Music that makes you think of KS

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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by 6x6z6w »

One more time,One more chance by 山崎まさよし(Yamazaki Masayoshi)

This song hits me HARD, although the lyrics are not that fitting: ... nce-Lyrics
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by PyramidSong »

Prof. Coyote wrote:Big & Rich, "Holy Water." I mentioned this in another thread as a song that makes me cry, but I also can see it as a song symbolizing how others tend to look at Hanako, particularly in the verses:
Somewhere there's a stolen halo
I used to watch her wear it well
Everything would shine wherever she would go
But looking at her now you'd never tell
Someone ran away with her innocence
A memory she can't get out of her head
I can only imagine what she's feelin' when she's prayin'
Kneelin' at the edge of her bed
The refrain, though, would be all Hanako pleading for independence:
And she says take me away
Then take me farther
Surround me now
And hold, hold, hold me
Like holy water
I completely agree. Amazing song that really captures how I felt playing through Hanako's path. Ahh so many feels. :)
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by erisi236 »

Lady by Styx was clearly written about Lilly.

I particularly love the line "love shines in your eyes" when thinking about her. :)
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by Inverse Castle »


This was Rin, maybe Hanako. Sometimes love is not enough.
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by stranger »


I was practically singing it through Hanako's good end while weeping manry tears.

Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah.

(Yeah I know Cohen wrote it, but Cale's is better.)
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by Guest Poster »

"Because you love me" by Celine Dion. The chorus specifically fits the six heroines like a glove.

- You were my strength when I was weak
- You were my voice when I couldn't speak
- You were my eyes when I couldn't see
- You saw the best there was in me
- Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
- You gave me faith 'cause you believed

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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by Csihar »

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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by Mahorfeus »

Unfortunately, Katawa Crash has permanently associated Kuusou Rumba to KS for me... I don't think I'll ever get the tune out of my head.
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by geekahedron »

Hawk Nelson - Ancient History found itself playing on random while I was driving to work this morning, and it reminded me of Emi...
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by UncleJellyfish »

Absolutely by Nine Days reminds me of Hanako in a way.

Enjoy The Silence by Depache Mode reminds me of Shizune.
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by MrBoomba »

Airship by VNV Nation reminds me of KS quite a bit. That childish feeling of awe the song portrays just defines how I went into KS, just fits that feeling too perfectly.
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by DrSkulk »

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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by techk8 »

Fix You. Mostly fits Hanako IMO, but can be applied to the entire cast.
techk8 wrote:In all honestly, I don't care if it's an OVA or a whole series; it needs to end with the Lilly Good End, damnit! IT'S FUCKING CANON AND I'LL TAKE THAT TRUTH TO THE GRAVE.
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by MoonShadow »

I was working on my fanfic while listening to Oukoumé's disk and again I was flabergasted by how much those two songs can rely to Lilly's story. I must share this with you.

First song is Dis-Moi Pas Ça, which could translate to Don't Tell Me That. This is a song Hisao could sing to Lilly once he learns she will leave for Scotland forever but before she's actually gone, and it would fit the story perfectly.

Here are the original French lyrics :

Pour les choses qu’il nous reste à vivre
Je veux qu’notre histoire soit folle comme dans les livres
On peut s’aimer comme des perdus
Sans trop penser qu’on se r’verra peut-être p’us
Mais si c’est vrai que tu t’en vas
J’te jure je t’oublierai pas

On peut passer des nuits entières
À faire l’amour et à boire de la bière
Courir tous les grands restaurants
Mais demande-moi pas où c’qu’on va prendre l’argent
Mais si c’est vrai que tu t’en vas
Emmène-moi avec toi

Même si chus là pis que j’fais le smatte
J’te jure que je trouve ça plate
De savoir que toi tu vas partir pis d’juste pouvoir te dire
J’espère que tu vas revenir

On peut s’planifier un voyage
Pour se r’trouver dans le sud sur une plage
On devrait même se fiancer
Juste au cas où ça pourrait continuer
Mais si c’est vrai que tu t’en vas
Emmène-moi avec toi

Même si chus là pis que j’fais le smatte
J’te jure que je trouve ça plate
De savoir que toi tu vas partir pis d’juste pouvoir te dire
J’espère que tu vas revenir

Mais dis-moi pas que tu t’en vas
Oh non! Dis-moi pas ça!

Mais dis-moi pas que tu t’en vas
Oh non! Dis-moi pas ça!

And here are the lyrics translated in English by me. I even managed to make the chorus rhyme.

For things we have yet to live
I want our story to be as crazy as those in books
We can love each other like we're lost
Without thinking we might not meet again
But if it's true you are leaving
I promise I won't forget you

We can spend entire nights
Making love and drinking beer
Going to all great restaurants
But don't ask me where we'll find the money
But if it's true you are leaving
Bring me with you

Even if I'm there acting like it's cool
I swear I think it's awful
To know you are leaving and to be only able to say
I hope you'll come back one day

We can plan a trip
To be in the south on a beach
We should even get engaged
Just in case it could continue
But if it's true you are leaving
Bring me with you

Even if I'm there acting like it's cool
I swear I think it's awful
To know you are leaving and to be only able to say
I hope you'll come back one day

But don't tell me you're leaving
Oh no! Don't tell me that!

But don't tell me you're leaving
Oh no! Don't tell me that!

Second song is Europe. Even the title fits since Scotland is in Europe... Anyway, this is something Hisao could sing after Lilly left (problably singing alone in his room while cutting his wrists, but that's a detail. Maybe he would send the lyrics to Lilly too.)

So, original French lyrics :

On étirait les nuits
On s’inventait des jeux
Nichés au fond du lit
Bien collés tous les deux

On s’avouait parfois
Des secrets délicieux
Des gestes maladroits
On nourrissait le feu

Qui nous poussait à faire
Les plus belles folies
Remuer ciel et terre
À cent lieues de l’ennui

Mais qu’est-ce qui t’a poussée à partir?
J’me comprends p’us, j’peux p’us dormir
J’cancelle mes jobs, j’veux p’us sortir
J’ai même prié Jésus pour qu’il t’fasse r’venir

Je me rappelle encore
L’éclat de tes sourires
Tes levers au petit jour
Et tes gentils soupirs

J’aimerais t’revoir encore
Sans avoir à revivre
Ce jour où tout mon corps
Fut enseveli par le givre

Mais qu’est-ce qui t’a poussée à partir?
J’me comprends p’us, j’peux p’us dormir
J’cancelle mes jobs, j’veux p’us sortir
J’ai même prié Jésus pour qu’il t’fasse r’venir

Mais qu’est-ce qui t’a poussée à partir?
J’me comprends p’us, j’peux p’us dormir
J’cancelle mes jobs, j’veux p’us sortir
J’ai même prié Jésus pour qu’il t’fasse r’venir
J’ai même prié Jésus pour qu’il t’fasse r’venir
J’ai même prié Jésus pour qu’il t’fasse r’venir

And the English lyrics.

We were stretching the nights
We invented games
Nestled in the bed
Well bonded together

We sometimes revealed
Delicious secrets
With clumsy moves
We fed the fire

Which drove us to do
The finest follies
Shaking sky and earth
At hundred miles from boredom

But what pushed you to leave?
I don't understand myself, I can't sleep
I cancel my jobs, I don't want to go outside
I even asked Jesus to make you come back

I still remember
The brightness of your smile
You waking at dawn
And your sweet sighs

I would like to see you again
Without having to relive
That day when my whole body
Was buried by the ice

But what pushed you to leave?
I don't understand myself, I can't sleep
I cancel my jobs, I don't want to go outside
I even asked Jesus to make you come back

But what pushed you to leave?
I don't understand myself, I can't sleep
I cancel my jobs, I don't want to go outside
I even asked Jesus to make you come back
I even asked Jesus to make you come back
I even asked Jesus to make you come back
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Re: Songs that make you think of KS

Post by SliverGod »

Love your avatar btw moonshadow. Love me some MTG.

For me, its definetly Bullet by Steel Train.

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