Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5


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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Parts 8,9 Depression, nymphomania, Shizune!

Post by kosherbacon »

While further insanity school stories are in editing/continuity hell, I shall share some character sheets I wrote up for reference shortly after starting these stories. :D

Onyx Class: Undesirable or Compulsive Behavior.

Izumi Kimura
Birthdate: April 18, 1990
Class: Onyx Class
Gender: Female
Preference: Heterosexual
Conditions: Tourette Syndrome (controlled as of mid 2007)
Hair: Straight, black, shoulder length with bangs cut straight across.
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 154cm
Weight: 64kg
Appearance: Curvy build, chubby, prefers warm-weather uniform, knee-length skirt, ankle socks.
Likes: Classical music, Chinese cuisine, hiking, camping, agriculture.
Dislikes: Quantitative sciences, modern technology.
Life Goal: To run her own record store.

Even though she was always genuinely well liked by her family and peers, Izumi's embarrassment over her facial and verbal tics drove her to compensate with generosity and a warm temperament. Even though her patience does have limits, she is quick to forgive all but the most grievous misdeeds.

Thanks to her accommodating personality, longtime rapport with her fellow students, and huge tits, Izumi is easily the most popular girl at St. Pfil's and was a student council officer virtually every year of her attendance.

After her tics subsided thanks to medication and therapeutic exercises, her biggest remaining source of shame is her complete ineptitude when it comes to all things related to computers and technology. She once crashed the school's email server while trying to access her social networking profiles. She has been known to mistake microwave ovens for computer monitors.

She was raised on a dairy farm and has two younger brothers.

Kouta Ishii
Birthdate: May 19, 1990
Class: Onyx Class
Gender: Male
Preference: Heterosexual
Conditions: Intermittent explosive disorder (treated)
Hair: Short, black, usually in Mohawk.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 177cm
Weight: 86kg
Appearance: Thick, muscular build, wears short sleeve warm-weather uniform.
Likes: Scotch whiskey, street racing, professional wrestling, cupcakes, Rubenesque women.
Dislikes: Metal music, wannabe gangsters, foreign language classes(he's just not good at them).
Life Goal: Win a competitive eating contest.

“Gentle” doesn't even begin to describe Kouta's demeanor. His sedate manner hides a dark secret. Prior to the corrective neurosurgery that was performed on him, Kouta was prone to explosive rages during which he would blackout when in a confrontation. Fearing his own destructive potential, Kouta attempted to suppress his aggressive feelings and avoid fights at all cost.

Tragically, his efforts were in vain. His final blind rage incident left a close friend of his hospitalized, with Kouta institutionalized. After his surgery and subsequent rehabilitation, Kouta transferred to St. Pfil's, where he continued to remain fearfully aloof from his peers. His closest friends are Izumi Kimura, who is virtually incapable of angering him, and Aimi Kondou, who... tests his patience every day.

Aimi Kondou
Birthdate: March 2, 1990
Class: Onyx Class
Gender: Female
Preference: Heterosexual
Conditions: Anorexia nervosa, narcissism, nocturnal enuresis.
Hair: Wavy, black, halfway down back.
Eyes: Gray
Height: 157cm
Weight: 40kg
Appearance: Extremely thin build, flat chest. Long black stockings, skirt 2/3 down thigh above knee. Always wears uniform jacket and tie.
Likes: Drinking, nightclubbing, raves, shopping, guys with nice cars.
Dislikes: Dense people, waiting, savory or dense foods, being told what to do.
Life Goal: To leave a pretty corpse.

Aimi's parents spoiled her heavily as a child and their parenting blew up in their faces when she became a preteen. In middle school, she was a constant disciplinary problem who lashed out at everybody and climbed to the top of the social foodchain at her reform school through cutthroat tactics and devious scheming. While she appeared to be a completely abusive, heartless, and inconsiderate bitch, inside, she struggled with her own insecurities.

When Aimi was still in her early teens, she wore dental braces and as a result of discomfort while eating, she lost a considerable amount of weight and became enamored with her new appearance. She began starving herself shortly before beginning high school, where her family's status and bullying attitude kept her one of the popular girls.

After a series of fainting spells related to her condition, she was hospitalized, forcefed a liquid diet, and was subsequently transferred to St. Pfil's where she struggled to gain the same adoration that she did in her previous schools.

She's also a bedwetter.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Character sheets, part 1

Post by neumanproductions »

I will give you one and only one comment for each.

Kimura: huge tits

Ishii: I also have a hard time with foreign languages too.

Kondou: A rebelious, flat-chested, bedwetter?

Where, oh where, do you come up with these Kosher. :roll:
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Character sheets, part 1

Post by kosherbacon »

And now, a character you've just seen, plus a couple who have yet to debut. :D

Amber Class: Unconventional Sexual Behavior.

Hiraku Ota
Birthdate: April 2, 1990
Class: Amber Class
Gender: Male
Preference: Heterosexual
Conditions: Satyriasis
Hair: Brown, spiky, combed forward.
Eyes: Gray-blue
Height: 168cm
Weight: 75kg
Appearance: Average build, clean shaven, immaculately cleaned and pressed uniform.
Likes: Board games, “girly drinks,” bicycling, hidden camera prank shows, coitus.
Dislikes: Curfews, mandatory therapy sessions, dairy products, unintentionally poor grammar, jealous boyfriends.
Life goal: Own and operate his own lounge/nightclub.

Hiraku Ota is by all appearances a young man to aspire to. He gets good grades, is active in club activities, and in spite of himself, is probably the most popular boy at his school.

Beneath his upstanding exterior is an individual that those in the know consider a “monster.” After losing his virginity at a young age, Hiraku developed an addiction to sexual intercourse. Even after enduring consequences such as physical violence, pregnancy scares, minor sex-related infections, and alienation of people in his hometown, Hiraku doesn't consider his condition to be a problem. He claims that what he does is in fulfillment of mutual pleasure, refutes every attempt at explaining his behavior, and like many addicts, says that he is in full control of his urges and could stop whenever he'd like to.

While Hiraku has no problems socializing with, associating with, and seducing members of the opposite sex, he does have difficulty forming lasting emotional bonds with others, thanks in no small part to the atypical relationships he usually has with women. The only person he truly confides in is Mariko Ito, his childhood friend.

Koh Anegasaki
Birthdate: November 22, 1989
Class: Amber
Gender: Male
Preference: 2D
Conditions: Agalmatophilia
Hair: Black, short ponytail.
Eyes: Brown, thick eyeglasses.
Height: 168cm
Weight: 80kg
Appearance: Oily, pockmarked pale skin.
Likes: Cartoons, comics, video games, drawn pornography, masturbation, potato chips.
Dislikes: Expectations, insects, running errands.

As the child of a former idol singer/actress and a prominent child psychologist, Koh had many expectations to live up to. Unfortunately, living under such pressure stifled his growth and made him crack. Fully burned out academically, Koh barely scrapes by at St. Pfil's, where he attends for free since his father is on the board of directors.

Koh has never had any luck with “biological women.” A combination of awkwardness, social clumsiness, shyness, and the bitterness of early failures motivated Koh to give up on conventional romance early on. At some point, he became infatuated with Sakuya Fukuzawa, a character from the visual novel Broken Dolls. Finding everything he could possibly want in a vulnerable, broken imaginary girl, Koh withdrew from the world at large to pursue their “relationship.”

Things came to a head when Koh stole his father's credit card to purchase a custom-made silicone sex doll modeled after Sakuya. Naturally, his parents were enraged at not only the theft, but the shame of having a sexual deviant for a son, so Koh was immediately transferred to a class that specialized in sexual disorders. In order to repay the nearly one and a quarter million yen he spent on the sex doll, Koh's father put him to work at the school's student store.

Sakuya Fukuzawa
Birthdate: December 25, 19XX
Class: Maple Class, Saint Francis of Assisi School for Terminally Ill Children
Gender: Female
Preference: Faceless men.
Conditions: Unspecified non-disfiguring terminal illness. Bloody cough.
Hair: Lavender, hime-cut.
Eyes: Pink/Purple
Height: 152cm
Weight: 48kg
Appearance: Frail build, petite but perky chest. Warm smile with sad, angelic eyes.
Likes: Playing the piano, autumn leaves, cherry blossoms, snow, songbirds.
Dislikes: Spiders

Sakuya Fukuzawa is a main character in Broken Dolls, a popular visual novel. Her dreams of becoming a concert pianist were destroyed when she was diagnosed with a terminal illness. In spite of her slowly but steadily worsening condition, she is extremely optimistic and sees every new day as a gift.

Sakuya's clumsiness is a minor nuisance to dormitory staff, especially when she volunteers to help out. She's also rather naïve in sexual matters, but has within her a limitless capacity for sentimentality.

Naturally, the uniform for dorm volunteers such as Sakuya are Gothic-Lolita style maid's uniforms, naturally.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Character sheets, part 2

Post by GG Crono »

Man, Kosher. Just when I think you've hit the rock bottom of twisted depravity, you just have to grab your shovel and prove me wrong. :lol:

Also: Sakuya has Soap Opera Disease.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Character sheets, part 2

Post by kosherbacon »

GG Crono wrote:Also: Sakuya has Soap Opera Disease.
Spoiler:Sayuka dies, even in the "good end.";_;

Also, in case anyone is wondering, Kyouki Shoujo is (probably)not in the same continuity as Hangover/Dolls. The fictional VN happens to exist in both worlds. Lord knows these two stories are convoluted enough on their own.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Character sheets, part 2

Post by kosherbacon »

Shout out to Wren for helping with the tentative character name!

The Third Rail

For a brief moment, the train station's platform was empty, with most of the commuters having just departed. It was 9:47 in the morning, the only time of day when such an action was possible from this station. Any other time, the passengers for the next train to stop there would have gotten in the way.

At 9:48, a series of trumpeting horn blasts shot through the tunnels, heralding the approach of the gloriously punctual express train, which stops at every third station, bypassing this one. Discretely, a young woman crouched, getting ready to sprint. Thankfully, the station was still empty enough to leave a clear shot from her position, across the platform, between the handrails, and straight through across the tracks.

Lights shone through the tunnel. The time had come. For most travelers there, their journeys were about to begin. For the girl, hers was going to end. Taking a split second to say goodbye to he whom she was destined never to be with, the girl launched herself with her heels.

Halfway across the platform, the corner of her eye caught the predatory, shark-like nose of the express train, ready to claim its prey for the day. She was going to make it. Soon, the pain would cease.

“Oh no! Look!”

“What is she... Oh my God!”

“Someone, quick!”

The bystanders gasped in horror. Their cries of shock never reached the girl's ears. As far as her mind was concerned, she was already dead. The sprint into the path of the train was just one final involuntary action, just like the loosening of one's bowels after death.

The impact from the side came earlier than she expected. Even though she was three feet away from the ledge, the blow to her left side was so powerful she was sure she was hit by the train at first. Instead of being pulverized by the impact or ground into hamburger between wheels and rails, she found herself getting her breath knocked out of her against a freestanding advertisement for anchovy flavored chewing gum.

She looked up with anguish at the demon in the police uniform who denied her peace.

“Miss, are you okay?”

She wasn't.


The young woman stared at the living corpse in the polished stainless steel mirror. Glass mirrors weren't allowed where she was. She no longer recognized the girl looking back at her. After attempting to strangle herself with braids of her hair, her hair was crudely chopped short, turning her once favorite feature into a bushy mess. Her wrists ached from recently healed slices along their length, as well as the pressure from her restraints.

No matter how hard she tried, she could not find peace. In the name of her best interests, those who were supposed to love her have condemned her to an inescapable hell. At first, everyone told her that her feelings were foolish and that her depression would pass. Even she herself knew that she wasn't at fault. But that was the thing about depression. Once someone finds themselves in the downward spiral, no amount of reason could bring them out.

The girl deserved to die. She was practically a murderer. Everything she touched collapsed and withered. She tried her best to stay away, to keep from causing more pain, but she started to lose control of herself. The gods have cursed her ability to love. Suffering came hand in hand with want and desire. Knowing that pursuing her love was only going to make things worse, she smiled and bore it for a while before walking away and doing her best not to look back. Unfortunately, her "easy way out" was anything but. She couldn't keep herself from being lonely, so the only way to save everyone was to remove herself from the picture.


“Welcome back, Agate Class!” the goofy man with the rainbow colored cable-knit sweater overbearingly greeted. “Are we all ready for another great year together?! Just a little longer and you're going to be graduates!”

A dull drone of mumbles came from the room full of disinterested and spiteful students.

“Boys and girls,” the saccharin schoolteacher continued, “this year we have a new friend with us. I'd like you all to welcome Miss Kurosawa.”

Halfhearted greetings were groaned towards the bushy-haired girl at the front of the class, who blankly waved back.

“Great! Now let's all line up for hugs!”

The new girl was received with a long string of limp handshakes and heads drooped in indifferent attempts at bowing, except for the last girl in line, who gave her a firm hug that was tight enough to squeeze her breath out.

“Hello, Miss Kurosawa,” the conspicuously busty and short tomboy greeted, “I'm...”

“Yasu Arima. I know.”

“How did you...?” Yasu asked, amazed, before looking down at the embroidered name tag on her jacket. “Oh, that.”

“It's just in case my girlfriend forgets my name,” she added.

If the new girl gave a damn about her classmates and their personal lives, she might have been amused that her first impression of Yasu was correct, but she merely answered with a shrug.

“Do you have any friends here yet?” Yasu asked. “If you want, you can have lunch with us.”

Before, the new girl would have been wary of associating with someone like Yasu, but that was a previous lifetime. She was too out of it to do anything but go with the flow and accept.

“Do I know her?” Yasu's surprisingly nerdy and feminine girlfriend asked.

“No, she's new to the school. Her name is Kurosawa.”

“Oh. Well, okay then,” Yasu's girlfriend said, jotting down the new information into a notepad.

Yasu and her girlfriend, Michi, integrated the new girl into their tiny circle as well as they could, sharing information about the school while keeping in-jokes and anecdotes that they themselves would only be familiar with to a minimum.

Conscientiously, Yasu avoided digging too deep into Kurosawa's past and stopped Michi from doing so as well. Agate class was tailor-made for students with severe emotional problems, many of whom were deeply depressed as a result of traumatic events and childhood abuse.

Or in Kurosawa's case, guilt.

Yasu wisely backed off when Kurosawa started to shut down while staring into her box lunch. The loud ticking of the study room's wall clock turned into the suspenseful beeps of an electrocardiogram. Her noodles turned into intravenous tubes. The quilted napkin became bleak hospital beddings.

Before she knew it, she was looking at him again, staring right into his frail, fragile face. The heavens punished her for trying to be close to someone by nearly killing him. He survived, but she wouldn't dare open her heart to him again. The best she could hope for was to love him from afar and pray that he recovered.

“Yo! Mizuno!” a shrill voice shot out to yank Kurosawa back to the present.

“Yes?” Michi answered, looking up at the stern looking twig with an arrogant face.

“Your illustrious student council is organizing a scholastic and athletic competition against our arch rival.”

“We have an arch rival?” Yasu asked.

“Of course we do, Yasu. Have you heard of the Yamaku Academy? It's sort of like here but gayer. And for crippled kids.”

“How do you know my... never mind,” Yasu questioned. “What do you want from Michi?”

“Apparently, Miss Mizuno signed up for our competition some time ago, to defend our school's honor in the fields of quantitative science and mathematics.”

“I did?” Michi asked.

“Don't tell me you forgot,” the student council officer indignantly asked.

“I did forget. It's my thing,” Michi responded. “Yeah, I'm pretty good with chemistry, engineering, and physics and stuff, as long as I have the equations and notes in front of me.”

“Eh? Yeah, I guess that can be allowed. What about you, Yasu, do you have any special skills?”

“I'm good with life sciences and stuff. And my last name is Arima.”

“Good, Yasu. You can do chemistry and biology while your fellow carpet muncher does physics and math, okay?”

“Wait, did you just call us... and... I didn't say I was going to sign up too... Isn't there anyone else who could do science? I heard that some new girl showed up 'from the future' who's some kind of genius. Go use her instead.”

“She's a bit... predisposed, in a padded room or getting dissected somewhere. You're not going to be supportive of your lover and help defend the school's honor?” the scrawny girl asked, bending over to look down upon Yasu.

“Oh, fine.”

The officer turned her attention to the new girl.

“You! Are you interested in competing?”

“Hey, don't. She's new at this school and...”

“Stuff it, Yasu. Let her answer for herself.”

“I-I dunno,” Kurosawa answered, nearly whispering. “I guess.”

“Do you have any special skills you can bring to the table?”

“I dunno.”

The thin girl drooped her shoulders and sighed.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

“I dunno.”

“Ugh, goddamn it. Okay, you can be our understudy. We just need another warm body to match the Yamaku team's numbers. What's your name anyway?”

“Kurosawa, Ma'am, Iwanako Kurosawa.”

-To Be Continued-

Yes, THAT Iwanako.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by AapoAlas »

Holy FUCK!

Lovely! Rubbery! Lovely! Rubbery!

Which ever! MOAR!
Nothing to be seen here. Do check out my little dabbling in the art of words, though.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by Esa94 »

That last spoiler practically made my head asplode.
Like Aapo already said, MOAR.

Oh wait, will this mean Iwanako'll meet Hisao again?

Can't end well.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by Minister of Gloom »

If their second meeting ends up with him getting a second heart attack, I might mail you one of my ears.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by Esa94 »

Minister of Gloom wrote:If their second meeting ends up with him getting a second heart attack, I might mail you one of my ears.
It'll probably be Iwanako who has that heart attack. :D
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by GG Crono »

...interesting. Proceed.

Also: In some of the dialogue bits here, it gets a little difficult to keep track of who's speaking. You may want to tighten that up a little.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by Mirage_GSM »

It took me until the noodles to guess where you were going...
Then I went back to the beginning and checked for the given name. When I didn't find any, I was sure I was right ;-)
Going to be very interesting. Is she Not-Emi or Not-Rin?
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by Esa94 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Is she Not-Emi or Not-Rin?
Who, Iwanako?

I'm fairly sure that spoiler meant that she's Iwanako. From the first scene in KS. Have I misunderstood you somehow?
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by Leotrak »

So you finally posted this little shocker, huh? :D

And again, yes, THAT Iwanako, the one that caused Hisao's heart attack. Not many of her to go around, really :P Besides, knowing Kosher, she was bound to show up! Admit it :P
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
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Re: Kyouki Shoujo: Part 10, New Student on Page 5

Post by neumanproductions »

You're absolutely going to enoy writing your next piece of this story. Look at me, telling you what to enjoy. :P
Torturing the poor souls of fictional characters with lesbians, time-travelers, depression, ect...
I look forward to that continued work of yours. :wink:
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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