Q: How does the Rin timer/Multiball/Mishkkiri work, who is Spiderman/the plane guy/etc etc etc?
A: You'll just have to wait for the next version of the game wiki. That said, in the interim there's always the KC entry on TVTropes.
Q: Where is the scoreboard link again?
A: The scoreboard is right here.
Q: Anything else?
A: There's a @KatawaCrash Twitter now for updates and generic infodumping purposes.
TO-DO LIST: current version is 0.9.15
Core features:
Ending credits
Lilly's special
Top Secret Episode
Daily Double
Emi's Mom's House
Snow particles for intro screen
Retrofit a few things from KS Act 1 to KS Full versions
Some achievements are going to be added/dropped/re-tiered
Known bugs:
Achievements "April Fools" and "I'm Here To Save Flash Gaming" are broken
Achievement "Look Ma No Hands" is buggy (you have to click after going 25,000 without clicking to get it)
Achievements awarded after the end of a run (What Exactly Were You Waiting For, etc) are not saved to the savefile until you finish the next run
kcrash33.png (25.71 KiB) Viewed 421758 times
kcscreencap.jpg (79.64 KiB) Viewed 421758 times
Last edited by gainare_tottori on Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:20 pm, edited 35 times in total.
<Doomfest> Oh god what is art
<Juno> Baby don't hurt me
<duanemoody> don't hurt me
<Juno> No moe
Suggestion for Lilly special: Hisao's graphic gets blindfolded until he hits another Lilly special, Shizune's Student Council GET effect is nulled while he's blindfolded, maybe Mutou's homework. Rather than a straight speed boost ala Rin and Emi, it nullifies negative character effects.
gainare_tottori wrote:If you have any good ideas for where to house a 2mb .swf file with a small risk of going excessively viral, though, love to hear 'em.
You could put it up on archive.org (free) and not give it any keywords (or just one, if it requires at least one). Default is for everything on archive.org to be public, but the FAQ says "a subscriber can choose to have their collection(s) made private by special arrangement". You can also put it under a creative commons license, or public domain, or whatever.
Suggestion for Hanako special, similiar to the NC 'Got ninja girl and hit a person when 2nd-to-last number is 5' technique, is to improve bounce height by having her screech THE FLOOR IS LAVA.
Or you could use the convention to levitate him for a straight kilometer. Ah, science!
[19:33] <!Suriko> i think i could go my whole life without putting my mouth on someone's ass voluntarily
[12:46] == climatic was kicked from #katawa-shoujo by climatic [climatic]
[12:46] <+ContinualNaba> wut
[12:46] <%VCR> wut
[12:47] <+Juno> Qué
I've helped make one of these. YEARS ago. Except i had ramps, spring-loaded jump pads and crates of TNT to boot the projectile/character. And crates, people and barrels to stop them.
I've always enjoyed any version of these Crash Games, from anime based to stick-figure. I will be following this and enjoy playing with the first version released.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman(updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck(updated 3/16/11)