Emotional Attachment to KS

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Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by InfinitiveBlue »

From lurking around the forums, it's become very evident that many people (including myself) have become very, very, very attached to this game. And it would seem that some have even fallen in some form of love with the characters of KS, forgetting that Hiaso is the one romancing the heroines. Become so drawn into this parallel universe that the game seems to burn into a vivid reality, a mush of 'feels' and thoughts. And I suppose this is gonna be a little support thread, one of those help to quit smoking groups where we all sit around an awkward coffee table and admit to being addicts of a seemingly unimportant fiction, with little drawings in it.

So I guess I may as well go first spurting out my little story of how I came to cry and a stunningly well produced jumble of words and cartoon drawings.

I first played the demo of the game way back, a few years ago I think. And I really did enjoy it, it was my first time experiencing a VN and was truly enlightening. Though I didn't feel anywhere as nearly attached to the experience as I have done with the full game, due to obvious reasons. And so I moved on fairly quickly from it, and it eventually faded from memory. That was until about a month ago, while surfing the web on various anime related sites, it had been announced that KS had been released. I'll admit I wasn't head over heels for the game, I had almost no memory of what it was like. However after downloading the game and finishing Lilly's path in a skip, skip mentality I was blown away by the sheer profoundness of the game. So I decided to play again, this time, playing the entire game in one sitting, with out no skippin'.-WARNING SPOILERS IN NEXT SENTENCE- And when the 7 hours and 14 minutes was up, I had found myself laughing, crying, smiling and unable to sleep as thoughts of wheat field scene, and the mad dash to the airport, as well as the tear churning dialogue between Hiaso and Lilly raced around my mind. So for the next week or so, that's all that occupied my thought, at every free moment when my mind was disengaged from the monotony of everyday life as a high school student. It was almost as if KS was eating me up inside, the fantastic story, the vivid artwork, and the beautiful musical accompaniment (which for me was in-fact the most gripping element to the game); all embedded into my mind. I felt that I shouldn't play the game again, in fear that I'd only be further sucked in to this brief ecstasy, that I would only be further whisked away to some high school in northern Japan. I kept listening to the OST on YouTube, and being 'blessed' with a visual/sound memorizing mind, all I could think about were the wonderful scenes in KS. Eventually I became to loath this constant KS fly buzzing around in my mind, and actually deleted the program several times (only to re-download it again soon after ;D ) in an pathetic effort to serve my interaction with it.

So here's when I tell you how to get off this drug.

I found myself actively trying to block out the game, which I suppose is instinctive, when really. It's the wrong thing to do. In the end I just became more and more infatuated with the thoughts and feels that were trying to knock through my little mental wall. So instead I just let myself think about it, and eventually you gain this perspective on this seemingly perfect little bubble that is the Katawa Shoujo experience. One of the first steps, is to relate the theme's of the game to your life, for me, having played the Lilly route was that I have some girl-friends that are very independent young women, very high level athletes; and yet still they study extremely hard during lessons and still seem to find enough time to help/organize/ and generally chill out with me. And I suppose I've always thought of them as perfectly capable of fending for themselves, however after finishing the game, I realized that it's all just a facade. So now I spend a lot more time caring about them, asking if they need any help with lessons etc. Next is to view the game for what it is; a piece of art. A platform for writers,composers,animators, drawers and engineers (all wonderful artists in their own merit) to get their own ideas, imaginations and feelings out, and to showcase them to the world.

And so ultimately, what I'm trying to say is that rather than becoming obsessed with this powerful and moving visual novel, what you should do is learn the lessons it teaches, and to implement them in your own life :)

A final word to those that feel they cannot play down another path as they are too attached to one specific character; please do play down another path. It show's there is another story you can learn from, allowing you to again a wider perspective of the story as a whole, and it helps to establish the game as a piece of fiction, not as reality. I played the Hanako path and it was just as enlightening and enjoyable as Lilly's path, and has made me consider my actions to those around me (but more about the lessons learned from KS, maybe in some other thread, I reckon I've babbled on long enough)

Anyways, hope this has helped some people, peace out guys/gals.
Last edited by InfinitiveBlue on Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The meaning of life? Truth is, there really isn't one. If the entire human race were to just cease existing, would the whole of space and time come to a halt? No. Our lives are so meaningless and fleeting that in truth they really aren't worth living. Unless we make them worth living. So the meaning of life; is whatever you want it to be.
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by Valtameri »

InfinitiveBlue wrote:And so ultimately, what I'm trying to say is that rather than becoming obsessed to this powerful and moving visual novel, what you should do is learn the lessons it teaches, and to implement them in your own life :)

Can't i do both? :D
InfinitiveBlue wrote:A final word to those that feel they cannot play down another path as they are too attached to one specific character; please do play down another path. For starters it will help you get off your initial attachment..
Doesn't work that way for me.

Good post nonetheless. Hopefully it helps someone with "the feels".
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by InfinitiveBlue »

Yesh you can! It's just instead of sitting dreaming all day about these girls and perhaps in despair at the thought of never finding a girl exactly like Lilly or Hanako. Think about what they represent; generic/universal feels that we all feel, and use those feels to fuel yourself in becoming better people and heed the messages the game conveys.
^note, I'm not saying this applies to you directly, it's just to some people. Wish you all the best with the feels :D

P.S Still I have to commend with you on your choice of favorite character; Hanako is just plain lovely <3 goshh, all the feels :(
The meaning of life? Truth is, there really isn't one. If the entire human race were to just cease existing, would the whole of space and time come to a halt? No. Our lives are so meaningless and fleeting that in truth they really aren't worth living. Unless we make them worth living. So the meaning of life; is whatever you want it to be.
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by Valtameri »

InfinitiveBlue wrote:Yesh you can! It's just instead of sitting dreaming all day about these girls and perhaps in despair at the thought of never finding a girl exactly like Lilly or Hanako. Think about what they represent; generic/universal feels that we all feel, and use those feels to fuel yourself in becoming better people and heed the messages the game conveys.
^note, I'm not saying this applies to you directly, it's just to some people. Wish you all the best with the feels :D

P.S Still I have to commend with you on your choice of favorite character; Hanako is just plain lovely <3 goshh, all the feels :(
But i'm like a stubborn child; "I WANT I WANT I WANT!!!". It's really hard to just let go and stop dreaming about them. Wanting to find people just like they are, even when you know certainly that no one can be excatly like they are.

And thank you, she truely is lovely <3 Two weeks and counting, still got "the feels". :oops:
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by Alpha Morlock »

I sort of got over it using other powerful works of art. Watched a few of my favorite movies and I was cured. Sort of.
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by fcd15 »

I don't think I'll be able to play Rin's path anytime soon, and Hanako's path is completely out of question. I played Emi's first, and I thought no other girl would make me forget her. Then I played Lilly's and everytime Emi showed up I was like "GTFO GIRL I CAN'T STAND TO SEE YOU TREATING HISAO AS A MERE ACQUAINTANCE!" and it really saddened me. But eventually I got over it, thanks to Lilly. Now I can't get over her. She's too perfect and I feel like she's meant to be the most important relationship on the game, kinda like the girl Hisao would end up with if KS became an anime.

I'll play Shizune's path, which most people seemed to find somewhat boring/annoying, to take my mind off things. I know I should play the other two paths, but for now I'll keep on the safe side.
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by DH531 »

fcd15 wrote:...thanks to Lilly. Now I can't get over her. She's too perfect and I feel like she's meant to be the most important relationship on the game, kinda like the girl Hisao would end up with if KS became an anime.
I feel this way too, i'm getting over it slightly while playing through RIn's route but when i'm done with everyone's route i'm gonna go through Lilly's route one more time just so I can cry some more and also cry since i'd have completed it 100% by then.....sort of not looking forward to that.... :shock:
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by Zig_Zac »

I've just started to play this game, got through Emi's route, and was so hooked, now I find myself playing it any chance I get, going down Rin's path now, but I don't think I'll ever be able to leave this game for a long time, even after I've completed it 100%. I think I will have to revisit it from time to time, just because its so good. Wonder if I can get my wife into it... she does like to read... Hmmm....

Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by Escapist »

I didn't get the whole emotional attachment until I played through Hanako's route. I did Emi's first (actually wanted Hanako's, but I wound up with Emi's and just went with it). While I enjoyed Emi's route, I didn't really connect with it. I felt the same way about it as I do a really good book: I couldn't wait to dig into it more, but when I was finished I sat back, said, "Well that was awesome", and then dug into the next part. After doing Hanako's route that changed, though. I think it's partially because a part of me has always wanted to date a girl like Hanako. By that, I mean someone who shares my interests (I love reading and chess, plus it's suggested that she's not too shabby with a computer, but it could also be other interests), someone who is a bit timid and so on. Hell, I'd even be fine working through the issues that Hanako had. Actually, I feel like working for a relationship ultimately makes the relationship feel stronger. I went into this more in the "What if Katawa Shoujo never existed?" thread, if anyone is interested. Anyway, the feelings I expressed in that thread explain the other part of my attachment. Ultimately, I think I'll end up holding Hanako's route as the "true" end in my mind. I know there really isn't one true end, but I like to think it is. Right now I'm trying to clear the hurdle that doesn't want me to view any other routes. On the emotional level, I just want my experience to end with Hanako, but on the "I'm a reader and love a good story" level, I want to see how the rest of the paths play out. I told myself I wouldn't get this sucked into the game, and that I would keep my emotions at an arm's length, but it got the better of me. Had I truly known how well Hanako's personality would resonate with my own I would have saved her route for last so that I wouldn't be in this predicament. It's weird to think that I'm THIS attached to a fictitious character, but I guess that just proves how well done the game and story are. When I play, I forget that I'm actually reading Hisao's story, or perhaps it's more like I become Hisao. I'm completely enveloped in this world. I've had a few novels do this to me in the past, but they were few and far between.

I feel really weird admitting all of this. Somewhere in my mind I feel like I'm abnormal, but then I remind myself that I've never truly been 'normal' by any means. It feels good to finally express these thoughts, though. I can't share them with my friends, as my friends are also my girlfriend's friends, and she has a thing against anything that would be perceived as eroge. If I talked about this to my friends, there's a chance something would get back to her. Thanks in part to some bad information from other people and in part to the way she was raised, she tends to see anything that ultimately leads to a sex scene as eroge, so I don't think I'd have much success explaining why this is more of a VN than an eroge. I feel bad that I'm sneaking around behind her back to play it, but I can't say that I feel like I'm doing anything wrong. It's not like the game is about sex, after all.
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by Robnonymous »

Escapist wrote:I feel really weird admitting all of this. Somewhere in my mind I feel like I'm abnormal, but then I remind myself that I've never truly been 'normal' by any means. It feels good to finally express these thoughts, though.
Honestly, I don't think you've got anything to feel weird about; a lot of people have admitted to feeling the same thing on these forums. Myself included. Best to just roll with it. :)
Bad Dreams (Hanako) - My first KS fanfic. it's actually a happy story
Reconciliation - (a Hanako bad-end story) - My second KS fanfic. Not all that happy.
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by Zig_Zac »

My question is, who can really say what 'normal' is?

Everyone is unique and can feel and be who they are and want to be. Nobody has the right to tell them what is right and what is wrong.

I just finished Rin's route, and something I've learnt is I have to be me
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by yipyapper »

I can't get Katawa out of my mind.

I just accepted that fact. I wonder when it will pass.

They were all great, but Lilly's, Emi's and ESPECIALLY Rin's I have become so attached to. I will probably keep redoing those 3 routes and wait out my addiction. But I will always have the attachment, even if my addiction passes.
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by Zig_Zac »

yipyapper wrote:I can't get Katawa out of my mind.

I just accepted that fact. I wonder when it will pass.

They were all great, but Lilly's, Emi's and ESPECIALLY Rin's I have become so attached to. I will probably keep redoing those 3 routes and wait out my addiction. But I will always have the attachment, even if my addiction passes.
I don't think it will ever pass for me... I'm hooked...
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by fcd15 »

DH531 wrote:
fcd15 wrote:...thanks to Lilly. Now I can't get over her. She's too perfect and I feel like she's meant to be the most important relationship on the game, kinda like the girl Hisao would end up with if KS became an anime.
I feel this way too, i'm getting over it slightly while playing through RIn's route but when i'm done with everyone's route i'm gonna go through Lilly's route one more time just so I can cry some more and also cry since i'd have completed it 100% by then.....sort of not looking forward to that.... :shock:
I'm scared to go through Lilly's not-so-good ending. I don't know if I'll be able to stand it, whatever it may be. I think I'll do Shizune after all, she's kind of neutral.
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Re: Emotional Attachment to KS

Post by A Humbled Fan »

fcd15 wrote:
DH531 wrote:
fcd15 wrote:...thanks to Lilly. Now I can't get over her. She's too perfect and I feel like she's meant to be the most important relationship on the game, kinda like the girl Hisao would end up with if KS became an anime.
I feel this way too, i'm getting over it slightly while playing through RIn's route but when i'm done with everyone's route i'm gonna go through Lilly's route one more time just so I can cry some more and also cry since i'd have completed it 100% by then.....sort of not looking forward to that.... :shock:
I'm scared to go through Lilly's not-so-good ending. I don't know if I'll be able to stand it, whatever it may be. I think I'll do Shizune after all, she's kind of neutral.
If you're like me, then you'll likely get through Shizunes without a bad case of the feels. I laughed a lot in her route, mainly thanks to the antics of Misha, and it's been enjoyable, but no heavy emotions were brought on me. Do it, if not just for the experience.
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