Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Yuno »

Kaiio wrote:As I get it so far her career is pretty much done for? She was supposed to be in her rinest when she paints, but she said that's not her or something equally confusing :?
It's not that the painting isn't her, but, she has to do it at her own pace, and she has to "feel" the painting, like many artists. Her exhibition at the art gallery wasn't that. She was forced to be creative. Forced to paint. It was pressuring her, and in the end, she ended up destroyed because of it.

If you've ever written, you know what this is like. Painters get painting block just like writers get writers' block. And she probably had a self-induced painters' block after being forced to do so many things, and even then had to force herself to try to move beyond that to an unnatural degree.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Sperance »

What Yuno and ardiel said. I think Rin is at her 'Rinest' when painting something she want to paint. In a way she's the opposite of the type of artistNomiya wanted her to be. She paints for herself, not beacuse she must, but because she wants to.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by ardiel »

Sperance wrote:What Yuno and ardiel said. I think Rin is at her 'Rinest' when painting something she want to paint. In a way she's the opposite of the type of artistNomiya wanted her to be. She paints for herself, not beacuse she must, but because she wants to.
And really Nomiya and Sae should have known better after their own friend committed suicide. I wanted to slap them both. I still want to slap them both.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Sperance »

ardiel wrote:And really Nomiya and Sae should have known better after their own friend committed suicide. I wanted to slap them both. I still want to slap them both.
In a way, I don't think they really cared. They just saw a possibility of Rin benig a big hit and took it without regard of what she thought or wanted. That's why I felt angry with them while I simply pitied Hisao. While Hisao makes mistakes, they are born from ignorance and a desire to help, even if he didn't make the best choice, while Nomiya and Sae strike me as simply greedy, in a way.. That's why I like Hisao so much in this route,he tries to understand Rin even if it frustrates and hurts him only because he cares for her.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Yubi Shines »

Nomiya is odd. (Is it Emi that calls him creepy, or was it someone else?) It is totally not normal to get that emotionally invested in a student. I don't blame Sae as much, since she keeps a professional distance that I can respect, but the way he fawns over Rin makes me think that he's vicariously re-living his art career through her. (Think children's beauty contests, where the parents are all super invested in it...)

Contrast him with Mutou, who's eager to see Hisao succeed because Hisao's bright and shows respect to his teacher. There's give-and-take when they interact (like in Emi's path where they start up a science club, wait, is this even a spoiler, oh well, derp), and there's signs he's still interested in other students. Instead, Nomiya is pushing Rin around, as if he can't imagine her disagreeing with his decisions so he doesn't bother asking for her input. No wonder there's a scene of these two teachers facing off, it's an invitation to compare their teaching styles.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Teclo »

Just on a KS thread in /v/ and someone posted this. I thought you might like to listen to a grown man weep about his love for RIn. It's somewhere between tragic, hilarious, touching and slightly unnerving: "I Love You Rin Tezuka"

If you're in here, bro, I hope you don't mind me posting it.

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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Hastein »

I finished the route and man was it strange, and yet so beautiful at the same time. I love this route but strangely I don't see it as a peinting but as a music and I have to say that Rin is the most beautiful I had to play during this route. The choices, the struggle, it is a complexe piece that you can only truly appriciate with time and more replay. I was so frustrated to see how Nomiya was destroying her with his views of what an artist is, I found it incredibly ironic that this art teacher doesn't understand art, or how he represent what art has become : something that serves as a purpose for fame. Rin is a classical painter, she doesn't need the fame, she just goes with the flow to paint when she want and what she want. I loved to see the influence of Will Hunting and how two will clashes other the protagonist, the one who want her to free and the other who want her to be what he cannot be. I thought I would have a carefree story, something wierd yet easy going, I had a masterpiece of art, a bittersweet piece of music, painting call it as you wish, Rin and Hanako have such great routes... I can't wait to see the rest of the girls. ^^
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by MrSabotage »

Hastein wrote:I thought I would have a carefree story, something wierd yet easy going, I had a masterpiece of art, a bittersweet piece of music, painting call it as you wish, Rin and Hanako have such great routes... I can't wait to see the rest of the girls. ^^
i totally agree, i was completely blindsided by the direction they took with rin, and i loved every minute of it.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Wrds »

MrSabotage wrote:
Hastein wrote:I thought I would have a carefree story, something wierd yet easy going, I had a masterpiece of art, a bittersweet piece of music, painting call it as you wish, Rin and Hanako have such great routes... I can't wait to see the rest of the girls. ^^
i totally agree, i was completely blindsided by the direction they took with rin, and i loved every minute of it.
The way Rin was talked about in the few blog posts specifically about her, it was fairly easy to infer her route was going to be something special, at least for the writer. But seriously holy shit.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by GoodleShoes »

Rins route was my first. I can't believe how much I loved it, even the bad ends. I love the direction they took with it. I thought somewhere down the line it would end up being that Rin actually has a problem with her disability and was just covering it it up but it never happened. I loved how it was just centered on her personality with hardly any mention of her disability. Although I was a little put off by her at some points. It almost felt like she was a bit self-centered and that everything had to be about her, compared to Lilly's route at least where Hisao made some progress coming to terms with his own struggle. Despite this, I loved it, and I thought it was nearly perfect. Rin will always be my favorite.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by vAnon »

Anyone catch the butterfly analogy with regards to Rin's story?
Change, isolation, emerging as a new person? Larva, pupa, butterfly.
Nicely done. It was beautiful all of it. Though, Hisao was kind of a douche not connecting the dots. It all worked for the drama though.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by ultrarare »

vAnon wrote:Anyone catch the butterfly analogy with regards to Rin's story?
Change, isolation, emerging as a new person? Larva, pupa, butterfly.
Nicely done. It was beautiful all of it. Though, Hisao was kind of a douche not connecting the dots. It all worked for the drama though.
Too be honest, I don't feel like Hisao was a douche. The reader has the added bonus of seeing the story in a 3rd person view and can understand each character's mind more easily while reading into the story as a whole. Hisao has no such luxury. He is like any other person. Can you honestly tell me, that if you were Hisao, that you would be able to figure out what Rin was having trouble with right off the bat? Even I had some trouble until I went back and reread some things.

Not to mention, Hisao tried his hardest to understand her and express his only feelings, only to be shot down, avoided, and given blank expressions. That can't feel very good, even if it is Rin. Hisao makes mistakes too.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by KeWano »

So, just putting out my thought here. Rin was the character I kind of got obssessed with in act 1, kinda because of the fact that she was an artist (as me) and because of her personality, so naturally I wanted to finish her path first.

Oh god, my heart.

I am a man, but I won't hide the fact that I am a very sensitive man, and I cried. A lot.
I never thought, from the impression that I got of Rin in act 1, that her path would be so goddamn heartwrenching.

Also the fact that I pretty much could relate to Rin, in the fact that I have very hard for myself to put my thoughts into words (and sorta why I don't really have any friends, like Rin) and many more of her characteristics. made this more heartwrenching. My heart got destroyed when I got the bad ending, but when I got into act 4, it always felt like there was to be another bad ending, because of how the story progressed. But my heart really got destroyed the moment after Nomiya yelled at Rin and then watch her reaction and thoughts about it all... But also got kind of repaired the same moment, with the same exact scene, I guess.

All in all, I hardly doubt any of the other path will catch me and make so emotionally attached to this game as this path did. Probably because of how I could relate to Rin. Thank you Four Leaf Studios, for creating this beautiful game.

Also, kind of an side-note:
I kind of hated Nomiya from act 3 and forward, but I can't say the same for Sae, as she showed some kind of sadness, as Hisao explained it, when looking at Rin working, probably because of Nomiya's and Sae's deceased friend. It felt like Nomiya just made Rin work her ass off for the exhibition to relive his career through Rin, while Sae just thought that Rin was talented for her age, and saw no problem in letting her have an exhibition.
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Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Jintor »

I never saw Sae or Nomiya as being greedy. Rather, they wanted Rin to become the artist that Nomiya/Sae's husband couldn't become - well, Nomiya did anyway. It was a way of being artistic by proxy, I suppose you could say. Nomiya is the kind of person who values 'art' over everything, by the looks of things, while Sae... I don't think she had that same 'semi-selfish' urge. I think insofar as she could read Rin, that she probably thought that Rin wanted it that way.

Re: Rin's Path discussion *spoilers*

Post by Norinvaux »

I managed to finish the Rin route first (a while ago, but I just found this thread now), and it will probably remain my favourite route.
Everything about it was near perfect. The only time I stopped playing was when I had to to stop myself from crying. I had to take a long walk at night.
The entire route played out exactly how most of my 3D relationships have played out, only I never got a good end. Well, that and most of the women ended up being bitches anyway, but that's another story. It really got to me. Though I think personally, with my own insecurities and mental problems, I would not have been able to get a Rin in real life either, so Hisao definitely has one over me.

But... Fuck. I still can't bring myself to play another route. I'm thinking of Emi route, because I've heard it's relatively light-hearted and shit, then maybe the Lilly route.

But I know in the end I'm going to have to replay Rin's route last.
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