KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Lilly, Hisao, Page 18


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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Kenji dies on page 15!

Post by Mag »

Snicket wrote:THAT! Someone draw that!

lol ,nice to see that your newer stories are a little more normal.
Just you wait Snicket. It's kosher we're talking about here. He always has something up his sleeves. For instance, one day Hisao and Shizune could be on a date and Hisao doesn't need Misha to translate anymore (or they want some alone time), and then BAM! a giant Misha octopus attacks Yamaku. It's always random with him.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Kenji dies on page 15!

Post by neumanproductions »

Mag wrote:
Snicket wrote:THAT! Someone draw that!
lol ,nice to see that your newer stories are a little more normal.
Just you wait Snicket. It's kosher we're talking about here. He always has something up his sleeves. For instance, one day Hisao and Shizune could be on a date and Hisao doesn't need Misha to translate anymore (or they want some alone time), and then BAM! a giant Misha octopus attacks Yamaku. It's always random with him.
Not random enough if you're able to predict his intentions Mag, because that Mishapus could have very easily been the "What a Twist" moment he had planned.
or what the devs have planned, you never know when it comes to them either.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Kenji dies on page 15!

Post by Mag »

neumanproductions wrote:
Mag wrote:
Snicket wrote:THAT! Someone draw that!
lol ,nice to see that your newer stories are a little more normal.
Just you wait Snicket. It's kosher we're talking about here. He always has something up his sleeves. For instance, one day Hisao and Shizune could be on a date and Hisao doesn't need Misha to translate anymore (or they want some alone time), and then BAM! a giant Misha octopus attacks Yamaku. It's always random with him.
Not random enough if you're able to predict his intentions Mag, because that Mishapus could have very easily been the "What a Twist" moment he had planned.
or what the devs have planned, you never know when it comes to them either.
oh how very true neuman. but that mishapus could only be a fragment of what kind of crazy stories kosher can concoct. i actually sat here for a minute and try to think of something crazy and that's what I came up with. I'm sure kosher can do much better. As for the devs....................................................well I'm sure it would have been a nice ending for Misha if she got one.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Kenji dies on page 15!

Post by Petermeter »

You, sir, are a genius. The more of storys I read, the more i get the feeling that you get used to fucked up stories by becoming so - or your stories really do have a higher standard now than earlier. Wait, let me think.. Nah I guess its rather me changing opinions on whats right - Great job, man!
Anyways, gotta say I really like the twists in your stories, they always get me off guard even though I've come to expect them.
Keep up the good work!
Ranking after act 1:
Hanako > Rin >> Lilly > Shizune > Emi
I played the routes in that order, every ending and all.
Ranking after full playthrough:
Lilly > Emi >> Rin ~ Hanako > Shizune
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Kenji dies on page 15!

Post by Necrous »

I've been. . . I don't want to use the word 'wading' because that brings a negative connatation with it, I've been reading through this thread for a while now. Just finished reading "Aardvark". Got a few things to say.

One: I've been steadily impressed by your ability to take stories and 'preferences' that many could find 'unsavory', and make them into good reads.

Two: I need to learn how to tie knots.

Edit: "On the Guidance Problems of School Children" was beautifully done. It was like art drawn with words. The final line is the coup de grace.

Edit #2: OH! And the biggest thing ever, which I totally forgot to say before. I love your stories with Rin. You portray her so awesomely. And yes, "awesomely" is a word now.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Kenji dies on page 15!

Post by kosherbacon »

Necrous wrote: Edit #2: OH! And the biggest thing ever, which I totally forgot to say before. I love your stories with Rin. You portray her so awesomely. And yes, "awesomely" is a word now.
Thanks, especially considering I'm not sure I really "get" Rin enough to put words in her mouth with confidence. :lol:

Crack, Jump, Stomp.

Without her, those hallways would have been catacombs for the walking dead. Had she not floated through, the afternoon sun would have filled the school with the tinge of jaundice and urine instead of gold and honey. Whenever Hanako skipped along, the whole universe quivered along with my racing heart. I was lucky; she only let herself glow when she thought nobody was watching.

But someone was watching that day. Me.

Bounce, bounce, bounce she went. I wonder what game she was playing. I tried watching for a pattern with rules I could observe, but her game was either random, or infinitely complicated. What would happen if she stepped on a crack? What if she missed her mark? Would the game end? Would she have to perform penalty moves like jumps and double stomps on the next valid move? Why did she step on only dark tiles one moment, then avoid them altogether the next? What triggered a switch? What did the avoided tiles stand for? Hot lava? Landmines?

Maybe there were no rules. Childhood wasn't supposed to have rules.

A flood of longing filled my lungs and shoved out a sigh. Yamaku was a high school. A high school for people who were different. Whatever the reason, whatever the means, that institution hammered and chiseled children into the respectable, efficient, serious citizens. It was a two-sided machine. Some people, like Kenji Setou from 3-2, needed to be knocked down and brought back up to a presentable standard.

Yet others... only got stifled from it. Hanako was losing her childhood, and the most painful thing about it was that I was certain she wanted it that way. Her eyes were those of someone who couldn't try hard enough to forget. But erasing a whole segment of a life discards the joy along with the pain.

I wanted dearly to join her game, to let her know it was okay to be a kid again, that certain things didn't have to be associated permanently with other things. It wouldn't have been a last goodbye to the past. It would have been an embrace that would last forever if she'd let it.

I knew how she felt. And I wanted her to know how I felt... about her. Secretly, I recited and replayed scenes in my mind where I did things to Hanako that I would jealously destroy anyone else for even thinking.

Her skipping reached a feverish climax that was both beautiful and terrifying. It was terrifying because it would soon end, just like every wonderful thing out there. She would go back to hiding behind books and I would return to my high castle where I would only be able to touch her with my eyes.

”I can't believe this. Get her for me.”

Just as I dreaded, duty called.

“Hanako Ikezawa!”

“Y-Yes?” she yelped, as if she was a puppy and our summon was a newspaper to the snout.

”Your behavior is intolerable,” Shicchan dictated with her cheeks flustered and her eyes squinting in embarrassment. ”This is a respectable academy and we must set an example for our school at all times! Besides, you present a safety hazard. If you got hurt, or even worse, you hurt someone else, the school's insurance premiums would skyrocket, and who would they blame for that?!”

“Um... um... Okay. I accept. Um... a-a-fter school then?” Hanako meekly half-mumbled before retreating towards the library.

Huh? Well, that was certainly an odd response. She wanted to talk to us after class? Well, I guess that makes sen--

“Shiina! What on Earth was that?!”

”What was what, Shicchan?”

”You misrepresented me... And asked Ikezawa to go out with you.”

I did? Well, it's been years since I've mixed up outgoing signals that badly. I couldn't say I was entirely remorseful, but I was more than a little embarrassed. I put on an innocent smile and threw up my best “play it off as a joke” shrug.

“Sorry, Shicchan. It seems that my mind wandered to other things.”

Last edited by kosherbacon on Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Kenji dies on page 15!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Nice... Just a bit strange that Hanako accepted (almost) without hesitation...
Oh, and I suppose this is not what you intended to type:
kosherbacon wrote:I did? Well, it's was years since I've mixed up outgoing signals that badly.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Short one on page 17

Post by Petermeter »

Good to see you're writing something new once in a while, I like how most of your stories swing off of the usual routes at some point. Makes me lol quite a bit sometimes.
kosherbacon wrote:But erasing a whole segment of a life, discards the joy along with the pain.
On a sidenote, you might want to lose the comma there.
Ranking after act 1:
Hanako > Rin >> Lilly > Shizune > Emi
I played the routes in that order, every ending and all.
Ranking after full playthrough:
Lilly > Emi >> Rin ~ Hanako > Shizune
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Short one on page 17

Post by Mag »

Good story. All that time I was thinking Hisao was thinking all that. Instead it was Misha. Gotta start getting used to that in your stories.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Short one on page 17

Post by kosherbacon »

Thanks for the fast feedback! :D I was worried that this board was dead when my email notifications started drying up.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Short one on page 17

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Well, at least the Fanfiction Board has gotten a bit lonely with you gone ;-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Short one on page 17

Post by Esa94 »

I've been missing all the lesbian fanfics
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Short one on page 17

Post by Necrous »

At the risk of sounding boastful, and being proven horrifically wrong on the next fic, I clued in that it was Misha fairly quickly. Maybe I've adapted to Kosher's predictable inpredictability.
Maybe it was random chance.

Or maybe I'm a spy. A psychic spy. >_>
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Short one on page 17

Post by Otakumon »

Necrous wrote:At the risk of sounding boastful, and being proven horrifically wrong on the next fic, I clued in that it was Misha fairly quickly. Maybe I've adapted to Kosher's predictable inpredictability.
Maybe it was random chance.

Or maybe I'm a spy. A psychic spy. >_>
Or maybe you're Misha! :shock:
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Re: KosherBacon's writefaggotry: Short one on page 17

Post by griffon8 »

Otakumon wrote:Or maybe you're Misha! :shock:
Wait, I'm Misha. :P
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin

Griffon8's Writing
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