Watercolors - Part 2-1 (now up)


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Watercolors - Part 2-1 (now up)

Post by Wren »

Well aside from working on part 3 of my other story, I decided to start another that has been an idea in my mind for the last few weeks. This story is a "what if" type. After reading other Iwanako type fics on here, I decided to challenge myself to write something that has very little information from the main game. If this looks like a written train wreck, at least I can say I had tried and take it as a learning experience in writing. Hope you enjoy it :) Again big thanks to kosherbacon, smoku, nuemanproductions and Extremist_Line for feed back and reading it over. Hope the errors are at a minimum. Any feed back will be appreciated.


Part 1
- - -


Iwanako is kneeling over Hisao as he is clutching onto his chest, he is on the ground on his knees. His gasps for air echo throughout the field, then it is followed by Iwanako calling for help from anyone. Her sense of time slows down as the next scene is seeing Hisao getting loaded up into the ambulance, as the emergency workers are compressing on his chest, to be rushed to the emergency room. She just stands there out in the field, as the snow begins to come down heavier, in a lucid trance. Her mind is struggling to comprehend to what had just happened. What was supposed to be a happy day, just turned into a living nightmare.

- - -

Several weeks have passed, Iwanako leaves the hospital for the last time to see Hisao. She finally makes this hard decision, she couldn't face him anymore as the guilt hits her. She deeply cared for Hisao, but she couldn't bear seeing him in this condition, with all the tubes and machines connected to his body. She felt it would be best to move on away from Hisao.

“Hisao now has a difficult life ahead of him. I can't be a burden to him anymore. I was the one that sent him there. I wish this whole thing had never happened.” she says to herself as she enters her father's car.

'Goodbye Hisao... please forgive me.'

The car leaves the hospital, she sits in her seat, not looking back.

- - -

Class is somewhat normal today for Iwanako, she is in her desk chair looking outside to the snow covered grounds. Staring outside, she is once again reminded of the events of the past, like a broken record in her mind.

“Iwanako...class is almost over.” her friend Hina tells her.

Hina Kato, she is one of Iwanako's best friends since primary school. She has shoulder-cut green hair, wears glasses, and bit shorter than Iwanako, and is a bit on the chubby side. Next to Hina, stands Rika Hisakawa, she is a bit taller than Iwanako, slender frame with long light-red hair that goes down to her back, she towers over Hina. They both look on to Iwanako.

“Earth to Nako...” Rika says with a slightly louder voice.

Iwanako snaps out of her stare and turns to look at her friends.

“Oh sorry... So what are you both planning on doing this afternoon?”

“Nothing much, just probably going to hang out at her place do some homework. You are more than welcome to come with us.”

“Yeah Nako, been a while since all 3 of us just hung out.”

Hina adjusts her glasses as she sees Iwanako take a moment to think over her response. Rika stands there looking on already anticipating her response.

“Not today, I am going to take a walk to the park to clear my head. Maybe next time okay?”

“You need to move on from that, it wasn't your fault that Hisao suffered that heart attack. It just had to happen at that moment, you couldn't have known, heck he didn't even know about it.”

“I know Hina... but ever since that day, other students have been avoiding me. Like I am cursed or something, only you and Rika have stuck by with me.”

“It's what true friends do Nako. We will stick by you all the way to the end.” Rika says with as she sits on the desk.

“Another thing, I have been hearing rumors about me around the school. I am now called 'The Heart-breaker', it probably explains why guys are afraid of me, they think they will end up like Hisao.”

“Don't believe in them. People can be childish about things they don't understand.”

“Trust me Nako, when I find that person or person's who started that. There will be major hell to pay.”

Iwanako gives a small smile to her friends. Moments later, the final bell rings, signaling the end of class. The girls gather their books into their backpacks. Iwanako grabs her winter overcoat and buttons it up.

“Next time I will come over to do some homework or watch a movie. Or this weekend we can go to the mall and do some shopping, we'll figure something out.”

Hina gives Iwanako a hug as she leaves the classroom. She proceeds to walk down the hallway to the exit. Other students look at her, and the few that are near her are keeping their distance from her.

'It is funny, Hina and Rika helped me in writing that note to Hisao. Rika placing it in his book the day before “it” happened. I remember her reaction saying “mission successful” getting all giddy. She reads too many of those romance novels I tell you. Though I sometimes I wish I hadn't wrote that note. None of this would have happened, now I am the outcast of this school.'

As Iwanako nears the exit of the building, she can slightly overhear some student's gossip.

“Is that the girl who nearly killed Nakai?”

“Yeah, he had a heart attack after he talked to her.”

“I heard no guy is approaching her now, many of them are calling her 'The Heart-breaker'.”

“Just leave her be, it was unknown to Nakai that he had a heart condition. It was unfortunate that it had to happen like that. The poor girl it must have been hell for her these last few months.”

“Hey you never know, always weird things going on in this world.”

A small tear comes from Iwanako's eye as she exits the building. Thoughts enter her mind as she walks through the campus, a light snow begins to fall.

'Maybe they are right. I am cursed. It amazes me how others treat me, like I am some evil person. Maybe I was meant to be alone, but I know that isn't true. My feelings for Hisao were very real, I wanted someone in my life.'

She passes the front gate of the school and begins to make her way to the park. It is starting to get a bit colder.

'I wish I had brought my white scarf with me today.'

As she nears the park, more thoughts enter her mind.

'I guess I should consider myself lucky in a sense that I have friends like Rika and Hina in my life. The few nights after that fateful day with Hisao, I had nothing but nightmares tormenting me in my sleep. But my friends stayed with me those nights comforting me. I really owe them a lot for preventing me from going insane or killing myself. There are few things we can't control in life, and I have come to terms with that, but it still hurts to this day.'

She enters the park from the south, she notices the large pond looking gloomy as usual with the overcast skies above her. Snow is still falling, it is coming in very light. The park was her place to free her mind, despite the ground completely covered in snow. The scenery is very peaceful, she would often stay until dusk enjoying the quiet the park brings.

'Another quiet day in the park. Just the way I like it.'

She finds a bench nearby, wiping the snow off it, places her backpack on side of her and then takes a seat. Once she was comfortable, she just stares at the park. Thoughts once again enter her mind.

'I have loved coming to this park, ever since I was a little girl. Summer time here was fun, swimming in the pond on a hot day. Enjoying life...'

She then looks up to the overcast skies above her.

'Will I enjoy life again?'

Letting out a sigh, she then scans the entire park around her. There are a few people in the park taking their walks, some kids in the distance playing in the snow. As she continues her scan across the landscape she sees someone in another bench, with her best guess she thinks it is a guy with a drawing pad out. It looks like he is sketching something, judging by his constant looking from the pad and the view in front of him.

'I guess someone likes coming here to get some inspiration. Though I wonder what could he be sketching out here for, nothing really amazing out here.'

Part of her wants to see what he is sketching, another tells her to stay put. But eventually the old saying 'Curiosity killed the cat.' would apply here.

'I don't think he would mind. Just ask politely first and see if he doesn't mind having company.'

She gets up from the bench, grabs her backpack and then starts to head over to the other bench. Once she approaches him, she notices his light-brown hair, partially covering his face. He is wearing a brown leather overcoat, and around his neck is a blue scarf, he is wearing what looks like a blue school uniform under it with brown pants and brown shoes. His face looks a bit younger than she thought it was. Seeing that he hasn't noticed her approach over to his bench, she then quietly speaks.

“Mind if I take a seat here?”

The young man stops, and turns to Iwanako. He has a slightly lost look in his eyes, from being transfixed to his sketch. A few seconds pass, he softly shakes his head.

“Sorry... I was stuck with my sketch here. But sure, feel free to take a seat.” he replies with a smile, his tone is very soft and very calm.

She nods to him and places her backpack to the side of the bench, clears off the snow, then takes a seat. The young man returns to the sketch and continues, as Iwanako looks off to the distance enjoying her day.

'I guess having some company is better than being alone.'

She smiles at the thought.

After some minutes pass, she wants to ask him about what he is sketching, but she doesn't want to interrupt him. She looks at him and sees he has dark brown eyes, they are focused on the sketch at the moment. Suddenly he turns to look at her, she suddenly turns away from him blushing.

“I am sorry, I didn't mean to stare at you. It is just you are so focused on your sketch there. Do you mind me asking what you are sketching?”

The young man places his pencil down and shows her the sketch. On it is the landscape of the park with the city buildings in the back, she is amazed at the level of detail he has placed on it.

“It is for class. I attend at the art school here in town.”

“It looks really great. How long have you been working on this?”

“About 2 hours now, just got the assignment today, it is not due for a few days at least. So I will have time to complete it.”

Iwanako is still amazed, but she once again looks at the young man.

'He looks a little bit young to be attending that school.'

The young man looks at her once more.

“If you don't mind me asking, aren't you a little bit young to be attending that school. Isn't that college level studies there?”

“I get asked that all the time, I am only 16 years old. Just graduated from high school last year, you could say I am considered gifted, but I really just studied hard and passed all the needed exams. Then I was accepted to the art school for this semester.”

Iwanako is shocked to learn about this, this young man, younger than she is; is attending college.

“I am sorry, I didn't properly introduce myself. My name is Iwanako Kurosawa.”

“Takumi Nakano, it is a pleasure to meet you Iwanako. So Iwanako, are you a student also?”

“Yes. I am still in high school. Graduating this year, I hope. I am amazed though that you are attending college at a young age, didn't you worry about friends or socializing in general?”

“I-I didn't have many friends in school. I was very quiet to mostly everyone around me, just doing my school work.” he said with a slight sad tone.

“I am sorry to hear that.”

“No worries.” he replies with a smile.

The snow begins to start falling a bit heavier now.

“I guess mother nature is telling me to pack it up for today.”

Takumi closes his drawing pad and places it into his backpack. Then he looks to Iwanako.

“There is a small café nearby here, want to get some hot tea or cocoa? My treat.”

Iwanako blushes slightly, she thinks it wouldn't be a bad idea, considering she is feeling a bit more chilly for not bringing her scarf today.

“Sure. Lead the way.”

Both of them get up from the bench and start their way to the café. She notices he is slightly taller than she is, though Rika would be a bit taller than he is. Suddenly she has a weird feeling, she is feeling happy for once.

'I just met Takumi, and I am feeling happy once again. Maybe things might look right, he is kinda cute.'

Then suddenly memories of Hisao fill her mind, she suddenly is feeling like she is betraying him somehow.

'The guilt is back, but why, I made the decision to move on a while back. Is this to remind me that I am cursed or something. Should this develop anymore, will I give Takumi a heart attack if I confess my love for him? That would confirm 'The Heart-breaker' rumor.'

Continuing to argue with herself, they both arrive to the café. Takumi turns to Iwanako to see her deep in a thought.


She suddenly snaps out of it.

“We are here.” he replies with a smile on his face.

He then opens the door and leads Iwanako in. Once inside they find a small booth to sit in, the waitress comes over and asks them what would they like.

“I would like a hot cocoa. And I am not sure what she wants.”

“The same please.”

The waitress smiles to them both and heads back to the counter.

“So Iwanako any plans after graduation?”

She looks at him, unsure on what to say, she really hasn't put much though on what she wanted to, mostly since the incident with Hisao occupying her mind.

“Not really. Still looking around the several colleges and universities around here. But I will soon, can't keep pushing it off anymore than I would like to.”

Takumi lets out a small chuckle.

“Well that is good to hear. I hear some students take a year off before entering college after they graduate high school.”

“I won't be one of those. My father is adamant about that. He is willing to pay fully for anything I choose, the only condition is I stick with it and make it into a career.”

“Sounds like you have good parents then.”

“How about your parents?”

Takumi looks to the window and lightly sighs.

“I lost my parents to a car accident when I was only an infant. But I am sure they would be proud of me now if they were here.”

Iwanako covers her mouth in shock, she felt very bad about asking that.

“I am so sorry to hear that.”

Takumi shrugs it off, turns to her and gives a smile.

“Again no worries Iwanako, my grandparents on my mothers side raised me. Now I live on my own here in town to attend the art school. My apartment isn't far from here, not a bad location. It is close to the park and the art school.”

The waitress finally arrives with the drinks. Iwanako picks up her mug and takes a few sips, she then looks at Takumi.

“I don't mean to be nosy, but how is that, living on your own?”

“It isn't bad, just a place to go to after school, or when the weather is bad. Though there are times it does get lonely there, it is one of the reasons why I started to come over to the park. Have interaction with some human life.” he says it with a chuckle, then takes a sip of from his mug.

Iwanako nods her head, she then looks outside seeing the snow coming down a bit more heavy.

“Looks like I may have to head home soon if the weather starts to get bad, before it gets dark. My father can get a bit paranoid if I am out in bad weather.”

“I think most fathers are that way with their daughters.”

“Yeah... but he tends to be on the extreme end. He was adamant on not letting me date for the longest time. Finally a compromise was made, if should I happen to find a date, he must meet my father for what he says 'for interrogation purposes'.”

Takumi lets out a laugh.

“I can only imagine, poor guy is in a chair tied down, bright lamp over him, hooked up to some polygraph machine. And your father asking him some very personal questions.”

Iwanako lets out a laugh, but she has a thought about it.

'With my father, I wouldn't it put it past him.'

A few minutes pass, they both finish their drinks. Takumi asks for the bill from the waitress. Placing some money on the table to cover the bill and a tip. He looks to Iwanako then looks outside, the sky is darker and the snow is starting to come down a bit more.

“I think it would be good idea to start to head home.”

Iwanako actually didn't want this day to end, for once she is happy, and actually liked Takumi's company. But she realized her father would kill her if she gets home too late, especially with the weather conditions now.

“I guess you are right.”

“If you want Iwanako, I can walk you home to make sure you are safe.”

She blushes at him, she then looks at him and there is a slight blush on him as well.

“I-I would like that.”

They both get up and exit the café, with Iwanako leading the way. As they walk for several minutes, Iwanako starts to have thoughts about Takumi.

'He is pretty mature for his age. I have a feeling it is his upbringing. I do find him very interesting, who knows this may be the change I need in my life. Hope we can become friends.'

After several minutes of walking, they arrive near her neighborhood. Takumi looks around at the snow covered houses.

“This is a nice area.”

“Yeah my family have been living here for as long as I can remember. My friends live nearby also, it is a nice neighborhood. Everyone knows everyone around here.”

Takumi looks up to the overcast sky.

“Snow is coming down really heavy now.”

“If it gets really bad, I could ask my father if he could give you a ride home, or you could wait it out at my place.”

“Nah... That is okay. I have walked in much worse conditions than this. I will just need to be more careful on my way home.”

After sometime passes they both arrive to Iwanako's house, the lights are on inside in her home signaling her parents are there, and probably with dinner ready soon.

“I guess there is where I take my leave. It was nice meeting you Iwanako.”

Iwanako had a slight blush on her face.

“It is nice meeting you Takumi.”

“I will be at the park again tomorrow at the same time as today, if you wish to come by. I will be at the same bench probably sketching.”

“Hold on a second.”

She pulls out a pen and a tears off a piece of paper she had in her pocket. She writes down her cell phone number on it.

“Call me if you want to meet anywhere else, or if the weather gets bad so we don't get stuck out in it.”

“Okay, will do. Have yourself a great evening Iwanako.”

Iwanako has a worried look on her face, Takumi takes notice as he looks at her.

“Call me or text to make sure you make it to your place okay tonight, please?” she said with a little worry and with a slight blush on her cheeks.

“I will. I promise.”

Takumi nods to her and starts his way for his apartment. The snow continues to come down very heavy, she says out in front of her house as she sees Takumi out in the distance, then finally leaving her field of view. She then turns to her home and enters it.

After greeting her mother and father, she heads upstairs to her room. Placing her backpack and overcoat down on the computer chair, she then gets dressed into casual clothes. Then she grabs her cell phone and places it in her pocket and heads downstairs for dinner.

“The weather is bad out there tonight. Expecting another half-meter of snow. Possibly the same conditions tomorrow. Good thing you got home before it got worse.” her father said watching the TV in the living room.


She gets her plate of food and heads back up to her room. As she walks up the stairs her phone starts to ring, quickly she rushes to her room and closes the door. Pulling the cell phone out of her pocket, the number is a new number to her phone. She answers it.


“Hi Iwanako, just calling you to say that I made it okay like I promised. The wind started to pickup a bit, so I hurried to my place.”

Iwanako breaths a sigh of relief.

“That is good to hear. I wanted to say thank you for today. I really enjoyed your company.”

“Same here., It is nice to meet someone, I hope to see you again if you don't mind. If the weather doesn't clear up by tomorrow, where would like to meet?”

“The café...” she pauses and thinks for a moment “or your place.”

A gulp his heard from the other end. Iwanako laughs in her mind.

“My place... I guess it is only fair. Since you took me to your place. Well stay warm and have yourself a great evening.”

“You too Takumi. Hope to see you tomorrow.”

After hanging up, Iwanako's face was blushing in a deep red, her heart is racing. The last time she felt this way was with Hisao. She reminded her self not to rush things, and to let things go at it's own pace. If something blossoms from this, she is not going to ruin it.

“I have to tell Rika and Hina!” suddenly her tone changes, ”... or maybe not. I will let them know in time, I need to make sure my feelings are serious for him. It might be just wishful thinking of meeting someone after Hisao. I don't want to set myself up to a failure, also I have to consider his feelings. He has lived alone most of his life, he might just want to be friends for now.”

She sits down in her computer chair after moving her backpack to the floor and hanging up her overcoat. Storing his phone number to her cell phone, she proceeds to eat dinner and having more thoughts.

'I should consider myself lucky in this life, I have both my parents, who love me very much. I have great friends who cared for me at my lowest point in my life. Where he had only his grandparents, having almost no friends, worked hard, and got accepted to an art school at age of 16!'

She continues to eat as more thoughts race in her mind.

'Why do I feel guilty then? I need to move on, I am sure Hisao knows about this. But I couldn't face him to say it to him. I would have caused another heart attack for all I know.'

“I have to at least let Hina know. She is quiet when it comes to these things.”

Finishing her dinner, she picks up the cell phone and speed dials Hina.

“Hi Iwanako.”

“Hina is Rika with you?”

“No, I left for home early because the weather was starting to get bad. Is there something wrong?”

“No. But I need you to make a promise to me, what I am about to tell you, you can't let anyone know about it please.”

“Okay, I promise.”

“I met a boy today.”

You could hear Hina's jaw drop to the floor on the phone, or it would seem to be. Iwanako is starting to have second thoughts about telling Hina.

“OhmygoshIdidn'tknowyoufoundaguy...WHO IS HE!?”

“Calm down Hina, breath...”

“It-its just I am so happy for you.”

“Please don't let Rika know, you know she is a loudspeaker with things like this. I will let her know soon, but I need to make sure these feelings I have, are the real deal.”

“I understand what you mean Iwanako. Don't worry my lips are sealed. But tell me everything about him!”

For the next half-hour or so she tells Hina everything about Takumi.

“Oh wow. I think he would be a keeper. Are you planning on seeing him tomorrow?”

“Yes, either at the park, or the café, or....”


“His place.”

Once again Hina's jaw drops to the floor over the phone.

“Aren't you rushing that part too fast there?”

“There is really no other place to go if the weather is bad. Can't really bring him here to my place without my father freaking out.”

The thought of the “interrogation” crosses her mind.

“Come to my place then, I would love to meet him. By the way, does he have a cousin?”

“I will think about it, and I don't know all about his family yet. But it is starting to get late, I need to start on this homework then shower.”

“Okay Iwanako, and again my lips are sealed about this.”

“Thank you Hina. Good night.”

After hanging up with Hina, she pulls out her homework from her backpack and gets started. About half an hour passes, her mother knocks on the door and comes in. She just finishes her homework as she turns to face her mother,

“Hi Mom.”

“You look a bit happier tonight. Something good happen today?” she says as she shuts the door behind her. Then she takes a seat on her bed.

“You could say something like that.”

Iwanako was unsure to let her mother know about Takumi.

“Mom. Can I tell you something, but can you promise me that you can't tell Dad, at least not yet?”

“It depends dear, is it something serious.”

Her mother has a worried look on her face.

“I met a boy today, and I am really starting to like him. I want to be friends with him, and maybe a bit more.”

Her mother breaths a sigh of relief.

“Well tell me about him. He must have left a nice impression on you.”

Several minutes pass as Iwanako describes Takumi to her mother.

“I am glad you are thinking this through my dear. I truly hope your feelings for him are real, and his are the same with you. He sounds like a nice boy for his age, I am sure he will be a great friend to you, and hopefully with time might blossom into something else.”

“Thanks mom, I will let dad know about it, if it starts to become serious.”

Her mother nods with a smile.

“Are you planning on seeing him anytime soon?”

“Tomorrow at the park, if the weather is good.”

Her mother stands up from her bed and hugs Iwanako.

“I am happy for you. I leave you this advice, be yourself and just go with what your heart says. Then you will know it is right.”

“Thanks Mom.”

“It is getting late, and don't worry, this will be between us okay.”

Iwanako nods to her mother as she exits her room with her dinner plate. Standing up and stretching her body, she gets ready to take a shower. After her shower, she starts to get ready for bed. Brushing her hair for the night, she then sets her alarm to wake her up for school tomorrow.

'Hope the weather will be nice tomorrow.'

She shuts off all the lights to her room and she slips into her bed. As she lies there she starts to think about Takumi.

'Rest well Takumi, I am really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I hope to be your friend.'

Soon she is drifting off to a deep sleep. For the first time in a long while, she is sleeping soundly. The snow continues to fall through out the night.

(end of part 1)
Last edited by Wren on Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
"They leave. Because they should, or they find someone else. And some of them...some of them, forget me. I suppose in the end....they break my heart." - Tenth Doctor talking about his companions.

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Re: Watercolors - Part 1

Post by Esa94 »

I'm not going to pretend I read it completely, but it seems interesting. Probably gonna read it tomorrow.

(BTW, if you for some reason need a fifth proofreader or whatever, feel free to ask me :D)
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Re: Watercolors - Part 1

Post by Wren »

Esa94 wrote:I'm not going to pretend I read it completely, but it seems interesting. Probably gonna read it tomorrow.

(BTW, if you for some reason need a fifth proofreader or whatever, feel free to ask me :D)

Sure added you to my friends list :).
"They leave. Because they should, or they find someone else. And some of them...some of them, forget me. I suppose in the end....they break my heart." - Tenth Doctor talking about his companions.

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Re: Watercolors - Part 1

Post by neumanproductions »

Wren wrote:
Esa94 wrote:I'm not going to pretend I read it completely, but it seems interesting. Probably gonna read it tomorrow.
(BTW, if you for some reason need a fifth proofreader or whatever, feel free to ask me :D)
Sure added you to my friends list :).
Wait we have a friends list on this thing. I really got to pay attention to this kind of stuff. :lol:
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Re: Watercolors - Part 1

Post by Leotrak »

Interesting viewpoint. I like it ^_^

Please continue 8)
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Re: Watercolors - Part 1

Post by Esa94 »

I like this. Moar.
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Re: Watercolors - Part 1

Post by kosherbacon »

Until she gets a canon surname, I'm so going to be using "Kurosawa" for 'wanko from now on.
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Re: Watercolors - Part 2-1

Post by Wren »

Well here is the next entry. I decided to split this chapter up due to it being a bit long. I hope you enjoy it, any feedback is welcome. Again I thank, kosherbacon, smoku, neumanproductions, Esa94, and Extemist_Line in reading and helping with proofreads. Again hope the grammar errors are at a minimum here.


Part 2-1

- - -

It is an unusually cold day at the park. Iwanako is nearing the bench where Takumi is sitting. Turning to see her, he stands up and waves to her, he has a smile on his face. Takumi starts to walk towards her but suddenly stops in his tracks, his face has a stunned look on it.


Iwanako hurries her pace to him. She suddenly sees someone is right behind him. Then in sheer horror, she sees blood coming out of Takumi's mouth, as he gasps for air, he falls forward to her feet. Behind him is a formless shadow with a long knife in its right hand with fresh blood from it.

“Takumi!” she screams as she drops to the ground next to him and holds his head. A pool of blood is forming under him.

“Who are you?!” she demands to the shadow.

“I am here to make sure you never be happy again. Just like what you did to Hisao! You ruined his life, so now I am going to ruin yours! Remember you are the heart-breaker, so I just broke your friends heart here with a knife.” the shadow said with an echo like voice. Then suddenly it fades away dropping the knife on the ground.

Holding onto Takumi, she looks into his eyes, she can see the life fading from him.

“No...Takumi, stay with me please. I can't lose you.” she says as tears streak down her face.

Soon Takumi is silent and still as his last breath exits his body. Iwanako closes his eyes and suddenly she screams hysterically as she holds his lifeless body.

- - -

Suddenly Iwanako wakes up with a cold sweat, it has been several weeks since she had a nightmare that bad. Her heart is racing and breathing very fast, she checks her watch via the watch light. She is shaking from the images she had just saw.

“03:28... I need to get a grip. I know that wasn't real, but it sure felt like it.” she says in the green glow of her watch.

She tries to lie back down to get some sleep, still shaking. Trying to relax again, she shifts around in her bed, the images continue to play in her mind. Finally after a few minutes pass she is able to close her eyes.


She silences the alarm and sits up from her bed.

“06:30...at least I got some sleep, but that was a weird nightmare.” she says with a yawn.

She gets out of bed and starts to get ready for school. While she is getting ready, a knock comes from the door.


“Don't worry about classes today, school is closed due to the snowstorm, nearly got over a meter of snow last night. If you are planning on going out today, stay warm and don't go too far from home today. I am heading off to the office downtown, tell your mother I might be home later than usual tonight. Love you Iwanako.”

“Okay Dad.”

Now she changes from her school uniform to her casual clothes, a bit happy from the news she just got.

'Maybe I can ask him to meet me here at my place. Then we can go somewhere from there, maybe to Hina's place. Though need to see how bad it is outside.'

About 20 minutes pass, she exits her room and heads downstairs, she sees her mother is in the kitchen.

“Hi Mom. Dad told me to let you know that he is going to be late coming home tonight, probably due to the weather.”

“Okay... So looks like you have a snow day today, what are your plans for today? Going to meet that new friend of yours? I personally would like to meet him, and today would be a good day since your father is gone. From what you have told me he sounds like a nice guy.”

Iwanako blushes on her mother's response.

“Maybe Mom, but I just met him yesterday. I don't want to rush anything with him, I will be happy to be his friend first.”

Her mother lets out a light laugh as she starts to make breakfast for them both.

“So do Hina and Rika know about him?”

“Only Hina so far, if I told Rika, the entire school would end up knowing before I get there. So far Hina really wants to meet him, even said to bring him over to her place if the weather gets bad.” she says as she gets a plate and serves her self some breakfast, she takes a seat and starts to eat it.

“Poor guy, not even one day has passed and he is being leashed around like a pet at a show. Make sure he is okay with meeting everyone at first and make sure he is comfortable.”

“I will Mom. I better call Hina to see what she is up to for today. I have a feeling Rika will find out one way or another, so might as well get it out-of-the-way at first. I guess I can call Takumi and ask him to meet us at the café near the park.”

“Well if he feels comfortable, he can join us for dinner tonight, considering you father will be late or may end up staying overnight at the office there. You can also invite Hina and Rika over as well. I am sure he wouldn't mind; I bet it is pretty lonely at his place.”

“I will ask. I will see you in a bit Mom okay.”

“Stay warm honey.”

Iwanako walks to the door and puts on her winter coat and scarf, then puts on her winter boots. She makes her way outside and pulls out her cell phone and calls Takumi first.

“Good morning Iwanako. No class today?”

“Hi Takumi. Yeah a snow day, I was wondering where you would like to meet up today. The weather isn't as bad but it is very cold today.”

“I guess the café would be a good spot to meet up. We can get a drink there if you want?”

“Sure...also if you don't mind, can I bring my friends along?”

“No problem at all. The more the merrier. I will start my making my way over to the café soon, how many seats do I need to set aside?”

“Four. Okay I will call my friends up, see you in a bit.”

“Got it. Take care.”

After he hangs up with her, she calls up Hina and start to walk to Hina's house. Hina answers the phone.


“Hey sleepy head, get ready I am heading over. Also call up Rika, we are going to the café near the park to meet Takumi.”

“Really?! I am sure Rika will have tons of questions to ask him.”

Iwanako sighs at that prospect.

“See you in a few minutes okay.” she says as she hangs up the phone.

She arrives at Hina's place soon enough, she sees that Hina is waiting outside all ready to go in full winter gear.

“Rika should be here soon. I told her about Takumi, she couldn't believe it at first. So she is now getting ready fast.”

“I hope he doesn't freak out with her, she can be bold at times.”

“Rika will be Rika. I will keep her in check okay Iwanako.”

“Nako!! What is this about a young man?!” Rika yells out as she comes down the street.

Iwanako lets out a sigh, soon Rika enters Hina's front gate.

“C'mon you have to tell me everything!”

“I will tell you along the way to the café. He is probably waiting for us there.”

The trio begin their walk to the café as Iwanako tells everything to Rika.

- - -

Takumi arrives to the café, he has become a regular there now over the several months. The waitress greets him.

“The usual for today?”

“Not today, I have 3 others coming over to join me.”

“Okay there is a booth open for you and your guests.”

She leads him to the booth which has nice view to the outside.

“Just let me know when you and your guests are ready.” the waitress says with a smile as she heads back to the counter.

Takumi takes a seat near the window and looks outside to the park. He takes out his sketch book and starts on a new sketch on what he is seeing around him.

- - -

The trio nears the café.

“So Nako what are you planning to do with him then?”

“I just want us to be friends at first. Also Rika, please tone down the questions on him. I don't want you to scare him off because he will think I have crazy friends.”

“Okay Nako, I will be “a good girl”.” she says as she sticks her tongue out to Iwanako.

“Better watch out, run into a light pole and get your tongue stuck on it.” Hina says with a grin.

“Quiet shorty.”

“We should be almost there, I see him from here.” Iwanako says as she sees Takumi sitting down near the window.

“Where?!” both Hina and Rika say at the same time.

Iwanako points to him, he hasn't noticed them yet. Rika and Hina look on to him.

“He is pretty cute looking.” Hina says as she looks on.

“Looks like he is sketching right now, so lets head on in.”

The trio enters the café and they are greeted by the waitress.

“I am assuming you are the guests of the young man there.”

“Yes.” Iwanako replies.

The waitress smiles and leads them to the booth, Takumi turns to see Iwanako and her friends approaching, he places his sketch book down on the table and gets to his feet to meet her friends.

“Let me know when you are all ready to order.” the waitress says as she bows and heads back to the counter.

“Nice to see you again Iwanako.”

She smiles at him.

“This is Hina and Rika, my best friends. This is Takumi Nakano the young artist.”

Hina extends her hand out, she is blushing at him. “Hina Kato, nice to meet you.”

Takumi nods and he shakes her hand, then Rika steps in with her hand extended as well. “Rika Hisakawa, so I heard you are an upcoming artist?”

“You could say that I am. I am attending art school to see if I can be an artist.” he says with a smile. “Let us take a seat here, I am sure you have many questions to ask me.”

“Oh you bet.”

Iwanako sighs, this going to be a long day. Hina and Rika sit on one side, Iwanako and Takumi sit on the other side. Rika starts off with several rounds of questions.

“So are you from around here?”

“I was born here in this city. But after my parents passed away, I lived in a small town with my grandparents.”

“How long have you been practicing art?”

“Most of my life. I started to get serious about it when I was about 12 years old. So I began to improve on it as a skill and eventually it became my passion.”

“What is the medium you like to use?”

“I can work with almost any medium. But I prefer sketching either pencil or charcoal. My favorite is watercolors.”

“Have you sketched anyone in the nude?”

Takumi blushes at that question.

“Rika!” both Iwanako and Hina say in unison.

“What?! I am sure he will be doing that at the art school.” Rika counters with a fox-like grin. “I am sure Iwanako wouldn't mind being a model for you one day.”


Takumi starts to cough like crazy, his face is beet red upon hearing what Rika had said. He recovers in a few seconds with some deep breathing. Iwanako is very close to hopping over the table to strangle Rika. Hina on the other hand is laughing hysterically. Things start to calm down after a few minutes.

“We are not at that point yet in the courses. That part of class is optional to attend.” he says trying to change the subject, “Maybe we should get some drinks, my treat for you all.”

Takumi waves for the waitress, she comes over to the booth and starts to take their order.

“What would you like to order?”

“I will take a coffee, black.” Takumi replies.

“I would like a green tea.” Hina says.

“Iced coffee.” Rika says with a grin.

“Hot cocoa.” Iwanako replies as she smiles to the waitress.

“Okay coming right up.” the waitress says as she heads back to the counter.

“Thank you Takumi.” Hina says as she looks at him. “I was wondering,” she says with a blush forming on her face, “do you have a cousin?”

He lets out a small laugh.

“I do, but he is a bit too young for you right now. He is just getting passed potty training now.”

Iwanako and Rika bust out laughing while Hina feels like she needs to crawl in a hole and hide.

“S-Sorry.” she manages to say.

“It is okay. I hope you will find someone Hina.” he says as he gives her a smile.

“Speaking of finding someone. What do you think of Nako here?” Rika blurts out.

Iwanako gives her a death stare.

'I am going to kill her!'

“Here are your drinks.” the waitress says as she places them on the table. “Enjoy.”

Iwanako picks up her mug of hot cocoa and takes a few sips still looking at Rika. Then she places her right hand on the seat.

“I think Iwanako is a great person. I would like to be a friend to you all hopefully.”

Takumi lets out a smile as he picks up his cup of coffee. Using his left hand he moves carefully to Iwanako's right hand, and gently squeezes it, assuring her. Iwanako is surprised that he did that, but it starts to calm her down a bit.

“So how did you all meet? I can assume you all grew up in the same neighborhood.”

“Yeah, since we were in primary school. We 3 have been friends. I remember Nako and Hina getting picked on by the little boys in class. So being the taller one, I scared them off, and the rest is history.”

“Yeah those boys didn't see you coming.” Hina replies as she adjusts her glasses once again and taking a sip of her green tea.

She then notices Takumi's sketch book on the end of the table. Not being one to pry, she sees the sketch of it, she is surprised of the sketch on it that is forming and the level of detail it has already. She sees 3 figures drawn on it and it looks like it is her and the others walking to the café.

'Wow. But I didn't see him look at us once, yet he is able to create this with accuracy. He must have some photographic memory or something. Few quick glances and it is stored into memory.'

She turns back to the group and notices Takumi looking at her, he gives her a slight nod and smile.

'I am happy for Iwanako that she may have found a guy. But sometimes I wonder when I will get my chance. I do feel a bit jealous to her. I mean she is my best friend, but sometimes I feel like I am getting the short end of the stick at times. I actually like Takumi, he would be the guy I would love to date. Don't screw this up Iwanako, because I will take him if needed.”

She suddenly scolds herself for thinking that way.

'I guess I needed to vent those feelings.'

For the next 30 minutes the group continued to exchange stories and memories. Iwanako slowly starts to get closer to Takumi in the booth. Another round of drinks were ordered as they continued to chat away, the waitress places the bill on the table. Finally Iwanako decided it was enough for now.

“Takumi, I was wondering if you wish to join me for dinner. Rika and Hina will be there as well. My mother makes the best soups that I know of.”

“Oh man, you have to come, Nako's mother puts my mother's cooking to shame.”

“I guess that is good idea. Been a long while since I had any homemade dinner.”

“I will let my mother know in a bit. But now what to do until then.” Iwanako says as she thinks.

“Hey Takumi, why don't we go to your place. Iwanako said it was nearby. Is it like an art studio or something?” Rika replies with a grin as Iwanako looks at her again with a death stare.

“Sure if you don't mind the walk, and yeah it is like that. So pardon the mess when we get there.”

Takumi places some money on the table to cover the bill and leaves a generous tip. He grabs his sketch pad from the table and the group exit the booth and start to head for the door. Takumi waves to the waitress, she gives him a nod and a smile as they exit.

“Lead the way.” Rika says as the group begins to follow him.

As the walk down the street, Iwanako walks next to Takumi and starts to whisper at him.

“Sorry about Rika. She tends to be a bit bold when meeting new people.”

“It's okay. I don't mind her at all. I am glad you are having a great time today.”

“I am. Even Hina is enjoying it, usually she is quiet.”

“Speaking about Hina. Not to pry into her business, she had the look of hurt in her eyes. Like she is regretting something. Might be me over-reacting a bit, but from her look I can sense some jealousy from her, directed at who? I am not sure.”

“Really? Usually if something bugs her she usually lets us know what is on her mind.”

“That might be the thing, it might be you and Rika being the reason. Like I said I might be over-reacting to the whole thing, but I have seen the look of hurt before.”

“I will try to talk to her sometime later today or tonight. I am amazed at your level of observation. Are you sure you don't want to be a detective that being an artist?” she says as she lets out a light laugh.

“Not really... Being an artist is a bit more safe than having bullets shot at you.”

Hina and Rika sees them both ahead of them, suddenly Rika gets close to Hina and whispers in her ear.

“Hey shorty, when we get to his place, why don't we give them “a bit of alone” time. I really want to see them hit it off.”

Hina turns to Rika and gives her a nod and a smile. After sometime passes they reach his apartment building, after going up a flight of stairs, they reach his door, he unlocks it and lets the girls in.

“Wow! Nice place you have here.” Rika says as she looks around.

Takumi's apartment is essentially a studio apartment, to the west side of the apartment is his kitchen with a small dining table, on the north side where is his bed and drawers and small TV, on the east side is the art studio where there are several shelves filled with various art supplies and blank canvases stacked on each other. There is also an easel with a watercolor painting on it. There is a small room to the right from that has the bathroom and small shower. The apartment is very clean and organized.

“Thank you.”

Iwanako slowly approaches the easel and looks at the watercolor painting on it. It is a scene of a harbor looking out to the sea in the twilight. She takes moment to look at the detail of the painting, she is amazed at the skill Takumi has to make a scene come to life.

“Takumi, this is beautiful. I am amazed of the level of detail you did to this watercolor.”

“Thank you, that was a winning entry at my high school, it is one of my works that allowed me to get accepted into the art school.”

Hina looks around the apartment.

“Don't you get lonely here?” she says with a soft tone.

“At times I do Hina, it is why I am usually out at the park or at the café.”

“With as much time you hang out at the café I am surprised that you aren't dating that waitress, she is cute.” Rika blurts out once more.

“Rika!” Hina scolds her.

“What?! Its true.”

Takumi lets out a laugh, he turns to see Iwanako transfixed to the watercolor painting still. She ignored what Rika had just said. He walks up next to her and leans in to her ear.

“What do you see in it Iwanako?”

“It is very calm, when I look at it I feel like am at peace.”

Rika motions to Hina, signaling the plan they were talking about earlier pointing at Iwanako and Takumi. Hina nods as she slowly heads to Rika's direction.

“I am glad it is giving you that effect. When I sketch or paint, it helps me escape a bit from this world.”

Iwanako nods as she notices Takumi is very close to her.

“Earlier today at the café, you grabbed my hand. I liked that.” she says as she lets out a light blush.

“I saw that Rika was making you feel uncomfortable with what she was asking, it was to reassure you that everything is okay.”

“Thanks. Takumi let me know if this is a bit personal. Have you ever had a girlfriend before?”

“No. You are as close to one though.” he says as he grabs her right hand. “Lets be friends first, I can tell you are feeling rushed. In the short time that I have known you I sensed something big has happened in your past.”

Her eyes start to water, she was surprised that he was able to see through her, and see the real her.

“Iwanako, I will be here for you as a friend, just like your friends back there.” he said again squeezing her hand. “Give it some time Iwanako. I won't go away unless you tell me to.”

She gives him a smile, and rests her head on his shoulder.

“You see that Hina!! I think they're becoming a couple!” Rika says to her with fast whisper.

Hina is wiping the small tears from her eyes.

“I am happy for her. Let leave them be for now.”

Several minutes pass Iwanako lifts her head from his shoulder.

“I guess I better call my mom about getting dinner ready, and that you are coming.”

“Is your father going to be there? Should I be worried? Do I need to write my will or something?”

She lets out a laugh.

“No he won't be there tonight, he had to take care of some business at the office today, and he is probably will be staying overnight there.”

He nods as she pulls out her phone and dials for her home. While she is doing that, he turns around to see Hina and Rika sitting on his bed. He walks to them.

“Sorry I don't have a couch or many chairs to offer any seats.”

“Not a problem at all. One quick question, how fast can you sketch?” Rika says as she looks at him with a grin.

“Depends on the level of detail I guess. What do you have in mind?”

“Make a sketch of us 3, spare no details, but make it fast. I want to see how good you are.”

Takumi thinks about it for a few moments, he looks at Rika and Hina with a look. Rika once again with her fox-like grin but Hina starts to fidget a bit on the bed, he then makes his decision.

“I accept your challenge, any time limits?”

“You have until we have to leave for dinner.”

Iwanako finishes talking to her mother, she then comes over next to Takumi.

“Dinner will be ready in about 2 hours.” she says.

“There you go Takumi.”

“What is going on here?”

“Rika challenged Takumi to see how good he is with his sketching skills. He is going to sketch the 3 of us.” Hina says with a smile.

“You don't have to Takumi.” Iwanako says as she looks at him.

“It will be fine, but you 3 need to stay still for at least a few minutes okay, then you should be able to move around freely after that.”

“So you want us on the bed then or standing up.”

“Might as well get on the bed here Nako, you will be here soon enough.” she says with a fox-like grin again.

Takumi face turns several shades of red after hearing that.

“RIKA!” both Hina and Iwanako scream to her.

Takumi regains his senses lets out a laugh.

“Rika you are definitely a good friend, bold and strong. Any guy would be lucky to have you, because you would back him up in a fight. I mean that old saying “for every great man there stands a great woman” that would apply to you.” he says with a fox-like grin of his own.

Rika suddenly blushes from that comment her face gets warm, she has never been complimented that way before.

'Did he just flirt with me?!'

“T-Thanks Takumi.”

Iwanako has a large smile on her face after hearing that.

'Nice to see that Takumi can turn the tables on Rika.'

Takumi walks over to his easel and takes down the watercolor painting on it, and places it to the side. He then gets a medium sized blank canvas and places it on it, he turns the easel to the girls.

“I guess choose a pose you wish to be sketched in and tell me when you are ready. Just stay still for a few minutes okay.” he says as he gets his box of pencils and charcoal sticks.

The girls start to shift around on the bed trying to find out a what pose they want. Rika lies on her stomach and rests her head on her palms with her elbows supporting her head. Hina takes a more reserved pose as she sits a bit relaxed with a smile, as she sits at the edge of the bed. Finally Iwanako lies down to her side near Rika letting her legs hang off a bit, she is relaxed and smiles to Takumi.

“Are you ready?” he says to the girls.

“Yeah we are. Go ahead and start.” Iwanako says.

Takumi soon picks up his pencil and starts the sketch, his head shifts between the girls and the canvas very quickly. The girls remain still for several minutes while he continues to sketch. About 15 minutes pass, he lets them know it is okay now to move.

“You can move now.”

“I am comfortable like this, don't mind me if I end up falling asleep here.” Rika says with a yawn.

“Can I take a look?” Hina asks with a soft voice.

“In a few minutes you can Hina.” he says looking at her.

“Do you have anything to drink?” Iwanako asks.

“Yeah there is some soda, water, or juice in the fridge.”

He continues to work on the sketch intently with speed and accuracy. He then shifts to a piece of charcoal and begins to add details to the sketch. Iwanako get the others' something to drink while they wait. Another 10 minutes pass, and Takumi puts down the charcoal stick.

“Okay all set, how much time was that?”

Rika checks her watch.

“Almost 1 hour, are you done?”

“Unless you want me to color it, but yeah I am done.”

He pulls the canvas off the easel and brings it over to the girls and presents it to them.

“Oh wow!” Hina says as her eyes are wide open. “This is very good.”

“You weren't kidding about your skill, you are good Takumi. Imagine if this was colored.”

“I told you guys he is good.” Iwanako says as she gives him a smile.

“You can have it Rika, since you are the one who challenged me. I can color it later if you want.” he says as he hands the sketch to her. He then gives her a plastic bag to protect it from the elements.

“I will take it as it now, maybe later I will bring it back. Thank you Takumi, or can I call you Taku for short?”

Iwanako sighs at Rika.

“I don't mind.” he says with a smile.

“See that is why I like you already Taku. You are very laid back.”

“We better start to get ready to head back to my place for dinner.” Iwanako says as she gets up from the bed.

Rika and Hina stand up from the bed and make their way to the door.

“We'll meet you outside.” Rika says as she and Hina exit from the door, leaving them alone in the apartment.

“You know you didn't have to do that for them? But I am happy you did. My friends really like you.”

“I don't mind doing that at all. It is what I enjoy doing, and I am glad I can use my skill to make others happy.”

Iwanako smiles at him, then she comes in and gives him a hug. He holds her close to him. Suddenly she looks at him face to face, looking into each others eyes, then slowly he gets closer to her face. His warm lips finally meet up with hers, She closes her eyes as a tear forms from one of them. Suddenly a massive rush of guilt floods her mind, causing her to break the kiss, leaving Takumi a bit shocked.

“I am sorry I didn't mean to rush in that fast.”

“No, it's not your fault Takumi. Let us take things slow for now okay.”

He nods to her.

“We better get moving, your friends are probably freezing out there. But here take this.” he says as he gets the watercolor painting then grabs another plastic bag to place it in. He then gives it to her.

“Hope this picture will give you the peace that you are looking for.”

He then kisses her forehead. She smiles back at him and they both exit the apartment. Once he locks up they both see Rika and Hina waiting for them down the stairs, finally the group begins to make their way to Iwanako's home.
"They leave. Because they should, or they find someone else. And some of them...some of them, forget me. I suppose in the end....they break my heart." - Tenth Doctor talking about his companions.

BG Artist - Somnova Studios - Missing Stars Project
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Re: Watercolors - Part 2-1 (now up)

Post by Leotrak »

D'awwwwww :3

Really liking this story ^_^

Write moar
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
Before: Hanako>/=Emi>Rin>Lilly>Shizune
After: Emi>Rin>Hanako>Lilly>>>>>>>>>>>Shizune
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Re: Watercolors - Part 2-1 (now up)

Post by Meepergon117 »

Leotrak wrote:
Write moar
I'd really like to know where this goes...I've always been interested in what happens to Iwanako, so I'd like to see this get finished up!
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Re: Watercolors - Part 2-1 (now up)

Post by griffon8 »

Meepergon117 wrote:^This!
I'd really like to know where this goes...I've always been interested in what happens to Iwanako, so I'd like to see this get finished up!
Um, in case you hadn't noticed, this has been dead for over two years. I don't think we're going to see any more.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin

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Re: Watercolors - Part 2-1 (now up)

Post by Wren »

Oh man. This is old. Well I do have the other chapters somewhere in my writing folder, but this story is definitely on the backburner for some time. Now that I am on the Missing Stars project as the BG artist. I will barely have time to really do any revising or writing any continuation. But who knows I might one day post the rest up. But for now, don't hold your breath on it. :) Thank you for the feedback though.
"They leave. Because they should, or they find someone else. And some of them...some of them, forget me. I suppose in the end....they break my heart." - Tenth Doctor talking about his companions.

BG Artist - Somnova Studios - Missing Stars Project
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