New stuff of Neuman|| Katawamon: Welcome to Ceridian Forest


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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by Leotrak »

neumanproductions wrote:It was completely by accident that I discovered you being the other holder when I couldn’t see your name.”
I thought it was the holder's lifespan you couldn't see >_>

Anyway, good read as always ^_^
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
Before: Hanako>/=Emi>Rin>Lilly>Shizune
After: Emi>Rin>Hanako>Lilly>>>>>>>>>>>Shizune
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by neumanproductions »

Alright, so I need to keep this thing short enough on words for that Manifest contest so things will be wrapping up soon. Also, I might edit it into a story format so I need enough space to change some things around. Anyways, wrote it today and don't worry i'll be writing the Kenji ADITLO _________ series soon along with actually doing one shots that I have idea-accumulating. Tell me if you find anything wrong.

A God among Men (Part 4)

Several weeks had passed since the confrontation between Lilly and Kenji. Lilly had continued to play the part of the sophisticated blind girl while Kenji was still acting his normal self while trying to figure out how he was to go about killing the other girls.

“This is just too troubling. Not only do I have to pick someone to kill first but it is going to take time. If they die at once it seems too risky on my part but if I space them out then it also seems like too much trouble.”

“I think you should take out the freak first.”

“Well, that narrows things down a lot. Thanks Ryuk, I’ll be sure to rely on your advice so much more from now on.”

“You don’t need to go all sarcastic on me. The one I was thinking of has the pink, drill-shaped hair. Oh, and she’s fat too,” if only Misha could hear Ryuk. A new way to kill a shinigami would be the result without much time to observe the process.

“She has been awfully quiet as of late, some might not notice her gone. However, maybe it’s best to get rid of who Lilly thinks to be her greatest competition; Ikezawa.”

Hanako Ikezawa had burn scars along most of the right side of her body resulting from a fire years ago that claimed her father’s life. Because of this, she would often receive stares and discomforts in her normal school that preyed on her already shy nature. She came to Yamaku in hopes that she would feel less like an outcast, or at least blend in more with the other students. However, Lilly had really been the only one to befriend her and recently Hisao has begun hanging out with her more and more.

“I still say the pink haired one.”

“Sorry, but all suggestions must submitted in writing. And that doesn’t give you permission to write in you Death Note.”

“Relax Kenji. I’m only interested in seeing how this plays out without my intervention.”

The two left Kenji’s room and began wandering the halls. It was a sunny Sunday so most of the students were either outside or taking part in club activities. Walking past one of the rooms it appeared that the new student council was hard at work. Ever since the event with Shizune, surprisingly more people started to volunteer either out of pity or a renewed self interest. Misha and Hisao had dropped connections with the council after there were over eight new members. Too them, it must have never felt the same. The track team was practicing on the grounds but weren’t as enthusiastic as they had once been with Emi. How would things change with the inevitable death to come was hard to tell.

“According to Satou, Ikezawa hides out in the library when not with her.”

Proceeding to the library, a place Kenji had only frequently visited, he began scheming up ways for a successful plan. When he arrived, Hanako was sitting on one of the beanbags in a corner. She seemed really into the book she was reading but would scan the area every once and a while as though she was on the lookout for someone. Kenji ducked behind a bookshelf when a familiar face walked into the room.

“Sorry I’m late. I ran into someone and we are going to talk later.”

“Y-you’re not cheating on me, are you Hisao?”

“I would never do something like that to you,” giving her a passionate kiss in the process. “By the way, why haven’t you told Lilly about us yet? Don’t you think it would be for the best if we let her and everyone else know we started dating?”

“I know. It’s just that Lilly has a crush on you as well and I don’t know how to tell her that I stole you from her.”

“You didn’t steal me Hanako,” he looks into her eyes that started to shine with light tears. “I chose you. Now please stop crying Hanako, it hurts me to see you so sad.”

“Okay Hisao. I’m sorry,” as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

“It’s alright,” as Hisao hugs her close to him.

“Well, well, well, looks like things are heating up between them. What to do now.”

Kenji sneaks out of the room as sly as a fox. In his mind, Hisao and Hanako were no hindrance to him personally but Lilly might push for a quicker end if she found this out. However, this could be used to his advantage for jealousy could cause Lilly to take up the duty herself and he wouldn’t have to stain his own hands with ink. He was supposed to meet Lilly Thursday night in the gym.

“I’ll tell her the new information then and see her response. I’ll hold off on killing for the time being in hopes that she is angry enough to do the deed herself.”

“Letting her go on a rampage might not be the best idea Kenji. I noticed she isn’t the brightest tool in the shed. She could get caught and rat you out.”

“I doubt she’ll get caught that easily. Also, Gelus will more than likely convince her to give up the notebook in exchange for having nothing to pin on her. Otherwise she will do so of her own reasoning.”

“That still seems risky.”

“We’ll just see what happens on Thursday.”

(To be continued)
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Crossover Conclusion)

Post by neumanproductions »

I said it would be longer but now I feel like it needs an Epilogue to tie up loose ends. I hope you enjoy the suprises and shoutouts that are involved in this chapter.

A God among Men (Part 5)

Thursday came at last. Having decided to meet after nightfall when all the students would be returning to their dorms for the night things were quiet enough to hear a pin drop. The gym was near complete darkness with only the light of the full moon piercing in through the few available windows. A chill lingered in the air, probably enhanced by the presence of four figures of death gathering in one place. Upon Kenji and Ryuk’s arrival Lilly and Gelus popped out from a secluded section behind the bleachers.

“You mind telling me again why we chose to meet in a place like this?”

“Oh come on Kenji. Don’t you think it’s just the perfect scenario for a case such as us?”

“I don’t know. It feels something like a bad horror flick or dramatic way to end a series to me.”

“Lighten up! You’re too stressed out about this.”

“Hey woman, I got more on the line to lose than you and your stupid crush!”

“Whatever. So, did you bring what I wanted?”

“This is honestly the worst use of a surveillance system I have ever seen,” reaching into his bag and pulling out a yellow envelope. He slides it over to Lilly as if passing over secret documents. “You know, it wasn’t easy to install those things. I actually had to cry wolf on a feminist attack to use his room for the night.”

Lilly picks up the envelope and withdraws the contents. Multiple semi-gloss photos of Hisao in his room lined her hands as she examined each one. “Well speaking as a lady that has only recently gotten to lay eyes on a real man I think these are well worth it,” she continues. “His upper body looks rather strong and those morning jogs over the months have really toned his legs,” speaking as though she is off in her own little world. Soon she is rudely interrupted by Kenji who is bending over with a finger in his mouth making as though he is gagging while Ryuk is rolling on his side in the air laughing.

“Please ‘real man’, even if it was a ploy to make me weak at least I’m not a virgin. ‘Mister Universe’ there can’t even make it to second base with the secluded, charred girl!”

“W-what did you just say?” Lilly’s pulse begins to slow to a crawl as her normally bright complexion drains from existence.

Meanwhile, Ryuk is speaking to Kenji in a low tone, “Looks like you got what you wanted.”

“Yep, now all we have to do is see her reaction. If all goes according to plan I won’t have to worry about bacon girl and maybe even the rest of them,” he smiles as though he had won some prize at a festival. Unfortunately, he gets the response he was looking for and Lilly rips out her notebook from her bag.

“S-she did this to me, I w-won’t stand for it. I Hisao was to be mine and mine alone,” she had completely lost any sense of reasoning as she fumbled for a pen; emotions taking over. Nothing could stop…

“Hold it Lilly!”

The pen drops from Lilly’s hand following the echo of the voice that stopped her. Her ears had become so well inept over the years that there was no need for eyes at this point. She knew that it was him. “H-hisao?”

“Well if it isn’t mister popular himself.”

“Shut up Kenji!” His voice could make anyone freeze in their place. Turning his attention to the now rotated Lilly, he continues where he left off. Tears starting to form in his eyes as he spoke. “Why would you think of doing such a thing? I didn’t believe it at first but I now see it wasn’t a lie. You were going to kill Hanako with that notebook, weren’t you?”

Up to this point Kenji had been calm but hearing Hisao speak of the Death Note brought worry to his once proud grin. ‘He knows about the Death Note and its’ power. My only question is how? I must find out in case there are others that must be dealt with,’ Lilly was still in shock from Hisao’s words so Kenji decided to ask directly. “How did you acquire this knowledge my once former companion?”

“That would be my doing.”

Kenji turned his head to the source of the cry. “Who said that?” All heads turn as the top of a trash bin flies ten feet in the air and a person springs up as if they were a jack-in-the-box.

“The great detective Rin Tezuka of course,” Her voice seemed like a whisper but was easily understood by all there. “I have been following your movements for some time Kenji and only recently found out Lilly was involved. Honestly Lilly, I have no interest in Hisao at all. It was Emi I loved, and she loved me.”

“I knew it!” Ryuk starts rolling back and forward in the air laughing after his comment. “Hell hath no fury like a woman.”

“Isn’t there more to that line?”

“Yes, but it doesn’t matter in this case. You’re the one who killed her so I guess revenge is in order. Hahahaha!”

Rin continues to speak, “I know you’re talking with your shinigami Kenji but it is rude to carry a conversation that even I can’t decipher. Your downfall was inevitable when you decided to cross my path.”

“Blah, blah, blah, I guess I have no choice but to kill you then,” Kenji grabs his own notebook but before he could open it a slight popping noise it heard before he earnestly grabs his chest. Blood quickly starts to soak his uniform while he continues to remain conscious.


“That laugh, I know it anywhere; Mikado? What for,” The notebook dropped from his hand as his knees hit the ground. Blood was starting to stain the only recently polished floor. Panting for words Kenji pleads out one last call to Ryuk, “Why didn’t you tell me she was here?”

“I already told you I’m here to observe, not to interfere. You’re on your own little man; now and in MU.”

“You killed the love of my life Kenji! Now suffer your own death as you made me and her suffer! Wahahaha!” A few more shots went off and Misha’s laugh was the last thing to be heard by Kenji. Splashing in his own crimson pool the pen he once controlled a person’s very existence with rolls across the room.

“Guess that is my cue to leave. This just seems too much like a Kosherbacon story to me,” and on those words Ryuk departed knowing perfectly well what was to be the fate of the book he left behind. It might never be known what those last words meant but they seem to have deep significance in some way.

Lilly who had been standing ideal, staring at Hisao almost the entire time had also fallen on her knees, not in a physical but emotional pain. Tears streaming down her face as she pleaded for forgiveness from the one she loved.

“I-I’m sorry Hisao. I just wanted you to be mine. How, how could I be so selfish as to want my best friend dead? She will never forgive, you will never forgive, I am not worthy to be forgiven,” her eyes turned red and swollen as she spoke.

“P-please don’t think that way,” a quiet and gentle voice spoke up. Lilly raises her head to see Hanako stepping up next to Hisao with her own tears reflected by the faint moonlight. She starts walking over to the confused Lilly and hugs her with the strength of a forgiving sister. “T-there’s no way I wouldn’t forgive one who has been like a big sister to me for so long.”

“Oh Hanako,” Lilly returned the hug with equal strength. “I’m so sorry for the trouble I caused you and everyone else. I was stupid to be so selfish when I already was happy with what I had.”

“Let’s not hope you mean that in anything more than a sister-like way,” she smiles and Lilly returns the gesture with one of her own.

Hisao had stepped over to Rin who was still lingering around in her trash bin.

“Seems like that was a close one with Kenji there. Did you have Misha bring that suppressed gun on purpose?”

“Actually, I didn’t even tell her about this at all. It was just by coincidence that she showed up and shot him when she did.”

“What! You mean to tell me that Kenji could have killed us right then and there. Where was your bright idea to…” Rin had begun ruffling through the bin to pull out a black notebook that she held between her teeth. “Wait, isn’t that the…?”

“Yss, I swichd’ wen he wsn’t look’n,” muffled with the book against her lips. She drops it back into the bin.

“So according to what you told me, doesn’t that mean you could see that Shinigami of his?”

“Yes, but I couldn’t let him know that. Anyways, it all worked out in the end I suppose.”

“Easy for you to say. It just seems like my life is focused around some never-ending story.”

In this case Hisao might be more right than he realizes.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Hanako's Birthday Suprise)

Post by neumanproductions »

Here is something I have been wanting to write for a long time. Happy Birthday Hanako! If you were real this I would try to do all these things for you.
Ya I know, falling in love with a fictional character, what are you going to do. 8)

A Special Birthday for Hanako

“Today is the day!”

With only half a day of classes I can utilize the rest of the time for our date. That’s right, today is my girlfriend Hanako Ikezawa’s birthday and I want this day to be special. A quiet dinner for two with dessert, a moonlight stroll, and the perfect gift is what I have planned. As luck would have it, tonight is supposed to have a full moon with clear skies. I probably watched over fifteen romance movies to gather ideas for the occasion since this is the first time I’ll be trying something of this magnitude. Hanako and I have only been dating for the past month but I feel as though this is perfect opportunity to get closer with her. I haven’t even gotten the chance to make it to second base. Okay, that’s more than you needed to know. Anyways, tonight needs to be perfect. After putting on my uniform and popping my morning dose of pills I leave for class.


Hanako was looking as lovely as ever, even if it was the same typical school uniform that she was wearing. To some, the scars on her body seem like a repellent but they had never had such an effect on me. My own scars are easily disguisable, heck most anybody you’d talk to that knows me wouldn’t even know they existed. The extent to which I have seen of Hanako has only been her hand and face but I know there is more to it; just like me. I have pictured what it would be like though. Hey come on, I’m your typical high school guy after all; hahaha! After noticing my entrance, she gives me a smile that was too cute for words to describe. I walk over to her desk as she places the book she was reading into her bag.

“Happy birthday Hanako,” I give her a peck on her right cheek. Despite the appearance, the scars on her face were actually rather smooth.

“Thank you Hisao. You seem so cheerful I could mistake it for your birthday rather than mine,” she chuckles at her own joke and I along with her.

“To tell you the truth I’m a little on pins and needles about tonight.”

“Oh, don’t be so nervous. I’m looking forward to whatever you have planned for us tonight. However,” She pauses for a moment, “could we meet at around eight. Lilly had a surprise she wanted to show me and there are some things I need to get done personally before tonight.”

“Umm, sure. T-that sounds fine,” there go my afternoon plans. Com e on Hisao, optimistic, I still have the evening.

“I’m sorry if this ruined any of your plans.”

“No, no it’s your day. You do what you need to do and besides, it gives me more time to get myself ready.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive,” seems like perfect timing as Mutou walks into the room to begin class. Guess my luck really hasn’t changed.



“Dang nabbed I’m late,” okay, I know I’m overreacting. She did say ‘around eight’ so five minutes isn’t too bad. Wait, what if she expects me to be semi-late like one of those smooth talking boys in the video I watched the other night? Calm down, you’re going to give yourself a heart attack here and I don’t think that would be the best gift for your girlfriend.

Standing before the door to her room I knock a few feeble times as if I was going to meet an angry boss.

“Just a minute,” a few noises are heard and then the lock on the door is undone as it opens to reveal what only could be called a dark haired angel at first glance. “Sorry, again about having to postpone tonight but I’m all set now.”

I could at first barely make out the words she spoke as I was too fixated on what she was wearing. I had never seen Hanako wearing a dress like this before. The color almost perfectly matched that of her hair as if they were one in the same. There was some frill around the ends but that was not what caught me off guard. It was a medium length dress but up near the top it was a low cut around the chest. Being a man, you’ve seen cleavage before in more than one medium but in reality, this close, it was different. Hanako had never shown much skin before so my eyes naturally draw to the glow of her fair chest. Her scared skin was visible on her right side and surprisingly it was not what I thought it would be like. Damn, I’m standing here looking stupid. I have to say something.

“T-that’s a v-very nice d-dress you have on H-hanako.”

“Hisao,” she slightly covers herself with her right hand. “d-don’t stare so much. You’re making me slightly uncomfortable.”

“Oh, umm sorry,” I regain my thoughts. “I just never saw you wear something like that before.”

“So you do like it? It’s not too much right?”

“No, it’s not too much at all. It looks very lovely on you.”

“Thanks,” she lets out a slight giggle. “It was a gift from Lilly. She asked Akira to help her pick it out this week and gave it to me after class today.”

I must really thank Lilly later. She has been a blessing to both Hanako and me for the longest time and now to do something like this. She really has such a kind heart. I probably never would have gotten as close to Hanako if I had never met her that day in the tea room.

“Well, I guess it is time to escort such a lovely lady to dinner,” I take her hand and we move to start the evening.


I lead Hanako to a table I had set up outside the dorms. She still had a shy side to her so I never would have planned on going to a restaurant in town. Covering her eyes I say it’s a surprise and lead her to her seat. She sits down and I release my makeshift blindfold. She freezes in her chair as though she saw a ghost.

“What’s wrong Hanako?”

“T-the, t-the candles.”

Oh my goodness, how could I be so stupid! I quickly blow them out and move them off the table.

“I’m so sorry Hanako. I-I wasn’t thinking when I set everything up. I just tried to make things look romantic.”

“It’s alright Hisao. I know you meant well. It’s just I still haven’t gotten over my fear quite yet.”

Ever since the fire that claimed her father’s life and caused her scars she has been afraid of open flames. It’s not a hysterical fear but a petrifying one. She’s fine with distant flames but the candles were right in the middle of the table so I can’t excuse it. I was too stupid to have forgotten something so important. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I can still make it up, right? I resituate myself and pray that my luck would change.

“I’ll go see how the meal is coming along.”

I head into the dorm’s kitchen and hear the chef I hired complaining. “Why did I agree to such a mundane job? This is stupid! I have better things to do but I need the money. When I waste time here the feminists can make their move.” Yep, I had hired Kenji. You might think it is funny but he is a relatively good cook. I would have asked Emi since her meals have always been splendid but we haven’t really talked since she heard me and Hanako were going out; almost as though she was intentionally avoiding me. Anyways, Kenji was the best my measly allowance could afford so you make do with what you got.

“Kenji, is that meal ready yet?”

“Keep your pants on! It’s not easy making a gourmet meal you know.”

“And I suppose the poofy hat is a necessity?”

“Of course it is. It also doubles as a smoke bomb, almost like a ninja would use. Watch me demonstrate.”

“Wait! Don’t!”


He just had to show me, and by the way when he says smoke bomb he means a cloud of flour. Half my body was covered in white as I attempt to brush it off. I practically scold Kenji and refuse him pay if he doesn’t finish, and soon. When I examine myself to make sure I look alright I head back to the table where Hanako is waiting.

“There was a little problem with the chef but don’t worry, the food will be done soon.”

“That’s fine,” she giggles. “By the way, you have a trace of some white stuff in your hair.” Sure enough there was more flour in my hair. I thought I had gotten it all out but it seems I missed a spot.

“Dinner is served,” Kenji makes an appearance wearing a funny looking waiter’s costume. You have got to be kidding me. How many disguises does this guy have, he was even sporting a fake, cheesy mustache. “Crab Stuffed Chicken with mashed potatoes served with wine.”

“Kenji, you know we can’t have alcohol on school property. Besides, we are underage.”

“Well, you already paid for it so I guess it’s your loss than. I’ll just take the rest of it and…”

“If I paid for it, it’s staying right here.” I take the bottle from Kenji before he has a chance to abscond with it.

“I guess that means you won’t need the bottle of whisky that came with it,” so that is what he spent the entire budget I gave him on. I almost hate to find out what he paid for this meal yet it still looks good.”See ya later Hisss. Enjoy losing your virginity.”

Hanako drops the fork she had just picked up causing a clanking noise when it hit the plate. I don’t know whether to think that Kenji already cracked open that whisky bottle or not.

“F-forget what he said Hanako.” Boy, this day just keeps getting better and better.


After dinner, which surprising went alright as we talked and even ended up joking about Kenji’s actions a bit, I decide it was best to get surprise number one for Hanako. I had been up all last night preparing it but I knew it would all be worth it. I asked Hanako to close her eyes for a bit as I went to grab the surprise.

“You can open them now,” her beautiful eyes open and light up in awe. “Happy Birthday Hanako! I know it’s not the best cake in the world but I wanted to make you something super special from scratch. I originally planned on making it chocolate since you love it so much but the first batch of frosting kind of turned awful on my part. I did manage to find these chocolate chips though; just don’t let Emi know.”

“Well I think it is beautiful and looks so delicious. Can we have some now?” She looked so cute in her dress and how she was smiling made me think my heart skipped a beat or two. If one could die from overexposure to cuteness, than I would have died where I stood. Things actually look to be going my way.


We started our moonlight walk through the garden and planned on ending it by one of the trees on the other side of the campus. I was carrying a blanket to lay down when we stopped along with my gift in a bag.

“It’s a splendid night don’t you think?”

“Yes, very romantic.” Did she just say romantic? “The full moon and stars really light up the sky, sort of reminds me of the night you confessed to me.”

She’s right. It had been me to confess love this time. I thought it might be best if it came from me rather than attempt a direct repeat of what happened the last time I was involved in a love confession. It was indeed a night much like tonight. Nah, I’ll save that story for another day. What matters is that what happened then has lead up to the now.

“Your right, it is almost a mirror of that night,” we both grin at each other.

After reminiscing on a few memories we arrive at the tree I was talking about. I lay the blanket on the ground next to it and we each take a seat. Now was time for surprise number two. I reach into the bag and pull out a neatly wrapped package, if I do say so myself.

“I know this might not be as fancy as a dress but I hope you like it.”

She slowly takes off the wrapping paper. The way she takes it off at the seams makes me think she plans on keeping it. Of course, that could just be just a part of her personality; delicate and graceful. Eventually she reveals enough of the gift to make out what it was. Boy, if only you could have seen the expression on her face. I easily could have fallen in love with her that very moment if I hadn’t already been madly in love.

“It’s a brand new chess set!”

“It’s just like the ones used in professional tournaments. I noticed how the one in the tea room that we use was starting to get worn out so I thought this was the perfect idea. Do you like it?”

“Oh Hisao, I love it!”

She literally jumps on me causing us to roll on the blanket. I never thought she would have acted this way but it doesn’t matter as I melt in her embrace. Her hair is in my face and I can smell the fruity shampoo she must have used today. Raising her head and I can see her glistening eyes and soft kissable lips right there for the plucking. Do I take the initiative or should I wait for her or meet her half way or…my thought never finished. Her lips had locked delicately onto mine. The gloss she had on was cherry flavored. We broke connection after what seemed like several minutes but could have been only a second; I really had no clue.


“I also love you Hisao. Don’t you ever leave me,” Our combined passion reemerged as another long kiss.


The rest of the night went better than I would have ever hoped. As interesting as it has been to share my story with you there are some things that are better left behind closed doors. I’ll let you know, however, that more than a single is always worth the hassle to get there.


Author’s Notes:

I had an interesting time writing this. I originally had planned to write from Hanako’s POV but for some reason Hisao seemed more relatable for me. I also was able to explore some of the other characters in this by picking on him.
Hanako’s personality may seem a little open to some but I feel as though she really has the potential to open up, especially to Hisao, after some time. I also never spoke of how long it has been since Hisao and Hanako first met so it leaves time on my side and hopefully more in line with what the KS devs have in mind. A few scars of my own and a friend made me think what they might truthfully feel like on Hanako over the years since they were first introduced. Again this is a speculation on my part as they could be different.
I used the time skip because there would be too much time to account for and Hanako, despite being the way she is portrayed in the story, is still shy around others. I also wanted to get to the good parts as soon as possible. Hehe.

Everyone’s favorite Hanako reference is made in this story and to top it all off, I actually made the cake. You can view it right here. I’m not the best chef/baker in the world but I try my best. In reality, instead of messing up the chocolate recipe a few people in my family can’t eat chocolate so I chose to make a vanilla cake with a butter cream frosting and spelled out the words in chocolate chips so they can be removed for those described. I hope you enjoyed my depiction of a birthday dinner for Hanako.
A cake I made from scratch. Also, I need a new camera.
A cake I made from scratch. Also, I need a new camera.
DSC00014.JPG (149.5 KiB) Viewed 6633 times
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Hanako's Birthday Suprise)

Post by kosherbacon »

and spelled out the words in chocolate chips so they can be removed for those described.
Level with me, man, you removed those not so that everyone could eat but so that nobody would find out about your forbidden love and conclude that you've gone mad, eh?

Vanilla and butter cream? Sounds like it was delicious all the same.
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Hanako's Birthday Suprise)

Post by Leotrak »

kosherbacon wrote:
and spelled out the words in chocolate chips so they can be removed for those described.
Level with me, man, you removed those not so that everyone could eat but so that nobody would find out about your forbidden love and conclude that you've gone mad, eh?
Busted 8)

Cute read, though ^_^ Much d'awwww

And I now have an urging to see Hanako drawn in that dress Lilly got her...
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
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Before: Hanako>/=Emi>Rin>Lilly>Shizune
After: Emi>Rin>Hanako>Lilly>>>>>>>>>>>Shizune
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (A God Among Men Epilogue)

Post by neumanproductions »

I have to say Kosher loving a fictional character must have a benifit for the weirdest thing happened today. I went bowling and types my name as Hanako Lover to end up bowling a clean game with a 246. (best score of my life and I swear I'm not making this up.)
Anyways, I felt like this story needed an Epilogue and not a minute to soon since I have to finalize the who editing of the story to send it in to the Manifest Contest. Wish me luck guys, it's short here but the ending is cute I think.

Don't read this spioler until the end. I wanted to make the baby's middle name that of Hanako's father but I don't know it. Anyone have the answer to that?

A God Among Men (Epilogue)

It has been some weeks since the epic confrontation between god and man, or shall I say ‘god and woman’ since Hisao did little throughout this story. Anyways, the police were called in after Kenji’s body was found in the gym the following morning. There would have been an in-depth investigation had there not been a note left at the scene.

“To whoever may find this note I claim full responsibility for the death of this monster! He killed the only person I have ever held so dear to my heart and he deserves what he got. I wish I could have made him feel the pain he had caused me, but a demon has no heart to break nor soul to crush so death is all that could be rendered sufficient. My only regret is that I never had a chance to confess to that girl who made me laugh and enjoy every moment that life had to offer. I am leaving this country far behind in favor of traveling to Australia or America; Shicchan always wanted to go there. Perhaps I might start a new life or maybe become a wanderer and do some soul searching. Signed Shiina ‘Misha’ Mikado. P.S. Wahaha!”

She left the gun at the scene and it didn’t take long for DNA and fingerprint analysis to prove that she was the culprit. Misha was never found however. It had been confirmed that she was in Australia for some time but didn’t stay long. The only witnesses to the event had their own business to attend to.

“Are you sure you want to give up your eyesight Lilly?”

“I have to Hanako, these eyes have the power to see the lifespan of any human being and that is something that shouldn’t be in any mortal’s control.”

“So does that mean you know how long I have to live Li…”

“Please Hisao, she is right. That is something that would cause nothing but grief for someone. Something is nothing when taken for greed and Lilly knows that. So, are you ready Lilly?”

“Yes Rin,” with that Lilly tosses her DeathNote into the fire. “Thanks for what you tried to do Gelus but it was not my right to control fate,” she cries a little while Hanako tries to comfort her.

Then, Rin threw in the book that Kenji had left behind. No trace was to be left of the existence of shinigami or the power that accompanied the notebooks. Lilly transferred out of Yamaku the next morning and was never seen by any of the others again.

As for Rin, she later became the world’s greatest detective under the false alias ‘R’. She solves many cases all over the world that seem impossible to some but she always had a knack for such things so they were like child’s play to her. As for Hisao and Hanako, well they ended up getting married out of high school. Hanako got a job as a voice actor for a popular anime, having gotten over much of her shyness with Hisao’s help, while her husband works alongside her at the studio. Apparently Hisao’s heart had improved over the years for they had a beautiful, baby girl. The nurse then asked what the baby was to be named.

Hanako simply replied, “Lilly, Lilly Nakai.”

Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Hanako's Birthday Suprise)

Post by kosherbacon »

Next time I go bowling, my name will be HNG. Let's see how well I do.
“Yes Rin,” with that Lilly tosses her DeathNote into the fire.
minor tense inconsistency. Good luck with the contest!

Also, 666th thread view!
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (A God Among Men Epilogue)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

neumanproductions wrote:Don't read this spioler until the end. I wanted to make the baby's middle name that of Hanako's father but I don't know it. Anyone have the answer to that?
So why didn't you put it at the end of the post?
Oh, and sorry, her fathers name is not disclosed in the game. Would you really give a baby girl a male name?
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Hanako's Birthday Suprise)

Post by Leotrak »

kosherbacon wrote:Next time I go bowling, my name will be HNG. Let's see how well I do.
I predict that your bowling ball will die of a heart attack and end up in the gutter with 50% of your throws :P

Neuman, best of luck with that contest ^_^
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Emi is having a WHAT?: Part 1)

Post by neumanproductions »

Glad to see people enjoy my works. Currently working on this new three-parter after inspiration from Kosher.
Then a special two-parter that I have locked away to post after i'm done with this so I hope you enjoy my own Emi Fic. Here is part 1 and I know it is short but otherthings are preoccupying me so this is what I have for now.

Emi is having a WHAT!! (Part 1)

“Please don’t be a plus, please don’t be a plus,” Emi had locked herself in a bathroom stall and was quietly mumbling to herself while awaiting the result of her pregnancy test. Her jaw drops and eyes grow big as saucers when the small blue plus makes itself visible. “I knew I should have listened to my chatting friend Kosher and made Hisao wear a condom. But no, ‘everybody is doing it bare he says, its fun he says.’ Oh my God, Hisao! How am I going to tell him that I’m pregnant?”

It was already very late so things would have to wait until the following day to take form. Emi slipped out of the stall but ends up bumping into the worst possible girl.

“R-rin wh-hat are you d-doing here?”

“You sound a little uneasy Emi. Did something not come out quite right?”

“What, oh umm yea, something like that,” Emi was still nervous because she was hiding the test stick behind her back.

“Don’t tell me it was Hisao’s cooking? You know he cooks as well as an ostrich can fly,” This was an ideal scapegoat for Emi and she knew full well to take advantage of it.

“Yea, yea I know but things like that are important for a couple to do for each other. He’s really trying and I don’t have the heart to tell him how bad it is.”

“Well, if you don’t have the heart let’s hope you have the stomach to handle it,” it looks as though Emi is going to pull it off when, “By the way, what do you have hidden behind your back?”

“Oh, what, nothing at all.”

“Are you sure?” Rin starts moving her head from right to left trying to see what Emi was hiding.

“I’m definitely sure. Now if you excuse me I think I’m going to turn in for the night.” With that Emi darts out of the room. As the door shuts behind her she makes out Rin’s faint voice.

“It seems that hands would be useful to hide things with.”


The night doesn’t treat Emi with any kindness as she spends half of it staring at her ceiling. She thinks about what this will mean for her and Hisao’s relationship along with how it could affect her personal life. She couldn’t very well run track while she was pregnant and not to mention how the other students and staff would look at her from now on.

“I’ll have to talk with him at lunch.” With that, she pulls out her cell phone and sends a text to Hisao. ‘Can you meet me in the old part of the school during lunch? We have something to talk about.’ There was an old section of the school that nobody hung around anymore so it would be the best place to talk. The roof would have been the perfect place but it was raining out so getting wet didn’t seem to be the best idea. Emi puts on her raincoat and heads out the door to class just when her phone signals an incoming text. ‘Sure, is something wrong?’ She replies back, ‘It would be better if we spoke in person.’ Hisao’s response consists of, ‘Okay?’ with a puzzled looking emoticon.

The rain pours down as she makes her way towards class and doesn’t seem to let up the entire first half of the day; it would almost appear to be an omen of some-sorts. As the lunch bell rings Emi quickly gathers her things and weaves her way through the crowd of hungry students. Her main concern is to get to the meeting spot without anyone following. By the time she arrives, Hisao is already standing there and Emi continues in a sprint towards him; tears forming in her eyes.

“Emi what’s ..umph!” Emi rams full force into Hisao. The collision starts causing sharp pains in his chest much like the first time they had met.

“H-hisao, oh Hisao I-I have to t-tell you,” she speaks into Hisao’s chest so things sound a bit muffled. “I, I I’m pregnant,” Hisao’s heart stops completely. He had been tightly holding onto Emi just before but now his grip disappears as he falls to the ground. “Hisao! Hisao!”

(To be continued)
Last edited by neumanproductions on Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Emi is having a WHAT?: Part 1)

Post by Esa94 »

Your tenses seem to be messed up?
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Emi is having a WHAT?: Part 1)

Post by kosherbacon »

In the words of Esa, What the Christ?

Yeah, verb tenses are a little inconsistent, and you spelled Hisao wrong the second to last time his name came up, but yeah, wow.

You really did do a pregnancy fic. :lol: And for the first time in recorded history, someone named "Kosher" actually did NOT contribute to the delinquency of a teenager. :P I can't wait to see where this is heading.
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Emi is having a WHAT?: Part 1)

Post by neumanproductions »

Esa94 wrote:Your tenses seem to be messed up?
I think I got them all sorted out now. It happens to me alot and yes the Hisoa/Hisao thing too. Added it to my Word dictionary so I would spot it but that doesn't seem to have worked well.
kosherbacon wrote:You really did do a pregnancy fic. :lol: And for the first time in recorded history, someone named "Kosher" actually did NOT contribute to the delinquency of a teenager. :P I can't wait to see where this is heading.
Oh, but you still distorted my mind so you are part to blaim. (What ever happened to good wholesome fic that didn't involve sex/pregnancy; like A Day in the Life of____ :wink: )You're only the wholesome guy in this fic because of your comment to me that one time.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman (Emi is having a WHAT?: Part 1)

Post by DemonOfRandgris »

Hey man, don't complain. The world needs more erotic, hardcore cripple porn fanfiction. Kosher's just doing the world a favor.

...Granted at times eyebleach is recommended for viewing pleasures, but that's just half the fun m i rite
G3n0c1de wrote:Harvey Dent is not moe.
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