The Blog Returns

Comment on and discuss blog posts in here. One thread per post.
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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by tony246 »

Hm...yeah, ok, I could talk about what I would like to see in the blog. But that's been done. But just in case: Just anything I suppose.

I could go to a semi-philosophical-not-really-but-sorta musing of how much this 'skill gap' discussion relates to me. But that's also been done.

So instead:
THIS SPEAKS TO MY SOUL. Or something. *nods head in sagelike manner*
I'm not good with this sort of thing, so I"m just going to say it here:
Thank you, Four Leaf Studios.

That is all.

Re: The Blog Returns

Post by Brogurt »

I kind of expect to get punished in some way for saying this, but I feel like the blog could really benefit from a somewhat more tangible way of letting us know that progress has been made. And by that I mean strict content. Maybe once a month you could post a CG from some unimportant event in Act 2 or a screencap of a quote from one of the characters that you feel suitable to be posted, keeping in mind that this will be done without the context of the scene. I don't really expect this to happen, but I'm sure the community would love it.
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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by DRKO »

I can certainly relate to this, albeit in a different skill, but I experience it all the same.

I am a musician by trade. My primary instrument is the trumpet, and (if I may), am rather proficient. If you were to place any piece of sheet music in front of me (so long as it is not insanely difficult), I can play it. Not perfect, but very well for sight-reading, and with practice, I can play it well. I can even play things I hear, or things that play in my head, with relative ease.

However, when I move to my next instrument, the organ, I lack the same excellence. What I could play on my primary instrument becomes agonizingly difficult for me to play on the organ. I can often hear something in my head, know exactly what I want it to sound like, yet due to my lack of skill in the area, I simply cannot play it at the level I so desire. The gap between my wanted and actual levels of skill antagonizes me to no end; it even drove me to nearly give up at one point. Eventually, I gained the confidence and willpower to restart my studies (about the time the organ I practiced on was destroyed), but it was a difficult battle, nonetheless.

Such is, as I imagine, the same or similar to the struggle that the developers of this game must experience at times. They know what they want, yet lack the skill to produce it in a method that they believe is acceptable. I completely understand how that could be frustrating.
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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by Sajomir »

Did some thinking about it, and as far as the content of the blog goes... Just think of the fanbase as your significant other. (I'm gonna get shot for this but hear me out XD)

Does a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse care about EVERY detail of your day? No. Do they often like to hear how your day went anyway? Yes. The important thing is talking, not the exact content. I've grown closer to my girlfriend talking about the weirdest shit - not because it had to do with our relationship directly, but because we did the talking, and each took something unexpected away from it.

As the devs, there are certain things you can't/won't reveal or talk about, and that's fine. It may even seem that you don't have anything at all worth saying. However, even if a topic seems boring and unrelated to you, fans *will* find something cool in it, and will appreciate you sharing it.

Animator for the Katawa Shoujo Fighting Game
(or used 'ta be before it died, gotta think of a new signature)


Re: The Blog Returns

Post by slouch »

What should go on the blog? Anything and everything, I say. Whether it's your random musings or a project development update, I'm sure that whatever gets posted on the blog will be a happy sight for the KS fan community. Even something totally random, unimportant, and unrelated to the KS project can be a fun read and a reminder that things aren't just stagnating. As someone who checks the blog daily (even after it's gone a whole month without update... :wink: ) I would appreciate anything you could possibly put on there.

And regarding any insecurities you may have about your skills as a writer - you've really got nothing to worry about. If you ever find yourself feeling beaten by your "skill gap" anxiety remember the people who love what you've done and can't wait to see what you'll do in the future. I don't know anyone who doesn't feel that way sometimes, and being in a similar position myself I know hard it can be to deal with. I know it might not help much to hear other people say things like this (self doubt is an internal obstacle, after all. not the sort of thing other people can really help all that much with) but I felt like I ought to offer encouragement anyway.
Guest Poster

Re: The Blog Returns

Post by Guest Poster »

Did some thinking about it, and as far as the content of the blog goes... Just think of the fanbase as your significant other. (I'm gonna get shot for this but hear me out XD)
I'm pretty sure the image of the fanbase as a nagging wife has already occurred to the devs more than once over time. :lol:
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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by bradpara »

Guest Poster wrote:
Did some thinking about it, and as far as the content of the blog goes... Just think of the fanbase as your significant other. (I'm gonna get shot for this but hear me out XD)
I'm pretty sure the image of the fanbase as a nagging wife has already occurred to the devs more than once over time. :lol:
Or even a stalker.

If we have learned anything the from the past few weeks. It is that KS has a Fan Dumb as well as a fandom
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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by Rohalmen509 »

... okay then apparently a blog about blogs has been started. :?
I found out about KS from japanator, during Ero-week.

RinxKenji forever~ Rin shall succumb to Kenji's impressive intelligence, and Rin shall make him walk the straight path to victory.
my evidence to this. :)

Rin > Hanako > Shizune > Lilly > Kenji > Emi

Re: The Blog Returns

Post by Guest »

Make blog posts when you want to; don't try to force topics out just for the sake of updating. With that being said, blog posts don't have to be incredibly insightful, or even directly related, to the technical development process.

There have been many good posts already that talk about the developer's experiences, instead of how many artworks have been crafted or the word count of the VN. While I always love looking at new pieces and knowing the finished product will have substance, I'd rather read about how making this visual novel has helped each of you develop your skills and (hopefully) have had fun doing it.

Everyone involved with Katawa Shoujo, past and present, will eventually have a product to be viewed by hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people. Show us a bit of insight into the trials, tribulations and priceless moments of those who helped make it happen.
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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by DarkMeph »

I enjoyed reading that article. I always try to challenge myself if I and when I start something normally I fail but I feel good that I made the attempt.

I always ask this of developers I would like to see it on the blog is what have you learnt and what would have done differently if you had the opportunity to do it again. The blog belongs to you do what ever you want with it. You will never please everyone what ever you do.

One thing I do like on the KS is all the profile pictures that people have.


Re: The Blog Returns

Post by AstralCMS »

I have recently become a huge fan of Sim Dates and visual novels and I would like to say that I very much enjoyed the demo of the game. If the writer of the blog post sees this, just know, I would very much enjoy to read your storyline for Hisao and Rin. I followed this story to the point of even reading it through biology in college. I cannot wait for the full release! :o
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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by Rohalmen509 »

AstralCMS wrote:I have recently become a huge fan of Sim Dates and visual novels and I would like to say that I very much enjoyed the demo of the game. If the writer of the blog post sees this, just know, I would very much enjoy to read your storyline for Hisao and Rin. I followed this story to the point of even reading it through biology in college. I cannot wait for the full release! :o
Most likely they already have since they administer the forums.
I found out about KS from japanator, during Ero-week.

RinxKenji forever~ Rin shall succumb to Kenji's impressive intelligence, and Rin shall make him walk the straight path to victory.
my evidence to this. :)

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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by Palas »

This is a most interesting post. It applies to me in two ways, one more annoying than the other. Sure someone else has related something alike, but I just want to share experiences too.

I'm an amateur writer, though I really intend to publish books and stuff in the very upcoming future. See, I write comedy chronicles (eh, not sure if the word for this subgenre actually exists outside of Brazil. It's like... blog posts) and I constantly have these rather cool ideas for my very-short-stories, but it's only a general aspect. And if I don't write everything from beginning to end in one sit, the next day I'll start facing that rather cool idea as funny as some script for an New Adventures of Old Christine episode - and, more often than not, I can't think of the beginning or the end of that story.

So what I sometimes do, instead of dropping two crippled ideas, is to mix them into one tale - obviously adapting everything. I'm pretty sure I'm using hax on this boss level, because I SHOULD be practicing and facing my postpartum depression. However, I feel so much more true to myself when I just put the ideas on the paper as they come and deal with them later, other than pushing onwards but feeling unhappy about it.

The other point is that all I can do is write. I just plain suck at drawing, sculpting, painting, whatever. I do try to improve my skills every now and again, but to no avail. I can barely draw proper stickmen when what I want is to portrait a God of Life and Death. The skill gap in this case is so huge I sometimes want to die and be born again with different skills, because after all literature is crippled art too - it's the only one that has to catch the attention after you take a deeper look at it. I'm sure that's a reason why 4LS in releasing a VN and not a goddamned series of tomes containing each path. However, I still prefer to "be true to myself" instead of sticking to practicing and try t develop a whole new style of mine. Maybe a little bit edgy, a little squarish, like drawing origami or whatever.

But that's all laziness.
While we are here discussing, Hanako is somewhere hopping from dark to darker tiles. Alone.
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Re: The Blog Returns

Post by G3n0c1de »

I had this awesome idea for a KS WH40K comic thing. I'd thought out most of the details of how the story would go, and the designs of all the characters. That shit was so awesome in my head. And at the same time, I knew I'd never be able to draw them at the level I would have liked. Perhaps not even a tenth of what I wanted; I can't draw for shit. It was kind of sad, I'd never see my idea physically, and I kind of wanted to share it with the forums.

My skill gap is extreme. I don't draw, even for practice. It's just depressing to even try. It's frustrating to imagine something so clearly in my head, and yet my hand can't replicate any of it.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.

Re: The Blog Returns

Post by Tau »

G3n0c1de wrote:I had this awesome idea for a KS WH40K comic thing. I'd thought out most of the details of how the story would go, and the designs of all the characters. That shit was so awesome in my head. And at the same time, I knew I'd never be able to draw them at the level I would have liked. Perhaps not even a tenth of what I wanted; I can't draw for shit. It was kind of sad, I'd never see my idea physically, and I kind of wanted to share it with the forums.

My skill gap is extreme. I don't draw, even for practice. It's just depressing to even try. It's frustrating to imagine something so clearly in my head, and yet my hand can't replicate any of it.
KS and WH40K?! This needs to happen... Sisters of Battle and maybe a Space Wolf... Hmm... of Sisters and IG.
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