Internal Struggles

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Internal Struggles

Post by Aura »

If we had an office it'd be filled with heavy weaponry, riot shields and empty gin bottles. ... ggles.html

I just realized that this doesn't have much to do with KS, apart from anecdotes.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by Eadwacer »

It's the part of KS that' almost as interesting as the story, the creative struggles are a story all their own. You are trying to meld two different creative processes, and you are getting into passionate arguments about it. I think that is (a) unavoidable, and (b) great. It shows that this isn't some crank it out production line (even though it may feel like it at times). You're only in trouble when the arguments descend to the "you're ugly and your artist dresses you funny" level.
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by Goldilurks »

Aura wrote:If we had an office it'd be filled with heavy weaponry, riot shields and empty gin bottles.
Dude, if you're going with a riot shield build, don't bother with the heavy stuff. Switch to throwing knives, remember the spawn locations, and save your killstreaks up for gunship support or Predator drone strikes when the artists start camping.
This one needs to lurk moar. This one lurks too much! Ahh, this one lurks juuuuust enuf.
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by grey »

Goldilurks wrote:
Aura wrote:If we had an office it'd be filled with heavy weaponry, riot shields and empty gin bottles.
Dude, if you're going with a riot shield build, don't bother with the heavy stuff. Switch to throwing knives, remember the spawn locations, and save your killstreaks up for gunship support or Predator drone strikes when the artists start camping.
Sounds like fun.
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by Gerbil X »


Thank you all so much for working s hard on this!
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by toad »

For some reasaon I'm thinking about the old development of a new product saying when managment wants to start production,
"It is time to kill the engineers on this and turn it over to manufacturing." Meaning there are always some who want to do just one more tweak, and those who just can't let go. :twisted:
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by Scarlet Fox »

I'm glad you're against lowering the bar for your visualizations, instead of taking the easy way out. Might make the game longer to create, but I think it should be worth it. Interested about the different poses for alternate outfits, though. I could see how that could be a problem; I'd probably fly off the handle if I were delta, too. But still, it also adds a bit of an opportunity (perhaps helping to show off a different side of a character outside of school in a more casual setting?) and likely even freshens the experience a bit.

All in all, gj, hnnng, whatsmisha'sdisability, kenjiroutekthx.
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by AapoAlas »

All in all a rather interesting post. team dynamics of 4LS. Thanks for that.

Also brings to mind the question, as always, how on earth have you put up with each other all these years? *laugh*
Nothing to be seen here. Do check out my little dabbling in the art of words, though.
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by Aura »

AapoAlas wrote:Also brings to mind the question, as always, how on earth have you put up with each other all these years? *laugh*
Adaptation and the mindset of putting the project above all else. We all are in the same boat, so you either learn to get along despite your differences or this project would sink. I think the only dev who has never made me rage is my partner in crime kamifish (kamifish has a knack for staying out of trouble's way), but I still think of everyone in the dev team with respect and do my best to get stuff done with them.
<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by trhvmn »

Making a VN looks like a good way to learn how to get along with people better.
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari-kari rock.
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by Bara »

Another peek inside 4LS inner works to see some of the dynamics amongst the team. It is also good that Aura gets across the sense of dedication to the project itself among the individual Devs despite the difficulties the nature of the project itself brings. This helps quiet a little bit of the nagging worry most of us outside observers have in the back of our brains about KS getting completed. After all, even "'True Believers" have their moments of doubt. :mrgreen:

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<Aura> Our army of teenage girl artists couldn't draw penises without fits of giggling. Does that count?
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by vaelant »

I think the best part of any group project is dealing with the feuds between two groups that are both useless without the over but can not physically put up with the other
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by kourousx »

Thanks for showing us so much of what goes on behind the scenes. Takes guts to be as honest about your shortcomings as you all have been. Best of luck to everyone at 4LS.

Re: Internal Struggles

Post by Guest »

>solution: more inner monologues
They better at least be interesting, not just whining or repeating whatever happens to be the theme over and over again.
I'm currently watching Kare Kano and that seems to be Gainax's technique for saving money as well (I guess their previous technique of tax evasion didn't turn out so well). Oh yeah, and that text bubble animation.
As I recall from FSN, most of the action sequences were depicted by flashing lights and sfx. This may be another option. I mean, with the right sfx, flashing lights can represent almost anything. You can just save the art for the anime movie.
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Re: Internal Struggles

Post by Lawls »

If we had an office it'd be filled with heavy weaponry, riot shields and empty gin bottles.
This needs to be drawn and uploaded to the Shimmie.
<Aura> "For a long time now, I've thought it doesn't matter one bit whether they are disabled or not."

"But it’s looking like it may actually happen before we all die." - cpl_crud
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