Some things I noticed
Some things I noticed
At the festival where Hisao wins Shizune a plush cat, she shakes her head when Hisao asks her if she wants to try. Also, on the roof while Misha's sleeping, she seems to react to what Hisao is saying. Of course I do know why that is but I found it odd that Hisao didn't notice... Will this be mentioned in the final version?
Re: Some things I noticed
Misha translates everything she hears for Shizune, she even translates when Shizune isn't there out of habit, which Misha herself points out earlier in the storyline.
Re: Some things I noticed
Mmmm. That explains the first one through it's odd she shakes her head instead of signing something back but I guess.scott1and wrote:Misha translates everything she hears for Shizune, she even translates when Shizune isn't there out of habit, which Misha herself points out earlier in the storyline.
Re: Some things I noticed
Shaking your head doesn't need a translation. It's faster and more direct.
Re: Some things I noticed
For the second one, Shizune would have to rely on body language. Shizune is probably good at reading other people since body language is an effective means of nonverbal communication.
It's a good thing Shizune is deaf, she is the only one who can stand (not) hearing "Wahaha~!" over and over.
Re: Some things I noticed
Um. Yeaaaaah, that's not the only kind of reading she's good at.G3n0c1de wrote:For the second one, Shizune would have to rely on body language. Shizune is probably good at reading other people since body language is an effective means of nonverbal communication.
Also yes I know shaking your head is faster. I suppose I got kind of used to her signing all the time.