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Post by WetCrate »

I get pretty angry at all the torture/rape doujins that I see while perusing entirely legitimate and above-board websites. So then this happened.


It started when I heard that Rin had "transferred schools". No. No, that's a lie. It started before that, when her eyes began to lose the light they had once held. When I would walk her to her dorm and say good night, and she would look at me, sad and lost, and smile. "Good night, Hisao," she would say, sounding like it was the last time she'd see me. And the next day, the next day she'd be a little colder. A little more aloof. And her eyes grew duller, and more lifeless.

Emi, well that was a surprise. She "left" and Rin seemed distraught, surprised that her friend would leave so suddenly, without even saying goodbye. But it wasn't unheard of, I suppose. You came up with a pretty good story, getting accepted to a more prestigious school. And it even checked out, once I wised up, started to look into all these disappearances. I think I'll have to pay a visit to the admissions office there, see if I find any of your videos. But Hanako? Hanako. That was odd. She could barely function at Yamaku; how could you possibly think that anyone would believe she up and decided to go to public school?

No. No, I can't help but think you wanted to get caught. Two girls in one year. And then Rin. Rin, you mother-

The other girls, from years before. Jesus, one of them was twelve. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, look at where we are, huh?

How many? How many do I know about? Shit. Who do you think is asking the questions, here?

Now, where was I? Oh. Right. No, no, I'm speaking. Wait your turn.

Rin was gone and I couldn't help but feel something was wrong. I, of course, was crushed. She hadn't even said goodbye. But something else, too. Some of the looks other boys gave me. The way they avoided my desk, like it was some sort of plague zone. And you! You would give me these wry half-smiles, like you knew something I didn't. Well. Now who's smiling?

Emi's story checked out, but I couldn't find anything about Hanako or Rin. No trace of them at all. It's like they disappeared. Even after I went through the records office – oh yeah, that was me. Surprise! – I was no closer to an answer. But the girls from last year? You were sloppy with one of them. I actually managed to track down one of the families, and they told me she'd been found dead late last fall. Mutilated beyond recognition; they had to identify her by dental record. Got tired of her? Or did she let slip how small your dick is?

Oh ho! THAT got a reaction. Now quiet down, or I'll get angry again.

Two more from the class of 2000 were found dead, while others were missing. How the fuck did you evade the police for so long? No. No, I really don't want to know the answer to that. Man. I actually met with one of the girls' mothers. I don't know what she looked like before you kidnapped her daughter, but when she sat down across from me at the cafe I couldn't believe she was still alive. Must have weighed 45 kilograms. She still had her wedding ring – I came to find out that your... penchant... destroyed her family, broke them and scattered the remains to the wind – but it obviously no longer fit. The pale gold ring hung from her neck like a noose. But oh, did she have some things to say about you.

"What a gentleman he was," she smiled at me, tears in her eyes. "He still writes sometimes, just to see how I'm doing. What a wonderful man."

You piece of shit.

I had my suspicions, but no solid evidence. At that point it really could have been you, or the Nurse, or anyone else for that matter. All I had were your creepy smiles and my gut. Besides, I had to be careful, you know? Who knows what terrible things you would do to me if you found out?

Then, the windfall. For some reason you had no problem distributing your DVDs to students? That seems self-destructive. It really does. But one of the other guys in class handed me a box one day, wrapped in some paper. "Hey, check this out. She looks just like Rin." And he smiled, and winked, and I almost lost my shit right there. Got up and ran back to my dorm room. I probably stared at the object in my hands for five minutes before I gathered up the courage to open it.

You know? You're sick. You really are.

Well when it was just a blank DVD case I was a little disappointed. Heh. Look at me, telling you about your packaging. Like you don't know. What? What's that? You're still interrupting me? Welp, looks like it's time to lose another finger.

Oh do shut up. It's not like you have that many left. It'd be a shame to leave you the remaining ones. Gotta be symmetrical, you know.

God. Now look what you've done. Your screams have gone and upset the new girls.

You done now? No?

Well that makes ten. Gonna keep screaming? You've still got toes, you know.

Good boy.

Girls, could you quiet down, please? I'm trying to have a conversation with Mr. Muto, here. Thank you.

I'll tell you, I was a bit nervous when I first started watching your... "work". I didn't know what to expect. I had a bad feeling, of course, but then again I'd had a bad feeling for weeks by that point. And... well it WAS Rin. And the things you were doing to her...

Oh, I'm sorry about that. My hands kind of moved on their own. Now now, no need to holler like that. I've got another tourniquet right here, and it's not like you could have used that arm anyway. A forearm and a stumpy hand? At least this way you'll be able to wear a prosthetic.

Well, you WOULD, if I had any intention of letting you live.

No, girls, I'm not going to hurt you. Please quiet down. Take a note that Muto's earlier "acquisitions" are behaving quite nicely. You would do well to follow their examples.

I'm not ashamed to say that I could only stomach fifteen seconds or so before I vomited. Quite the mess that was, but easily cleaned up, and at least I knew who was to blame. After that it was strictly reconnaissance. Had to find out where you were keeping these girls, and how often you fed them, and when you liked to perform your heinous acts for the camera.

Ah, I forgot to mention but I'm videotaping this now. Yep. The director has become an actor! Kind of a move down the ladder, but I suppose you wouldn't have made the choice yourself.

And then... well that's pretty much it, isn't it? I kicked down the door, and... well you know the rest. Now we're here. And I get to play with you for a while.


Oh, my.

Muto, do you see what I see? Hanako wants to play, too! Sure, Hanako, you've more right to do this than I do. Hold on, let me get your chains.

There we are. Here, take my shirt. It's kind of bloody already, but I suppose it's better than nothing.

Whoa, now. Steady. Girls, girls, you can all have a turn. But Hanako asked first.

No, no, Muto, no need to struggle like that. I assure you, you're quite incapacitated. You set this dungeon up yourself; you should know there's no escape.

...I'm sick? I'M sick? You degenerate filth, how DARE you say something like that-

I'm sorry. I lost my head there again. Hanako, hand me that gauze? Thank you. I apologize for taking your eye like that, Mr. Muto, but you just get me so riled up sometimes.

No, no, I'm not going to kill you. Not tonight, at least. It's going to be a while before you die, Mr. Muto, and rest assured that you and I will be playing quite frequently until then. You get to atone for the sins you've committed, at my hands, and the hands of those you have broken. Oh yes, I can see you finally realize your situation. It certainly took you long enough. I always thought you were sharper than that.

Hanako. Yes. Here, take this. You can work on his toes. Let me just get his shoes.
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Re: Miffed

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I have one word for you:

I vote for this to become the default punishment for rapists and torturers. Go Hanako!
I just fear that at this pace they will run out of pieces to cut off very soon...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Miffed

Post by Xuan »

Eh, I think the things Hisao/You did is probably worse or at least, the very same act Mr.Muto here committed...
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Re: Miffed

Post by Sgt_Frog »

This reminds me of those classic horror/psychological thriller movies, like "Silence of the Lambs", not like today's "Saw". What number are we on now? Saw 6? Seriously?
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Re: Miffed

Post by GG Crono »

I normally do not care for stories of this sort. However, I can definitely appreciate the spirit in which it was written. I hate those rape/torture doujins. So, kudos. :D
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Re: Miffed

Post by Leotrak »

... I read this with a smile on my face.

Amazing. You managed to make me creep myself out. I hope to read more of your writings 8)
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
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Re: Miffed

Post by kosherbacon »

This one leaves me feeling like some justice was had after the events of your last fanfic, even though they're obviously unrelated. I enjoyed it more than I should have :D
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