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Re: Ask!

Post by Sickhawk »

Merlyn_LeRoy wrote:
no way wrote:
Suriko wrote: In one cut scene involving her, it was mentioned she lost her hand in an accident with powertools. There's your explanation.
Whaaaaat... :shock:
Surely you jest...

Can somebody tell me in what scene this happens?
It's not a "cut scene", it's a cut scene. A scene that was cut. Hey Abbott!
HAAAAAAH :arrow: *thumbsup*


1. What inspired / who designed the Yamaku high girls uniform?

2. How do you personally rank the non-uniformed outfits of the all the main heroines*?

3. Was there a process to choosing the main heroines (?) outside of what Raita drew on that one page? If so, can we get some insight into said process?

4. If you had the time, inclination and ability to go back and change one thing about a given characters story (or the game in general, if you're gonna take the easy way out), what would it be?

5. Would the relevant folks be willing to update the staff list on the website to contain a little more information about each member?
i.e. What they were mainly responsible for, links to art accounts / blogs / personal sites, maybe very brief biographies...

6. Ignoring the complications that money would have brought into the matter, how would you have felt about releasing the game on a "pay what you want" basis (ALA the recent indie bundles)?

7. Do you have any personal experience (relatives, friends, yourself, etc.) of some of the disabilities displayed in the game (or otherwise)?

8. Preferences in charity?

9. How's that two-season licensing deal with kyo-ani going?

10. Where does A22 live? misha's hair

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

What happens to the girls and Hisao after each route?

I was thinking about it and it made me sad. Surely they would all go to different schools and end up drifting apart and meeting new people?
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Re: Ask!

Post by sporkaganza »

If Lilly and Shizune are first cousins, how come their surnames are different? After all, their fathers are brothers. At first I wondered if one of the fathers took the wife's name, but then I realized since Lilly's mom is Scottish and therefore couldn't have had Satou as a last name, that only leaves Jigoro, and I really can't imagine him ever taking his wife's name in a million years. Or does Jigoro hate his own family so much that he had his surname legally changed? Only that would mean giving up some power and influence, another thing I can't imagine him doing. Unless I've misunderstood something, I don't think there's any way it makes sense.
Last edited by sporkaganza on Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ask!

Post by TalismanTwelve »

This question is directed towards Suriko. I enjoyed Lilly's route the most of the five, and aside from all the FEELINGS i've felt during the entirety of the novel, I found myself really gravitating towards your writing style.
I noticed, specifically, that this style seems to change slightly during the first scene at the train station, in the morning before Hanako, Lilly and Hisao leave for the Summer House.
Hisao seems to act like an ass, and it is later revealed that he had forgotten to take his medications after they attempt to walk the mile into town.
Was the cause of his attitude change due to the lack of meds, or was Hisao just spontaneously a roody-poo that morning?

Second question, do you have a blog or something of similar value to keep up with any future works you dabble in? Especcially something like a fanfiction profile, of which I hope too lots of for the KS Game.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Suriko »

Sickhawk wrote:Q:

1. What inspired / who designed the Yamaku high girls uniform?

2. How do you personally rank the non-uniformed outfits of the all the main heroines*?

3. Was there a process to choosing the main heroines (?) outside of what Raita drew on that one page? If so, can we get some insight into said process?

4. If you had the time, inclination and ability to go back and change one thing about a given characters story (or the game in general, if you're gonna take the easy way out), what would it be?

5. Would the relevant folks be willing to update the staff list on the website to contain a little more information about each member?
i.e. What they were mainly responsible for, links to art accounts / blogs / personal sites, maybe very brief biographies...

6. Ignoring the complications that money would have brought into the matter, how would you have felt about releasing the game on a "pay what you want" basis (ALA the recent indie bundles)?

7. Do you have any personal experience (relatives, friends, yourself, etc.) of some of the disabilities displayed in the game (or otherwise)?

8. Preferences in charity?

9. How's that two-season licensing deal with kyo-ani going?

10. Where does A22 live?
1. RAITA and the random person who coloured his sketch (along with tweaks by the artists, for things like removing the pocket, etc). The male uniform is entirely collaboratively designed by the current game artists (principally Weee, Gebyy, Moekki, and Kamifish). See: ... arch=raita

2. Personally: Lilly, Emi, Hanako, Misha, Shizune, Rin, in that order.

3. There was no process for it. From the very beginning of the project, we considered Raita's page to be an important tether for the project; like a cord that tied us to a pole, preventing us from wandering off into the wilderness. If we tried to do paths for any other girls, that would have meant diverting resources from the paths of the existing main heroines. I'm sure other devs can attest to the couple of attempts I made at getting a Miki path greenlit, but in hindsight, it's better that it wasn't done.

4. Akira branched path, Miki extra sidestory from Extras menu, Yuuko path...

More seriously speaking, it's actually a really hard question. There are more things I'd have liked to add (and I imagine a couple of other devs share the sentiment), but the game couldn't be in development forever as we added stuff in, changed it around, and edited and edited until we were perfectly happy with it (which would never happen). I really don't have much way to answer it; the game is the way it is.

5. Not really. Attributing things directly to developers too much is problematic because every part of Katawa Shoujo was collaborative. For example, the Hanako breakdown scene in H path ended up being passed between me and A22 many times as we tried to get it just right (and because were were afraid that the correct tone wouldn't come though; writing that scene was really quite hard), and in the end it's very much a combination of our efforts. Art also runs into this, perhaps even moreso, because the artists often split tasks between them for different assets (which is aside from the copious amounts of feedback every asset had from all the developers). An example of shared art creation would be the Hanako billiards CG, which was lined by Weee and coloured by Moekki.

As far as developer bios and stuff go, we're not really a fan of them. The topic's been discussed a bit internally, and we generally decided that we'd rather the focus be on the game, rather than us. If you poke around a bit, various developer's blogs and things can be found though.

6. Well, charging anything for the game was always completely out of the question, so that specific monetary plan is more or less just lumped into the pile of other pricing strategies that had 0% chance of happening.

7. Kinda personal, so I'll take a pass on that sorry.

8. No preferences.

9. But giving KyoAni KS would mean less chance of another series of Nichijou or Full Metal Panic being made...

10. United States. Which is also why Kenji's humour is dinstinctly American at times. A22 largely defined Kenji as a character, just as Hivemind did for Mutou.
TalismanTwelve wrote:This question is directed towards Suriko. I enjoyed Lilly's route the most of the five, and aside from all the FEELINGS i've felt during the entirety of the novel, I found myself really gravitating towards your writing style.
I noticed, specifically, that this style seems to change slightly during the first scene at the train station, in the morning before Hanako, Lilly and Hisao leave for the Summer House.
Hisao seems to act like an ass, and it is later revealed that he had forgotten to take his medications after they attempt to walk the mile into town. Was the cause of his attitude change due to the lack of meds, or was Hisao just spontaneously a roody-poo that morning?

Second question, do you have a blog or something of similar value to keep up with any future works you dabble in? Especcially something like a fanfiction profile, of which I hope too lots of for the KS Game.
Hisao was just moody that day. It happens.

I don't have any blogs or anything like that.

Also you don't have to use spoilers for this thread.
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Re: Ask!

Post by Rivin »

This might've been asked before, but still..

What advice would you guys give to a team making a VN?

A team and I are currently creating a Mecha/War VN right now and although we are making some very good progress, we would kill for some tips/advice from a team as talented as 4LS. Please, please, impart your wisdom upon us!
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Re: Ask!

Post by sporkaganza »

This may be a bit of a silly question, but where did the idea for the "PRESENT" screen in Rin's route come from? It's a really great example of playing with the medium to get the point across.

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

A question for the writers: did music inspire any of you guys? I'm on the grind on attempting to be a vaguely readable writer myself and I find music gets my thoughts and inspiration going the best, as well as equalizes any mood I might want to keep. Do you guys like listening to music when you write, and if so, what kind of music did you guys like to play while writing KS?

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

Whilst helping her dress herself, did Emi ever go through a stage of curiosity with Rin and become physically intimate her?
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Re: Ask!

Post by TalismanTwelve »

Thank you for answering. My last question was going to be how all of you became involved in the project, but I realize now its been "sort of" answered in previous questions. Lilly Route is best route! ^_^ But the other writers did a great job too :) Thanks for the great stories and all the fun hype and art over the last 5-6 years! And for the Visual Novel, of course :D

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

Who wrote Kenji's scenes?
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Re: Ask!

Post by Suriko »

Guest wrote:Who wrote Kenji's scenes?
The path writers for each path. So if he appears in E path, Hivemind did, and if he appears in S path, A22 did. Same for all characters.

A22 basically set his personality though, and many of the scenes containing Kenji no matter the path were edited by A22 or at least run by him.

Re: Ask!

Post by ultrarare »

I know this is a hard-to-answer question (or maybe impossible), but what do you think kept 4LS together this entire time? I've seen a lot of internet projects come and go, but I rarely every see them come to complete fruition, especially on this sort of scale and professional quality. It must have taken an unshakable level or willpower and devotion.

Also, why are you guys so awesome?!

Re: Ask!

Post by Guest »

Hello! love all the work you guys do :)
what was the original date to release KS?
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Re: Ask!

Post by Souls »

I know it is very early to ask, but do you guys have any will or plans to move onto another project? Would it be related to KS?
I know there is a good chance this was asked already, if so just ignore me. I'll find it at some point.
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