Winter writing (xmas story end pg8)


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Re: Summer stories (even more Emi! may 19)

Post by kosherbacon »

:lol: Oh Hisao, everyone knows that sick-sex speeds up the recovery time for head colds by 50%.

Anyways... So the dorm marm for the girls' building is "Miss Mikado," any relation to Misha?
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Re: Summer stories (even more Emi! may 19)

Post by SnigendePind »

These stories are awesome! Do want Emisex on the track. :D
Some people don't have arms. So what? Some people don't see colors, either.
- WetCrate

<@Raide> why does it sad to be touched? shouldn't you get a boner?

90% of the students were actually sent to Yamaku for being too lesbian. All those disabilities going around are just curious coincidence.
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Made you look.
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Re: Summer stories (even more Emi! may 19)

Post by Xuan »

Absolutely hilarious. Well Rin's personality doesn't sound like her (Unless she's in a relationship with Hisao then anything could happen), but who cares!

The 'jump me on the track' is absolutely funny. I must repeat.
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Summer stories (even more Emi! may 19)

Post by chaix »

Rin's appearance is well, cause I felt like it :p and I can assure you there will be no sex (sorry to disappoint, but I don't write those scenes).
My connection's worse than I thought so I might not respond a quickly as usual.

on the DM: well I figured it's a better explanation than some obscure disease or genetic condition. I don't think I decided on a specific relation but consider her to be her mother or her aunt.

for anyone who doesn't like the script style, i'm going to try and write the one after the next one as non-script. I'm in a bit too deep to change the one i'm working on now.
edit: it's edited, but if you find something that looks off, let me know.

I walk out onto the track, fully prepared for whatever might happen.

Hi: “Hello Emi.”

Emi:“So Hisao, ready to train?”

Hi: “Yep, remember you have to do what I do.”

Emi: “One lap around the track, ten jumping jacks.”

What is she planning? To reduce my training by this much... is-is she actually going to jump me? Wait I’m starting to sound Like Kenji! I slap myself around the face a couple times to get the paranoia out.

Hi: “This is all right? We’re going to class after we finish?”

Emi: “Yep, I decided to go easy because you were sick yesterday.”

Hi: “I was expecting you to push me to the edge of death to make sure I was completely better.”

Emi: “Then you might get sick again, maybe that would’ve been a better idea... Oh well too late for that.”

Hi: “How does me getting sick become a better idea?”

Emi: “It... just does okay? Now start running!”

The ‘workout’ takes about five minutes, Emi changing into her school uniform ends up taking longer.

Hi: “Long hair: check, got the lunches?”

Emi: “One for me, one for Rin and one for you.”

Hi: “Thanks Emi. Think you can manage to get to class and up to the roof without running today?”

Emi: “Why?”

Hi: “I’m worried about those death glares I got last time I went to your class.”

Emi: “Alright then, see you at lunch.”

(Time skip)

Alright let’s hope I don’t get a repeat of last time. I open the door to the roof and look up, forgetting that the forecast was for exceptionally clear skies.

Hi: “Damn it.”

Emi: “Hisao, you okay?”

Hi: “Forgot how bright it is up here, and who had the genius idea of white gravel?!”

Emi: “Here.”

I feel her arm reach out and grab mine, pulling me along until I feel something against my leg.

Emi: “Sit.”

I check the area behind me with my hand, wooden bench, nothing on it.

Emi: “Open your eyes slowly.”

Again I follow Emi orders, only to have my vision almost completely blocked by her chest.

Hi: “Uh Emi, is it necessary for you to be so... close?”

Emi: “I’m making sure you don’t get blinded again.”

She slowly steps back, each step revealing more eye burning white gravel. It gets better as my vision adjusts.

Emi: “Here’s your lunch, and here’s yours Rin.”

Hi: “Thank you”

Rin:“Thank you, now I have to be excused.”

Emi: “Why?”

Rin:“I’m not sure.”

She walks right down the stairs. Somehow I envisioned her doing that more... normally, but then I guess that’s normal for her.

Emi: “That was weird. Usually she’ll give a reason at least.”

Hi: “Maybe she had club stuff?”

Emi: “Sounds better than what I thought.”

Okay little weird, plan still on though. Operation WTH, Commence!

Hi: “So... Emi, are you interested in me?”

Her head snaps around to face me. She’s and even brighter shade of red than yesterday or maybe that’s just the sun.

Emi: “N-no I mean I’m just nice, like I said yesterday.”

Part 2 commence!

Hi: “Emi.”

Emi: “Wh-what?”

Hi: “Could you put your lunch away for a second?”

She does, but not without a lot of shaking in her hands, something that continues afterward. I wish I could get a good look at her thoughts right about now.

Emi: “Wh-what do you need?”

Hi: “I wanted to ask you something, but first I have a request.”

Emi: “Huh?”

Hi: “Could you put your hair like it is usually for a moment?”

Emi: “Uh sure, but why?”

Hi: “I wanted to see the normal Emi for this”

I lightly place my hands on her cheeks, which turn incredibly warm when being touched, and move in. Her eyes grow wider as I get closer as she probably guesses at what I’m doing. I can even feel my heart starting to speed up. Better do this quick...

I hold my lips against hers for as long as I can, thought it probably felt longer. I move away and open my eyes, just in time to feel her hand slam into my cheek.

Hi: “Owwww!”

Emi: “Th-that’s for messing with a girl’s pure heart.”

Hi: “When did I do that?”

Emi: “When you kissed me and ran away before.”

Hi: “Oh, I was afraid you’d, well, do what you just did.”

Emi: “Why?”

Hi: “Cause you were mad anyways, I figured I might’ve really made you mad when I did that.”

Emi: “I wasn’t mad, until you ran down the steps.”

Hi: “Could we just forget about that for the moment?”

Emi: “I don’t think I could.”

She puts on a fake pouty face. Okay, let’s try this again.

I gently turn her head and kiss her again.

Hi: “Emi, do you like me?”

Emi: “L-like... as in... l-like?”

Hi: “Yes.”

Emi: “I – is that why you wanted dinner with me tonight?”

Hi: “Well i figure that if I was successful I could call it a date. If not then it could be a consolation prize.”

Emi: “So... you... want... to...”

Hi: “I-would-like-to-date -you.”

Emi: “Th-then-”

Hi: “I’d prefer if you gave your answer at dinner. I think I might need while to calm down.”

Emi: “W-wait is it your heart? Is it-I mean are you okay?”

Hi: “Yeah, I think it’ll be fine if I wait a little while.”

Emi: “Do you want me to walk you down to the nurse’s room?”

Hi: “No, I’ll be fine. I’ll walk you to your dorm, and then you can do what you want until six.”

Emi: “That’s when you want to go to dinner right?”

Hi: “I’ll be waiting for you at the gate. First though, we should finish lunch.”

(Time skip)

I’ve been waiting here for awhile now. I check my watch, ten after six. Emi doesn’t seem like the kind of person to stand someone up. I shake out the nervousness that’s been accumulating in my body for the last couple hours. Probably first date jitters I guess, combined with the anxiety that I haven’t actually gotten an answer yet.


Emi jogs up in a t-shirt and skirt, both a light pastel colour befitting her cheery personality.

Hi: “What took you? You had five hours to get ready. ”

Emi: “I had to make sure I had everything ready.”

Hi: “Everything?”

Emi: “Nurse on speed dial, list of restaurants in town, choose clothes, shower, dress, makeup, tell Rin, tell the nurse, tell the dorm mother-”

Hi: “So... who doesn’t know, some guy living in a cave? And you did not put on makeup; I can’t see any on your face.”

Emi: “A lot of people don’t know, including the guys in my class that you were afraid of. And the test for doing makeup well is that you can’t see it.”

Hi: “Ok then, shall we get going?”

She wraps herself around my arm, I guess that means yes.

Hi: “Alright then, where do you want to go?”

Emi: “There’s this little place in town I like, I figured it’d be better that the other places.”

Hi: “Okay then my princess, lead the way.”

I get jabbed in the side by a small sharp elbow.

Emi: “Don’t call me princess Hisao.”

Hi: “Objection noted.”

(Time Skip)

The restaurant is nicer than I thought, lighting’s a little dim but I get the feeling from some of the other tables that that’s just part of the mood they’re trying to create.

Emi: “So Emi, you come here often?”

Hi: “Not really, I usually order out because... well...”

She looks around at the other tables.

Hi: “Got it, not really a place you can come alone. Any restrictions on the menu?”

Emi: “Just order what you want, most of the stuff here is healthy. If it’s horrible for your heart I’ll just make you run more tomorrow.”

I order something with fish; Emi gets some foreign thing I’ve never heard of.

Hi: “So uh Emi-”

Emi: “You want an answer?”

Hi: “If you don’t want to give me an answer right now I can wait.”

Emi: “Do you want an answer now?”

Hi: “Kinda, but I can wait. I won’t abuse the my victory”

Thank god she can’t see my feet; the one’s shaking like a maraca.

Hi: “So, what do you want to talk about?”

Emi: “No clue, regular stuff?”

Hi: “I guess so.”

We proceed to talk about the most pointless things we can, attempting to avoid the awkward question hanging above the table. It isn’t until we’re about to leave that one of us actually manages to bring us back to that topic.

Emi: “Hisao, you want my answer right?”

Hi: “I paid for dinner so, yeah.”

Emi: “I’ll tell you when we get back to the school gate.”

She takes my hand and pulls me for the first couple steps until I mange to keep pace with her quick walk. I start off optimistic: she’s just trying to get a bigger reaction when she says yes, she doesn’t want to make a big lovey dovey scene in public, she wants to be in a comfortable place to get rid of her nervousness so she can say it, she wants the nurse to be nearby in case I have a heart attack from the joy of it. As we walk up the hill though, she slows down and my confidence...wavers: she wants to lengthen the last couple minutes before she lets me down, she wants to avoid a scene, she doesn’t want my death by rejection on her conscience.

Despite our now snail like pace, we do reach the gate.

Emi: “Hisao... I guess I have to answer you now don’t I?”

I take a couple deep calming breaths to slow my heart.

Hi: “I think I’m ready for anything.”

She lets go of my arm and stands in front of me. She appears to be calming herself down in order to dump me.

Emi: “Emi if you’re going to-”

My sentence is stopped by lips pressed firmly against mine. Her arms are wrapped quite tightly around me, which also results in her breasts being pushed on my chest. Guess this is an ‘I’m sorry’ kiss, it’s not as bitter as I thought.

Emi: “Was that enough of an answer?”

Hi: “I guess so, that’s quite an effective way to let someone down.”

She lunges at my mouth again, this time pushing me against the school wall and forcing her tongue into my mouth. I wrap my arms around her; I guess it’s some meagre attempt at holding onto a ghost.

Hi: “Emi, if you’re trying to reject someone, you shouldn’t keep kissing them.”

Emi: “Idiot, I guess I have to say it. I want to date you Hisao.”

She buries her face into my chest as my legs give out, Leaving us sitting on the grass, moon rising overhead.

Hi: “Uh Emi, could you get off me?”

Emi: “I like this though.”

Hi: “Uh well, I’m going to be very embarrassed if we stay like this for awhile longer.”

Emi: “Oh... OH. Sorry, sorry”

Hi: “One other thing, does this mean that you’ll let up on my training?”

Emi: “Nope, since I’m going to want you to have a good heart, I might actually make it harder.”

Hi: “Oh well, I guess I should walk my girlfriend to her room right?”

Emi: “No-no need, see you tomorrow.”

After a bit of awkward silence we retreat to our respective dorm rooms. I end up falling asleep pretty quickly; maybe I was relieved that she had actually said yes.

(Time skip)

//I know he carries an idiot ball for awhile there. sorry about that but sometimes, nervousness, adrenaline and hormones turn your brain to mush.
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Re: Summer stories (even more Emi! may 19)

Post by Xuan »

Well, typical man reaction for first timers getting a girlfriend, he's just a bit more extreme than expected.

Who the hell I'm kidding?
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Summer stories (even more Emi! may 19)

Post by Rhaegar »

reading .74 natsurus on the density scale.
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Re: Summer stories (even more Emi! may 19)

Post by kosherbacon »

Xuan wrote:Well, typical man reaction for first timers getting a girlfriend, he's just a bit more extreme than expected.

Who the hell I'm kidding?
Oh, high school romance. So complicated, so awkward. :lol:

You've captured the feel of a dense, second-guessing, teenage boy quite well, in all his facepalming glory.
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Re: Summer stories (even more Emi! may 19)

Post by chaix »

It's easy when you have experience in the matter, or can at least easily put yourself in the character's position.

I still have one part left to write on this and one part to edit, then I have to write most of the middle for the next one. then... maybe i'll finally get KS-demon(file name) written to the point where I like it enough to post it.

edit: here's the edited part... I took a page out of Kubo's book for this: When he get stuck, he makes a new character, I just add Kenji and run it from there.

Ah, Sunday. A day of rest , a day of freedom, the Only day to take full advantage of- no I asked her to date me, I can’t do that now... or that or that! Damn it, maybe I should’ve waited until her punishment was over. No if I had done that then I would’ve needed a new excuse to get the right situation. Only thing I can do now is adjust my plan...

Ke: “Hey man!”

And just when I thought I was about to take control of my day. Oh well, it’s just Kenji. How bad could one paranoid idiot really screw this day up?

Ke: “I saw something last night. I think I might know their plan.”

Hi: “what do you think the girls are doing this time?”

Ke: “they’re trying to suck the life outta us, literally too. I saw it happen last night. This girl put her face up next to the guy’s mouth and sucked his energy out. He fell as she was doing it too.”

Ok, scratch that. He might actually be able to screw this day up pretty badly after all.

Ke: “they must be some kinda vampires; it makes perfect sense when I compare it to that.”

I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know.

Emi: “Hisao!”

Ah so my angel has come to save me-

Emi: “Hisao you’re twenty minutes late! You’re going to have to make up for it now.”

An angel who specializes in punishment maybe, but she still has-

Emi: “You’ll be doing DOUBLE the laps for this!”

Wings... okay I guess they’re not the whitest among the heavens but I’ll still take her over Kenji.

Hi: “Sorry, can’t argue with her. See you later Kenji.”

Much later, preferably just one last time at the graduation ceremony so I can finally punch some sense into you.

My companion drags me to the side of the dorms and beckons me to sit down.

Hi: “What no training?”

Emi: “There’ll be training alright, but I figured getting you out of there was more important.”

Hi: “Thank you Emi.”

I give her a small token of my appreciation on the cheek, causing her to light up like a traffic light.

HI: “What, The girl who nearly circled the bases in one night is suddenly embarrassed by a little peck on the cheek?”

Emi: “Humph I was in the moment last night and I did not circle the bases! Wh-Whatever that means.”

Hi: “Please Emi, if I hadn’t said something you would’ve had your clothes off before another five minutes.”

Emi: “We-well I’m not like that today, so get over to the track and start running!”

Hi: “You’re not coming today?”

Emi: “I already finished. I’ll stay near the bench just in case though.”

She lets me off the track after fifteen minutes, or so I was told later. If it was really the hour I thought it was, I’d probably be dead.

Emi: “So Hisao, anything planned for today?”

Hi: “Not anymore, you do?”

She pulls out a list, it looks eerily similar to the one I had.

Emi: “One down-”

Hi: “Let me see that.”

Emi: “N-no way, it’s private.”

Hi: “Master’s orders, please let me see it.”

She reluctantly gives it to me, though I’m not sure if giving means ‘I have to pry it from her hand.’

Hi: “Seriously? This has got to be a list for the most clichéd date ever. Minus the parts that are obviously your additions that is.”

Emi: “R-really?”

Hi: “#1Training with Hisao
#2 Walk to town
#3 Lunch at Shanghai
#4 Grocery store
#5 Check on Rin
#6 Make dinner for Hisao
#7 Kiss him goodnight”

Emi: “You don’t like it?”

Hi: “It’s not bad, I just expected something more creative. You do live next door to Rin right?”

Emi: “I don’t think Rin’s ever actually dated anyone before.”

Hi: “Did you specifically ask if she had?”

Emi: “Er, no.”

Hi: “Maybe you should ask her about it before dinner.”

Emi: “W-wait-”

Hi: “I said they were clichéd, not that I wouldn’t go along with them.”

Emi bouncing with joy is an impressive sight. Those legs of hers must mean she consumes less energy when she starts hopping around.

(Time skip)

Emi: “Hisao’s going to have dinner with me tonight; I’ll make sure he’s out before curfew.”

DM: “Alright then Emi, just keep track of what time it is.”

As Emi turns her back, the Dorm mother gives me a glaring wink. I guess that’s her way of saying ‘good luck, but don’t push it’? Either that or it’s a veiled threat.

Emi: “You wait inside; I’ll just stop in Rin’s room for a second.”

She pops open the door for her room, guides me in, and shuts me inside. To keep me hidden from the others perhaps? Or maybe to make sure I don’t wander off? Either way I decide to examine the room I now find myself trapped in. Couple motivational posters on the wall, the bookshelf is mostly devoid of actual books, save for a couple on various subjects. The bed is neatly made, the makeshift pyjamas folded near the pillow. It’s far cleaner than I expected, though I wouldn’t call it organized either. Everything is placed roughly where It should be, but without any real care to it.

Not finding a chair, I opt to drop myself on the bed where I notice a lump; upon further investigation it proves to be a book. The book that I suspect Emi has been using for a little while now. The contents are rather detailed, starting from gaining the target’s attention to building up the relationship. It even goes on to describe preferable places, activities, even a rough timetable for planning a date.

Emi: “D- you aren’t supposed to see that!”

Hi: “Were you going to swear Emi? This must be quite the book then.”

Emi: “G-give it back!”

I try to play keep away until one of Emi’s attempts to grab the book from my hand ends in her pinning me to the bed.

Hi:”heh, I doubt this is in the book.”

Emi: “Actually...”

I flip threw a couple pages.... Holy- they have this exact event, detailed in full. Where to stand, where to grab, how to make it look like an acc-

Hi: “Just how many times have you read this?”

Emi: “Only a few, a friend got it for me as a joke a year or two ago. After you came- I just started out of curiosity and uh...”

Hi: “You have every page memorized don’t you?”

Emi: “Uh... is that bad?”

Hi: “You make dinner while I read this and decide. What page are we on now?”

Emi: “Uh we aren’t on-”

Hi: “Emi.”

Emi: “Page 135.”

She bolts from the room with what I think was an embarrassed blush on her face. I open the book to the page she mentioned, yep they could have a picture of this situation
and it would fit perfectly. To be fair it doesn’t give particularly horrible advice, but it is all stuff that has been done since the dawn of modern dating.

Emi: “Done reading?”

I must’ve been more interested than I thought, I missed Emi walk in with the food.

Hi: “Interesting book, not really something I like though.”

Emi: “Why not?”

Hi: “If you’re dating someone following instructions, you aren’t really dating that person are you?”

She quickly begins stuffing her meal down her throat, embarrassed again I guess? Or trying to give herself time to think. The food is... well it is Emi after all. It would be hard for her to make something really horrible. I finish mine long after she finishes hers.

Hi: “Thank you for the meal Emi.”

Emi: “Thanks Hisao, though I guess you have to go now.”

Hi: “Not before I do one thing first, I feel like a little revenge.”

Emi: “If you do something to your neigh-”

I move in before she can react to me.

Hi: “Number seven on the list right?”

At least this time the kiss isn’t a surprise to me. Before I finish though, I decide to try something different. Judging from her reaction I think it worked, legs shaking, wide eyes, sound of surprise and pleasure, her slowing dropping down to the floor.

Hi: “I guess there was something worthwhile in that book after all.”

I leave on what was probably going to be the high point of the evening; I doubt I could’ve done anything to top that without screwing up the mood. Who knew there was a specific technique to kissing that could actually cause the other person to have a reaction like that on demand. It could use a better name though.

(Time skip)
Last edited by chaix on Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Summer stories (Emi story finished jun 11)

Post by chaix »

finally finished it. here's hoping you guys like it, because i'm kinda burnt out on Emi for a little while.

My recollection of last night is vague at best. Everything became a blur after my head hit the pillow. After drinking a cold glass of water with my pills, the shock clears up the memories for me.

Crap crap crap crap craaaaapppp! She’ll think I’m one of those idiots who just want to sleep with her... but how the hell do you fix this kind of screw-up?! Should I beg? Forget it happened- no, that never works in the movies.

Hi:”Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it!”

I accentuate each one by hammering my head into the desk. Well now at least I feel I’ve done a little repenting, I have the worst headache since that time I took a soccer ball to the back of my head. I guess... an apology? I really can’t think of anything better right now, possibly cause of my sloppy attempt at blunt force brain surgery.

The morning goes by in a blur as usual. My headache faded about halfway into first period. Against my better judgement I decided to extend my repentance through the whole day, despite Misha and Shizune’s protests. The final bell rings just as my forehead begins to stop hurting for the fifth time. Emi appears at the door, only to be detained by the student council members. After a short (though vivid, if Shizune tearing the air around her to shreds is any indication) conversation, they let her pass and she stands in front of my desk looking extremely nervous.

Emi:“Er, uh... Hello Hisao.”


I hammer my head into the desk on last time before reciting the apology I had been thinking up between pain spikes.

Hi: “Emi, I apologize for my behaviour last night. It was wrong of me to attempt such an act without your consent and I will not repeat those actions again. If you wished to not go out with me again I would understand completely.”

Emi: “Uh Hisao, can I see your head for a second... it-it’s really red, what were you doing all day?”

Hi: “Repentance.“

Emi: “By turning your head into a hammer? Doesn't that hurt-wait are you sure your heart’s okay? It wasn't your chest but doing that can’t be helping your condition!”

Hi: “It’s supposed to be painful, that’s the point of doing it.”

Emi: “What made you think that this would make me less angry about what you did?”

Hi: “I’m not sure, I guess I figured all the karma would work itself out.”

Emi: “IDIOT!”

She slaps me on the cheek hard enough that I make sure my teeth haven’t loosened.

Emi:”Besides who said what you did required repentance?”

Hi: “I forced it on you.”

Emi: “I didn’t ask when I kissed you before and you didn’t see me beating myself up!”

Hi: “That was different, that was-”

Emi: “What, just because I’m the girl? If I wanted you to stop last night it wouldn’t have been hard.”

Hi: “I’ve never done this before okay? I have no idea what the hell I’m doing, so I don’t want to screw this up by going too fast or whatever.”

Emi: “So what would you rather do?”

Hi: “I have no clue, I don’t know that much about dating. I assumed it would just be natural, that we’d just know what to do.”

Emi: “Then come over to my room at nine alright?”

Hi: “What do you want to do?”

Emi: “I’m just doing what seems natural to me right now.”

She runs out of the room before I can say anything else. I look down at my desk and notice that water has collected on the top... great now I’ve made a girl cry, some boyfriend I’m turning out to be.

(Time skip)

I stand on the threshold to Emi’s room. Mentally, I think I’m prepared... for something. This could be something straight out of her book, in which case I have nothing to be worried about right? I didn’t see a section for dumping people in there. which could just mean she’s going to wing it instead... no if she wanted to dump me she’d have done it before, not invite me up... to ... her... crap she doesn’t think I’m going to that?!

Emi: “Hey Hisao you can come in any time now!”

I edge the door open, eyes alert for evidence to-

Emi: “Took you long enough. How long were you standing there?”

I clamp my jaw shut to avoid it falling open. She’s in the shirt I saw before and fr-from the looks of it n-nothing else!

Hi: “Uh, I’m sorry for disturbing you Emi, I’ll be-”

I turn to leave, but I get stopped by a pair of arms and something pressing against my b-back...

Hi: “E-Emi?”

I slowly turn my head back and look down at Emi... it immediately snaps back to avoid seeing down her shirt.

Emi: “What’s wrong Hisao?”

A lot of things actually, but let’s start at the top of the list shall we?

Hi: “For one thing, you’re not wearing anything other than that shirt!”

I attempt to wriggle out of her grip, but it’s no use. If I tried hard enough to break her grip, I’d end up injuring her. I have very few options as she begins dragging me back toward the bed.

Hi: “Emi I really like you and all but- uh I’m just not- whoa!”

She pushes me onto the bed with a smile on her face. I begin mentally preparing myself. At least it’s Emi; I’d rather it be her than anyone else. She’s been the one who’s been concerned with my health since I got here; she probably cared about it more than I did. With that in mind I try to relax and-

Emi: “Could you move over a bit? I roll a bit when I sleep.”

Hi: “Eh?”

She climbs onto the bed and sets herself down on my arm. She then rolls onto her side, leaving me to look at the back of her head... just what the hell is she doing?

Emi: “You can put your arms around me if you want.”

I put my arms around her stomach. I’m way too nervous to actually do what I assume she wants me to.

Emi: “Higher... higher, Hisao you’re barely moving them at all- Ahhhh.”

My arms suddenly shoot up her body, stopping when they’re wrapped around her breasts. I can feel her body react by tensing up

Emi: “I-I guess that’s good.”

We lie on the bed for what seems like half an hour. I can feel the tension in her arms and I assume she feels the same from my mine. Is she waiting for me to do something because I’m the guy? She’s the one who started this; she should be the one who leads.

Emi: “Hisao- d-do you w-want to uh...”

Hi:“Y-you were the one who started this right? Calling me over for this.”

Emi: “I didn’t expect you to b-be so f-forward though.”

Hi: “F-forward? I’m not the one who’s only wearing a shirt here.”

Emi: “It-it’s j-just sleeping together. Just think of me as a big stuffed animal.”

Hi: “I don’t do this kind of thing with stuffed animals.”

Emi: “N-not even when you were little?”

Hi: “N-no, how long have you been-”

Emi: “Since I was four or five I think.”

F-four or... wait there’s no-

Hi: “E-Emi, you called me over here t-to sleep with me right?”

She rolls over so that we’re face to face; she seems to be completely relaxed.

Emi: “Yeah.”

Hi: “And by sleep you-”

Emi: “I mean sleep.”

Hi: “Sleep as in sleep, n-not s-s-sex right?”

Emi: “Wh-what?! You thought I wanted to-”

Her eyes begin darting around before she turns around curls up into a little ball.

Emi: “If- If you really w-want to...”

Hi: “Wait you’re putting this on me? There no way I can-“

Before I can finish, she’s spun around and started kissing me.

Emi: “Just kidding Hisao, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”

Hi: “Could you please stop screwing with me then? Another couple seconds and I might’ve gone for it.”

Emi: “Do you think you can sleep with me without...”

Hi: “I-I think so. My heart seemed fine.”

I think I dodged that pretty well. I guess as long as I go to sleep quickly it won’t be a problem. She moves back into her earlier position: her back up against my chest with my arms locked in place (just below where they ended up) around her.

Emi: “Could you get the light?”

Hi:“Uh sure.”

Emi seems to falls asleep pretty quickly; her body is completely relaxed and her breathing is shallow. I try and do the same, but the strangeness of it pulls me back. The smell of her hair, the strange shadows on the wall, the pressure on my arm, every little movement she makes feels odd.

Emi: “Hisao?”


Emi: “Hmmm really? Of courrseeee I willlll.

She goes back to being quiet before I can hear anything else. I guess if she can answer yes without hesitation in her dreams to whatever stupid request I made, I should be able to at least relax myself. I close my eyes ad focus on the scent of her hair. It’s a calming scent now that I’m focusing on it... like a... fiel...

Last edited by chaix on Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Summer stories (Emi story finished jun 11)

Post by kosherbacon »

I took a page out of Kubo's book for this: When he get stuck, he makes a new character, I just add Kenji and run it from there.
No, you did better than that by utilizing a preexisting character instead of making one up completely like he does. :P

And seriously, even though Emi is my least favorite KS girl, I felt like slapping the piss out of Hisao the whole time for being so hesitant while being a cocky bastard about it. :lol:

And in the end, since he forgot to bring his morning pills for the sleepover, he dies in the morning during surprise sex.
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Re: Summer stories (Emi story finished jun 11)

Post by chaix »

he's not that cocky (I assume you're reffering to the kiss on the second last part), just a combination of stupid and an adrenaline high.
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Re: Summer stories (Emi story finished jun 11)

Post by Xuan »

Emi: “Just kidding Hisao, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”

Emi: “Could you please stop screwing with me then? Another couple seconds and I might’ve gone for it.”

Emi: “Do you think you can sleep with me without...”

Emi: “I-I think so. My heart seemed fine.”

Emi's monologue is amazing. Fix it?
" It would be hard to believe I was nearly killed by a love confession."
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Re: Summer stories (Emi story finished jun 11)

Post by chaix »

wow... how did I do that without noticing.? well thanks for pointing that out Xuan. if anyone sees something, go ahead and tell me.

edit:note to self, spend at least 15-30mins editing next piece. thank you esa
Last edited by chaix on Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Summer stories (Emi story finished jun 11)

Post by Esa94 »

Ke: “Sorry, can’t argue with her. See you later Kenji.”
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Re: Summer stories (Emi story finished jun 11)

Post by chaix »

Okay, word says there are no problems I didn't tell it to ignore. everyone appears to have the correct dialog and no weird spaces. looks good to go. this 'should' be a four/five parter if everything works out.

Painful choices:

Hi: “The white one is in motion.”

??: “The-the shadow is ... m-moving in.”

Hi: “Alright let’s get this done before anyone notices.”

I watch my partner slowly move into the room where the objective is located. My line of sight to her is broken after she moves past the door.

??: “Th- the dog has dug up its bone.”

Hi: “He will carry it to his food dish.”

??: “Alright.”

Whew that was-

Mi: “What are you doin’ Hicchan?!”

I leap into the air and spin around to confront the voice behind me.

Hi: “What the hell do you think you’re doing Misha?! You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

Mi: “Nothing much, Sicchan’s on a trip today so I got bored.”

Hi: “Did you have to come bother me?”

Mi: “Who else would I bother?”

It’s true, the student council has been taking any excuse to reprimand me since I started going out with Hanako

Mi: “So, what are ya looking at, Girls locker room? That’s a two week detention Hicchan.”

Hi: “No, I was coordinating a highly sensitive mission to acquire a certain object.”

Mi: “Are you guys planning on another panty raid? A midnight multi-make out session?”

Hi: “There are still people who think it’s cool to steal a girl’s underwear? Geez.”

Mi: “So what are you doing? I won’t let go until you spill!”

She locks her arms around me, pinning me and pressing her chest into my back.

Hi: “Get off!”

Mi: “Tell me what you were doing then!”

I respond by letting myself fall over backwards, knocking the wind out of her.

Hi: “Sorry Misha, but I’m not in the mood for your craziness today.”

I jog off toward the cafeteria to escape my tormentor. It leaves me in worse shape than I thought.

Ha: “Hisao are you-?”

Hi: “Fine, just give me a minute... okay. You’ve got it right?”

Ha: “Y-yes.”

She holds up the prize: Lilly’s Diary.

Ha: “I still don’t know if this was a good idea.”

Hi: “You want to know, I want to know. If she’s as depressed as you say, we’ll find the answer here.”

Ha: “Alright but we can’t read it here.”

I look around, the cafeteria is completely deserted.

Hi: “Uh, why?”

Ha: “S-someone could come in.”

Hi: “Where would you suggest then? Kenji’s my neighbour, you're Lilly’s neighbour and the library’s been packed the last few days.”

Ha: “The tea room?”

Hi: “Chances of her going there are high though.”

Ha: “Our classroom?”

Hi: “ Doesn't Muto usually show up on Sundays?”

Options shot down, she hands me the diary. I open the book and begin flipping through the pages. As I flip past I notice the pages appear to be blank. Hoping she’s just a sporadic writer, I keep going.

Hi: “Which day?”

Ha: “The eighth was when I noticed it.”

I flip a couple pages and stop. It suddenly occurs to me why these pages all appear to be blank.

Hi: “Rats.”

Ha: “What’s wrong-?”

Hi: “It’s in Braille.”

She takes the book from me and moves her hands across the lines. Then she begins flipping through the pages as if it was just a normal book.

Hi: “You can read it?”

Ha: “A-a bit. Lilly taught me with some of her books.”

She stops and runs her hand over another page.

Ha: “I don’t think there’s anything here.”

Hi: “Try a couple days before and after.”

The silence continues, the only sound being the occasional flipping of pages.

Ha: “Would you look at mine? If-if you had the chance.”

Hi: “I wouldn't want to, but if it was right there the temptation might force me to do it anyway.”

She buries her face in the book; but not before I catch her face turning red.

Ha: “H-here’s something! It says she’s-”

Hi: “Don’t say it out loud, just give me the quick version.”

Ha: “She’s... according to this she’s depressed because she’s lonely.”

Hi: “Lonely? Somehow I doubt that.”

Ha: “Th-that’s what it says. Apparently she wants you, only for her.”

Hi: “So she wants a boyfriend? That’s not exactly something I can see Lilly get depressed over.”

Ha:“I’m going to put this back before she finds out. G-goodnight Hisao.”

She walks away as fast as she can before I can respond. As she opened the door, the diary was concealed in her arms; like it was something that had to be protected at all costs.

(Time skip)
Last edited by chaix on Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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