which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by G3n0c1de »

atat wrote:Hanako:
Put out way: Well this would seem a little odd for some, but there is a simple and plausible way. For her to put out easy might be as simple as feeling a connection with a guy. Her lack of connection with other people, and guys for that matter, might make her very open to sex with the first guy she is friendly with. Once it is clear to her that he likes her, she might even jump to gun, and at what seems to the guy to not 'be the mood' she might be all over him.
I hadn't thought about this, but this actually makes a lot of sense. Hanako is pretty lonely, so if she sees sex as a way to get closer to someone then this might be something she'd consider. But this also runs the danger of becoming an abusive relationship, as her partner might just abuse her for sex, or threaten to leave her if she withholds it. It's a sad situation that only Hanako can dig herself out of. Hopefully, this won't happen if her partner truly loves her.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by atat »

G3n0c1de wrote:
atat wrote:Hanako:
Put out way: Well this would seem a little odd for some, but there is a simple and plausible way. For her to put out easy might be as simple as feeling a connection with a guy. Her lack of connection with other people, and guys for that matter, might make her very open to sex with the first guy she is friendly with. Once it is clear to her that he likes her, she might even jump to gun, and at what seems to the guy to not 'be the mood' she might be all over him.
I hadn't thought about this, but this actually makes a lot of sense. Hanako is pretty lonely, so if she sees sex as a way to get closer to someone then this might be something she'd consider. But this also runs the danger of becoming an abusive relationship, as her partner might just abuse her for sex, or threaten to leave her if she withholds it. It's a sad situation that only Hanako can dig herself out of. Hopefully, this won't happen if her partner truly loves her.

Yah, I'm not saying it's necessarily a good thing, it's just a plausible idea. In fact, it could be an explanation for even more so why she is the way she is. After she got burned, she became more shy, but when she did get close to a guy, she got into a physical relationship, quickly however things went south, and she totally withdrew.

What ever the premise, its simply the idea that some one who lacks contact with everyone might be very open to contact, and even be too contacty (look I'm Sarah Palin!) that one might expect.
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by toast »

Lilly. You know she's a slut.
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by DaMan65 »

To be on topic for once... :shock:

Rin - obviously thinks about sex and isn't afraid to say what she thinks, plus does not shy away from physical contact with Hisao
Emi - due the her enthusiasm and physical nature. Face it, those blades she runs around on have no heels on them so she is a "round heels" kinda girl. :wink:
Lilly - I still see Lilly not so much as the Virginal Madona but more the Nurturing Mother type of personality
Shizune - I see her as lonely and not very trusting making gaining her trust a very drawn out process
Hanako - I see her as so skitish that it is more like stalking a wild woodland creature than a developin a normal relationship

(Misha - is the dominatrix for Kenji's submisive. Wahahahahaha!!) :lol:
I 100% agree with this assessment lol :mrgreen:
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by ContinualNaba »

Niggers, if anyone asks why you're getting involved in the personal habits of fictional characters, respond that 'It's a thought exercise to see if we and the authors considered the history and delved personality of said characters in a similar way, and is so, whether the manner these conclusions were reached with was also similar.'
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by Rocket Royal »

ContinualNaba wrote:Niggers, if anyone asks why you're getting involved in the personal habits of fictional characters, respond that 'It's a thought exercise to see if we and the authors considered the history and delved personality of said characters in a similar way, and is so, whether the manner these conclusions were reached with was also similar.'
Also, I'm kinky as hell.

Rin and Hanako are clearly the hardest. You need to connect with them at an emotional level to make it worthy of being in the game, this isn't real life where you could have 1 night stands and not call back. Rin's differences will make it harder for you to establish this bond. She is still embarassed with her femininity, with her period. It's not that she has no barriers, it's that she has a different set of them. She doesn't have a problem leaning on you since you spent an irrational amount of time with her, like she irrationally spends time on things. You don't understand each other though. You don't get why she is the way she is. Her ending expressed some emotion, but most of your interaction was just funny with you learning little about her.

Hanako? Her body issues are deep. Throwing herself at you will entail showing more of your body. "Ugh, I didn't know your burns were this bad! I'm telling everyone how HIDEOUS YOU ARE," is a valid concern, even after months of dating. She will be difficult.

Lilly, Shizune, and Emi's emotional baggage would make a more typical approach.
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by Shujoxa »

Rocket Royal wrote:Rin's differences will make it harder for you to establish this bond. She is still embarassed with her femininity, with her period.
I thought it wasn't just her period, but the thought of having Hisao be the one to "help" (lack of a better word) her with it that embarrassed her. Perfectly normal.
It would be beautiful if KS was released for download on October 7. Greatest. B-day gift. Ever. (This is not meant to be taken as telling the devs to hurry up, so please don't take it as such, it's just a dream of sorts.)

Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by jaden82 »

This is my first post after lurking around this forum for some time. I've been interested in KS since I first heard about it last year. I'm deaf and I've been that way since I was born. I found this topic interesting and I thought I would offer my two cent on this...particularly about Shizune.

Shizune: I think she'd be the quickest to get in bed...not necessarily the easiest though. I doubt it's because of her dominating personality, however. I have had experiences with deaf women in the past and I have come to notice that each one of them are similar to Shizune with some of their personality traits, especially in competitiveness and pride. However, after I got to know them, they let themselves become more vulnerable and trusting not long afterward. They enjoyed physical intimacy quite a lot so I feel Shizune will be that way too. (Then again, I've only known American women. Who knows what a Japanese deaf woman is really like?)

Emi: I think she'll be open and honest about her feelings before long and she'll find it easy to express her feelings physically as well.

Rin: She has an odd way of getting her emotions across so that may make it difficult for Hisao to relate to her easily for a while. I can't really see her suggesting sex casually though. She was blushing and somewhat shy when she brought up the "period". Sex is that intimate as well....so why would she be casual about that?

Lilly: She's a proper and reserved woman who cares deeply about her friends. It make take a while for Hisao to charm her...especially since she's friends with Hanako, who is apparently interested in Hisao. Lilly may want to try to make Hisao notice Hanako for her sake, despite whatever feelings Lilly has of her own.

Hanako: She'll be the hardest to coerce into opening up. I think once she opened up, she'll realize Hisao won't let her scarring bother him and she'll be striving physical and emotional contact afterward like an addiction.

These are just my thoughts.

And before you make any assumption, the KS girl I like isn't Shizune....but Lilly. :D
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by DMGnome »

Misha. I mean, c'mon, her suggestion for Hisao's forfeit was that if Shizune won, he would have to go to class without pants.

In all seriousness, I'm not sure. I find myself wondering how Lilly will transition into a sexual relationship; I find it hard to imagine how she goes from "Why hello, Hisao. Would you like some tea?" to "Why hello, Hisao. I'm going to fuck you until you stop moving."
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by Jaden82 »

DMGnome wrote: I find it hard to imagine how she goes from "Why hello, Hisao. Would you like some tea?" to "Why hello, Hisao. I'm going to fuck you until you stop moving."
From my experiences, it's always been the quiet and reserved ones that are the horniest in bed. You can throw Hanako in that group as well. :D
Being deaf has its advantages...such as I don't have to run into a burning building because I can't hear the screams for help.
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by Bringerof_D »

Xuan wrote:I'm pretty sure that it'll be some sort of relationship competition which Hisao of course, wins (The bases are already established in Act 1, more specifically in the tea shop), it'll probably start out as something small like a kiss (Maybe), then evolves into you-know-what. Losing and being a sore loser after is probably something Shizune will never allow herself to so that's that.
^ this, simple basics of a story. A character that always likes to win > obligatory scene: accepts losing at something

Shizune will probably be one of the harder ones i think. in fact it is possible that most of the game would consist of you trying to get her to date you while she acts like a typical tsundere type character. Then towards the end she being forced into a corner by her competitiveness and finally says...i mean signs "FINE, you win...i do love you." check and mate you'll have your story end just after the H scene.
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by Darlat »

Bringerof_D wrote:
Xuan wrote:I'm pretty sure that it'll be some sort of relationship competition which Hisao of course, wins (The bases are already established in Act 1, more specifically in the tea shop), it'll probably start out as something small like a kiss (Maybe), then evolves into you-know-what. Losing and being a sore loser after is probably something Shizune will never allow herself to so that's that.
^ this, simple basics of a story. A character that always likes to win > obligatory scene: accepts losing at something

Shizune will probably be one of the harder ones i think. in fact it is possible that most of the game would consist of you trying to get her to date you while she acts like a typical tsundere type character. Then towards the end she being forced into a corner by her competitiveness and finally says...i mean signs "FINE, you win...i do love you." check and mate you'll have your story end just after the H scene.
That seems a little to cliché.
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by Jaden82 »

Darlat wrote:That seems a little to cliché.
Most VNs usually are full of clichés. :wink:
Being deaf has its advantages...such as I don't have to run into a burning building because I can't hear the screams for help.
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by Totz the Plaid »

Jaden82 wrote:
Darlat wrote:That seems a little to cliché.
Most VNs usually are full of clichés. :wink:
You haven't read Aura's blog post about the stagnation of VNs as an artform, have you?
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Re: which KS girl do you think would put out the easiest?

Post by Jaden82 »

Totz the Plaid wrote:
You haven't read Aura's blog post about the stagnation of VNs as an artform, have you?
I said most. So far from what I have seen of Act 1, this game is in no danger of having tons of clichés. I mean...come on...how many games are out there that involved disabled girls as the heroines? :D

Anyway..back on the rail!

Being deaf has its advantages...such as I don't have to run into a burning building because I can't hear the screams for help.
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