respect (She needs to be respected as an individual. This shows her you care while not falling prey to white knighting)
Emi: Listening (This is a tricky one, there is actually very little you can do wrong in the way choices. Most of it is really about listening to others. The nurse about your health. Emi about your training and food. Mutou about your future. And even Misha if you messed everything up).
Rin: Support (It is really about supporting Rin's needs over your own. But since my two failures were part of this path, I suppose I could be way off)

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)

Not really sure. The save timer gave me between 12 and 16 hours for a path. And while I am a slow reader, the game was idle during that time too.

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

I have no idea what to choose. The whole game works because of proper character development. If I had to choose something, it would be Shizune's Act 4 and her relentless (if flawed) attempt to get Misha back. The vulnerable side she shows there really helps her character.

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.

Rin's path. I think it was up on the hill the first time when she let out a torrent of dialog. This really worked for me as it showed a lot of herself that never came through in normal dialog.

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

Nah. I've had my experiences to learn from when I was young(er). But it did provide me with some forced thinking about the (un)importance of physical disabilities. I suppose if that ever would become an issue, the prior thoughts will probably keep my behaviour much more natural than it would have been otherwise. So I will say I am a little better for it.

Thanks in advance for your participation, should you choose to answer.

I would like to ask a return question. As someone with a more academic view on literature. What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of visual novels compared to normal books?
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by gecko »

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

I think it's because I recognized a part of me in her, and admired the other part.
The creative person is what I didn't dare to be when I was her age, keeping my imagination to myself, because I didn't want to turn even more asocial than I was, and her kind of loneliness, her inability to send the proper social signals and get understood, was a good reminder of how I was as a nerdy adolescent.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

Emi, good ending on first play (thanks Misha)
I did not use a guide, but I've played Hisao as more daring/assertive than would have been natural for me (I think my natural end would have been a manly picnic)

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

Rin > Emi > Hanako > Lily > Shizune

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

Rin: support.
Emi: dare.
Hanako: experience.
Lily: open.
Shizune: fight.

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)

6-8 hours each.

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

Just one? From Rin's path?
The second sex scene. "Is that what you meant when you said I don't have to be alone?"

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.

Shizune's bad ending scene.

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

Not really – it's just a game. Well, maybe if I can get my SO to play it (a translation would have to be available, though) more common ground is always a good thing.
99% completion.
Mind-worm meter: Rin>>Emi>Lily>Hanako>>Shizune
Fanfic: The lamb and the fox
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by Tbarey »

Let me first tell you a little about my self. I’m a 41 year old male, married with a teenage daughter, and just for you Prof. I’m an INFP.

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?
Lilly’s story is the one that affected me the most. It hits way to close to home for me. I can still remember clearly from when I was 19 putting the women that I loved, (at that time) the one that I asked to marry me (she said yes) in a taxi late at night and watching her drive away never to see or (after about 5 or so calls later) hear from her again. Looking back some where deep inside of me I knew that was going to happen. Lilly’s story from the taxi scene to the music box was heart wrenching to say the least for I have felt that deep hopelessness the kind that reaches in and crushes your heart. But then to be dragged up from despair by the sound of a little music box, (ooo, got gooses bumps) many manly tears were shed. And before anyone says anything ya I know looking for closure, ya, ya, ya, I get it, I get it.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?
Emi’s route was the first one that I completed by my own intuition. It was so good it speared me on to finish all the others. After that I used a guide to complete the rest.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?
1 Lilly
2 Tie; Emi – Hanako
3 Rin – I have to make a note hear as to why I rated Rin's rout sow low. It is not to do to the writing to the contrary the writing is excellent producing an emotional roller-coaster. It has to do with the side characters. As a parent the side characters infuriated me. From the teacher that uses a student to further himself (should at the least be fired) to the gallery owner that compares Rin to an artist that committed suicide but doesn’t go any farther to make sure that she is OK (can she please be charged with endangering a minor). I know that theses things happen in the real world doesn’t me that I like it! (Yes pop bear MAD). Then there’s Hisao, I know we are talking about a teenage character but he was way over his head and should have been shouting at the top of his lungs for help (I really thought that Rin's bad ending was going to be a suicide, glad they did not go there). And finally maybe I was a little disappointed; my daughter was interested in reading KS. I was willing to let her do that (with the h-scenes turned off of course) until I read Rin’s route. I then realized that there was no way that she was emotionally ready, so I had to say no.
4 Shizune

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?
Lilly - truthfulness
Emi – determination - perseverance
Hanako – (make) connections
Rin – comprehend (on an emotional level)
Shizune – comradeship

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)
From 4 to 6 hr depending on how much I could skip text.

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.
I would have to say Lilly's rout from the taxi scene to the end, big emotional roller-coaster.

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.
The most effective part in Shizune's rout was from after you comforted Misha (I ended up doing this ending first out of curiosity, even though I knew the out come, to borrow a line “how naughty of me”) to the end. This is the only part in her rout that I found to be of the same emotional caliber as the rest of KS

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?
Well let’s see I guess I would have to say that it could help. KS has reminded me of a lot of thing that should be in relationship. As long as I (this goes for anyone) apply what’s been learned it should enhance any relationship.
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Re: KS Academic Conference Paper - Seeking Help

Post by Fycadius »

Good day sir. Here are my thoughts on the novel, for the benefit of academia:

1. Which girl's thread affected you the most emotionally? Why did it do this?

A: I found that it was Hanako's scenario that was the one that provoked an emotional response from me. The very fact that her mother shielded her from the flames in sacrifice, sparing her life was truly potent in both its impact and the trauma that such an event would cause. I could easily see how someone wouldn't want to have anyone else get close to them for fear of that occurring in another form.

2. Which girl's thread did you successfully complete first (good ending)? How did you reach the good end of this thread? Did you use a guide, or did you answer the questions according to your own thoughts, as I did?

A: Once again, I must say it was Hanako's scenario that I finished first. I did it without a guide and answered in the same mannerisms I would normally given my place in Hisao's shoes.

3. In what order would you rate the quality of the girls' threads?

A: A difficult question that I have not played through Shizune's chapter. So far, it would be Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Emi. Shizune could go anywhere in there.

4. If there was a single word which describes the key a player must remember to complete each girl's thread, what would that word be for each girl?

A: Lilly would be honesty. Hanako would be patience. Emi would be valor. Rin would be acceptance.

5. How much time did it take you to complete each girl's thread? (Play time, not total IRL time)

A: Each one took approximately the same time span of about 4 to 5 hours as I read every line and skipped nothing.

6. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your favorite girl's thread.

A: I do love that single line in Hanako's scenario about her mother's fate, which I have referenced before in the first question's answer.

7. Give an example of a particularly effective piece of writing from your least favorite girl's thread.

A: Least favourite would have to say that the most potent line is during the heated argument at her house, Hisao mentions that her secrets "can go to the grave". Very potent writing as the player has considered but not accepted that idea as the truth.

8. Do you feel that, after playing Katawa Shoujo, that you are better equipped emotionally for a real-life relationship? Why or why not? If you are currently in a relationship, do you feel that playing KS will allow you to strengthen it? Why or why not?

A: I feel that, through playing Katawa Shoujo, I myself have grown. Playing such an adult game with such mature concepts and ideologies really does correct your vision of what the word disabled truly means. That it shouldn't be used as a brand or insult but more as a title of reverence. Such a person can and does fight against this restriction each and every day of their lives through different methods in order to lead a "normal" life. I actually chuckled a bit during one of the stories as it referenced two ladies in the library studying. One of them has severe epilepsy, which is actually what I have. I do not suffer from it, however, and reading that really did reinforce the bulwark of my emotional stability. I guess some part of me really wanted to read that, in order to confirm that despite my restrictions on driving and alcohol consumption, there are people with the same problem as I have, who live on normally. I guess I just didn't want to feel alone in my battle, despite my victory over despair. I barely miss my medications now, where sometimes I would forget more frequently. I guess, in a roundabout way, I have accepted it as Hisao has and moved on to better things that require my attention. Like life and the future.
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