Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Notguest »

Did anyone else notice that the school staircase and the atelier use the same picture, except mirrored and darkened? I think Hisao even comments that teh atelier staircase looks familiar.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by shangz »

Oh my..finally completed all routes in KS which I would probably say its one of the best games I've ever played. Every story's amazing (except maybe Shizune's) and Rin's character is so complex it just is so heart wrenching yet bitter sweet at the end. Though her story is not my favourite as I prefer Emi's one as they end up helping one another in the end, it is the most memorable and thought provoking of them all. If the developers intended it, I would like to pay them 50 bucks just for this route alone. It's too amazing. Hsiao's health gets better with all the running sessions he does with Emi which means a longer life. In Lily's route, his health is exceptionally bad and I suspect he doesn't actually live long enough to enjoy what he has with Lily. Whereas for Emi, she can finally learn to trust people and finally lift the burden in her heart

Rin's ending is so bitter sweet that I couldn't end up toss and turning while in my bed and thinking how true their love is for one another. After Hsiao & Rin finally give up on knowing very well they can never understand each other and have a normal relationship like everyone else, I felt that the real reason they could be together was that in Hsiao's case, he finally focused on why he loved Rin in the first place and he stopped expecting so much of the Rin he wanted her to be. This stopped her becoming scared of her image in him and she could finally accept his love for her. This I feel is something in real life that we can all learn especially so when we are in relationships and the love slowly stops and quarrels start abounding. Their journey despite going through so many obstacles, I feel it is the most cherishable. Their company is all they need, no words need to be spoken amongst them, merely feeling like an old couple who have walked such great distances with one other, they just sit side by side in silence, smiling with each other.

Most important of all, I feel that out of all the characters, Rin is the one who needs him most. More so than even Hanako I would say. The reason is simple for Hanako, though Lily can never truly understand her, Lily is truly her best friend and I believe that she would take care of her when she leaves for Scotland and probably even bring Hanako along as she has no family or relatives. I doubt Lily would be so cruel as to leave her all alone. Considering she only left as she had Hsiao to trust and take care of Hanako which of course if he is with Rin, this never happens.. For the rest, especially Shizune's, if you play their routes, I highly doubt Hsiao had to be in their lives at all.

For Rin's, it's a totally different ball game altogether. She's totally in her own world. Though Emi is her friend, I believe when Rin's hurting and she needs someone to understand her or just be there for her, Emi can't do that for her. In that case, what would happen had Rin gone for the Art Exhibition without knowing Hsiao and she realised that no one could understand her which was her only hope...and she's broken hearted not knowing how to deal with the world anymore. Hell even Emi doesn't do anything but stand there until Hsiao intervenes. I would have felt by then, sooner or later, she would have ended up like Nomiya's friend because no one understood her despite painting being the only outlet to express her feelings and that failed as well.. Hsiao's different though...at first he was frustrated that he couldn't understand her and his image of her in his mind keeps getting shattered...however, he loved her so much that he stopped caring about how much he didn't understand her and just enjoyed the moments which he spent with her which was what got him in love with her in the first place. Curiosity at first and slowly her personality as he got to know her more and he loved every bit of that. In the end, he was her one and only pillar of support when she was going through all those tough times. Knowing that in the end, despite all her shortcomings, Hsiao accepted her for who she is and she felt like in this dark forbidding world, there was someone who was there for her shining the way. That's why Hsiao to me has more use to anyone else in the other stories as his presence is the most important. He saves her life and as well bringing the support and comfort no one else in the world could.

Even her H-scenes including Hanako's are more justified than anyone else's. Being unable to express her feelings to Hsiao through words, it's only through physical contact that she felt that she could express how she felt to Hsiao. Which Hsiao in my opinion understood and accepted resulting in their relationship finally forming.

In any case, I would like to end my post. Sorry if the spoilers are badly placed..don't really know what information I should or should not give though...but this is probably the first game character who could get me so emotionally involved and ramble on in forums. Sorry for the long post as well..just sharing my thoughts on Rin though...hope someone has the same feelings as I had :)
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Krikt »

Shangz, I agree totally with you in regards to Rin needing Hisao more than anyone else. It's what makes this one so memorable for me and why it was so important to me to find evidence that Hisao really does care for her. In other paths Emi complains about no one joining her morning run and that's quite heartbreaking. You just have to hope that eventually she'll open up to people. It's hard to imagine Rin would find another person like Hisao, though.

During Act 1 when you meet Rin in town, she seems so alien and out of place. Because the barrier never completely breaks down, it's hard to remember just how oppressive it is before they start to connect. By the end of her story, she's more at peace and understandable, whether that's through her speech or otherwise.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Vaneas »

I played Rin's route yesterday and was devastated even though i got the good ending. To see her not understood by the art teacher and Hisao made me furious as i can understand her and relate so well to her. I'm like Rin mixed with Hanako in terms of personality problems. I had always tears in my eyes throughout her story, always holding my breath. I knew what was waiting for me when i picked her. I knew she had to be somehow selfdestructive, that's why i wanted her, i wanted to save her or go down with her. Like i want to be saved somehow.

I found this through kotaku and never played any visual novel before. I'm a shut-in for 8 years now and after playing KS i decided should at least try to post something for my own sake as well as to thank the creators for making this. I am well aware this is not real but if i had the chance to, i would take the blue pill, just to keep imagining and the rest would just go away.

I though the whole day about if i should post or not. I am not sure what i expect now or hope to gain from this but i figured if i were to ever do this, here would probably be better than anywhere else. I'll probably be too afraid to ever look at this again because of what might come out of it, just like with everything else.

At last: Thank you (especially Rins writer)
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by MrSabotage »

Yuno wrote:Did anyone else notice this?
huh, i did not. but i probably paid less attention to the sprites than i should have, couldn't take my eyes off the text most of the time.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by shangz »

Krikt wrote:Shangz, I agree totally with you in regards to Rin needing Hisao more than anyone else. It's what makes this one so memorable for me and why it was so important to me to find evidence that Hisao really does care for her.
Thank you!! I'm glad someone shares my sentiment...and to make it more clear, the act 4's neutral ending is the most important in helping to know how alone she actually is. It actually explains how much pain and suffering Rin's actually going through. Nuff said.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by officelady »

I finally finished playing all the routes in the game, but for Rin's I noticed that I am missing a library soundtrack piece after 'BADAAAN!' Has anyone else noticed this piece is missing? Or how to get it? It's the only piece I need to get a full 100% of the game. And as for CG, I think I got them all but at the final page that has the CG box with a "question mark' on it, there's on more box that is empty with the star in the middle. Is this intentional or is there some special hidden CG still waiting to be discovered? Any help would be welcomed!

And overall, Rin's route has been a roller coaster of...interest. That's all I'll say on the matter, because even now, despite reading everyone's comments and thoughts on the route, I still don't understand it fully. But as they said in the game, art is interpreted differently for everyone, and the same goes for this game and it's characters.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by megamanrulesall »

officelady wrote:And as for CG, I think I got them all but at the final page that has the CG box with a "question mark' on it, there's on more box that is empty with the star in the middle. Is this intentional or is there some special hidden CG still waiting to be discovered? Any help would be welcomed!
I heard that you have to pretty much go and exhaust every potential choice in the game you can make. As in, you probably noticed how when you play through again, some choices you made had a X or check mark next to them. Supposedly, every potential path desciscion has to have been "Activated". Not sure when I will go back to do that myself though. I hope this is of some assistance to you.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by OfficeLady »

megamanrulesall wrote:
officelady wrote:And as for CG, I think I got them all but at the final page that has the CG box with a "question mark' on it, there's on more box that is empty with the star in the middle. Is this intentional or is there some special hidden CG still waiting to be discovered? Any help would be welcomed!
I heard that you have to pretty much go and exhaust every potential choice in the game you can make. As in, you probably noticed how when you play through again, some choices you made had a X or check mark next to them. Supposedly, every potential path desciscion has to have been "Activated". Not sure when I will go back to do that myself though. I hope this is of some assistance to you.

You know I noticed that box thing but didn't connect it with the unlocking every cg.I'll give it a try. Thanks!
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by shangz »

officelady wrote:I finally finished playing all the routes in the game, but for Rin's I noticed that I am missing a library soundtrack piece after 'BADAAAN!' Has anyone else noticed this piece is missing? Or how to get it? It's the only piece I need to get a full 100% of the game. And as for CG, I think I got them all but at the final page that has the CG box with a "question mark' on it, there's on more box that is empty with the star in the middle. Is this intentional or is there some special hidden CG still waiting to be discovered? Any help would be welcomed!
To help answer your question, I think the flow chart that is shown is not that clear for Rin's path. When she first brings you to the worry tree, choose "I want to be more like Rin" then after that choose "what about me". That will help you get the scene you are missing :)

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by OfficeLady »

shangz wrote:
officelady wrote:I finally finished playing all the routes in the game, but for Rin's I noticed that I am missing a library soundtrack piece after 'BADAAAN!' Has anyone else noticed this piece is missing? Or how to get it? It's the only piece I need to get a full 100% of the game. And as for CG, I think I got them all but at the final page that has the CG box with a "question mark' on it, there's on more box that is empty with the star in the middle. Is this intentional or is there some special hidden CG still waiting to be discovered? Any help would be welcomed!
To help answer your question, I think the flow chart that is shown is not that clear for Rin's path. When she first brings you to the worry tree, choose "I want to be more like Rin" then after that choose "what about me". That will help you get the scene you are missing :)
I finally got that missing library soundtrack for Rin's route, but now that I went back, I noticed that there is one for Act 1 that I am missing, to which I am puzzled. But either way I'm going back to try and go through it again but so far I keep getting the bad end so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. It's just going to take time to go through and see which choices I didn't pick. Thank god it's in the beginning....
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by sporkaganza »

officelady wrote:I finally finished playing all the routes in the game, but for Rin's I noticed that I am missing a library soundtrack piece after 'BADAAAN!' Has anyone else noticed this piece is missing? Or how to get it? It's the only piece I need to get a full 100% of the game. And as for CG, I think I got them all but at the final page that has the CG box with a "question mark' on it, there's on more box that is empty with the star in the middle. Is this intentional or is there some special hidden CG still waiting to be discovered? Any help would be welcomed!

And overall, Rin's route has been a roller coaster of...interest. That's all I'll say on the matter, because even now, despite reading everyone's comments and thoughts on the route, I still don't understand it fully. But as they said in the game, art is interpreted differently for everyone, and the same goes for this game and it's characters.
The final image only gets unlocked after you've seen every ending. The reason a lot of people don't have it is because since Lilly's bad ending is the good ending with the last few scenes taken off, people think they don't have to get the bad ending to get 100% completion, but you actually do have to play through and get the bad ending. Skip mode is your friend here.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by OfficeLady »

sporkaganza wrote:
officelady wrote:I finally finished playing all the routes in the game, but for Rin's I noticed that I am missing a library soundtrack piece after 'BADAAAN!' Has anyone else noticed this piece is missing? Or how to get it? It's the only piece I need to get a full 100% of the game. And as for CG, I think I got them all but at the final page that has the CG box with a "question mark' on it, there's on more box that is empty with the star in the middle. Is this intentional or is there some special hidden CG still waiting to be discovered? Any help would be welcomed!

And overall, Rin's route has been a roller coaster of...interest. That's all I'll say on the matter, because even now, despite reading everyone's comments and thoughts on the route, I still don't understand it fully. But as they said in the game, art is interpreted differently for everyone, and the same goes for this game and it's characters.
The final image only gets unlocked after you've seen every ending. The reason a lot of people don't have it is because since Lilly's bad ending is the good ending with the last few scenes taken off, people think they don't have to get the bad ending to get 100% completion, but you actually do have to play through and get the bad ending. Skip mode is your friend here.
Oh yeah, I did read about the bad ending with Lilly. Hmm. Well, guess I'll have to redo her route after I get the missing BGM. Thanks everyone thus far!
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by shangz »

OfficeLady wrote:
shangz wrote:
officelady wrote: I finally got that missing library soundtrack for Rin's route, but now that I went back, I noticed that there is one for Act 1 that I am missing, to which I am puzzled. But either way I'm going back to try and go through it again but so far I keep getting the bad end so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. It's just going to take time to go through and see which choices I didn't pick. Thank god it's in the beginning....
Have you done Lily's or Hanako's route as well as Shizune's? Especially for Shizune's, make sure you try both pushing yourself harder or taking it slow when running with emi in Act 1 while going through Shizune's route. It will help to unlock different scenes. Anyway all 3 would affect the additional scenes you might be missing

Hope that helps! Don't rush too much in getting that 100% goal! It's better to enjoy the ride with the characters :)
Last edited by shangz on Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Rolanberry »

I just finished Rin's rout and it is indeed a emotional roller coaster. I feel emotionally drained as if all those things where really happening to me and for sure I come away changed as a person. Thats the true showing of a great story.

At first I felt almost angry. I felt alot like Hisao in wanting to all but demand for Rin to make sense. Its so odd that I felt like I couldn't stand her for a long time. We where so different in terms of how we think and view things that it was infuriating...yet just like Hisao I just didn't know what it was that was drawing me to her.

Maybe it was around the time she said not to name her paintings. That naming them would skew how others view them. For the first time I really agreed with her there. It was like never actually looking at some one and truly finally seeing them. I wont lie and say I understood her but...I was losing my contempt for her 'strange views' that I allowed to cloud my judgement.

A saying that I once heard long ago stuck with me as the end started that fits my whole views of what was happening. 'Things don't have to make sense for them to happen'. At the very end when Rin was holding her arms up as if to fly away, after everything that had happened I really did believe she could up and fly away. And it would almost seem natural.
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