Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp


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Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by MintySocks »

Join Rin and Hisao as they live their normal, post-Yamaku life. Well, as normal as you can be with Rin.

For links to other chapters,

Chapter 2:
Chapter 3: ... =15#p81076
Chapter 4 *NEW*: ... 294#p87294

Links to a new fanfic will be placed here when ready >:3

As I push the front doors of the building open, the sun sets, casting half of the lobby into shadow. The concierge pokes his head out into the light and waves at me, smiling.

"Mr. Nakai! Long day?"

I give an exaggerated sigh, shaking my head. "Good god. Two more weeks of this? I don't know how I'm going to survive."

The concierge laughs. "I could have sworn you said the same thing at the beginning of the year! Well, I'll stop bothering you. Have a nice day!"

I give him a nod and head towards the elevators when I remember something. "Oh, right. Have you seen Rin today?"

He shrugs. "Miss Tezuka? No, I haven't seen her since, well, let me see- Monday. Anything else I can help you with?"

My right eye starts twitching. I do my best not to let my frustration break through.

Breathe, Hisao. Do not yell at the concierge. Do not start yelling at the ceiling. Breathe.

"That'll be all. Thanks, Mr. Mori." He says something in response, but I'm not paying attention to him anymore. I start hammering on the up button on the elevator. I storm into the elevator, prodding the buttons at full force.

Eight floor. Close door. CLOSE DOOR. I swear...

There's the familiar beep as the doors slide open. I storm up to the only loft on the floor, unlock the door, and swing the door wide open. I take a deep breathe, preparing to yell. My mouth is halfway towards forming the "r" when I look down.

She's standing there, in front of me, the same air of casual disinterest she usually carries plastered on her face, though there's a small smirk in place of the blank smile. The left strap of her tank top is hanging off her shoulder, her shorts are loose, and her face, legs, and bare feet are covered in paint.

How am I supposed to be mad at that?

I sigh.

"You didn't leave today."

Rin shakes her head, her short hair still managing to somehow clump together. Before I can continue she does a little hop towards me, crashing face-first into my chest. I hug her back, taking in her smell. It's a mix of swirling paints and a strong (but not entirely unpleasant) sweaty scent that she gets when she doesn't shower for a few days.

We don't move for a minute. There's the hum of the elevator, the whirrrr of the fridge, and our breathing. She suddenly jumps up, grabbing my tie with her teeth, and drags me inside. I manage to get loose for a second, closing the door behind me, when I'm tackled to the ground. Rin is almost kneeling on me now, staring straight into my eyes.

Rin leans in close. Our lips meet. She backs off for a second, looking as if she's choosing her words. She opens her mouth-


She stops and looks at her stomach, her smile replaced by a comically huge (for Rin, anyways) frown.

Face, meet palm.

"Rin, don't tell me you didn't eat all day. Again."

She blinks several times.

"Well, alright then. I won't tell yo-


won't tell you. Again. But I am pretty hungry."

I help Rin up, not that she needs the assistance. I throw my backpack next the couch in the living room and head over to the fridge. I pull it open and look inside. It's empty, except for eight or nine cartons of orange juice.

"Alright, that settles it. We're taking a bath, and then we're going to get food and groceries. And no, orange juice does NOT count as food."

There's no response.


Rin is sitting on the floor next to the couch, busy digging through my backpack. I used to wonder how on earth she learned to open the zipper with her feet. Now? I just shake my head.


She looks at me. "There's no food in here."

"You could have asked me, you know."


Rin shudders for a second, letting go of the backpack. She keels over.

"RIN!" I sprint over to her. "Rin, what's wrong?"

She rolls over to face me, her expression deadly serious.

"Toilet. I haven't pooped in three days."

There's a long moment of silence.

And then I can't take it anymore. I burst out laughing. Even Rin starts to chuckle.

Rin pokes me in the chest with her foot.

"I wasn't kidding. Need to poop. Fast."

Still laughing, I pick her up and carry her off to the bathroom.


Thanks for reading! I've got more on the way! Safe to say Rin is my favourite, so I'll probably be updating this thread (which I plan on being a sort of compendium of Rin-fiction) a fair bit. Feedback is always welcome too :3
Last edited by MintySocks on Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by scott1and »

That was cute, even the part about poop :mrgreen:
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by Sperance »

Cute and nice. I hope you write some more
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by MintySocks »

Thanks, you two! Second chapter incoming. Also, Sperance, the link to your fanfiction Little Pieces (the one in your sig) is broken.
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by Mirage_GSM »

A bit over the top - even for Rin.
Her condition there seems worse than at the worst point in her path...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by MintySocks »

OOH! Yes! Criticism is good.
Could you go into more detail? How exactly does she seem worse?
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by Sperance »

MintySocks wrote:Could you go into more detail? How exactly does she seem worse?
I think he's refering to the fact that she's not taking care of herself. At all. So her 'taking care of herself' status is worse than even in her path (when she was in her painting spree).

Also, thanks for pointing out the problem with my link, it's already fixed
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by Mirage_GSM »

She doesn't go out, she doesn't eat, she doesn't even go to the toilet.
In her path, even when she was all stressed out by the upcoming exhibition, it wasn't that bad.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by gecko »


It being extreme didn't disturb me. The atmosphere here seems different - it's just dedication, not desperation, it makes it much less threatening.
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by scott1and »

Mirage_GSM wrote:She doesn't go out, she doesn't eat, she doesn't even go to the toilet.
In her path, even when she was all stressed out by the upcoming exhibition, it wasn't that bad. that its been pointed out that is a good point, toning down (or getting rid of) her lack of self awareness would make it seem like she has improved, as well as making it more enjoyable to read. The upbeat feel and humour made this aspect of the story less noticeable I guess, cute even. Didn't even second glance at her lack of pooping, even know...its kinda a bad thing.

I wonder if all Rin fics are going to involve this kind of behaviour now, you know, her forgetting to eat and stuff.
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by MintySocks »

gecko wrote: The atmosphere here seems different - it's just dedication, not desperation, it makes it much less threatening.
Yeah, that's what I was going for. Forgetting to eat and, you know, forcing yourself to not eat in an attempt to inspire yourself are different :D
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by Ryto »

MintySocks wrote:
gecko wrote: The atmosphere here seems different - it's just dedication, not desperation, it makes it much less threatening.
Yeah, that's what I was going for. Forgetting to eat and, you know, forcing yourself to not eat in an attempt to inspire yourself are different :D
Yeah, I agree here. Either way, this was cute and I can't wait to see some more.
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by gecko »

scott1and wrote:I wonder if all Rin fics are going to involve this kind of behaviour now, you know, her forgetting to eat and stuff.
It wouldn't surprise me. It's a very relatable behaviour for anyone who's ever been obsessed by something (like, maybe, playing KS :wink:
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by MintySocks »

People have a lot of ideas about what love is. I can't say I have a concrete definition, but I've definitely got ideas. Love can be a lot of things. One of those things is carrying on a conversation with your partner while she's shitting as if nothing is out of the ordinary.

“Hisao, are you free tomorrow? Hanako is coming over to take pictures for the portfolio and I might be asleep when she gets here. Or awake. But I might not notice. So you should be here.”

Another one of those things is getting to know her well enough to figure a routine out. She leans right, I wipe, I flush, things keep going.

“Yeah, sure. I don't have any classes until next week, and I'm done studying for the week, too. Besides, it'll be nice seeing Hanako. There, done.”

Rin hops up, stretching out her legs.

“Also, I don't really care about cleaning you, you know. You don't have to save it all up, Rin. It's actually not very healthy.”

She smirks at me. “More efficient this way. I wasn't aware you enjoyed being close to my poop, Hisao.” Her eyes start to glaze over. “Wait. There are people who actually like that. They get off on that. Do you get off on that?”

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to react to this. “N-n-no! I do NOT get off on...NO!. Now go shower.”

She shrugs. “If you say so.”

I finish showering before she does. You'd think that would be common sense, but truth be told I'm slower than Rin. I watch her deftly manipulate her sponge with one foot, scrubbing patches of dried paint off her pale skin. Finally, she notices me staring.

“Hisao. Help with my hair, please.”

I nod, and shampoo her auburn hair, massaging and wrangling the clumps and knots out of it.

“Seriously, Rin, when was the last time you combed your hair? Or showered, for that matter?”

I can't see her face from behind, but I imagine she's got that face on. The one where her mouth sort of droops and her eyes get all squinty as she tries really hard to focus.

I'm rinsing out her hair when she manages to let out a quick “Ihafnoidea” from underneath the water.

We've been sitting in the tub for a while now. One of the infinite number of things I love about Rin is that we don't need to make small talk. It's fine with just the two of us, staring at each other, marveling in each other. Oh, sure, it used to be awkward, but we've gone far beyond that. I find myself dozing off, finding solace in the warm water and the smell of Rin's skin when something pokes me in the forehead. I look up to see the sole of Rin's foot in my face.


“Hisao, I'm still hungry.”

Right. I forgot about that.

“Also, I pooped everything out so now I'm like three days hungrier. I mean, that's probably not how it works, and you would know what with all the science-y things you do but it might as well be because I'm actually really hungry. Hungrier.”

It's been what, four years since we started living together? I'm almost not surprised that she manages to surprise me constantly. I'm trying to come up with a witty retort, some sort of snarky comeback when she pokes me in the face again.

“Also also, stop trying to think about that. Food time.”

And just like that, she pops up out of the bathtub, runs over to the oversized fan-dryer she had custom built, and kicks the lever. I consider joining her, but decide to dry myself manually. “Anything specific you want to wear?”

There's not much point. Rin has a silly grin on her face as she slowly spins around with her stumps out, letting the fan dry her. I don't blame her- that thing is pretty cool.


Sorry for the late update! I've been sick and also wasn't sure where I wanted to take the story. That's been fixed though! There *should* be more uploaded within 12 hours, so thanks for reading as always :D

Also....Hanako shows up next chapter.
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Re: Lover's Gasp, Lover's Grasp

Post by Sperance »

Oh, God the lolality of it. What is it about scatological humor thats amuses me so? I'm more mature than that, I shouldn't laugh at it. Still, funny. Let's see where you take this
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