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Re: Ask!

Post by Suriko »

IraFunesta wrote:I don't actually think this question already got answered, so i will post it:
How do Hanako manage to pay up the Yamaku Academy ? Does she have any job? Anyone pays it for her?
Ward of the State. The government pays.
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Re: Ask!

Post by TheHivemind »

Caesius wrote:
TheHivemind wrote:It also gave me a way to perhaps address some larger concerns with the way these stories go, so I made a few alterations to the formula and had ... a heroine whose chastity is called into question (is she? isn't she? The answer's not important, the question (and why some people are tearing their hair out over it) is the important thing).
In that case, do you think that people calling Emi a "slut" is a reasonable and justified reaction? Is it a matter of perspective?

Or did you intend from the start to upset insecure control freaks?
In short, no, it's not a reasonable and justified reaction. I think it's completely fucking stupid.

I knew that leaving the question of Emi's virginity unanswered would cause a ruckus, and that is precisely why I left it unanswered. Those who are tearing their hair out over it would do well to examine why it is they find it so fucking important. It's not important. Emi's still the same person, virgin or not.

Edit to clarify: There's no answer, as far as I'm concerned. She either boned her ex boyfriend, or did not bone him. It makes no difference, because either way she pushed him away and then met Hisao later. The story is the same, but the details are different. Fucking her ex didn't make her a worse person, it was just part of the relationship. Not fucking her ex didn't make her a better person, they just didn't fuck. You see?
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Re: Ask!

Post by FissionXMailed »

Just a curious question that's been on my mind. What would've happened to Rin and Shizune in the other paths? Would they have just gone on and done well cause Lilly and Hanako were shown to have done fine following the other paths. Emi I'm just assuming would've been fine cause she just needed someone who would be there for her, not to solve hey problems which in her good ending that was Hisao.

Would Rin have been perfectly fine, try for the art exhibit and be a success and focus on being an artist?

Shizune I can't really think of anything other than her and Misha would remain friends and go to the same university together.

If it's one of those things you guys decided to leave unanswered it's fine. Just as someone who wants a full grasps on the arcs I rather get it right than leave it to speculation.
94% Collected (Only have done Good endings.)
(1st) Emi: Done
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Re: Ask!

Post by rusticarmor »

So i just realized Hanako has an odd sort of similarity to the Phantom of the Opera

.half scarred face that they hide though, Hanako hides it less than the Phantom.
.horrible past with involving parents
.society has shunned and hated them
.both love to sing

Did the writer intentionally do this or had even seen Phantom of the Opera and had done it subconsciously or something?

EDIT: that or just pure coincidence. I know they're are tons of characters out there with the "half my face is fuck up" thing going for them

Re: Ask!

Post by meatbag »

Which path was the hardest to edit? How do the editors decide what to cut or change from the script and which writer cries the loudest when their script is altered? Do the editors have GOD powers over the writers or do they act just like the writer's conscience?
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Re: Ask!

Post by sporkaganza »

rusticarmor wrote:So i just realized Hanako has an odd sort of similarity to the Phantom of the Opera

.half scarred face that they hide though, Hanako hides it less than the Phantom.
.horrible past with involving parents
.society has shunned and hated them
.both love to sing

Did the writer intentionally do this or had even seen Phantom of the Opera and had done it subconsciously or something?

EDIT: that or just pure coincidence. I know they're are tons of characters out there with the "half my face is fuck up" thing going for them
I can guarantee before the devs respond that it was a complete coincidence. You might as well ask if she has any similarities to Harvey Dent. Why do all the people asking these questions assume everything was straight-up "based on" something? Do so many people really just not understand the writing process?
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Re: Ask!

Post by IraFunesta »

Suriko wrote:IraFunesta wrote:
I don't actually think this question already got answered, so i will post it:
How do Hanako manage to pay up the Yamaku Academy ? Does she have any job? Anyone pays it for her?

Ward of the State. The government pays.
Thanks for the answer. So i guess that in the game is never shown the Legal guardian of Hanako, neither Hisao has any way to meet him, right?
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Re: Ask!

Post by jaycee »

I just read about Rika Katayama and Saki Enomoto, they are really something, especially Saki's story would turn out into a really drammatic story....did you ever had the temptation of putting them really in the game? Maybe a future project? :lol:

I repost it with the account so I can easilly find the answer, someday...sorry :P
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Re: Ask!

Post by JiisanChrist »

Hello KS developers.

I posted about making a petition to animate KS a while back & I'm here to tell you guys that 've gone & made the petition HERE. I just want you guys to know this is happening.

Also, you guys can find the corresponding topic I created HERE

Silentcook was pretty negative about the idea when responding to my first post on page 61, it's understandable since you all have stated that you're not interested in profitting from KS. However, after my follow up post I did not seem to get any negative feedback even after waiting for 3 days, so I went ahead & made the petition.

I hope you guys will appreciate our support.

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Re: Ask!

Post by Silentcook »

meatbag wrote:Which path was the hardest to edit? How do the editors decide what to cut or change from the script and which writer cries the loudest when their script is altered? Do the editors have GOD powers over the writers or do they act just like the writer's conscience?
The question shouldn't be so much about "which path" as about "which writer". Suriko wins that one on grounds of the sheer amount of stuff plus DEM AUSSIES.

The rest is a combination of wielding an iron fist paring knife and stopping in time when you realize you wouldn't have anything left over if you did as you pleased. The "god powers" thing doesn't survive contact with the realities of writer output and development hell.
Shattering your dreams since '94. I also fought COVID in '20 and '21, and all I got was this lousy forum sig.


Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

What did you enjoy most from making KS ?
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Re: Ask!

Post by kidlat020 »

sorry if this has been answered.

what to you guys think of the whole SOPA bill? Or at the very least, the thought of KS being available but only "limited" to certain countries?

a bit off-topic:

I've always wondered why a lot of people called Emi a slut. My impression was that Emi was just genuinely curious at the whole sex business. She tried sex, simply the same as trying this or that candy, she liked it, she craved for more. Just a healthy sex drive, nothing more.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Quitch »

TheHivemind wrote:In short, no, it's not a reasonable and justified reaction. I think it's completely fucking stupid.
Well said, sir. Well said.
Drake wrote:Translation: They had anal sex?
Yeah, I'm just kidding obviously, but that anal sex scene really did pop outta nowhere.
Noooo it didn't. They're young, they experiment and they have sex at the drop of a hat once they found out that it felt great. Perfectly normal for young folk, especially as Emi's point of reference was the gay track captain, so odds are she'd be hearing a lot about how awesome it was.

Question now the soundtrack is out. Why that track order? :) (and good on you for including the trailer music)
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Re: Ask!

Post by Caesius »

For the writers:

How much of your "ideal woman" is manifest in the girl whose story you wrote? Are any flaws that they have also desirable or tolerable quirks of your ideal woman, or did you have to "inject" them for the purpose of character development? Would you say that the girl is defined more by characteristics derived from your ideal woman, or by the characteristics outside your ideal?

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

When I played the game, there would always be that once scene where the characters said something that gave me a revelation on the mentality of disability. The writing for every arc was superb, but I was wondering if there was any extra thought, long debates, if the scene was pre-planned, or just as usual when these sections were written.

For example, Lilly tells Hisao if he ever gets jealous when he can't hear a conversation at the other end of the room, Rin reveals that she feels she must destroy herself in order to grow as a person, Emi physically runs in order to metaphorically run away from her past...

I felt that after reading these scenes, I had to stop and think to myself for a few minutes: "Hey, I had those thoughts before... I feel like I can relate my thoughts to this kind of thinking... so why does it matter if I relate their physical appearances to "everyone else""
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