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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

McBaggin wrote:Is Yamaku a normal school with a 24/7 nursing staff available or does it also offer classes to help students get used to their disability as well?
Yamaku has a lot of stuff to assist its studentbase, from special classes to physiotherapy and counseling and whatnot.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

scott1and wrote:When you (whoever you are) created the April Fools Day characters, Saki Enomoto and Rika Katayama, did you somewhat regret you couldn't have them in the game?

While we're on Saki and Rika, were they created randomly in as short a time as possible or did some effort go into thinking of them?
I came up with them very quickly. There was no need to think about them too deeply. Saki was in the game as a minor character for a while but was cut. No regrets about it (nor about the lack of Rika)
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aura »

sabre98 wrote:First, thanks for a great game. I really enjoyed it. and now questions:

1. Who came with the idea to make Emi´s mom such MILF? I have to say she was, well, distracting me from my goal.

2. How did Lilly found out about Hisao´s condition? It´s never explicitly stated and there´s a lot of possibilities, so I just wanted to know if there is an answer or if you just left it for our imagination.

3. Why have you decided to kill both of Hanako´s parents? The website and even manual states that only her father died in that fire.

4. What happenned to those politically incorrect panties Shizune wore during her fight with Lilly in Act 1 Preview? The ones with 'Stop stem cell research' written on them? I noticed she wears plain white panties in full game during this scene.

5. When I played Rin´s path I got feeling that her bad end would involve her suicide. Everything was pointing at it somehow - Rin talking about destroying herself, Hisao finding her in atelier on verge of breakdown, Sae talking about her husband´s suicide and Picasso´Blue Period. Simply pointing at chance she would literally destroy herself in her quest to change as a person. So my question is: Have you considered the possibility of Rin commiting suicide as possible outcome of player´s choices during writing of her path?

6. During writing of previous question I realized that in every path plays death it´s role in some way. Hisao falling from roof in Deep End, death of Hanako´s parents, death of Emi´s father, suicide of Sae´s husband in Rin´s path, Hisao´s near-death experience in Lilly´s path and Misha considering whether would Shizune be better without her if she just died. So the question is: Why? There´s probably some hidden meaning I simply failed to notice so I would like you to enligthen me.
1. That was Hivemind and Moekki

3. We wanted her to suffer more.

4. She changes her underwear regularly, like a lady should.

5. I don't think Rin is a suicidal type.

6. Death is a very fundamental theme in storytelling, has always been. It's a good theme to work with, and we all incorporated it in one way or another. Of course, the entire story begins from a near-death experience and follow's Hisao's struggle to appreciate being alive. You may derive some meaning from it if you will.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Ask!

Post by Aerius »

I might already guess the answer on that one, but meh.

To the character writers: Did you ever have the feeling your characters developed in a way that you did not intend to? Like, 'developing a life on their own'? It's what happens to me frequently when I develop a character over time and imagine more and more scenarios involving him. Occasionally the character ends up extremely different than I intended to (or even would want him to be, to a certain extend), but that's just how the character is, for that matter.

I guess though, the process of iterating the writing over and over again and discussing it in such a big group over and over again makes something like this not as likely, hence the 'I guess I know the answer'.
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Re: Ask!

Post by TehIshter »

The game has an amazing collection of music, but I was curious about a track.

Lullaby of Open Eyes, the first time I heard that, I immediately thought, "PLANETARIAN" (which is another great VN, but I digress). The similarity is uncanny. Is it on purpose that you guys referenced a track from Planetarian?

Here's the music links for your convenience:

Planetarian OST - Gentle Jena

Katawa Shoujo OST - Lullaby of Open Eyes
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Re: Ask!

Post by cemex »

Guest wrote: You should do an Australian fan panel! There are Australian devs right?
There has already been a panel in Australia, it was held at Manifest in 2010.

Audio: ... ow-in.html
Transcript: ... 105#p44066

Get chance and luck

Re: Ask!

Post by Nolan »

Since the scene in which Hisao fingers Rin was so tastefully written, to the point of being very moving, I'm left wondering about some more carnal elements. Mostly, how many fingers did he use and did her get a boner? If so, why didn't Rin react to it since it would presumably be against her. Might seem crude, but damn it, this is what I was left wondering for some reason.
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Re: Ask!

Post by anarki »

I feel quite ignored :(
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Re: Ask!

Post by Caesius »

Who came up with Akira's personality? Did Suriko have any trouble adapting to it?

And for that matter, did any of the writers find it difficult to write for Kenji?

Edit for brainfart.
Last edited by Caesius on Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

2. How did Lilly found out about Hisao´s condition? It´s never explicitly stated and there´s a lot of possibilities, so I just wanted to know if there is an answer or if you just left it for our imagination.[/quote]

Same question, but also by extension, did Lilly return to Hisao on her own before finding out about his latest episode or did she return because of it? I've played through the ending a few times now and still can't quite figure it out. I understand the vagueness might be deliberate, but Suriko did also say that many things were cut/cropped over the years.

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Re: Ask!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Reread Act 1, especially "Mind Your Step."
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

In her race, Emi begins in the outside lane, but in later artwork, you see she is in an inside lane. Why is that? Also, assuming Emi was the fastest person in the race, why was she given the outside lane to begin with?
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Re: Ask!

Post by Fronzel »

I've only played a handful of VNs but the things that KS does with its sprites (moving them on screen to indicate actions described in the narration, displaying at different sizes to reflect character's distance from Hisao) are quite new to me. Was this an original idea?
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Re: Ask!

Post by rusticarmor »

I haven't seen any of the character sprites below the knee, is there anything below that point or just cut off there to same time?
Also on that train of thought, seeing how the sprites have so many facial features is it possible that they sort of work like paper dolls? That there is a base maiden with no features? just a loosely shaded blank slate of a face?

If I'm at all on the right track can you release at least one of the sprites faceless and legless (dont pull an emi joke you now what I mean)? If not I'd love to now how you did do it
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Re: Ask!

Post by Japan »

Hi there!
First off I would like to say that you guys at 4LS have done an amazing job in producing a story that captures the realism and emotion associated with living with a potentially life-changing disability and the path of living life with it.

My first question would have to be...
1. Why were there (or rather why did it seem like there were) a lack of choices during Shizune's path (Excluding the first half of Act 1) compared to the others? Was it just something that slipped by without notice? or were there possible sub-paths cut from the final product?
2. It was never explained, but Why was it that Jigoro and Lilly's father were feuding against each-other? (My guess would be that Jigoro being the conservative type he seems to be, was against Lilly's father marrying a scot, other than that the only other idea would be the corporation that her (lilly) father controls).
3. I'm sorry if the following has been asked multiple times, but How did Rin lose her arms? Was it through an accident storyline like Emi's legs or was it due to something like disease or something at birth?
4. Would there ever be a possibility that Hisao in a last ditch effort to have Lilly stay instead of giving up their relationship and moving, that he could have asked her to marry him? or would that have been to stupid? (Better yet is something like that to even be considered?)
5. What ever happened to the menu music from the Act1 standalone?

I know that this is probably a hefty list of questions, but some of these are so addictive to try and figure out! With possibly more to come.
Thank-you in advance :)

And just for fun: Was there ever consideration that there would be a choice option Where Hisao heavily questions or offends Jigoro to the point where he pulls out his sword and kills Hisao?
Yes, Lilly's path left me crying during the final 30 minutes of reading. And Yes, I am a guy.
Progress in Katawa Shoujo: 96% Complete.
Order in which I read KS possible paths: Emi, Kenji (Final scene from Act One), Rin, Hanako, Shizune, Lilly.
Currently: Trying to get 100%, Considering writing a Fan-Fiction that bases around Kenji's Anti-feminist persona?
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