Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 4!


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Re: Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 3!

Post by Esa94 »

At this point, alive from the named characters are... Mutou, Kenji, Emi, Rin and Hanako? (Well, alive and human)

Oh wait, Yuuko isn't dead yet, is she? Or Akira.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 3!

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I expect Emi and Rin to die the first time they are mentioned in the story^^°
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 3!

Post by Smoku »

Esa94 wrote:Or Akira.
Dude. I would probably faster grow horns and a devilish tail then kosher would kill off his waifu.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 3!

Post by Esa94 »

Smoku wrote:
Esa94 wrote:Or Akira.
Dude. I would probably faster grow horns and a devilish tail then kosher would kill off his waifu.
It's not like I think he is, I just thought of mentioning her.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 3!

Post by neumanproductions »

Esa94 wrote:
Smoku wrote:
Esa94 wrote:Or Akira.
Dude. I would probably faster grow horns and a devilish tail then kosher would kill off his waifu.
It's not like I think he is, I just thought of mentioning her.
The chances of Kosher doing anything bad to Akira = The chances of me writing a Yaoi fic; now Yuri on the other hand is a different story.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 3!

Post by kosherbacon »

At this point, alive from the named characters are... Mutou, Kenji, Emi, Rin and Hanako? (Well, alive and human)

Oh wait, Yuuko isn't dead yet, is she? Or Akira.
Yuuko is alive but understandably traumatized from being eaten by aliens making out with Hanako.

Nomiya is still alive and uninfested at this point.


The nuGod champion silently gloated over its fallen rival. A girl once known as Hanako Ikezawa laid before her, barely alive, with her war dress dissolved and inactive while the nanites frantically tried to repair Hanako while sustaining her. With her vital organs disrupted, Hana-chama's metal-enriched toughened skin was all that was holding her together.

The parasite raised the winged scepter and licked its host's lips as it closed in for the kill. Hana-chama's blank eyes twitched as if she knew her time was up.

“Too little, too late” it said before a shimmering tsunami of energy flushed the alien away from Hana-chama and smashed it into an exterior brick wall.

“In the name of love,” Kenji snickered while zipping up his fly, “I command you to fuck off and die.”

“That was very annoying,” the alien scolded while regenerating its minor scratches and burns. “Just what do you think you are?”

“Oh, just one man standing before a monster.”

“How about I rip that psionic pecker of yours and feed it to you?”

“Oh, please. A girl tried doing that to me once before. I'll just come back bigger, stronger, and girthier next time.”

“You little pest, I'll devour you slowly.”

Kenji opened his shirt while the monster approached to show off his fresh surgical bandages.

“Yeah, about that... Your ride might remember how my late brother in arms had a heart condition. Turns out I do too.”

“Good for you.”

“Are you familiar with the concept of a 'dead man's switch?' It's like this... basically, if my heartbeat or brainwaves cease or get disrupted through death, grievous injury, or one of you morons trying to possess my sexy alien-proof brain, we all go up in smoke.”

“You're bluffing.”

Kenji pointed up at the sky to show a triangular formation of “stars” in the sky.

“You do anything to me, and one of those points of light will dump an atomic device on us. Tell me, Alien Formerly Known as Shizune, how many megatons can you take to the face?”

“This is ridiculous. You wouldn't dare kill yourself and your precious Hanako.”

“I'm Japanese, bitch. We kill ourselves over getting average grades. This is NOTHING.”

“What do you want?” Shizune's parasite growled.

“Well, seeing that I can't really do anything to hurt you, and you can't do anything to hurt me without getting a bad sunburn, how about we call it a draw? I take the girl back with me, and you go home, stick that wand up your ass and eat a bucket of Häagen-Dazs while watching your girly soap operas.”

“Boy,” the creature asked while slowly withdrawing. “Why is that girl so important? Can't you just make another one?”

“She's a personal project of mine.”

“Is this one of those asinine 'love' things you primates keep going on about? If you join us, she can be all yours, forever.”

“Love? Tsh, don't think you've got me figured out so thoroughly. I'm not a lousy scavenger like you are. Real men don't wait for their best friends to die just so they could scoop up their girls, no matter how hard they might want to.”

“I will never understand you worms.”

In an annoyed outburst, Kenji drew a small pistol from his coat pocket and mashed it against his chin.

“Weren't you leaving? Get the fuck out before I glass over us all.”

“Fine, enjoy your battered angel... while you still can.”


“Miss Ikezawa, wake up.”

Even though her last waking day still began as one of Hanako, Hana-chama shed that identity when Hisao, her last tie to the living world, was stripped away. That night, she became a cold-blooded killer, plain and simple. Even though she felt no actual time pass, “Hanako Ikezawa” felt like an old name from days long, long gone. It felt strange to have the familiar monotone voice of her homeroom teacher address her with it.

“Where am I?” she asked, unfamiliar with the austere, gray walls. Hana-chama was surrounded with a mixture of medical equipment and computer terminals.

“You're ...on a boat,” Mutou reported.

“How long was I asleep?”

“Forty-five days.”

“I... Are you sure?”

“Yes. A lot has changed since your battle with the creature that enslaved Hakamichi. It's not pretty.”

“Tell me.”

“Our campaign of secrecy has failed. Humanity is engaged in open warfare with the nuGod. Your last alien-hunt and confrontation with one of their higher-ups shook them out of the shadows like lifting the box off of a nest of cockroaches.”

“I'm sorry...” Hana-chama sulked in her hospital bed, fearing that her emotional response doomed humanity.

“No, it's better this way. Now, they're fighting on our terms. We've spent a millennium preparing for this. We can plan against them now. The nuGod are no longer an unknown factor.”

“So what's the situation?”

“In a nutshell, chaos and anarchy the world over. Some places hit harder than others, and a few of the smaller, more feeble nations capitulating to their new alien masters. There is good news, though, well, good news that leads to not-so-good news. You know how it goes. We analyzed the data from your mercy-killing of Nakai. The effects your nanites had on the process of possession were most enlightening.”

“Well, I'm glad to have helped,” Hana-chama snapped bitterly.

“Hanako, we found a vaccine for alien possession. No surgery or mind-breaking training like what we've gone through. Just about everyone on our side is now inoculated and we have every resource at our disposal producing inoculations for the masses, as well as long term plans to introduce the serum into drinking water as part of 'fluoridation.'”

“So... we're going to win?”

“Not just yet. I can say, however, that for once, we finally have an endgame plan that doesn't involve scorched earth. The vaccine, along with improved detection techniques flushed out alien infiltrators in all walks of life and levels of government. Whatever plans they had before are being accelerated now that they're in the open. The nuGod are scrambling to bring in reinforcements and possess new bodies. Our current estimates have worldwide infestation at about four-hundred million and growing. There's a slim chance that we'll make it out alive, but either way, the aliens are dug in for the long haul.”

“People know about the aliens now?”

“No. My people have spun things around to get people convinced that there's a zombie epidemic. Our studies concluded that the masses would be better off in the long run believing that. Fortunately for that story, the nuGod aren't much for using human weapons and technology, even though they've infiltrated upwards of twenty percent of worldwide military personnel. So, no grand battles between great armies, just dirty mudslinging and street-fighting the world over. In fact, almost as much attention is being expended containing nations that have surrendered. If either gets out of hand, we will use the nuclear option.”

“What can I do to help?”

“Business as usual. Every one of your systems has been upgraded significantly. By our estimates, you might almost be a match for Hakamichi.”

Mutou's always cheerful pep talk was interrupted by the loud creaking and metallic clanging of an door opening beyond the infirmary's privacy curtain.

“Hey, Hanako. How are you holding up?” the ghost from Hanako's world greeted.

“Akira... I...”

“It's okay,” she said, identifying herself with her secret society's inner eyelid tattoo, “I know about everything. Leave us, Akio.”

“Yes, Ma'am,” Mutou obediently acknowledged as he stepped out.

“Hey, I heard about what happened to your friends. Are you okay?”

“I'm fine. I've learned to accept loss as a part of life. Those kinds of feelings only get in the way of the mission.”

“Oh, that's no good,” Akira said with a pout and a shake of Hana-chama's shoulders. “Ignore the party line. Love and friendship IS your mission. It is your goal. It is what makes us better than them. Never forget that.”

“Akira, I'm sorry about Lilly.”

“Don't beat yourself up over it. You did what you could. Actually, I'm here to talk to you about her.”

“What is it?”

“I think she's still alive.”

“How do you know?”

“I got a message from ...Shizune. She tells me that Lilly is still alive and that not only will she return her, but her brood will leave Japan if I meet their demands.”

“You can't believe that! It's obviously a lie.”

“I cannot be so sure. The nuGod are new to the concepts of deals and negotiations. I'm willing to hope that they're naïve enough to actually go through with it. Besides, hope is always worth pursuing.”

“What are their demands?”

“You. In exchange for relinquishing Japan and returning Lilly, the nuGod want me to surrender you to them. For the sake of peace, survival, and family, I'm going to do exactly that.”

-To Be Continued-
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 3!

Post by Esa94 »

kosherbacon wrote:Nomiya is still alive and uninfested at this point.
...Why? D:
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Shining Valkyrie of Justice Hana-chama Part 4!

Post by kosherbacon »

Because he's Hana-chama's eventual romantic interest in this story.

No, he isn't.
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