Thank God for Hangovers


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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Leotrak »

And there was much "d'awwww!" to be had 8)
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by kosherbacon »

:lol: Oh lordy, our OCs are breeding. With mine, I think I'll draw the line here before grandchildren start showing up.

Thanks for the BD plug! :D
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Smoku »

kosherbacon wrote::lol: Oh lordy, our OCs are breeding.

There was this thing called "Dynasty". you heard about it? Some kind of soap opera TV show or whatever. It went on and on years, the characters had kids, their kids had kids, then those had kids too... the first ones dies of old age. the actors, I mean.
Imagine what did the scenario writers had in their heads. "MOAR, MOAR. LET OUR OCS BREED AND LET THE BREED BREED ETC.!"

And there were people who like that :p
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Esa94 »

For some reason I like thinking of Hanako as a mother of two children.
Also, the girl looks almost exactly like Hanako? That is, Hanako without her scars? FUCK YEAH. (By the way, who had a scarless Hanako avatar here? Snicket?)

(Why were 'aunt Misha' and 'uncle Hisao' grouped together when the kids looked at the photos?)
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by kosherbacon »

Esa94 wrote: (Why were 'aunt Misha' and 'uncle Hisao' grouped together when the kids looked at the photos?)
The short explanation would be that Hisao and Misha ended up together. The long explanation would be that I've been lagging with posting new chapters from my side of the universe. :P
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Esa94 »

kosherbacon wrote:
Esa94 wrote: (Why were 'aunt Misha' and 'uncle Hisao' grouped together when the kids looked at the photos?)
The short explanation would be that Hisao and Misha ended up together. The long explanation would be that I've been lagging with posting new chapters from my side of the universe. :P
Ooh, the hidden Misha path! I can't wait :3
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

Esa94 wrote:Also, the girl looks almost exactly like Hanako? That is, Hanako without her scars? FUCK YEAH. (By the way, who had a scarless Hanako avatar here? Snicket?)
Pretty much. Imagine a 24 year old Hanako with no scars and with glasses, that's pretty much what I imagine Sarah looking like.

This chapter, as well as kosher's that inspired mine, both take place in 2039. Sarah is 24 and Yosuke is 15. Both Luke and Hanako are around 49 or 50.

And yeah, Snicket has the scarless Hanako avatar.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Esa94 »

Extremist_Line wrote: Pretty much. Imagine a 24 year old Hanako with no scars and with glasses, that's pretty much what I imagine Sarah looking like..
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Really like the Story.
You'd think Luke would have prepped his parents for Hanako's scars though. OK, it makes for more drama this way :roll:

Persona 3 is a cool game, but Chihiro was the only SL I didn't manage to complete in my playthrough^^°
Have to get started on P4 sometime...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Really like the Story.
You'd think Luke would have prepped his parents for Hanako's scars though. OK, it makes for more drama this way :roll:
Maybe, but I guess after being together for around a year, Luke would have eventually started ignoring the scars? I dunno. I nearly forgot about them when I wrote, if that's anything.
Mirage_GSM wrote:PS:
Persona 3 is a cool game, but Chihiro was the only SL I didn't manage to complete in my playthrough^^°
Have to get started on P4 sometime...
[SMTfanboy]I pretty much had to, Justice is the arcana I tend to use until about mid-way through the game.
P4...bleh. I played it before P3FES, and after I played P3, I never looked back on P4. The story, characters, art design, I just hated it. Plus P3's story was much better and the final boss KICKED ASS, even though I had to use an Action Replay to beat it...
Also, no Messiah and no Evokers. Pretty much the only good characters in P4 were Naoto, Kanji, Dojima, Yosuke and Yukkiko to an extent, and Rise before she got that cheerleader attitude. Everyone else was just annoying. Especially Teddie. *shudder*
Compare that to P3FES, which had Aegis, Metis, Shinjiro, Junpei, Mitsuru, Ryoji, Minato (Protagonist), and even the three members of Strega. I even liked Fuuka, who just about everyone seems to hate. Hell, her SL was one of the best ones in the game, IMO. New headphones! :D
Besides, all the gameplay improvements P4 brought were re-added in Persona 3 Portable, which I just got today along with my awesome Junpei cap. Plus, it's like, only the third instance in the SMT series where you can play as a female protagonist.

....Ahem, anyways, I might have another one-shot here tomorrow. I haven't really been working on much aside from some one-shots for kosher's Broken Dolls. I do have another story that has 7/9 chapters of it finished that's just sitting in my message archive. I don't really feel like finishing it though...
Last edited by Extremist_Line on Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Extremist_Line »

I wrote this for the hell of it a few days ago. Might as well post it I guess.

Der Riese

Now, you must be very diligent with her Samantha. Owning a dog is a great responsibility.
Yes, father. Oh, I love her!
You must feed her every day, and walk her, and be very careful when you play with her. You know she's going to have puppies.
Really? Can I keep the puppies too father?
We'll see Samantha. One step at a time.

"Run damnit, run!" I yelled as I sprinted through the short doorway into the courtyard.

"Right behind you Luke." I heard Hisao say as he followed.

"Me too." My girlfriend replied.

"Kenji, where are you!?" I asked.

I was greeted by the crazed madman walking down the hall as an explosion erupted behind him, sending blood and body parts of our undead foes flying.

"Hehe, that was close."

"Alright, who's out of ammo?"

"I am." Hanako meekly replied.

"Alright, you go first." I said, motioning to the box.

She walked up and opened it. Slowly, a cycling set of weapons floated up. It slowed down and finally settled on a weapon.

"Sweet, a PPSh! Go ahead and take it." I instructed her. She took the gun.

"Anyone else? What do ya'll have?"

"I've got a FG42 and Thompson." Hisao replied.

"MG42 and MP40." Kenji replied.

"And Hanako, you've got that PPSh and a magnum, right?"

She nodded.

"Alright, let me see what I can get.." I said as I opened the box. It cycled through and finally decided on something that almost made my eyes bulge out.

"Wunderwaffe! Hell yeah!" I said as I immediately threw down my crappy pistol and took a hold of the almost alien device, sliding it on to my back for later.

"Nice one!" Hisao complimented me.

I decided to try my luck and opened the box again. Sure enough, my luck hadn't run out yet.

"Monkeys!" I yelled as I took the small toy-like object into my hands. "Monkey see, monkey go blow some shit up!"

"Man, why do you keep getting all the good stuff?" Kenji replied as he shoved me out of the way and pried open the box.

His greed was punished. A small teddy bear emerged from the box and a small girl's voice began to laugh at him as the box floated into the air and disappeared.

"Whoops. I guess Sam doesn't really like you Kenji." I said. He mumbled something under his breath.

We were so distracted, I almost didn't notice the cold hand scratching my ankle.

"Ow! Crap!" I yelled as I jumped back Hanako panicked and fired several magnum rounds into the crawling zombie.

I wiped the sweat from my brow, thinking we had a break, but suddenly I heard a distinct sound.

"Crap! Hellhounds! Hurry and follow me!"

I started sprinting toward the building behind us. On the way, I swiped the Bowie knife off the wall and sheathed it at my hip. Suddenly, an eerily demonic voice called out.


Suddenly a large beam of light errupted in front of me. After the light cleared, a very hungry looking dog was staring at me. It burst into flames and charged me. I shoved my knife into it, dropping it to the floor.

"Down, Fluffy!" I said as I continued to move into the large building and rounded a corner into a small hall.

"Hanako, go crouch in that corner!" I instructed her. She nodded and sprinted ahead of us, taking up a position in the corner. The rest of us gathered around her and focused our attention down the hall. Slowly, more dogs began to approach us and charge, but our automatic fire managed to keep them at bay.

After downing several dogs, the final one dropped a container of ammo.

"Wait, everyone load your guns!" They all did. After everyone finished, I picked up the ammo and distributed it to everyone.

"Ok, let's move up on to the catwalk." We all filed out of the tunnel and moved to the upper catwalk. Hisao and I took positions in front while Hanako and Kenji stood up behind us. We focused our weapons down the catwalk, and wave after wave of undead fell to our weapons.

"Beauty of Annihilation!" Kenji yelled as the bodies really began to pile up on the narrow corridor. Suddenly, when there was a break in the action, Kenji hopped over me and jumped out the window.

"Kenji, what the hell are you doing?"

"I have enough money to buy Speed Cola now!"

Ah, Speed Cola, one of the many chemically enhanced drinks scattered about this laboratory complex. How they managed to speed up our reflexes and strengthen us, I had no idea. Apparently Element 115 can do some strange stuff. Probably wasn't healthy for me, but I had yet to check my urine color.

"Damnit Kenji, we won't be able to cover you!"

"I'll be fine!" He yelled as he disappeared out of sight. "Alright, I've got shit!"


"They're all around me! Agh! I'm down!"

"Shit!" Thinking quickly, I pulled a monkey out of my pouch and wound it up.

"Hello friend!" It greeted me in a somewhat creepy voice just before I tossed it out the window. I took a hold of my companions and hopped down from the catwalk and made a beeline for the teleporter. Just as we all got in position on the teleporter, I faintly heard that same voice in the distance saying "Get ready for a surprise!" before hearing an explosion.

"I'm going to miss that little guy." I muttered right before hitting the switch.

After a few seconds, we appeared back at the mainframe.

"Balls...check. Vodka...check. I'm good!" Hisao said.

I looked ahead as a large pillar of light burst forth and produced......nothing.

"Uh oh!" A girl's voice said.

"Ah, screw you Sam! Kenji, how you doing?"

"Not good, I see a lot of white...agh!"

"Kenji?! Damn, he's gone. Hanako, throw your PPSh into this machine!" I said, pointing to the Pack-a-Punch machine at the mainframe. She did, and began to rub her hands in anticipation until her weapon popped out, now nice and shiny and known as The Reaper.

"Let's get back." I said as I began sprinting through the side rooms, pulling out my Wunderwaffe as I ran. A large group of zombies stood in my path. I pointed the Waffe at them and fired. A bolt of lighting shot forward and struck one of the zombies, engulfing him in a blue light which spread to his buddies. Now that all the corpses we charred to a husk, I sprinted past them. The three of us continued to sprint away as a large group of the undead followed us.

At one point, Hisao began to lag behind us. Hanako and I sprinted past a window, but as Hisao was slow, a group of zombies emerged from it and blocked his path. He got sandwiched between the two groups and was taken down. Hanako and I were already too far away to do anything. We just kept running.

We made our way up to the catwalk and began to hold of the undead with all we had left. My Wunderwaffe charges quickly dwindled to nothing and I had to rely on my assault rifle.

Eventually, the horde began to swarm us. They gathered around Hanako.

"Eek! Luke, help me!" I tried, but the horde was simply too large.

"No! NOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed as the horde surrounded and pulled me to the floor.
Daddy, what are you doing with Fluffy!?
Damn it, Samantha! I told you never to come in here! Edward, get her out of here.
Yes Doctor.
Eeek! What's wrong with her? Daddy, what did you do? Fluffy!
Come back here Samantha! Stop her! Easy. Come here Samantha. Good girl honey. Gently Samantha. That's not Fluffy anymore. We must get out of here.
What? Edward what are you doing!? Open the door! Edward, open this door now!
Dad...I'm scared....
Damn you! Stay by me, Samantha....
Goodbye, Doctor Maxis. Hahahahaha!

"Well, I'd say we did pretty good that time. Wanna go again?"

"Let's go for it!"

"Alright. This time Kenji, don't go running off by yourself, that's what keeps getting us killed."
Can anyone tell me what this game is?
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Hoopa »

lol. That was a fun read! As for what game... erm Call of duty world at war Nazi zombies?
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Haven't played it - I don't usually play shooters - but it sounds suspiciously like Left4Dead ;-)
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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Leotrak »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Haven't played it - I don't usually play shooters - but it sounds suspiciously like Left4Dead ;-)
This, definitely... Though, the weapon names threw me off O.o
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Post by Esa94 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Haven't played it - I don't usually play shooters - but it sounds suspiciously like Left4Dead ;-)
Some aspects certainly don't sound L4D-ish at all.
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