New Beginnings


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New Beginnings

Post by Hikari »

The subject actually refers to this fanfic being my first, and likely only. I wish all of you a good read, and hope to hear lots of feedback, though, as I may want to continue this if I'm not totally shut down.

Strange Alternatives

As I opened my eyes, a bright light almost blinded me, causing them to shut again. "Gah, what the hell?" I couldn't see, but it didn't matter, I knew where they were wheeling me.
A clean slate, something I never wanted until now, when it was offered as a sort of alternative.

No one ever spoke inside this place, at least not around people who weren't staff members. It's not likely I'd ever get a response anyway, seeing as how I acted when I came here. I first found this place to be annoying, but now it's a part of my everyday.

I guess it won't be for much longer, when I see what room they've wheeled me into. It's finally time, they strap me to my chair, hook me up, and everything around me goes black as a door closes in front of me.

Something's ringing in my ears, something that's loud and blaring, like an airhorn inside my head. As I try to hit the snooze button, I constantly miss, so I just slap it off my table and across my room, effectively shutting it off. As many a time before, however, I just get out of bed anyway, and look at what it says. Two o' clock. Wait, what?!

I was woken up in the wee hours of the morning, and now I am sufficiently pissed off. I never set my clock for something other than six, when I usually get ready for my first class. I picked up my clock, and I had managed to damage it pretty well, but I guess it didn't matter for now. Still ticked off, I remembered why I set it for two, I still hadn't done last night's homework.

This almost caused me to yell out in frustration, but I figured I would grab something to eat and get to work. I grumbled most of the way to the fridge, calling myself stupid, and asking myself how I ever passed in school. I could probably attribute that to being above average on the intelligence scale, however.

I opened the fridge and found something I could probably force down, then turned my attention to my homework and tried my hardest to complete it with the four hours I had left. It wasn't particularly tough, but I had given in more than I thought to procrastination.

Some of it, I worked inefficiently, but I managed to work other things easier, and managed to maintain a balance. I'd have been more proud, if I hadn't taken a little over three and a half hours. I decided to make my shower last until my parents called me for breakfast, which I ate fairly quickly and headed right off to school.

I guess this morning was going to be different, though I'd never have guessed as I took my seat in my first class of the day. Iwanako and her friend talked this morning, glancing in my general direction, but I chose to ignore it, pushing on through my boring-as-all-hell classes.

Math wasn't particularly exciting, with the exception of a note in my book, strangely on today's lesson. There were too many people in that class to pick a specific one, especially since the note didn't help me any. "Meet me at 4PM." I almost recognized the handwriting, but I couldn't place it.

The rest of the day was completely uneventful, but I decided to humor this person. I went to the meeting location at four, but I stood there for what seemed like another hour before I heard snow crunching. "Hi-Hisao..." I immediately placed that voice, but didn't believe it as I turned to face her.

"I-Iwanako, th-this is... yours?" My belief, as of this moment, was suspended, and I could think of nothing to say or do. I looked like an idiot with my mouth open like that. "Hisao, I was wondering..." My heart skipped a beat. "Maybe we could..." Another beat, just like a rope. "...Go out?"

I froze in place, literally unable to speak or move, I felt like everything would stop. My muscles loosened only a bit and as soon I moved, I was engulfed in pain. My body buckled and everything began fading quickly. The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital bed.
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I'm sorry, but most of this reads like a particularly bad acid trip. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but up to the point where Iwanako's name was mentioned, I had absolutely no idea what was happening.
The first scene might be a nightmare or a flashback, the distinction of which would have implications for the rest of the story.
If you choose to continue, you might want to read your writing out loud and keep in mind how it might sound to someone who doesn't know what it is about.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hikari »

Mirage_GSM wrote:I'm sorry, but most of this reads like a particularly bad acid trip. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but up to the point where Iwanako's name was mentioned, I had absolutely no idea what was happening.
The first scene might be a nightmare or a flashback, the distinction of which would have implications for the rest of the story.
If you choose to continue, you might want to read your writing out loud and keep in mind how it might sound to someone who doesn't know what it is about.
It was originally written with the intention of there being questions, after Hisao (though you probably knew who it was) is strapped in, we take a different look at how it might have gone in his life before he went to that fateful day at school with Iwanako.

I didn't mean for it to sound like an acid trip, but I always have trouble with giving subtle hints as to what's going on without giving away what is supposed to be a surprise. This is originally inspired by Numbered Days, and will include an original idea, but it is different, and if I ever keep writing these chapters for unknown reasons, we'll all see, even me, how this turns out.

I suppose I would ask for forgiveness, but it was totally my fault that I didn't mention this was supposed to be kind of sci-fi, but I wanted to test how it would work, if people would question the mystery of Hisao's "dream" or whether it was even a dream. I didn't quite get what I expected, but I figure if I get enough of a chance, I may very well want to write more, even if it does look like a bad acid trip. I do want to say that I will be putting my own spin on Hisao's time at Yamaku, and I can only hope it goes past Chapter 2, and that I can capture the girls' personalities, because that's also a very huge problem of mine, unless I'm working with original characters.

Edit: May as well post Chapter 1, I've got nothing to lose on this. With Chapter 1 I decided a somewhat different view of the hospital, but I believe Chapter 2 is where the differences will truly shine.

Chapter 1
Of Frailty

Soon enough, I felt myself being wheeled back to my room. It was a plain room, nothing special about it, but it felt as though time would pass here, and no one would feel it. If there is such a thing as purgatory, I would say a hospital without books would be it, unless you were asleep your whole stay.

Still, I thought it wouldn't be a bad thing, this condition. Arrythmia they call it, a word which held no meaning to me before now. A word I'd never even heard of, but now it held everything I am. I was told never to leave my room, but I had no reason, as long as I had a book to read.

I had no idea how long my stay would keep me here, or why it had to be for so long. I was tired after the surgeries, gifts and visits from my classmates dwindled, and the books the hospital kept were too small in terms of a collection. I probably would have to read medical books if I hadn't slowed my pace.

My heart still pains my body, but I've long since given up my emotional side with anyone but my parents, and as a courtesy for the nurses and doctors. For months, I endured the surgeries that could possibly help me to be a step closer to leaving this horrid hell.

It was like any other day, I had read some from each of my books, faced a few nurses, doctors, and my parents, and endured another surgery that, suprisingly, was shorter than all the rest. A doctor I'd seen many times came in and congratulated me, although I shouldn't have been congratulated.

"Hisao, I have good news and bad news for you, and I shall let you choose which you want to hear first."

"Good news." I didn't expect much, but I suppose I could take it.

"You're getting out of here, but I'm afraid that ends what you would call good news."

I wanted to deliver my best comeback to that, and I had a good one, too, but I couldn't. I just nodded and waited for the bad news.

"Bad news is, you'll have to go on a variety of medications, but they should disappear with the years, at this rate." He handed the list of meds to my parents, and I immediately knew this wasn't going to be one or two bottles by the looks of them.

I snatched the list and read line after line of medications, and it was insane. I was expected to take what seemed an undetermined amount of drugs just to keep my heart from blowing itself to pieces. At this point, I thought I should just light the fuse myself, save my parents the trouble that was now me.

"The other bad news is that you can't go back to your old school. Whatever caused your heart attack may very well cause it again, and it's unlikely we could get you to a hospital on time. We have, however, contacted a school that takes the number one spot for students with disabilities."

I glared at him, and everyone immediately knew I wasn't happy, considering you could cut the tension with a knife.

"It's called Yamaku, and we believe it would be a good place for you to go. Of course, if you choose not to go, you can be home-schooled, but you will probably not be able to return to your old school."

"We'll do our best for you, Hisao, if you choose not to go to Yamaku, but we've been there, and it seems to be a very nice place. We think, if you give it a chance, you'll grow to like it there."

It seems that the bad news truly was worse than the good. A new school, new friends, if I even wanted them, but I can't return to my old school? I hate this, a change I'm not ready for, yet forced into. What choice do I have, though? I barely have one at all, but maybe I'm looking at this negatively.

Yeah, that's it. A new life may not be so bad. I'd be able to make new friends, see things from different perspectives, maybe love is a possibility. I was wrong, it sounds absolutely pathetic, but I guess I can't dwell on it. My bags were packed, and I was soon ejected from the hospital with everything I would need for my new life.
Last edited by Hikari on Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Sperance »

Well, this first chapter WAS a little trippy, but you've managed to pick my interest. Now I REALLY want to see what you have in storage.
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by griffon8 »

Well I didn't have any problem separating out the dream part—assuming it's a dream of course. I've seen such writing devices used before. I think it helped that since you posted it in this forum, it was likely that one of the characters we've come to know so well and yet so little was going through something.

If you continue this, I'll read it. I'll probably even enjoy it. :)
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Leotrak »

Not to sound ungrateful or insulting, but this line kind of freaked me out ">_>
Hikari wrote: This is originally inspired by Numbered Days
But after a (somewhat) good night's sleep, I can say with relative certainty that I'm flattered :P Or maybe flattened, I'm not sure yet...

Anyway, that chapter 1 makes all the difference. It's a lot more clear than the prologue, which is confusing as all hell but gets better if one tries to read it one or two times extra... Bonus points for the glaring at the doctor :P

You should probably have posted chapter 1 in a separate post, though ;)
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hikari »

After much deliberation with myself over Emi's dialogue with Hisao, I finally think I've gotten it to an acceptable point, although it probably could be better. (Without further ado, here is Chapter 2! (Hey, I rhymed *chuckles*))

Edit: I caught something inside my writings, and decided it was for the best if I gave a few more details so as not to confuse people. Sorry!

Chapter 2
A Lively Start

The drive was pure, uncomfortable silence. I could hardly bear to look up without wanting to hit something. It wasn't because I was truly angry, but because everything I knew was stripped from me. Everything I knew was gone. Iwanako, my friends, my old life.

As soon as I stepped out of the car, I wanted to punch the gate, but stopped myself. Maybe I should just deal with it, I have nowhere else to go. I opened that gate and it hit me like a concrete slab. If I walk through this gate, I can't escape. I'll have to make the best of it.

I walked in, catching something out of the corner of my eye. She was heading straight towards me, at a pace I couldn't hope to escape. Luckily, I landed on the grass, and that broke my fall, but my heart seemed to skip a few beats. I sighed as it eased up, she didn't seem to notice anything was wrong.

"Jeez, why don't you watch where yo-" I couldn't scold her, she was looking at me with big puppy dog eyes.

"Sorrysorrysorry." She apologized profusely like she'd just offended some kind of deity.

"It's alright, I'm fine, are you okay?" I lent my hand to her to pull her up.

She took my hand and stood up, "Yeah, I'm okay, and I'm still sorry, I should've watched where I was going."

I shook my head, "No, it's okay, I'll be fine, really." I smiled, a rather unimpressive smile, but a slightly happy one. I decide to get a better look at her. She's cute, but as I make my way down, I notice she's wearing prosthetic running blades. Somehow, that didn't bother me, but I chalked it up to the shock of having my old life stripped away.

"I hope you're sure, because if you aren't, I'm taking you right to the nurse!" She looked like she was about to drag me there anyway.

"I'm fine, I promise, you're making too big a deal out of this." I flashed a smile, but it didn't seem to change her expression. "I'll go visit the nurse later, then, okay?" That seemed to work fairly well, considering.

"Alright, then, but you'd better!" She giggled, "Emi, Emi Ibarazaki, and you are?"

"Hisao Nakai."

She laughed, "So, think you'll join the track team, or will you skip out on exercise altogether?"

My heart beat a little bit faster, reminding me of my condition. "I won't join any teams, but I think I may exercise some."

She had a sad look on her face, "Are you sure you're alright?" She pouted, "I can take you to the nurse's office if you're not."

I reassured her nothing was wrong, but she was persistent. I made sure I was stern this time, "I'll be fine, I promise."

Her face brightened as she gave a sigh, "Alright, if you're sure..." She didn't sound so sure, but I put my hand on her shoulder and promised her for the second time.

That finally put a smile back on her face, and she ran away, waving as she did. She must've been in a hurry, but I waved and headed towards the main building. As I walked inside, I found not one, but three people. A man, a teacher most likely, turned in my direction, looking like he just got out of bed after sleeping in his clothes.

"Are you Hisao Nak... Nikki... Niknak..."

"Nakai?" I chuckled to myself.

"Ah, yeah, that's it. I'm Mutou, your homeroom and science teacher. Good to meet you." He extended his hand lazily.

I shook it, "Nice to meet you, too, and who are these t-" I began to ask, but was met with an introduction so loud, I thought the whole school could hear it.

"I'm Misha, and this is Shizune, aka Shiichan! Wahaha~!" Shizune gave a nod, and I returned it. "And we're the student council, kidnapping- OW! Shiichan, that wasn't nice..." She noticed Mutou giving her an odd look, and Shizune glaring at her, "Did I say kidnapping? I meant recruiting! Anyway, we were called in to help the new guy, and you must be him!"

My eyes blinked as she seemed to yell out every word. I thought my eardrums were going to burst, but they didn't do much else than hurt from all the noise. "Riiiight..." That was certainly weird, but I noticed that Misha was signing everything she said. My guess is Shizune must be deaf... "Yeah, I'm Hisao Nakai." As soon as I finished talking, Mutou asked if I wanted to introduce myself, "Sure, can't hurt."

After my short introduction, I was told I was going to sit next to Misha, which I matched with a deadpan "Oh boy." In either case, it seemed like this may be a livelier place than I thought, so I may just stick around to see how it goes.
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Leotrak »

*snickers at the ways Mutou mangles Hisao's last name*

The more I read of your stuff, the more I'm liking the twist you gave to it.

Nitpick: you sometimes still mix your tenses when it doesn't make any sense to do so:
I smiled, a rather unimpressive smile, but a slightly happy one. I decide to get a better look at her. She's cute, but as I make my way down, I notice she's wearing prosthetic running blades. Somehow, that didn't bother me, but I chalked it up to the shock of having my old life stripped away.
As shown here by the applied markings, you mostly write your story in the past tense, marked in italics. No problems there, that's entirely your choice. However, you need to stick to that past tense in your narrative. In these three sentences, the middle one (underlined) inexplicably goes into the present tense.

But that's really the only thing I have to criticise on at the moment... :P
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hikari »

Leotrak wrote:*snickers at the ways Mutou mangles Hisao's last name*

The more I read of your stuff, the more I'm liking the twist you gave to it.

Nitpick: you sometimes still mix your tenses when it doesn't make any sense to do so:
I smiled, a rather unimpressive smile, but a slightly happy one. I decide to get a better look at her. She's cute, but as I make my way down, I notice she's wearing prosthetic running blades. Somehow, that didn't bother me, but I chalked it up to the shock of having my old life stripped away.
As shown here by the applied markings, you mostly write your story in the past tense, marked in italics. No problems there, that's entirely your choice. However, you need to stick to that past tense in your narrative. In these three sentences, the middle one (underlined) inexplicably goes into the present tense.

But that's really the only thing I have to criticise on at the moment... :P
*laughs* Sorry, I really don't think about tenses when I write. I liked the scene between Mutou and Hisao as well, but I do love twisting the story around. It's fun to see how it plays out differently, even for me, and I'm writing it! =3

Anyway, I tend to focus on the bigger picture when I write, so a lot of things people can nitpick at can get by without my noticing. I do, however, like where this is going myself, and I'll try to revisit what I've got stored away, work on it a little more. Thanks for the feedback. 8)
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hikari »

Here is #3, originally titled "New Beginnings" but I thought it needed a change. This is what I thought of.

Chapter 3
Deaf and Dumb

As class started, Misha was finally able to keep her voice within a reasonable level, but Mutou still occasionally told her to keep it down. Shizune, as I had guessed, really was deaf, and signed everything she needed to say to Misha. Misha seemed easy to figure out, always a smile on her face.

Shizune, however, seemed deeper, but I didn't know for sure. She was angry that we weren't really doing anything, and glared at us. It was that icy dagger glare that always gave you the chills. Misha and I quickly got to work before Shizune really let us have it.

The work was difficult, but I managed to complete some of it. Misha and Shizune did most of the work though, and I felt kind of bad. I guess I must've looked guilty, because Misha and Shizune signed back and forth between each other.

Class continued on as normal, but I couldn't help feeling like I should have apologized. As soon as class let out, Misha and Shizune headed for the hallway, waving for me to follow. "Next stop, the cafeteria! Wahaha~!" Misha, as expected, was happy to finally go for some lunch.

I turned the corner and saw Emi right before she crashed into me. She was on the ground, but looked fine. My heart, however, didn't like that too well. I felt it beating in my chest. I tried just steadying my breathing, but it was difficult to say the least.

"Ah... Hisao?! Are you alright? I'm so sorry!"

I rubbed my chest, "I'm fine, it's nothing."

She didn't believe me, though, "It didn't seem like nothing!"

I finally managed to steady my breathing and smiled, "Believe me, I'm fine. You just startled me, that's all." I decided my promise might make her feel better, "Remember what I said this morning? I'll be fine. Just don't make running into me a habit of yours."

She still didn't seem to believe me, but she put on a smile, "Okay, I'll try not to make it a habit, but you'd better not break your promise. I'll come for you, if you do!" She winked, but before she could run off...

"Miss Ibarazaki, why were you running in the halls?" Misha looked as though she were concerned, not necessarily for me, but for the students at the school.

She turned around and laughed nervously, "W-well... I have an appointment, and..."

"Running in the halls is dangerous, and you could hurt someone." Emi apologized and ran off, having promised not to run. Shizune made a gesture as if she were sighing, but it seemed like it was normal for them. "I told you, Shiichan, she never listens! Wahaha~!"

"Heh," I chuckled to myself, this place seemed a bit weirder now, but there's nothing bad about that. The cafeteria seemed nicer than I thought it would be, but the menu just depressed me. It was like I was back in the hospital again, except without all the doctors and nurses.

I chose something without really looking and sat down with my two tour guides. They chattered away to themselves mostly, but Misha asked me, seemingly out of the blue, "Do you need anything, Hicchan?" This time, I heard her call me Hicchan, whereas other times I blocked it out.

I thought about the question for awhile, but I didn't know what to say. I could say I'm fine, and don't have any questions, or I could ask where the library is. "First, did you just call me Hicchan?"

"Oh, do you not like the name Hicchan, Hicchan? Wahaha~!"

"No, I really don't, so just call me by my first name."

"Whatever you say, Hicchan~!" She flashed the most smug grin I've ever seen, so I just kept tuning it out.

I thought about what she'd asked me, "Hmm, where's the library?"

Misha smiled at the question, "Alright, next destination is the library! But first, let's finish eating." Silence filled the cafeteria afterward, but we quickly finished eating, and headed towards the library.
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hikari »

Sorry to post one after the other like this, but I had an idea for a few extras. Here is a (short) Bonus Chapter to the series, which will help fill in a few of the blanks, maybe.

Bonus Chapter 1

It was another normal day in the lab for me. All the hours blended seamlessly, but the research was more important. I couldn't sleep until I finished my shift, but I supposed that was too much to ask as everything went black and I fell forward onto my table.

"Emiko!" He rushed to my side, but I shook my head.

"Oh, did it happen again?" I laughed and rubbed my forehead, "Sorry, but I haven't had a break since yesterday."

"Well, just make sure not to scare us again, and you can take a break if you need to, we'll cover for you." He winked at me, and the rest of them stared at me, smiling.

"Okay, okay, you win." I laughed, "Thanks." I looked towards my husband, "But don't overwork yourself, okay?" I returned his wink with a smile and walked through the corridor to the staff rooms. I entered my room and flopped down on my bed.

A dreamless sleep was what I had, and that usually meant bad things were coming, but I didn't know when or how. Dreary eyed, I yawned and wiped away any trace of sleepiness, straightened my clothes, and left down the corridor back to where my team was.

It was empty and there was a note left there for me. I read it out loud without thinking, "There's a staff meeting with our boss in his office. It seems important, but it'll spread quickly enough. Love you! -Shin"

I smiled and made my way to the meeting spot, where I was promptly scolded for being late, and took a seat next to Shin. The meeting went over well enough, but I can't help but think that there was a hidden meaning somewhere in the context this time. Oh well, it must not have been important...
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Leotrak »

I'm hoping the bonus chapter will fill in blanks that appear in the future, cause right now this just raised more questions :P Anyway, still going good, I'd say :)
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Sperance »

Looking good! I'm liking this, so keep it up!
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hikari »

Leotrak wrote:I'm hoping the bonus chapter will fill in blanks that appear in the future, cause right now this just raised more questions :P Anyway, still going good, I'd say :)
Time answers questions and heals wounds. In any case, I'll try and keep going, but if the chapters start turning out like Ch. 4, I may actually need to delay because of editing purposes, rather than just keeping a bit of suspense. :P
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Re: New Beginnings

Post by Hikari »

Chapter 4 is here, and longer than ever. I had a lot to say, apparently.

Chapter 4 (Part 1)

The library was definitely bigger than the hospital's, but Misha and Shizune ran away when we got to the door. Normally, I wouldn't have cared, but they never gave me an explanation, they just ditched me. I was somewhat angry and about to run after them, when the door to the library opened.

I glanced to my side to find a girl I had seen before, but I couldn't place her. I noticed that she had a small stack of books, enough to say she loved to read. The other girls I had met were pretty cute, but this girl seemed to have a certain cuteness about her.

She noticed I was looking and put her right hand up to the right side of her face. I realized who she was, if only for a second. I couldn't place her name, so I took out a sheet of paper Mutou gave me, listing all my classmates. Hanako Ikezawa, noted to be extremely shy.

Communication with her may be hard, but I had to try and be calm, cool, and collected. "Are you Hanako?" I could tell she was frightened, but I tried to stay calm, "H-hi, I'm Hisao Nakai, it's nice to meet you."

"H-hi... i-it's n-nice to m-meet you too." Her shaking was barely noticeable, but I noticed it. I felt like she was a deer in the headlights, and I was the car.

"Would you happen to know your way around? If you don't know, or don't want to, I can ask someone else, it's no big deal." She seemed nervous enough for the both of us and then some.

"W-well, m-maybe Y-Yuuko has a m-map you could b-borrow..." I noticed her shaking was more visible, so I decided it would be best to talk to her later.

"Okay, I'll ask, and I'll talk to you later, maybe?" I flashed a little smile to try and make her feel comfortable, but she brought her hand back under the books where it originally was and took off. A failed attempt.

"That could've gone better," I muttered to myself. "Maybe I can find a few good books, though." I decided to try and think positive, but I still wondered about Hanako throughout my library excursion. After I was through perusing the books inside, I went to the desk where the librarian was talking to a blonde-haired girl.

I overheard the blonde girl talking, "Well, if she's not in the tea room, and she's not here, where is she?" She sounded very worried about someone.

"Excuse me, but who are you talking about, miss...?" As I talked, she didn't move her head to look at me.

"Lilly, Lilly Satou, and I was asking Yuuko if she had seen Hanako today." Hanako? Oh, great, now I felt bad.

"Well, if it helps, I saw her in the hallway just after she came out of here. I didn't think she'd run off, but I guess I was wrong." I sighed, "If you want, I'll help you find her. After all, I feel like it's my fault."

Lilly looked in my general direction but not directly at me, "I would appreciate it very much if you could help."

I nodded, but realized that the gesture may just have been futile as I noticed a cane in her hand. She smiled, and it tickled me, made me laugh, "Now that's a smile I could get used to."

She blushed and I realized what I'd said, which made my own face crimson, "O-oh, I mean... uhhhhh..." I laughed again, "You just seemed so relieved to hear that I'd help, and it gives me a great feeling. Plus I don't see many smiles like that."

She chuckled softly, "Oh, I see. Well, if you see Hanako, please tell her to come to the tea room."

"Okay, I'll go see if I can find her, then." Lilly strolled out of the room slowly, tapping her cane. That confirmed it for me, she was blind.

"Yuuko, would you please hold on to these for me?" I sat my small stack of books onto the desk in front of her.

"Sure, they'll be here when you get back." As I walked away, I heard a loud crash, a loud bump, and someone say, "I'm okay."

I laughed as I set out to find Hanako, not knowing exactly where to look. This is going to be a far more daunting task without anyone else to help, but I could at least ask around. I started with the cafeteria, but the few people who were there hadn't seen her.

I looked through a few classrooms near mine, but no one there had seen her either, so instead, asked where her room is in the dorms. I got an answer to that one, and it was better than nothing, so I hurried out to the dorms. A mural was partially painted outside, but I remembered overhearing something about a festival, so I dismissed it as part of that.
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