Katawa Kijo


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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by neumanproductions »

yeah Mirage, I haven't even been working on my stuff recently so there's no rush by my book.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Petermeter »

Pretty nice story so far, I'm pretty impressed that you use the concept of magic at a pretty subtle pace [ /edit: and now I am pretty ashamed I use the word pretty pretty often....] - considering that you (at least I think so) said that you played Dungeons&Dragons, where magic does seem a bit... well... over the top.
The big coincidence that there are exactly 8 magic users on the 8 classes of magic featuring all 8 relevant students of KS reminds me a bit of Terry Pratchett ( you know... the eighth son of an eighth son is a creative mage and stuff), but I can't say I don't like that, either. What does seem a bit strange though is that Hisao had a strong aura of magic despite being new to school, and what you hear about his progress is well surpassed by the others. Not that this hurts in any way.
Keep it up, one more Fanfic to keep an eye on for me :)
Ranking after act 1:
Hanako > Rin >> Lilly > Shizune > Emi
I played the routes in that order, every ending and all.
Ranking after full playthrough:
Lilly > Emi >> Rin ~ Hanako > Shizune
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Mirage_GSM »

You know, you're pretty observant.
So far, noone else noticed (or bothered to comment on) that (seeming?) discrepancy...
Oh well, you'll just have to wait and see.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Petermeter »

Now you really have me excited about the story. Take your time though, I already learned to be patient. :)
Ranking after act 1:
Hanako > Rin >> Lilly > Shizune > Emi
I played the routes in that order, every ending and all.
Ranking after full playthrough:
Lilly > Emi >> Rin ~ Hanako > Shizune
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Wan-wanniche »

As another Terry Pratchett fan, I approve of the previous postings.


Anyhow, good stuff. I look forward to the next chapter.
Rin takes an unexpected lead in the updated polls.
Surprised? a little
Is this unexpected? Have you met Rin:)?
Expect the unexpected. lol
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Okay, German translation is all but finished, and I'm getting a bit of writing done again. Enough that I feel comfortable posting another chapter or two.
Also, my previous estimate was for this story to have fifteen chapters... Well, I'm currently writing Chapter fifteen, and it doesn't seem like, I'm going to finish in that one. New estimate: around eighteen or nineteen, but some of them might be a bit shorter.
Note:Ooki is one of the characters in the classroom CG. His 'official' name is Taro, but I fleshed him out before I knew about those names, so I'll leave him as Ooki. He was briefly mentioned in another story of mine and will feature more prominently there if I ever get to continue it.

Chapter Eleven – God Help The Outcasts
The next morning, I am among the first in class. Emi had to leave early, because she had to help the nurse with something. She said I should continue my program on my own, but what can I say... I guess my self-control is almost as frail as my heart.

The classroom is empty except for Miki and Suzu doing some last-minute homework and Ooki (*) snoring away in his seat at the back. I wonder if he got here early as well or if we forgot to wake him after classes yesterday. As a narcoleptic, his waking hours are beyond irregular, so it's both possible I guess.

There's still plenty of time until classes start, so I sit down at my desk, unpack my stuff and take out the book I'm currently reading.

One by one my classmates arrive, and soon the room is abuzz with voices. Then all at once the voices stop. I look up to search for the cause of this sudden hush and notice Misha and Shizune standing in the doorway.

I draw in a sharp breath as I take in the scene. Misha is huddled behind Shizune and looks as if she were ready to bolt from the room, while Shizune is glaring daggers at the rest of the class. The reason for the quiet is also obvious. She is wearing a pink bandanna – a very meagre disguise of the fact that her usually abundant hair is gone.

A moment later our eyes meet and when I see that fear of rejection lurking deep within her, I decide that more than a reassuring smile will be necessary to comfort her now.

I get up, walk over to the door and - trying to forget the dozen or so pairs of eyes staring holes in my back - take her into my arms. “I am glad you went through with it. I'm so proud of you. I love you.”

The words I whisper into her ear might not be the most eloquent thing I've ever said, but Misha doesn't seem to mind. She looks up at me, her eyes close to tears, wraps her arms around my neck and places a kiss upon my mouth. At that moment I actually do forget about everything else around us...

I don't know how long we have been standing there, but we are jolted back to reality by Mr. Mutou clearing his throat. “As much as I hate to interrupt your moment, Mr. Nakai, lessons are about to start.”

This time even Misha turns red. I don't even want to know what my face must look like. A few giggles follow us as we walk to our seats – not as much as I would have expected given the situation. Most of our classmates seem to understand that there is something serious going on, but it probably won't stop them from gossiping anyway.


Morning classes go by with nothing more unusual than a few curious glances thrown Misha's and my way. During lunch, Misha has to go to the nurse's office for her chemotherapy, so Shizune and I go to the cafeteria to get some boxed lunches and head over to join her.

As we enter the office, the nurse somberly points us towards the curtain separating the back of the room from the rest. Misha is lying on a bed, her eyes closed. Next to the window, an infusion pack is steadily dripping away, a thin tube letting the poison flow into her left arm.

I sit down on the corner of the bed and take her right hand. “Hello Misha. It's us. We brought you some lunch.”

Misha opens her eyes and smiles weakly. “That's sweet of you, but right now, I would only throw it up again. I'll try to eat some in the afternoon.”

She frees her hand and tries to translate for Shizune, but as she cannot use her left arm because of the infusion, the signs look awkward and it takes much longer than it usually does.

Shizune signs something back and Misha chuckles. “Yes, I do swear upon my honour as the student council vice-president.”

I point at the infusion pack. “So how long until you're done with that thing?”

“It should be through in about 30 minutes, but the nurse said I should rest at least an hour afterwards. I guess I'll sleep through afternoon lessons, so I'm fit for Mr. Mutou's Evocation training. Who needs Japanese literature anyway?”

I groan as I think about the three lessons ahead of me. Mrs. Tsukamoto has an unrivalled talent to make lessons so boring... so boring that I'm not even able to think of a fitting comparison. For a moment I consider skipping the lessons as well, but one look at Shizune's expression puts paid to that idea.

“Oh no you don't, Hisao, no playing truant without good reasons!” Misha giggles as she translates. “But isn't Mrs. Tsukamoto's class a good reason? What? Not good enough? Well, you don't have to listen to her, Shicchan.”

As Shizune and I unpack our lunches, I am happy to see that Misha seems to be a bit back to her old self. The bickering between the three of us continues through the lunch-break, and we can almost forget where we are and why we are here.



After surviving three hours of reading the works of Kyokutei Bakin, I wave goodbye to Shizune and walk over to Mr. Kanzaki's office. I knock on the door and walk in to see him crumpling a letter in his fist. He turns towards the door, scowling. “WHAT?” Then he notices me and his expression softens. “Oh it's you, Hisao, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout.”

“Don't mention it.” Secretly I'm relieved that I'm not the one he's angry at. Still, there's something I have to ask. “So, how are Kenji's lessons going?”

Mr. Kanzaki frowns. He has his anger under control now, but he is definitively troubled. “Did you talk to him?”

“Yes, but... You know how he is. I don't know what to make of his answers, so I thought I'd ask for your opinion.”

He sighs. “Not good. His talent is obviously there, but I have no idea of how to tap it. His mage-sight is coming along fine, but he is neither a Diviner nor an Abjurer, so the most he can do is discern the type of magic in an object. Other than that... Well, there are records of some of the destructive powers of necromancers, but I think it is too risky to teach him about those, as long as he is so... unstable...”

He stands up, walks to the window and looks outside. “Of the healing powers of Necromancers, there are no records at all, except for ancient legends. None of them more recent than 2.000 years. I don't even know where to begin teaching him about those.”

“And if that wasn't enough, now the Mediterranean Council has to meddle as well.” He points at the crumpled letter on his desk. “They think it's too dangerous to teach him and would rather lock him up and throw away the key.”

“But they can't do that, right? He's done nothing wrong!” 'Yet' I add mentally, but I'd better keep that doubt to myself for now.

“Not as long as I have anything to say in the matter. But for now it's important that I can show them positive results as soon as possible. Would you mind much if I sent you over to Ms. Aikawa to hear her lesson? I'm sorry to cancel twice in a row, but...”

“That's okay, I understand. I can practice with the others, but Kenji only has you as a teacher.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Glad to get away from the old relic, eh?”

“It's not that, it's... Believe me, no one wants Kenji to succeed with his magic as soon as possible more than I do.”

“Oh... I'm sorry, Hisao, I didn't think about that. Well, off you go then. You know where they hold their classes?”


Of course I know where the Enchantment classes are held. During my first week at Yamaku, I spent more time there than in my own room.

On my way there, I try to remember about the Enchantment teacher, Ms. Aikawa. I only saw her once during the meeting last Monday, and Shizune didn't talk much about her lessons... Well, obviously she didn't, but she didn't sign much about it either. Come to think of it...

Before I get to finish that thought I arrive in front of the student council office. I remember what happened yesterday and decide to knock properly this time.

I hear some steps from inside, then the door is opened, and I see Ms. Aikawa standing in the doorway, grinning at me. “Ah, it's you! I was wondering when you would do us the honour.” She winks at me. “But if you're just knocking on doors, you'll never catch a lady with her dress down again. Isn't Kozo with you?”

I feel my face growing red again. At least this episode won't be told to the non-magical part of the faculty. “Uh... No, he is training with Kenji, so...”

“That's okay, we don't need him, and you'd rather have us two beauties all to yourself anyway.”

She motions for me to enter. If this continues all afternoon, I'm not sure my heart will be able to take it.

Shizune is sitting at the table staring at a small cage containing two guinea pigs. As I approach, she looks up and smiles at me. Welcome!

I stop dead in my tracks and when she sees my reaction, her grin almost splits her head in two. “How did you do that? Aren't only Diviners supposed to be able to do sendings?”

Behind me Ms. Aikawa starts to giggle. “Yes, but this was not really a sending. You know that Enchanters can control the mind of other beings – order them to do stuff they wouldn't normally do, right?”

“Yes, but..:”

“And didn't you wonder how Shizune was going to do that, when she cannot talk?”

In truth I never thought about that, so I stay silent looking a little embarrassed.

“So, while it can't hurt to vocalize a command, Enchanters are able to give purely mental commands as well. Otherwise you couldn't order around people who don't understand your language, let alone most animals. Technically Shizune was giving you a command. She was ordering you to feel welcome.”

“But, Ms. Aikawa...”

She raises her hand and frowns. “We can do this one of two ways, Hisao. Either you call me Akane of your own free will, or I will order you to. I'm not that many years older than you, and you will not make me feel like an old lady.”

What is it with those teachers? One threatens to turn me into a toad, and now this... I start again. “Okay, Akane, but I wasn't feeling any compulsion at all.”

“Well, I could make you do things without you realizing I was doing magic,...” The way she says 'things' is making the blood shoot to my face again. It's a good thing I'm not prone to nose-bleeds. “...but Shizune is not that good yet. How best to explain it...”

She raises her right hand to her chin while she ponders the thought. It looks kind of cute. “Ah, yes! Think of it as writing some computer code. If you write it, people can look at it, but unless you execute it, nothing will actually happen.”

My expression must have conveyed how familiar I am with writing computer code.

She shrugs. “Or you can think of it as a request instead of an order. You convey the meaning of the order without adding the compulsion. Is that easier to understand?”

I nod and turn back to Shizune. “So does that mean that you can communicate with me now?”

Shizune looks at Ms. … No better get used to this right away... at Akane for a translation of my words. Right. This doesn't help her hearing at all.

Akane answers in Shizune's place. Apparently she's not as proficient in sign language as Misha by a long shot. “This form of communication is extremely limited. You can convey wishes or orders, but it is extremely hard to convey information this way. I tried to use it to talk to an Enchanter from the Atlantic Council I met at a conference once. He didn't speak Japanese and I didn't speak Portuguese. It was very difficult – at least until we got to a topic we didn't need any words at all for... I'm afraid we both missed the first part of the conference the next morning.”

Right. She doesn't seem to know the concept of too much information. Once again I 'hear' Shizune's 'voice' in my head, only it doesn't sound like a voice at all – more like a thought that is not my own. Please have a seat!

I hesitate for a second, just to make sure I could refuse if I wanted, then I sit down next to Shizune.

Akane walks to the opposite side of the table and sits down as well. “Most students are more interested in learning the control-aspect of Enchantment, but I'm not surprised that Shizune wanted to learn this trick first when I told her about it. She's been practising it all the time since Tuesday.” She translates her words for Shizune, but even I can tell that she's omitting a lot of stuff in between. “She's gotten really good at it, too.”

“But now I think it's time to move on to something else, so I brought Genjo and Goku today.” She points at the cage, while I suppress a smile. “Those are mine, so please take care with them!” I wonder if that last bit was actually a command.

She takes a small plastic bag from her pocket and hands it to Shizune. “Those are treats. They are absolutely crazy about them. Place a few in the cage and try to keep them from eating them for about ten minutes. Then you can let them have them. Afterwards you can let them out of the cage and order them to move about the room. They do need the exercise. Genjo is putting on a little too much weight.” She lowers her face to the cage. “Aren't you, Genjo?”

“Aren't you going to be here?”

“No, Takeshi asked me to help him with an experiment today, so I'll leave you two for about an hour. I'll trust you two not to do anything indecent without me. Oh, and one more thing...” She suddenly turns serious. “Hisao, you will only watch Shizune control my little cavys. See how different commands affect the magical aura. Do not try to undo what Shizune is doing and do not try to test your skills against each other. You remember what happened when you trained with that Conjurer girl? Good. Now imagine that book was the mind of a living being...”

She repeats the instructions in sign for Shizune, then excuses herself and leaves the two of us to our exercises.


Please look forward to chapter Twelve:
True To Your Heart
Last edited by Mirage_GSM on Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Shades of gray »

I am enjoying this mirage, would type more but i have things to do today.

nice work, keep it up etc etc.
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by scott1and »

This is really good, hell, it would still be good without the magic element in it...saying that, it would be more difficult for Kenji to cure cancer with no magic
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Petermeter »

She is wearing a pink bandanna – a very meagre disguise of the fact that her usually abundant hair and is gone.
Just a little thing there. Nice read for me, the Misha-part comes along pretty good. Also, the different topics the girls study on are quite interesting. Keep it up :)
Ranking after act 1:
Hanako > Rin >> Lilly > Shizune > Emi
I played the routes in that order, every ending and all.
Ranking after full playthrough:
Lilly > Emi >> Rin ~ Hanako > Shizune
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Chapter Twelve – True to Your Heart
Shizune proves to be quite adept at controlling Genjo and Goku. Neither of them so much as makes a move towards the treats until the ten minutes are over and she relaxes her mental grip. Then the two rodents descend on their food with great vigour. It's very cute to watch them nibble away.

After a while Shizune opens the cage, directs them onto her hand and places them on the floor. While she has them running this and that way across the floor, I take a notepad and pencil from my bag and try to get some conversation going.

So, did you see Misha after she left the nurse's office?

Shizune fixes her gaze on the rodents and has them run in tight circles on the floor. She takes her own pencil from her bag and replies. No, I went straight here after lessons were over.

Do you think she's going to be okay?

Her lips press together to form a tight line. How should I know? I'm not a doctor!

But you have known her for so long...

Before I can finish the sentence, Shizune has grabbed the notepad and is scribbling furiously. And how does that help me make a medical assessment of her chances?

I have no idea how to answer that, but I try anyway. But Misha...

A snapping noise makes me look towards Shizune. The pencil she was holding has been broken in two. There is some blood trickling from between the fingers of her clenched fists, but she doesn't seem to notice. Her knuckles are a pale white. I open my mouth to ask a question, neither knowing what question it might be nor realizing that she couldn't understand it whatever it would have been, but I never get that far.


This time there is no mistaking the compulsion. The room is bathed in a violet glow, and right now I would tell her my innermost secrets, If I only knew what secrets she is asking for.

Tell me why I had to fall in love with the only boy I cannot even fight for! She looks a me, tears starting to run down her face.

Does that mean Shizune is in love with me? How...? When...? I still find myself unable to move much less answer her question, but then there is another compulsion, this time one without words.

Slowly I find myself leaning towards Shizune, until all I can see are her eyes and the wet streaks running down her cheeks. A moment before our lips meet, she closes her eyes and opens her mouth slightly.

The sensation is kind of weird. Our kiss feels very real, but at the same time I feel like I'm in a dream, like I'm just an uninvolved observer in my own body.

Then the compulsion is gone and Shizune draws back. I'm still too confused to do anything but stare, but Shizune's face is going through a wide range of emotions in quick succession: Confusion. Realization. Horror. Loathing.

She stands so abruptly that her chair falls to the ground. The sudden noise shocks me from my stupor. I stand up and reach for Shizune, but she is drawing back several steps. No! Don't touch me!

This time there is only the barest of compulsions. I know that I could resist if I wanted, but I don't know if I should. For a moment we both stand there facing each other, neither of us knowing what to do next. Then Shizune turns around and runs for the door and out into the corridor, almost bowling over Takeshi and Akane who were just about to enter the room.

Takeshi looks after Shizune with a confused look, then he turns to me. “Hisao, what happened? What was that Enchantment just now?”

“You could feel that?” Once again not the most eloquent answer, but right now this is the best he will get out of me.

It is Akane who answers. “I wouldn't be surprised if half the school had felt that.” She makes a calming gesture when she notices my expression. “Don't worry, most people will just think they heard someone shouting in the next room or something.” Then she turns serious like I have never seen her before. “But you have to tell us what happened, Hisao. It is a serious offence to use Enchantments to force your will on another human. Besides, Shizune shouldn't have...”

“What is going on here?” Mr. Kanzaki appears in the door behind the two, looking like he's ready to rip someone apart. “Akane, I thought I didn't need to tell you not to go overboard when demonstrating magic! I could feel that Enchantment all the way over in my office!”

“That wasn't me, Kozo,” Akane says pouting, “I just came here with Takeshi.”

Not good. I think I could persuade Takeshi or Akane to forget this incident, but there's no way Mr. Kanzaki would let it slide. If he finds out what Shizune did... I don't even want to know what her punishment would be.

And he seems to be determined to find out what happened. “But you are the only Enchantress at Yamaku except for...”

“Shicchan!” Misha storms into the room closely followed by Mr. Mutou. I've never seen the student council office this crowded before. When she can't find Shizune, she turns to me. “Hicchan, what happened? That was Shicchan, wasn't it?”

This is my chance to get away from here, before this situation goes all the way to hell. I grab Misha's hand. “Nevermind that! We have to find her! Takeshi, can you find her please?”

Takeshi concentrates for a moment. “She's on the way to her room in the dorms.”

The roof. I know that the mental message was only for Misha and myself. I nod a 'thank you' to Takeshi and drag Misha behind me to the door.

Before I leave, I turn around one last time. “I'm sorry Akane, could you please put Genjo and Goku back into their cages?”

With that we take off to the roof. I hope that Takeshi can keep Mr. Kanzaki off our trail for a while.


As soon as we've turned the next corner and are climbing the stairs up to the roof, I slow down to a fast walk. It's not that I want to put off the talk with Shizune or that I don't feel the urgency, but my heart is beating rapidly, and if I break down half way that will help nobody. Also, I'd better prepare Misha for what to expect.

In fact, I don't think Misha could stifle her curiosity that long. She'll...

“Hey, Hicchan, Won't you tell me what happened in there?”

Yup, thought so. This is going to be awkward. Better to get it out in the open fast. “Shizune used her magic on me to make me kiss her.”

“She did WHAT?”

It occurs to me that this would be the perfect excuse for cheating on one's girlfriend. 'I couldn't do anything. She put me under a spell.' But none of that matters right now.

“We were practising magic, and when I tried to strike up a conversation, she suddenly snapped. She more or less told me she was in love with me and then she used some sort of Enchantment, and I kissed her.” I notice Misha frowning and hasten to add, “I don't think she did it intentionally. I saw her face when she realized what happened.”

When I recall that expression I hasten my steps once more. Shizune would never physically harm herself, but I don't want to think about what she's doing to herself in her mind right now. Misha apparently has the same thought, and we hasten up the last flight of steps in silence.

As we step out onto the roof, the sun is hanging low in the western sky. The warm afternoon has given way to a noticeable chill. It takes me a moment to notice Shizune huddling behind one of the benches at the far end. She is sitting on the gravel, her knees drawn close and facing the school grounds.

She must have noticed us from the corner of her eyes. Go away! Leave me alone!

Of course neither Misha nor myself even think of complying with that request. We step around the bench until we are standing in front of Shizune.

Misha starts signing something, but Shizune has her head buried between her knees and refuses to look at us. Exasperated, Misha points at the floor and a spark flies from her fingertips to hit the gravel directly between Shizune's feet. “Will you look at me when I'm talking to you?”

Shizune raises her head and we both catch our breath. Her eyes look as if someone had blown the contents of a pepper shaker straight into her face. She wipes her tears away with a sleeve that is already wet and starts signing.

Misha translates for my sake. “I know you both hate me now. I promise I won't bother any of you ever again. What are you talking about Shicchan? Nobody hates you. Well maybe Lilly does and Mr. Kanzaki didn't look too happy either...”

“You're not helping Misha.” I grab Shizune's arm and pull her to her feet. “Now get up or you'll catch a cold, and then the three of us are going to have a chat.

We sit down on the benches. Shizune's expression has turned to one of confusion. “But how can you not hate me? I tried to steal your boyfriend. So that's what you did, Shicchan?”

I shake my head. “That's bullshit, Shizune, and if you stopped a moment to think about it you'd know it yourself. If you'd seriously tried to get me away from Misha, you wouldn't have used magic.”

“Hicchan is right. I know you well enough to know you wouldn't be satisfied with a victory if you cheated.” She smiles grimly. “You did steal a kiss from my boyfriend, though, and don't think I've completely forgiven you for that.”

If I didn't know better, I'd swear Shizune is actually relieved that Misha is at least a bit angry at her. She lowers her gaze and signs a weak I'm sorry.

“I know you're sorry. Any idiot could see that.” Now that Shizune has collected herself a bit, Misha is allowing her anger to surface. “You could start by telling us why the hell you did what you did!”

Shizune's gaze wanders back and forth between the two of us, then she gives a short reply.

Misha sighs. “So you love Hisao. Fine. That makes two of us, but if you're telling me that's all, I'm going to get angry for real.”

Tears start to well up in Shizune's eyes again, and her hands form a question.

“'You don't know?' How should we know if you don't tell us?

Shizune takes a deep breath, and then her hands start moving so rapidly Misha is hard pressed to keep up with the translation.

“At the school festival I noticed you two were falling for each other, but I hadn't given up yet. I thought I still had a chance. But when you came to class Tuesday morning and told me what happened, I knew I had lost, that you two shared something I could never be a part of. It hurt to lose, especially with the stakes so high, but you're my best friend, and I thought I could take it.”

She pauses for a second, but before Misha has a chance to start speaking for herself, she continues and this time her gestures become more and more angry. “But ever since then you two have had eyes only for each other. When we're together, it's like I'm not there at all! Sometimes you even forget to translate and I sit at the table next to you and watch you having fun! When I'm alone with you, all you talk about is Hisao, and just now, when I was alone with Hisao, all he wanted to talk about was you! First I lost the boy I love and then I was about to lose my best friend as well. I just couldn't take it any more.”

Shizune stops signing, and an uneasy silence descends on the roof. I try to remember all the times we've been together this week, and I realize she's right. We have been ignoring Shizune and we didn't even notice.

I am just about to speak up and apologize to Shizune, when Misha jumps up and grabs her in a bear hug. “I'm so sorry, Shicchan, I don't know how this could happen. Of course you're not going to lose us. We're going to be friends forever.”

There's no way Shizune could have understood the words, but I guess the gesture is unmistakable. Shizune's shoulders visibly relax, and I spend a few very awkward minutes watching the two girls cry at each other's shoulders.

Then Misha pushes Shizune at arms length and starts to sign. “Tell you what: Once you found yourself a boyfriend of your own, you'll order him to kiss me and we'll call it even.”


“What, Hicchan?” She winks at me. “Fair's fair!”

Shizune looks at Misha, then at me and back at Misha again. Then a chuckle escapes her throat. It is a peculiar sound, from a throat that is not used to laughing nor to making any sounds at all, but after a few seconds Misha joins in, and soon the three of us are laughing so hard my stomach begins to ache.

When we have calmed down a bit, we begin to feel the cool evening air and decide to return inside. We are still in high spirits when we reach the bottom of the stairs, but we freeze when we notice who is waiting for us there.

“I am very glad to see you are having fun.” Mr. Kanzaki greets us with an icy voice. “You are going to follow me to the principal's office right now. The other teachers should be there already. We are going to decide what is going to happen to Ms. Hakamichi.”

With that he turns abruptly and marches away down the hall, the three of us meekly falling in step behind him.


Please look forward to chapter Thirteen:
Zero to Hero
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by griffon8 »

You are sooooo mean to Shizune!

Another great chapter. As was previously stated, even without the magic, this would be a good story.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin

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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by scott1and »

This is fantastic, brilliant, awesome and all the other words I can't be arsed to say. Shizune showing a bit of emotion is always good in my book, can't wait for the next installment.
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Murex »

I just read the first chapter, but this fanfic seems really interesting. It's well-written and the characters act in believable ways. Now I'll go read the rest.
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Leotrak »

Petermeter wrote:
She is wearing a pink bandanna – a very meagre disguise of the fact that her usually abundant hair and is gone.
Just a little thing there.
(editor speaking) I have no idea how I missed that -_-" Must pore over it again tonight...
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
Before: Hanako>/=Emi>Rin>Lilly>Shizune
After: Emi>Rin>Hanako>Lilly>>>>>>>>>>>Shizune
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Re: Katawa Kijo

Post by Petermeter »

Leotrak wrote: (editor speaking) I have no idea how I missed that -_-" Must pore over it again tonight...
Don't be too hard on yourself there, we all aren't perfect (at least I hope so, or I can't complain about ppl :) ). After all I don't know how the text looked before proofreading, I'm pretty sure I would miss more important mistakes while proofreading texts. Then again, that would presumably be okay for me, being german (ah the irony with being grammar-nazi and german at the same time) and all.
Ranking after act 1:
Hanako > Rin >> Lilly > Shizune > Emi
I played the routes in that order, every ending and all.
Ranking after full playthrough:
Lilly > Emi >> Rin ~ Hanako > Shizune
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