Rika, Saki and the Main girls

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Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by bradpara »

We are all probably now familar with the April Fool's post and the two chars of the non-existant expasion arc that were apart it. So I was wondering, how do you think that Rika and Saki would interact with our five leading ladies.

Let's Start with Rika:

Emi: Those two are almost oil and water. Though strangley enough, Emi is the one girl the Rika would be the most likely to have any contact with at all. Any contact would probably consist of Emi trying to say "hi" Rika acting polite and distant and Emi wonder what her problem is.

Hanako: Niether is really one for social ineraction. I could see them both reading on oppsite sides of a table knowing that the other will not intrude and thus they can be, somewhat comfertable around eachother. Not really freinds though, they understand eachother just enough to keep their respective distances.

Lilly: Porbably a passing acquiantence of sorts. With both politely talking to eachother while Lilly respects her space and deciding that she has her reasons for prefering her own company.

Rin: Hard to tell, but than then, this is Rin we are talking about. All I am getting is an image of Rin going on about whatever while Rika politely listens and nods maybe even seeming somewhat bemused.

Shizune: Shizune would not like Rika. She would interperate her aloof attitude as a lack of caring and school spirit, something that would just rub her the wrong way. They fact the Rika does not involve herself in much of anything would most likely keep her off Shizune's radar most of the time however.

Saki Next
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by bradpara »

And Now Saki:

Emi: These two probably get along, they are both very similar personality wise. Porbably joins her and Rin on the roof when Emi feels like "Normal Converstation"

Hanako: Errrrrrrrrrrrrr. No Saki has the personality type that it the least likely to understand that art of approaching Hanako Ikezawa without sending her in the other direction screaming.

Lilly: These two would like each other, I could see Lilly naturally takin Saki under her wing just to help make what time she has left as pleasant as possible.

Rin: They are both in the Art Club so they know eachother most likely. Rin would admire her dedication to art and probably have some thoughts about how Saki is doomed to die young. Probably considers her destined for greatness if Rin-logic holds they way we have seen it.

Shizune: Porbably likes her "involved" attitude. If Saki's activites might help the school I could see her and Misha lend a hand. Even if means a truce with Lilly for and afternoon.
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by PasterOfMuppets »

Iunno something in the back of my mind tells me that Hanako and Saki might get along well. (as with everyone else)
Saki just seems the type of "everyone" person if you know what I mean.
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by G3n0c1de »

While Emi and Saki would get along well, there is a marked contrast in their dynamic. Emi defines what it means to be full of life, and energy. She literally is a 'genki' (healthy/energetic) girl. She has mastered her disability, and grabs life by the balls and runs off with it.

Saki on the other hand, is positive in the face of her disability. Almost as if to spite it. She is fated to become worse and worse, until she dies. In this way, her disability will come to master her. Even in such depressing circumstances she tries to be happy. Another contrast is that Emi is one of the most physically capable students at the school, while Saki's physical detriments will worsen as time goes on. From moe-grade clumsiness to a its-not-funny-anymore inability to control her own muscles.

It's when her condition worsens that we'll see how their dynamic changes. Saki's bio said she sometimes gets bitter, and in my opinion, she can't just throw up that wall of happy without it holding back a flood of sadness and pain. While she acknowledges the pain, and her eventual fate, they make her want to live even harder. So that's why she lives life to the fullest. She's doing it while she still can. I can initially see Emi being frightened of the almost night and day switches in Saki's personality, from happy-go-lucky, to bitter and angry with life, to horribly depressed. But Emi's caring nature will see her stand by Saki, to whatever end.

Hisao could learn a lot from Saki. Hisao is struggling with his condition. A part of that is the anxiety of when his next attack might occur? What would be pushing his heart too far? His doctors gave him the hope that he could live long, and even that is uncertain. Saki on the other hand knows fully well that death is coming for her. And so Hisao too must learn to take life as it comes, and live well.
Last edited by G3n0c1de on Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by scott1and »

The way genocide talks, its as if we will see her condition worsen rather than imagine it happening, makes me wish they were canonical characters...then again they still could be.
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by G3n0c1de »

Well yeah, we'll never see them in the actual game, or at least not in roles as large as I describe. But it's interesting to think about what might happen if they were major characters.

Like, what would happen if Saki were friends with Hanako. They don't seem to match very well, but Saki is nice enough that she might be able to overcome this. It would take an event out of the ordinary for the two to even meet, much less become friends. As with anyone, Hanako will at first be timid around this new presence in her life. As an outgoing person, Saki would probably take Hanako shopping and to other normal teenage hang out spots. Hanako will definitely have problems with this in the beginning, as this is a new environment from Lilly's protective bubble. Saki will have to make an effort to get Hanako to open up, such as spending time with her just reading. But as we've seen with Hisao, Hanako can open up if you just give her a chance. I believe she secretly yearns for friendship. As their friendship grows, Hanako may become more open, at least around Saki, and maybe more outgoing. It will be a slow process for sure, but Saki is kind enough that patience won't be a problem for her.

It will be very interesting to see what will happen when Saki gets worse. She may scare Hanako away with her mood changes. But if there's one thing Hanako will understand, its Saki's overwhelming depression. But whereas Hanako wallows in her depression, she'll see that Saki actively fights hers. And while Hanako will not be prepared for this, she will take care of Saki toward the end. In doing this, she will grow as a person. And she'll see her role reversed, from injured dove under Lilly's care, to taking care of another. In the best case, Hanako will be humbled by Saki's attitude of staying positive in the face of death, and learn that her lot in life isn't so bad after all. When Saki passes, Hanako will be alone, but the other important thing she needs to learn is how to let go. If she can let go of Saki, then she's well on her way to letting go of her past as well. She'll learn the same lesson as Hisao, to count your blessings and live life well.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by Mirage_GSM »

You've convinced me - I don't want a Saki-path, I want her as the Main Character!
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by bradpara »

I just realised something though:

Shizune: Ardent Competitor who must always "win" and be in control.

Saki: Someone who is destined to "lose" and is slowly losing control overherself.

The above is something that Shizune would most likely find TERRIFYING
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by G3n0c1de »

Shizune and Saki is a tough one, but I'll take a crack at it.

Their personalities aren't too dissimilar. Saki is probably less competitive, but I can see her wanting to compete a little as a part of life she wants to experience, at least on her good days. Otherwise she'd bitterly acknowledge that her condition limits her abilities and steps back, allowing others to compete around her. But that main thing is that they are both fighters. Shizune has her iron will, while Saki lives knowing of her eventual death. This might be the connection between the two. Saki might admire Shizune as a person who lives even harder than she does, while Shizune could be humbled by Saki's plight. And Misha definitely wouldn't mind another friend in the group. I suspect they'll just have to communicate through Misha as Hisao does. She may even want to learn some sign language.

When Saki's condition begins to worsen, Shizune will have to learn to slow down for her friend. Shizune doesn't seem like the type to associate with those who can't pull their own weight, so she'll have to learn to deal with that, but she does know how to carry much more than her own weight by herself. Saki's mood swings will definitely catch Shizune off guard. For all her fighting spirit, Saki's inner demons will confuse Shizune. Where did the girl who possessed such a lust for life go? This is the point when Shizune will realize things are serious. Another thing for Saki to get angry over is the fact that she'd no longer be able to use any sign language that she learned. As Saki gets weaker, and the inevitable approaches, I can see Shizune not wanting to let her friend die. She'll read up on the disease, and in the face of the facts she'll deny that Saki will die. This is because Shizune isn't used to not getting what she wants. Of all the characters, Shizune might be the one least prepared for a major death in her life. But as time goes on, she'll have to accept that this is happening, and the only thing she can do for her friend now is be with her. I can see Shizune often leaving class on "Important Student Council Business" to see Saki. Of course Mutou will see through this, and allow it.

It is at Saki's bedside that Shizune will learn her final lessons. She needs to address the fact that she doesn't show her emotions well. Often times, she puts on a competitive front. While this earns her respect from her peers, it also drives them away. Under the shell is a lonely girl. "It's lonely at the top," is what she's been telling herself, and Misha has been a loyal friend for sure, but she's the only one. Saki would be the only other person she could count as a close friend, and she is leaving. Being ripped away from her by something she can't fight. Perhaps this is another point of antagonism against Lilly. The fact that Lilly is warm, and peaceful, while Shizune is cold and closed. Shizune's deafness does not help at all when she tries to communicate her emotions. Sitting alone in that hospital room, Shizune would have no one to be competitive with, no one to put her facade on for. This would be a great time for reflection. As a final show of emotion, I can imagine Shizune taking Saki's hand into hers. That's all she can do, but it's enough. A small gesture of warmth, kindness, and love.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by scott1and »

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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by Goldilurks »


(I'd have posted [shimmietag]994[/shimmietag] if that picture wasn't so clearly for Hisao.)
This one needs to lurk moar. This one lurks too much! Ahh, this one lurks juuuuust enuf.
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by Kyah »

G3n0c1de wrote:Shizune and Saki is a tough one, but I'll take a crack at it.

Their personalities aren't too dissimilar. Saki is probably less competitive, but I can see her wanting to compete a little as a part of life she wants to experience, at least on her good days. Otherwise she'd bitterly acknowledge that her condition limits her abilities and steps back, allowing others to compete around her. But that main thing is that they are both fighters. Shizune has her iron will, while Saki lives knowing of her eventual death. This might be the connection between the two. Saki might admire Shizune as a person who lives even harder than she does, while Shizune could be humbled by Saki's plight. And Misha definitely wouldn't mind another friend in the group. I suspect they'll just have to communicate through Misha as Hisao does. She may even want to learn some sign language.

When Saki's condition begins to worsen, Shizune will have to learn to slow down for her friend. Shizune doesn't seem like the type to associate with those who can't pull their own weight, so she'll have to learn to deal with that, but she does know how to carry much more than her own weight by herself. Saki's mood swings will definitely catch Shizune off guard. For all her fighting spirit, Saki's inner demons will confuse Shizune. Where did the girl who possessed such a lust for life go? This is the point when Shizune will realize things are serious. Another thing for Saki to get angry over is the fact that she'd no longer be able to use any sign language that she learned. As Saki gets weaker, and the inevitable approaches, I can see Shizune not wanting to let her friend die. She'll read up on the disease, and in the face of the facts she'll deny that Saki will die. This is because Shizune isn't used to not getting what she wants. Of all the characters, Shizune might be the one least prepared for a major death in her life. But as time goes on, she'll have to accept that this is happening, and the only thing she can do for her friend now is be with her. I can see Shizune often leaving class on "Important Student Council Business" to see Saki. Of course Mutou will see through this, and allow it.

It is at Saki's bedside that Shizune will learn her final lessons. She needs to address the fact that she doesn't show her emotions well. Often times, she puts on a competitive front. While this earns her respect from her peers, it also drives them away. Under the shell is a lonely girl. "It's lonely at the top," is what she's been telling herself, and Misha has been a loyal friend for sure, but she's the only one. Saki would be the only other person she could count as a close friend, and she is leaving. Being ripped away from her by something she can't fight. Perhaps this is another point of antagonism against Lilly. The fact that Lilly is warm, and peaceful, while Shizune is cold and closed. Shizune's deafness does not help at all when she tries to communicate her emotions. Sitting alone in that hospital room, Shizune would have no one to be competitive with, no one to put her facade on for. This would be a great time for reflection. As a final show of emotion, I can imagine Shizune taking Saki's hand into hers. That's all she can do, but it's enough. A small gesture of warmth, kindness, and love.
This made me tear up :cry:
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by bradpara »

What hath I wrought.
*Gives Shicchan a hug*
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by Leotrak »

G3n0c1d3, you can't fool me - you're secretly some highly acclaimed writer, aren't you? ">_>
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
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Re: Rika, Saki and the Main girls

Post by G3n0c1de »

Leotrak wrote:G3n0c1d3, you can't fool me - you're secretly some highly acclaimed writer, aren't you? ">_>
Not at all, I'll leave the good writing up to the devs, lol. I've just been throwing these together as I write them. And these require certain leaps of faith in the characterization. All I have to go on is how the girls are presented in Act 1. For instance, the Shizune I've written in here is secretly lonely and emotionally vulnerable. It's possible in the full game that she just doesn't give two shits about how many friends she has, as long as their friendship is genuine.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
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