Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

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Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Rolanberry »

Why is this game so fun and why do I suck at it so much! :?:

Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Guest »

Best advice: release your mouse button and then go make a cup of coffee.
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Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Hardcastle »


How'd I do?

Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Anoniderp »

What are the different songs used? I'm most curious about the multi-ball one.
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Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Ryto »

Anoniderp wrote:What are the different songs used? I'm most curious about the multi-ball one.
I don't know about the multiball, but the main song is "Kuusou Rumba" which is the first opening for (Zoku) Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei.
100% Complete.
So here's my ranking:

Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Anoniderp »

Multiball music.


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Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by muttonburns »


>that feel when you didnt drill into space.

Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Mjonir »

I... I think I love you.

Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by MoteKidelec »

Wow, on my second try I think I lucked out to the extreme


Somehow when I activated Multiball, most of my encounters with Shizune were either the WAHAHA special, or an encounter with Obama's "[X] VE-TOLD." So, the multiball lasted Much longer than normal somehow. After looking at the wiki and seeing how the Shizune/Obama thing is supposed to be gotten, I can only guess that maybe I started the Multiball during Shizune's Rumba time, and with the whole music change, the Rumba time was almost constant, making it nearly impossible to lose any of the extra Hisaos.

In any case, I'd really like to get this on that leaderboard if I can

Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Kerrus »

Just got this after about forty minutes of run, multiball mode, and a whole slew of bonuses.

Last man sitting

Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Last man sitting »

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Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Menchi »


Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Guest »

Man, change the Emi special sound into third strike shoryureppa cuz that shit ain't a shinryuken.
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Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by SWyvern »

Oh dear lord...

First off, I played the original Nanaca Crash years and years ago and loved the crap out of it.

Then, a friend of mine started talking to me about a game he'd been looking forward to for a few years now that finally came out with the full version called "Katawa Shoujo" and it sounded like an interesting story. However, I haven't played (probably won't but not because I don't want to but rather because I want to respect my friend's wishes. Long story... don't ask because I won't answer) but rather had each path explained to me after he finished it. Good stuff. I figure, I probably won't hear much about it again...

... I WAS WRONG!!!

This past Sunday, I mention I wished he was still playing because I enjoyed hearing him talk about the game (which we all just lost) and he mentioned that someone had created a Nanaca Crash type game using the Katawa Shoujo universe (and a few others). I started playing Katawa Crash about thirty minutes later and got hooked. Dear lord, this game is FREAKING AWESOME!!! I still enjoy the original Nanaca Crash but KC is so much more dynamic and even better. Plus an achievement system! Good stuff!

And here are my records though I doubt people will be taking my height record seriously as I took a screenshot after hitting an Ultimate Drill Works (which I've achieved TWICE now, once on purpose to see what a Misha blocking a Misha would do).

Katawa Crash Records Picture
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Re: Katawa Crash (FAQ, DL link, and to-do log first post)

Post by Fuse »


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