Hisao's 6 different personalities

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Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by digiboy0001 »

pedrosorio wrote: You have a bit of a skewed view of what scientific publications are, don't you? It's not like they publish her name and pictures along with the study... Scientific journals != Tabloids :wink:
Fair enough, but try convincing her of that. You have to understand; from her point of view, it's not "The world will think I specifically am a freak" that has her worried, it's "I will feel like I'm a freak." It's her self-perception. And having psychologists doing basically everything short of poking her with a stick as if she were some kind of special case, she would certainly feel like a freak.
pedrosorio wrote: Also, from what you describe, it seems her personality shifts manifest themselves in a rather dramatic way, that anyone in public can see, so if I had it and wanted privacy, I would definitely want it to be studied by professionals to have any hope for a cure, it's not like she can hide it easily the way she's now.
The weird thing is, though, that her shifts have rarely, if ever, happened in any public place. Obviously, it's not her who decides when the shifts take place, but her alternate personalities (we call them "alters" for short) that do. They have never actually come out in a public setting, likely because of the attention it would obviously draw. I suppose, from the alters' point of view, drawing attention to themselves would only cause others to become aware of my friend's disorder and try to cure it, therefore wiping them from existence. They have been active in public before (and a few of them are even able to mimic her convincingly enough that others don't notice), but they have never actively taken over in public. I remember my friend telling me she just plain couldn't recall her morning at school that day, and she likened it to being because it wasn't actually her whom was in control that morning. Even her parents didn't notice something might have been wrong with her until she was 17 (and she's had the disorder since before I met her at 14); which really is less a testament to how well her alters can mimic her and more a testament to how horrible her parents were (and they were, trust me, which is really probably the root of such a severe mental disorder to begin with), but I digress.

(Please note that I said her parents only "noticed something was wrong with her." They did not figure out that she has DID specifically, nor have they pursued any sort of cure. It was really just a case of her parents going, "Whoa, something seems off, here," and then shrugging it off. And of course my friend is not about to explain to her parents what's going on, nor ask them for their help.)

Also, with one exception, none of her alters really cause any sort of problems, so I guess my friend doesn't really see the point of why she should need to be cured. In fact, one alter seems to specifically exist as a stress-reliever; when my friend gets too emotional or overwhelmed, this specific alter seems to show up and let the host "rest", effectively taking over until my friend calms down. And another, from what I've gathered in conversation with this one specifically, seems to literally just be an age-regressed version of my friend herself, which was likely manifested as some kind of a safe haven. Only one of her alters actually seems to enjoy being mean and causing pain (emotionally at least), and honestly, she's the only alter I find myself afraid of. The scarier part is, she finds my fear amusing, and thus is actually more likely to take control when I'm around. My solution to this was basically to stop spending so much time with her so that this specific alter would feel less compelled to "come out." But I would still really prefer my friend see someone about this.

(And to those keeping track, yes, this is three different alters so far. Nobody ever said multiple personality disorders were limited to two personalities.)

Honestly, though, I've probably said way more than I myself feel comfortable with (and if it were up to my friend, she would've told me not to even bring up her disorder at all). So anyone who wants further details should probably PM me. I would feel slightly more comfortable doing that than broadcasting it over the whole Internet. (I know my saying that seems ironic considering the length of this post, but I suffer from a severe case of "Doesn't-know-when-to-shut-up-itis.")
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Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by Mirage_GSM »

digiboy0001 wrote:You have to understand; from her point of view, it's not "The world will think I specifically am a freak" that has her worried, it's "I will feel like I'm a freak." It's her self-perception. And having psychologists doing basically everything short of poking her with a stick as if she were some kind of special case, she would certainly feel like a freak.
If she's afraid of that, she probably already does feel like a freak...
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Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by encrypted12345 »

Your friend reminds me a lot of the female protagonist of Mahoraba, though it's less problematic for her in that she at least knows that she has DID. Anyways, I'll drop the subject after this, but I will say that even if your friend seems more or less fine with her condition, it is still a severe condition that needs to be treated somehow. Maybe not now, but at least when the root of the problem has stopped being a significant influence on her life. Ultimately, the alters are still technically only projections of the original personality and should return to being one with it. They wouldn't completely cease to exist since (theoretically) after fusion, the united personality will show off aspects of them. Though admittedly, if I did have alters, I would let them stick around since i would be way too nice and treat them as different people though they aren't.
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Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by digiboy0001 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:If she's afraid of that, she probably already does feel like a freak...
I agree with you, and I think having a bunch of psychologists study her would only confirm this to her.
encrypted12345 wrote:Though admittedly, if I did have alters, I would let them stick around since i would be way too nice and treat them as different people though they aren't.
I think that's part of her reasoning, too.

Anyway, like I said, I should probably drop this now and see if this topic can recover from the massive tangent it's diverged into. Anyone who's really interested in continuing this discussion can PM me.
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Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by Kyossed »

traitor wrote:I like how our protagonist changes his personality in each of the girl's ending so that the two of them match each other.
The way I see it, each path is it's own story, with a unique Hisao in each one. I mean, if he were to have a set personality over all six routes, it's possible that each route would just have him end up with the same person each time. Instead, he's just naturally gravitating towards the person most suited for him, according to the choices you take in act one that determine his initial personality.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by OBM »

In order of likability as a protagonist, I'd say it goes:

1. Shizune!Hisao- Funny, good-humored, takes a proactive approach to the problems around him. Can screw up provided that you are a bastard.
2. Lilly!Hisao- A thoughtful gentleman, dedicated to the woman he loves, if maybe a bit too self-sacrificing for his own good.
3. Emi/Hanako!Hisao- Kind of rude, thoughtless and dense, though well-intentioned. Has a major white knight streak. Needs to learn how to focus on his own life more.
4. Rin!Hisao- An overreacting, angry emo prick with pushy tendencies who has no idea what he wants.

I liked Rin route best, but fuck Hisao.

Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by Lolz2day »

The idea of a different Hisao maybe due to the idea that Yamaku is the "blank slate" where he can start a new life (or a new Hisao)
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Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by ihatepeace22 »

I found him to be pretty consistent, but I seem to be in the minority.

Different reactions to different situations, seems legit.
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Re: Hisao's 6 different personalities

Post by quellsnarg »

OBM wrote:In order of likability as a protagonist, I'd say it goes:

1. Shizune!Hisao- Funny, good-humored, takes a proactive approach to the problems around him. Can screw up provided that you are a bastard.
2. Lilly!Hisao- A thoughtful gentleman, dedicated to the woman he loves, if maybe a bit too self-sacrificing for his own good.
3. Emi/Hanako!Hisao- Kind of rude, thoughtless and dense, though well-intentioned. Has a major white knight streak. Needs to learn how to focus on his own life more.
4. Rin!Hisao- An overreacting, angry emo prick with pushy tendencies who has no idea what he wants.

I liked Rin route best, but fuck Hisao.
Mostly agree with you there, except I'd switch Hanako!Hisao and Rin!Hisao and have Rin!Hisao be at fourth.

I think Emi!Hisao is actually pretty well-adjusted and normal... just a little dim and tactless. None of his faux pas seemed extremely major to me when he made them unless he made a huge string of them.

Rin!Hisao is like you described.

What bugs me the most about Hanako!Hisao is that he comes across, to me, as selfish. Although he thinks he wants to help Hanako, most of what he does ends up hurting her -- really badly, in some cases. Their relationship troubles me a little because the possibility for codependence later on is pretty high, I think... but that could just be me. That and he makes loads of mistakes, the worst of which is apparent in the good end.

That's just my two pennies though and I don't mind that others disagree with me.
Shizune >>> Emi > Rin = Hanako >> Lilly
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